
First impressions are the most lasting. After all, you never get _______ second chance to make _______ first impression.

A. a; the       B. the; the      C. a; a        D. the; a




考查冠词。句意:第一印象是最持久的。总之,你永远不可能有第二个机会去再给别人留一次第一印象。本题强调的重点是第二个机会a second chance;第二次留一个第一印象,make a first impression. first为干扰因素。



A gentle breeze blew through Jennifer's hair. The golden red sun was setting. She was on the beach, looking up at the fiery (火红的) ball. She was amazed by its color, deep red in the middle, softly fading into yellow. She could hear nothing but the waves and the seagulls flying up above in the sky.    

The atmosphere relaxed her. After all she had been through, this was what she needed. "It's getting late," she thought, "I must go home. My parents will be wondering where I am."

She wondered how her parents would react, when she got home after the three days she was missing. She kept on walking, directing herself where she spent every summer holiday. The road was deserted. She walked slowly and silently. Just in a few hundred meters she would have been safe in her house.

It was really getting dark now. The sun had set a few minutes before and it was getting cold too. She wished she had her favorite sweater on: it kept her really warm. She imagined having it with her. This thought disappeared when she finally saw her front door. It seemed different. Nobody had taken care of the outside garden for a few days. She was shocked: her father was usually so strict about keeping everything clean and tidy, and now... It all seemed deserted. She couldn't understand what was going on.    

She entered the house. First, she went into the kitchen where she saw a note written by her father. It said: "Dear Ellen, there is some coffee ready. I went looking." Ellen was her mother but-where was she? On the right side of the hallway was her parents' room. She went in. Then she saw her. Her mother, lying on the bed, was sleeping. Her face looked so tired, as if she hadn't slept for days. She was really pale. Jennifer would have wanted to wake her up but she looked too tired. So Jennifer just fell asleep beside her. When Jennifer woke up, something was different-she wasn't in her mother's room and she wasn't wearing the old clothes she ran away in. She was in her cozy bed in her pajamas.     

It felt so good being back home. Suddenly she heard a voice, "Are you feeling better now, dear? You know you got us very, very scared."

Three days later Jennifer came back home      .

A. at sunrise         B. at sunset      C. at night              D. at midday

What does the underlined phrase "This thought" most probably mean?

A. The idea of going back home.           

B. Her anxiety about her parents.     

C. The feeling of being warm in her favorite sweater.     

D. The feeling of getting back home safely.

Her father didn't take care of the garden because      .

A. he was busy looking for her   

B. he had to look after his wife

C. he was not strict with his job        

D. he no longer enjoyed working in the garden

What can we infer from this passage?

A. In fact Jennifer's mother had been sick for days.     

B. As Jennifer walked towards home, she became increasingly scared.     

C. When she found the garden deserted, she realized she was wrong.     

D. Having experienced a lot outside, Jennifer felt home was safest for her.


Mr Adamson enjoys playing the violin in his spare time. He is often pleased with his own  21 . But it is a  22  time for his neighbors when Mr Adamson plays the violin, as he  23  so badly.

One day Mr Adamson sat by a  24  and began to play the violin as usual. Mr Adamson seemed to be making  25  instead of music, but he was so  26  that he almost forgot what he was doing. Just  27 , some stones were thrown out of the windows under  28  Mr Adamson was sitting,  29  he did not pay any attention to it. The “music”  30 . After a little while, an empty bottle and a worn-out shoe were thrown out of the window,  31 . Only then did Mr Adamson know this was not the place for him to play in. Mr Adamson was very  32 . He thought, “ 33  no living people can understand my music, I should go to a place where people may appreciate my works.” So he  34  to go to a graveyard(墓地).

He came to a graveyard where there was no other  35  except the church bell. Mr Adamson sat at a grave and thought  36 , “I must do my best to  37  that my music is outstanding.” The more he thought, the more inspired he was, and  38  he began to play his violin. Suddenly a barefoot(赤脚) stretched out from the graveyard and gave him a heavy  39  which sent him flying. His violin also dropped from his hand. Mr Adamson felt very sad  40  his works were not accepted by anyone, not even the dead.

A. voice       B. noise   C. music  D. sound

A. useless     B. terrible       C. wonderful  D. long

A. sings       B. shouts C. dances D. plays

A. house      B. window      C. door   D. wall

A. sound      B. something  C. voice  D. noises

A. excited    B. angry  C. lovely D. disappointed

A. that  B. right   C. now    D. then

A. where      B. it C. that     D. which

A. and  B. although     C. but     D.as

A. stopped  B. began  C. played D. continued

A. together B. again  C.either   D. too

A. happy    B. sad     C. worried      D. pleased

A. Unless   B. As if   C. As      D. Before

A. decided  B. said    C. thought      D. knew

A. voice     B. sound  C. thing   D. building

A. something     B. his music    C. hardly D. a lot

A. prove    B. confirm      C. explain       D. mean

A. first       B. second       C. finally D. third

A. kick      B. boxing       C. push   D. shoe

A. until      B. and     C. because      D. so


You have waited 45 minutes for the valuable 10 minutes’ break between classes. But when the bell for the next class rings, you can’t   36   how quickly time has passed.

If you are familiar with this   37  , you’ll know how time flies when you are having fun-and  38   when you are bored. Now scientists have   39   a reason why this is the case.

Scans have shown that patterns of activity in the brain   40   according to how we focus on a task. When we are   41  , we concentrate more on how time is passing. And this makes our brains   42   the clock is ticking more slowly.

In an experiment   43   by a French laboratory, 12 volunteers watched an image   44   

researchers monitored their brain activity.

The volunteers were told to   45   concentrate on how long an image appeared for, then

  46   the color of the image, and thirdly, study both duration and color. The results showed that  47   was more active when the volunteers paid   48   subjects.

It is thought that if the brain is   49   focusing on many aspects of a task, it has to  50  its resources, and pays less attention to the clock.  51 , time passes without us really   52   it, and seems to go quickly. If the brain is not so active, it concentrates its   53   energies on monitoring the passing of time.   54  , time seems to drag.

Next time you feel bored   55  , perhaps you should pay more attention to what the teacher is saying!

A.guess                   B.learn                      C.believe                   D.doubt

A.view                    B.point                      C.scene                   D.experience

A.drags                   B.stops                      C.backs                      D.gains

A.thought over         B.made up                 C.suggested                D.come up with

A.change                 B.develop                  C.grow                      D.slow

A.sleepy                 B.bored                            C.excited                   D.active

A.report                  B.think                      C.decide                    D.see

A.produced              B.carried                    C.tried                       D.performed

A.so                        B.when                      C.while                      D.but

A.partly                 B.quickly                   C.how                       D.first

A.remember           B.focus on                 C.forget                     D.tell apart

A.the researchers    B.the experiment        C.the clock                 D.the brain

A.much attention to                           B.more attention to    

C.attention to many                                        D.attention to more

A.busy                  B.likely                            C.ready                      D.sure

A.focus                 B.gather                     C.reach                      D.spread

A.However            B.Furthermore            C.Therefore                D.Finally

A.recognizing        B.watching                 C.noticing                  D.counting

A.enough               B.full                        C.right                       D.proper

A.In fact                B.As a result                     C.For example            D.Instead

A.in class               B.with work               C.in mind                  D.of lessons

Television, which made its first serious appearance in 1939, did not become common until the early 1950s. Since then, millions of children have grown up in front of the set, and many people now worry about the effect that TV has on the young, and on society in general. Educators, psychologists, and crime experts wonder if television should be abolished(取消). Many ordinary parents wish it had never been invented. Why are they so afraid? Is television as harmful as they think it is?

Like almost anything else, television has its good and its bad sides. One should surely thank its inventors for the joy and interest that they have brought into the lives of the old, the sick, and the lonely -- all those who, without it, would have no pleasure and no window on the world.

In truth, television has opened windows in everybody's life. No newspaper has ever reached so many people and shown so clearly what was happening right now in their own country and everywhere else. TV not only gives the news instantly, it also shows it in pictures more powerful than words. It can be said that TV has brought reality to the public. Millions of people now have seen the effects of a battle, a flood, a fire, a crime, disasters of every sort on the screen.

Unfortunately, television's influence has been extremely harmful to the young. Children do not have enough experience to realize that TV shows present an unreal world. They want to imitate what they see. They do believe that the violence they see is normal and acceptable. By the time they are out of high school, most young people have watched about 15,000 hours of television, and have seen about 18,000 killings or other acts of violence. All educators and psychologists agree that the "television generations" are more violent than their parents and grandparents,

According to the same experts, the young are also less patient. Used to TV shows, where everything is quick and entertaining, they do not have the patience to read an article without pictures; to read a book that requires thinking; to listen to a teacher who doesn't do funny things like the people on children's programs. And they expect all problems to be solved happily in ten, fifteen or thirty minutes. That's the time it takes on the screen.

It is certain that television has deeply changed our lives and our society. It is certain that, along with its benefits, it has brought many serious problems. To these problems we must soon find a solution because, whether we like it or not, television is here to stay.

First TV set was made ______.

A. in 1939                                  B. in the 1950s

C. in the 1940s                                   D. in 1919

Which of the following people have a view on TV different from the others?

A. Educators.                     B. TV producers.

C. Crime experts.                D. Psychologists.

According to the author, who need TV most?

A. Educators.

B. Crime experts.

C. The old and the lonely.

D. The children and their parents.

We can conclude that ‘television generations’ are_______.

A. lonely                              B. more patient

C. more violent                 D. more gentle

An old problem is getting new attention in the United States—bullying. Recent cases included the tragic case of a fifteen-year-old girl whose family moved from Ireland. She hanged herself in Massachusetts in January following months of bullying. Her parents criticized her school for failing to protect her. Officials have brought criminal charges against several teenagers.

Judy Kuczynski is president of an anti-bullying group called Bully Police USA. Her daughter Tina was the victim of severe bullying starting in middle school in the state of Minnesota. Her said, "Our daughter was a very outgoing child. She was a bubbly personality, very involved in all kinds of things, had lots of friends. And over a period of time her grades fell completely. She started having health issues. She couldn't sleep. She wasn't eating. She had terrible stomach pains. She started clenching her jaw and grinding her teeth at night. Didn't want to go to school."

Bullying is defined as negative behavior repeated over time against the same person. It can involve physical violence. Or it can be verbal — for example, insults or threats. Spreading lies about someone or excluding a person from a group is known as social or relational bullying.

And now there is cyber bullying, which uses the Internet, e-mail or text messages. It has easy appeal for the bully because it does not involve face-to-face contact and it can be done at any time.

The first serious research studies into bullying were done in Norway in the late 1970s. The latest government study in the United States was released last year. It found that about one-third of students age twelve to eighteen were bullied at school.

Susan Sweater is a psychologist at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and co-director of the Bullying Research Network. She says schools should treat bullying as a mental health problem to get bullies and victims the help they need. She says bullying is connected to depression, anxiety and anti-social behavior, and bullies are often victims themselves.

From the case of Tina, we can know that            .

       A.bullying is rare        B.victims suffered a lot

       C.schools are to blame D.personalities are related

Which of the following is NOT bullying?

       A.To beat someone repeatedly.   B.To call someone names.

       C.To isolate someone from friends.    D.To refuse to help someone in need.

Why is cyber bullying appealing to the bully?

       A.Because it can involve more people.      B.Because it can create worse effects.

       C.Because it is more convenient.       D.Because it can avoid cheating.

According to Susan Sweater,           .

       A.bullies are anti-social      B.bullies should give victims help

       C.students are not requally treated     D.bullies themselves also need help

Which of the following can be the best title of the text?

       A.Bullying—Old Irish Girl Committed Suicide

       B.15-Year-Old Irish Girl Committed Suicide

       C.Cyberbullying-Taking Off in Schools

       D.How to Find Bullying among Teens

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