Alexis, 17, sat quietly in the passenger seat of her dad's car.She let her eyes lazily scan the landscape for wildlife.Then a deer came into view about 200 yards in front of them."Dad, there's a deer there!" Alexis said.It was a male deer with sharp antlers (角) on each side of its head.

As the car moved closer, Alexis saw that the deer's head was bent toward the ground.Then she heard a scream and saw an arm fly up near the deer's head.Alexis realized the deer was attacking a woman.Sue, a 44-year-old mother, had been out for her morning run.The deer followed her and edged closer."I knew I was in trouble," Sue says.She went to pick up a stick for self-defense, and the deer charged.It lifted her with its antlers and threw her into the air.Sue could feel blood flew down her leg.Within seconds, the deer had pushed her off the road.

When Alexis and her father pulled up, the deer was throwing Sue like a doll.Alexis looked into the woman's terrified eyes, and before her father had even stopped the car, the teenager jumped quickly out of the car and ran toward the deer."I was kicking it to get its attention," she says.Then her father, who had followed his daughter, pushed the deer away from the women.

Alexis helped Sue into the car, and then applied a piece of cloth to Sue's injured leg."We're going to get you to a hospital," Alexis said.Then she heard her father shout loudly.He had been knocked to the ground.Alexis took hold of a hammer from the car and ran to where her father lay on his back.She beat the deer's head and neck, but the blows didn't scare it away."I was losing faith," she says."A couple more strikes, Alexis," said her father."You can do it." Turning the hammer around, Alexis closed her eyes and beat the deer's neck with all her strength.When she opened her eyes, the deer was running away.Alexis got in the driver's seat and sped toward the nearest hospital.

After Sue was treated, she tearfully thanked her rescuers."You expect a teenage girl to get on the phone and call for help," she says, "not to beat up a deer."

1.What was Sue doing when she was attacked by the deer?

A.She was driving home.

B.She was resting on the road.

C.She was taking exercise.

D.She was feeding wild animals.

2.What did Alexis do to save Sue?

A.She pushed the deer away

B.She hit the deer with her feet

C.She drove the car to hit the deer.

D.She beat the deer with a hammer.

3.Which of the following words can best describe Alexis?





4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.A Woman Was Seriously Injured

B.A Dangerous Deer Attacked a Woman

C.A Girl Rescued Her Father Successfully

D.A Teenager Saved Others from a Deer Attack


The International Voluntary Service runs a number of Youth Exchanges throughout the year.Youth Exchanges give small groups of 4-5 young people the opportunity to take part in volunteering trips abroad for an average of two weeks.These young people are joined by 4-5 young people from 3-4 other nationalities and are a wonderful intercultural experience in a safe environment.

Example Youth Exchanges:

Youth Exchange 1


Other nationalities:Ireland,Spain,Italy,Hungary

Theme:Focuses on the topic of community reconstruction and community activities—exploring how local issues facing our communities are connected to global issues.The group will also learn about the eco-village as an example of a community and take part in team-building activities.

Youth Exchange 2


Other nationalities:Bulgaria,Italy,France

Theme:Organic gardening & continual living.This project will take place in a natural park,where the group will take part in gardening activities and games/workshops about continuous development.

Youth Exchange 3


Other nationalities:Serbia,Turkey,Ireland

Theme:Foster social inclusion and motivate personal development of young people through sports and outdoor activities.Promote outdoor activities as a tool to help inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities.

Youth Exchange 4


Other nationalities:Italy,Bulgaria,Greece

Theme:A sociaI-environmental project that intends to promote social inclusion and continuable development,regarded as a process of civil rights and active citizenship.Over 10 days, the group will participate in activities to raise awareness about the effect of our behavior on the environment.

1.What do you focus on when travelling in France?

A.Gardening work.

B.Civil rights

C.Developing social inclusion.

D.Rebuilding communities

2.If you are interested in protecting the environment,you can take part in______.

A.Youth Exchange 1 B.Youth Exchange 2

C.Youth Exchange 3 D.Youth Exchange 4

3.Which nationality are Youth Exchanges most popular with?

A.Spain. B.Italy

C.Ireland D.France


A man who knows how to write a personal letter has a very powerful tool.A letter can be enjoyed, read and _______It can set up a warm conversation between two people far apart(远离的);it can keep a _______ with very little effort.

I will give _______A few years ago my older brother and I were not getting _______ We had been close as _______but had grown apart.Our meetings were not_______; our conversation was filled with arguments and quarrels; and every effort to clear the air seemed to only _______ our misunderstanding.Then he_______ a small island in the Caribbean and we _______ touch.One day he wrote me a letter.He described his island and its people, told me what he was doing, said how he felt, and encouraged me to _______ .Rereading the letter, I was _______ by its humor(幽默)and clever expressions, These were all qualities for which I had_______respected my older brother but _______he no longer had them.I had never known he could write so _______.And with that one letter we became friends _______

It might never have occurred to _______to write me if he had not been in a place where there were no _______ ,For him, writing was a necessity, It also turned out to be the best way for us to get back in touch.Because we live in an age of_______ communication(通讯),people often _______ that they don’t always have to phone or email.They have a_______.And that is to write.

1.A.received B.rewritten C.returned D.reread

2.A.record B.promise C.friendship D.secret

3.A.an example B.a lesson C.an experience D.a talk

4.A.through B.together C.along D.away

5.A.brothers B.children C.fellows D.classmates

6.A.normal B.necessary C.pleasant D.possible

7.A.deepen B.start C.express D.settle

8.A.toured B.stopped over C.reached D.moved to

9.A.lost B.kept in C.needed D.got in

10.A.think B.write C.enjoy D.read

11.A.driven B.beaten C.surprised D.honored

12.A.never B.seldom C.sometimes D.once

13.A.realized B.judged C.thought D.expected

14.A.well B.often C.much D.soon

15.A.later B.anyhow C.too D.again

16.A.us B.anyone else C.someone D.my brother

17.A.mail services B.transport C.phones D.relatives

18.A.poor B.easy C.popular D.busy

19.A.believe B.decide C.argue D.forget

20.A.habit B.choice C.method D.plan

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