
― Doesn't this bus go to the park?
― ________.
  A. Yes, we do                  B. No, this is as far as we go
  C. You're welcome        D. I 'm very sorry




The letter was a great disappointment to me. It was from Holy Cross, the only school I really wanted to  41  . I scanned the page, “…. We had a great applicant pool this year. …We can’t offer spaces to   42   … and place you on our waiting list.”

“What does it say, honey?” my dad asked, his voice full of   43   for me.

“I didn’t get in, but I’m on the waiting list.”

“Well, at least it isn’t   44  ,” he said brightly.

“Yeah, but   45  , I don’t want to be on the waiting list; I want to be   46  . No one gets in off the waiting list. It’s a way of saying ‘Thanks for   47  ’.”

“Then let’s go out there and tell them so.”

“That sounds   48  , dad.” I said sadly, “It doesn’t work.”

Upset and annoyed, I   49   myself in my room. However,my father’s advice kept   50   in my head. I thought about it for a few days, finally coming to the   51   that he was right. And the next day I seated myself across from Mr. Luis Soto, my admissions officer.

“What can I do for you, Nacie?” he asked pleasantly.

“Well, sir, I am here to tell you that I love this school and would love a   52   to be here. I just wanted to tell you how much going here would   53   to me—it is my only dream college— and that I would use my time here to the best   54  . I wanted to let you know that if you gave me a chance and reconsidered my application, you wouldn’t   55   it.” The words had poured out  56  I could stop them or check their desperate tone.

Mr. Soto looked me over for a minute before he smiled broadly.

“OK, that is the kind of thing we love to hear. Congratulations, you’re in.”

It was so   57   and I asked, “I’m sorry?”

“We want people in the class who want to be here, who will   58   the best of this education. I’m glad you came to talk   59   to me. I’m happy to offer you a position in the Class of 2009.”

The whole experience taught me a lesson: if you truly want something, never, ever   60  .

A. attend                   B. study                       C. admit                      D. visit

A. everyone          B. anyone                  C. someone        D. no one

A. trust              B. pity                    C. anxiety          D. curiosity

A. admission          B. imagination             C. restriction        D. rejection  

A. ever               B. again                 C. also              D. still

A. recognized          B. received                 C. accepted          D. permitted

A. writing            B. trying                   C. replying           D. waiting

A. lame             B. reasonable               C. painful         D. practical 

A. enjoyed             B. comforted            C. stayed             D. buried 

A. saying            B. ringing               C. showing          D. reminding

A. point             B. conclusion              C. agreement         D. arrangement

A. chance          B. motivation         C. degree         D. change  

A. refer              B. turn                    C. mean            D. stick

A. contribution       B. condition                       C. advantage        D. result 

A. suspect              B. disappoint               C. refuse              D. regret

A. as                B. when                 C. until           D. before    

A. unbelievable         B. unforgettable           C. unbearable     D. favorable

A. take                      B. get                          C. make                D. receive

A. patiently            B. openly                     C. carefully           D. calmly

A. get through            B. give up                 C. keep on            D. try out

The Internet has opened up a whole new on-line world for us to meet, chat and go where we've never been before.

But just as in face-to-face communication, there are some basic rules of behavior that should be followed when online. The basic rule is simple: treat others in the same way you would want to be treated. Imagine how you'd feel if you were in the other person's shoes.

For anything you're about to send: ask yourself, "Would I say this to the person's face?" If the answer is no, rewrite and reread. Repeat the process till you feel sure that you'd feel comfortable saying the words to the person's face.

If someone in the chat room is rude to you, your instinct is to fire back in the same manner. But try not to do so. You should either ignore the person, or use your chat software to block their messages. If it was caused by a disagreement with another member, try to fix the situation by politely discussing it. Remember to respect the beliefs and opinions of others in the chat room.

Everyone was new to the network once. Offer advice when asked by newcomers, as they may not be sure what to do or how to communicate. When someone makes a mistake whether it's a stupid question or an unnecessarily long answer be kind about it. If it's a small mistake, you may not need to say anything. Even if you feel strongly about it, think twice before saying anything. Having good manners yourself doesn't give you license to correct everyone else.

If you do decide to tell someone about a mistake, point it out politely. At the same time, if you find you are wrong, be sure to correct yourself and apologize to those that you have offended.

It is not polite to ask others personal questions such as their age, sex, and marital status. Unless you know the person very well, and you are both comfortable with sharing personal information, don't ask such questions.

When you send short messages to a person, you must _____.

       A.make sure that they mean no harm    B.read them again and again

       C.say something good to hear         D.repeat them later to the person's face

If you are hurt in the chat room by others, you should _____

       A.fight back in the same way     B.take them seriously       

       C.have none of them       D.be angry at them

If a newcomer who communicates on line makes any mistakes, you _____.

       A.should point them out sharply     

       B.shouldn’t give any advice unless required by them

       C.should say something about them

       D.should take your responsibility to correct them

This passage mainly tells us ______.

       A.some rules of Internet communication   B.ways of sending messages

       C.rules of the chat room     D.ways of making friends on the Internet

By day he is just a normal cat but when the lights go out, he glows (发光) in the dark.

Scientists have genetically modified (更改) a cat as part of an experiment that could lead to treatments for diseases.

   Named Mr. Green Genes, he looks like a six-month-old cat but, under ultraviolet (紫外线的) light, his eyes, gums (牙龈) and tongue glow green. That is the result of a genetic experiment at the Audubon Center for Research of Endangered Species in New Orleans, US.

   Mr. Green Genes is the first fluorescent (荧光的) cat in the US and probably the world, said Betsy Dresser, the center's director.

   The researchers made him so they could learn whether a gene could be introduced harmlessly into a cat's genetic sequence (次序).

   If so, it would be the first step in a process that could lead to the development of ways to treat diseases via gene therapy (治疗).

   The gene, which was added to Mr. Green Genes' DNA, has no effect on his health, Ms Dresser said.

   Cats are ideal for this project because their genetic makeup is similar to that of humans, said Dr Martha Gomez, a scientist at the center.

   To show that the gene went where it was supposed to go, the researchers settled on one that would glow.

   The gene "is just a marker", said Leslie Lyons, an assistant professor at the University of California, Davis. Lyons is familiar with the center's work.

   "The glowing part is the fun part," she said.

   Glowing creatures made international news earlier this month when the Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to three scientists who had discovered the gene through their work with jellyfish (水母).

51. Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A. A Glowing Cat         B. Mr. Green Genes

C. One Cat’s Life         D. An experiment on cats

52. What can we conclude from the passage?

A. Fortunately, scientists have found ways to treat diseases via gene therapy.

B. Scientists think cats’ genetic makeup is the same as that of human beings.

C. Three scientists who had discovered the gene were given Nobel Prize in  Physics.

D. Scientists have managed to introduce a gene into a cat’s genetic sequence.               

53. What does “settled on”  most probably mean in Paragraph 9?

A. chose       B. killed     C. took        D. raised

54. From the passage we can see that ____.

A. Mr. Green Genes was made by researchers to treat diseases

B. the cat named Mr. Green Genes can glow when it is dark

C. Mr. Green Genes is the first fluorescent cat in the world

D. Mr. Green Genes is a cat of seven months old up to now

55. Which of the following is WRONG according to the text?

A. The gene added to Mr. Green Genes’ DNA doesn’t affect its health at all.

B. The scientists came up with the idea of the glowing genes totally for fun.

C. Earlier this month glowing creatures became news all through the world.

D. Scientists had discovered the gene from the jellyfish they worked with.

For a girl who's interested in fashion, what would be the dream job? Being a model? Probably

no–-that's for a pencil thin who doesn't eat. One answer is, fashion stylist.

  Girls can find it hard to ignore this attractiveness and the field is opening up to normal girls,

not only style or fashion design majors(某专业的学生). "It looked too high before, but now I

find it more approachable," said Xue Rui, 22, a Fudan University Chinese literature graduate who works as an assistant stylist at Hermès in Shanghai. "There is no certain principle in dressing up models, and you can try every way with your own distinct taste to make them pretty and attractive." Some professionals said that Xue's not mistaken.

   The attractiveness of this work is not only in the wonderful clothes. Now it's a career with a bright future and pay packet. The income can allow you to buy expensive clothes and, with your name and photo appearing on pages, readers will remember your fashion tips.

A stylist at a fashion magazine can have some unique rights. You have a chance to contact famous persons and dress them up in a style you like. You need to cooperate with top photographers and select places around the world to take photos in. You might also be invited to fashion shows of top brands and can select some of the favorite clothes.

   "You have to be ‘all-round’:from hair and make up to clothes, shoes, and accessories (配饰) to the event," said He Qing, 21, a junior in fashion design at the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology. "You have to know everything, and handle several things at the same time. It's challenging. That's why I love it."

So, remember girls, you've been warned.

The underlined phrase “ pay packet” (paragraph 3)  means________.

A. a large bag        B. a large amount of money      C. chances    D. choices

Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. There are certain principles in dressing up models.

B. The only attractiveness of this work is in the wonderful clothes.

C. Only style or fashion design majors can work as a fashion stylist.

D. A stylist knows how to make a person beautiful, from head to toe。

What is the unique right a stylist at a fashion magazine can have?

A. You have a chance to contact celebrities and dress them up in a style you like.

B. You need to cooperate with top photographers and select places around the world to take photos in.

C. You might also be invited to fashion shows of top brands and can select some of the favorite clothes.

D. All of above

What will the author write in the 6th paragraph?

   A. Top brands that fashion stylists like best.

   B. Various fashion shows

   C. Difficulties that fashion stylists may meet

   D. Other dream jobs

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