提示:世界自然基金会发起的“地球时间”环保活动,29日在全球371座城镇当地时间晚8点熄灯一小时,以减少能源耗费。引起人们对气候变化的警惕。各地竞相以熄灯一小时的方式来倡导节能环保理念。但也有人说,熄灯一小时之后,人们会不会恢复常态。就此话题发表你的看法。Initiated in Australia in 2007, Earth Hour is a time zone-by-time zone plan in which people around the world are encouraged to switch off their lights for 60 minutes on the last Saturday night of March to show their concern about global warming and climate change.The campaign aimed to send out more and clearer messages to world leaders before they meet in Copenhagen in December to have a new global impact on curbing emissions of greenhouse gases. The UN Climate Panel says greenhouse gas emissions are warming the planet and will lead to more floods, droughts, heatwaves, rising sea levels and animal and plant extinctions. World emissions have risen by about 70 percent since the 1970s.
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As everybody can see, this will send an important message to the world that people in
But in spite of this, not everyone is so convinced and agreeable. Some consider it a show for the moment. But I strongly support this kind of activity which may arouse people's concern about the environment by using less power .It is true that Earth Hour is just for one hour each year. One person may be small, but we can make difference if we work collectively to change our own behaviors.
Anyway, the action showed millions of people want governments to work out a strong new U.N. deal to fight global warming , even though the global economic crisis has raised worries about the costs. We have been dreaming of a new climate deal for a long time. Now we're no longer so alone with our dream. We're sharing it with all these people switching off their lights.