
It was Mother’s Day. I was so busy with my work that I couldn’t   56_ back home. When I passed by a  57   shop, an  58    came to my mind, “I’ll send Mum some roses.”

While I was  59    my flowers, a young man went inside. “How many roses can I get  60   only five dollars, Madam?” he asked. The assistant was trying to tell him roses were as  61   as forty dollars a dozen---- Maybe he would be happy with carnations ( 康乃馨). “ No, I  62   have red roses,” he said, “my mum was   63   ill last year and I didn’t spend much time with her. Now I want to get something special, roses, as rose is her  64  .”

After hearing it, I said I would pay   65  of the money for the young man.  66  by both of us, the assistant said, “well, lovely young men, thirty dollars a dozen, only for you.” Taking the roses, the young man almost jumped into the  67  and ran out of the shop. It was  68  worth twenty-five dollars I paid to see the exciting  69  . Then I paid for my dozen of roses and told the assistant to  70  them to my mother.

As I walked out, I felt  71  . Suddenly I saw the young man crossing the street and going into a park. But soon I  72    it was not a park  73   a cemetery. Crying, the young man carefully  74   the roses, “Mum, why didn’t I tell you how much I loved you? God, please help me find my mum and tell her I love her.” Seeing this, I turned and quickly walked to the  75 . I would take the flowers home myself.

A. go                  B. come                       C. return                      D. turn

A. jewellery        B. clothing                          C. rose                        D. flower

A. fact                B. word                               C. idea                         D. picture

A. picking                  B. picking up               C. selling                     D. showing

A. with                      B. for                           C. at                                   D. on

A. much                    B. cheap                       C. expensive                 D. high

A. might                    B. have to                     C. should                     D. can

A. a bit                     B. hardly                     C. badly                       D. nearly

 A. flower             B. favorite                         C. dream                     D. gift

A. all                  B. some                        C. the rest                     D. much

A. Surprised               B. Pleased                    C. Excited                    D. Moved

A. roses                     B. assistant                   C. air                           D. street

A. very                      B. well                         C. not                                 D. only

A. moment          B. time                         C. scenery                    D. incident

A. give               B. offer                        C. present                     D. send

A. relaxed           B. amazed                    C. shameful                  D. nice

A. understood     B. realized                    C. learned                    D. was told

A. and                B. or                            C. nor                          D. but

A. laid                B. lay                           C. buried                     D. grew

A. man               B. street                       C. shop                        D. cemetery























A new study says one part of the human brain may become smaller as the result of a condition known as jet lag. Jet lag results from flying long distances in an airplane. People with jet lag may feel extremely tired for several days. They may also have problems thinking clearly and remembering.
Recently a researcher at the University of Bristol in Britain reported the findings of his jet lag study, which involved twenty young women who worked for international airlines. They had served passengers on airplanes for five years. These flight attendants flew across many countries and at least seven time zones. In the study, the flight attendants had different amounts of time to recover from jet lag. Half the women spent five days or fewer in their home areas between long flights. The other half spent more than fourteen days in their home areas.
The researcher took some saliva from the women”s mouths to measure levels of a hormone(荷尔蒙) that increases during stress(紧张). He tested them to see if they could remember where black spots appeared on a computer screen. And he took pictures of their brains to measure the size of the brain”s temporal lobes(脑叶).
It was found that the women who had less time between flights had smaller right temporal lobes. This area of the brain deals with recognizing and remembering what is seen. The same group performed worse and had slower reaction times on the visual memory test. And their saliva samples showed higher levels of stress hormones.
The researcher believes the brain needs at least ten days to recover after a long trip. He says airline workers told him their ability to remember got worse after working on planes for about four years. Other studies have shown that increased feelings of stress can cause a loss of cells in the part of the brain that controls memory.
Scientists say more tests are needed to study the effects of jet lag on the brain. They want to find out if too much jet lag could permanently (永久性的) affect memory.
【小题1】According to the text, jet lag .

  1. can cause difficulties in speaking
  2. can make people feel tired for a few weeks
  3. can be only found in flight attendants
  4. can be caused by flying over several time zones
【小题2】It can be inferred from the text that .
  1. the conclusion is refused by many scientists
  2. scientists fear that this research is not done properly
  3. the scientific conclusion needs the support from many tests
  4. every women who were examined in the research were mot healthy
【小题3】From the result of the research we can see that .
  1. the women who have longer rest at home show better memory
  2. the women who fly in short time have smaller right temporal lobes
  3. the women who have longer flights fail the memory test
  4. the women who rest more than 14 days produce less hormones
【小题4】What is the subject discussed in the text?
  1. The cause of jet lag.
  2. A story of a group of flight attendants.
  3. The importance of having enough rest after flights.
  4. A research about the effects of jet lag on the brain.

A new study says one part of the human brain may become smaller as the result of a condition known as jet lag. Jet lag results from flying long distances in an airplane. People with jet lag may feel extremely tired for several days. They may also have problems thinking clearly and remembering.

Recently a researcher at the University of Bristol in Britain reported the findings of his jet lag study, which involved twenty young women who worked for international airlines. They had served passengers on airplanes for five years. These flight attendants flew across many countries and at least seven time zones. In the study, the flight attendants had different amounts of time to recover from jet lag. Half the women spent five days or fewer in their home areas between long flights. The other half spent more than fourteen days in their home areas.

The researcher took some saliva from the women”s mouths to measure levels of a hormone(荷尔蒙) that increases during stress(紧张). He tested them to see if they could remember where black spots appeared on a computer screen. And he took pictures of their brains to measure the size of the brain”s temporal lobes(脑叶).

It was found that the women who had less time between flights had smaller right temporal lobes. This area of the brain deals with recognizing and remembering what is seen. The same group performed worse and had slower reaction times on the visual memory test. And their saliva samples showed higher levels of stress hormones.

The researcher believes the brain needs at least ten days to recover after a long trip. He says airline workers told him their ability to remember got worse after working on planes for about four years. Other studies have shown that increased feelings of stress can cause a loss of cells in the part of the brain that controls memory.

Scientists say more tests are needed to study the effects of jet lag on the brain. They want to find out if too much jet lag could permanently (永久性的) affect memory.

1.According to the text, jet lag .

  1. can cause difficulties in speaking
  2. can make people feel tired for a few weeks
  3. can be only found in flight attendants
  4. can be caused by flying over several time zones

2.It can be inferred from the text that .

  1. the conclusion is refused by many scientists
  2. scientists fear that this research is not done properly
  3. the scientific conclusion needs the support from many tests
  4. every women who were examined in the research were mot healthy

3.From the result of the research we can see that .

  1. the women who have longer rest at home show better memory
  2. the women who fly in short time have smaller right temporal lobes
  3. the women who have longer flights fail the memory test
  4. the women who rest more than 14 days produce less hormones

4.What is the subject discussed in the text?

  1. The cause of jet lag.
  2. A story of a group of flight attendants.
  3. The importance of having enough rest after flights.
  4. A research about the effects of jet lag on the brain.



第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Like most people , I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting. It was not until in my late thirties that I made this important   36  :giving-away makes life so much more exciting. You need not worry if you  37  money.

This is how I  38  with giving-away. If an idea for improving the window display of a neighborhood store  39  to me, I step in and make the suggestion to the  40  .If an accident takes pace, the  41  of which I think the local police could use, I  42  him up and tell him about it, though I am mot in  43  here. One discovery I made about this world is to give  44  getting something back, though the  45  often comes in an unexpected form.

One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important  46  letter to my home, though it was  47  to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of  48  .More than a year later I needed a post-office box for a new business I was  49  .I was told at the window that there were  50  boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long  51  list. As I was about to  52  , the postmaster appeared in the  53  . "Wasn't it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering a special delivery to your home?" I said it was. "Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post office  54  we make one for you. You don't know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get  55  but complaints."

36. A. decision B. research      C. speech          D. discovery

37. A. earn       B. lack      C. spend  D. steal

38. A. experienced  B. connected   C. combined     D. agreed

39. A. happens         B. flashes          C. sticks   D. leads

40. A. postmaster   B. headmaster         C. storekeeper         D. policeman

41. A. story      B. damage        C. challenge     D. material

42. A. call          B. hold      C. break   D. pick

43. A. need       B. trouble         C. common       D. charge

44. A. within    B. without        C. for        D. before

45. A. process B. goal      C. return  D. concern

46. A. curious  B. immediate   C. special D. heavy

47. A. realized B. addressed   C. forgotten     D. brought

48. A. invitation        B. apology        C. instruction   D. appreciation

49. A. dealing  B. providing      C. operating     D. starting

50. A. enough  B. some   C. no         D. more

51. A. admitting       B. relating        C. examining    D. waiting

52. A. leave      B. shout   C. guess   D. conduct

53. A. window B. doorway       C. library  D. yard

54. A. in case   B. now that      C. even if         D. as if

55. A. anything         B. everything   C. nothing         D. something


第二节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Like most people , I was brought up to look upon life as a process of getting. It was not until in my late thirties that I made this important   36  :giving-away makes life so much more exciting. You need not worry if you  37  money.

This is how I  38  with giving-away. If an idea for improving the window display of a neighborhood store  39  to me, I step in and make the suggestion to the  40  .If an accident takes pace, the  41  of which I think the local police could use, I  42  him up and tell him about it, though I am mot in  43  here. One discovery I made about this world is to give  44  getting something back, though the  45  often comes in an unexpected form.

One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important  46  letter to my home, though it was  47  to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of  48  .More than a year later I needed a post-office box for a new business I was  49  .I was told at the window that there were  50  boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long  51  list. As I was about to  52  , the postmaster appeared in the  53  . "Wasn't it you that wrote us that letter a year ago about delivering a special delivery to your home?" I said it was. "Well, you certainly are going to have a box in this post office  54  we make one for you. You don't know what a letter like that means to us. We usually get  55  but complaints."

36. A. decision       B. research     C. speech D. discovery

37. A. earn     B. lack    C. spend  D. steal

38. A. experienced  B. connected   C. combined   D. agreed

39. A. happens       B. flashes       C. sticks  D. leads

40. A. postmaster   B. headmaster C. storekeeper D. policeman

41. A. story    B. damage      C. challenge    D. material

42. A. call      B. hold    C. break  D. pick

43. A. need     B. trouble       C. common     D. charge

44. A. within  B. without      C. for      D. before

45. A. process B. goal    C. return D. concern

46. A. curious B. immediate  C. special       D. heavy

47. A. realized       B. addressed   C. forgotten    D. brought

48. A. invitation     B. apology      C. instruction  D. appreciation

49. A. dealing B. providing   C. operating    D. starting

50. A. enough B. some   C. no      D. more

51. A. admitting     B. relating      C. examining  D. waiting

52. A. leave    B. shout  C. guess  D. conduct

53. A. window       B. doorway     C. library       D. yard

54. A. in case  B. now that     C. even if      D. as if

55. A. anything      B. everything  C. nothing      D. something

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