
In thepoor parts of American’s big cities there is a lot of crime, ________.

  1. A.
    and much of which is serious
  2. B.
    much of which is serious
  3. C.
    so much of it is serious
  4. D.
    much of that is serious


  Brazil has become one of the developing world's greatsuccesses at reducing population growth— but more by acci-dent than design.While countries such as India have madejoint efforts to reduce birth rates,Brazil has had better resultwithout really trying,says George Marfine at Harvard.

  Brazil's population growth rate has dropped from 2.99% a year between 1951 and 1960.to 1.93% a year between1981 and 1990.and Brazilian women now have only 2.7 children on average.Martine says this figure may have fallen stillfurther since 1990.an achievemebt that makes it the envy of many other Third World countries.

  Martine puts it down to,among other things,soap operas and instalment(分期付款)plans introduced in the 1970.s.Both played an important,although indirect,role in lowering the birth rate.Brazil is one of the world's biggest produecrs of soap operas.Globo,Brazil's most popular television net-work.shows three hours of soaps six nights a week,while three others show at least one hour a night.Most soaps are based on wealthy characters live the high life in big cities.

  “Although they have never really tried to work in a mes-sage towards the problems of reproduction(生育),they describe middle and upper class values-not many children,different attitudes towards sex,women working,”says Martine.“They sent this image to all parts of Brazil and madepeople conscious of other patterns of hohaviour and other val-ues.which were put into a very attractive package.”

  Meanwhile,the instalment plans tried to encourage thepoor to become consumers(消费者).“This led to an enormous change in consumption patterns and consumption wasincompatible(不能共存的)with unlimited reproduetion,”says Martine.


According to the passage,Brazil has cut back its population growth ________

[  ]


by educating its citizens


by careful family planning


by developing TV programmes


by chance


According to the passage,many Third World coun tries ________

[  ]


haven't paid enough attention to birth control


would soon join Brazil in controlling their birth rate


have great difficulty controlling their population


make no use of TV plays in family planning


Soap operas have helped in lowering Brazil's birth rate because ________

[  ]


they keep people sitting long hours watching TV


they have gradually changed people's way of life


people are drawn to their attractive package


they popularize government's birth control measures


What is Martine's conclusion about Brazil's population growth ________

[  ]


The increase in birth rate will raise consumption.


The desire for consumption helps to rednce birth rate.


Consumption patterns and reproduction patterns areincompatible.


A country's production is limited by its population growth.

     Who should be responsible for our elderly and how to improve their lives? It is not only a financial
problem but also a question of the system we want for our society. I would like to suggest several
possible solutions to this problem.
     First, employers should take the responsibility for their retired employees. To make this possible, a
percentage of profits should be set aside for this purpose. But when a company must take life-long
responsibility for its employees, it may suffer from a commercial disadvantage due to higher employee
     Another way of solving the problem is to return the responsibility to the individual (个人) . This means
each person must save during his working years to pay for his years of retirement. This does not seem a
very fair model since some people have enough trouble paying for their daily life without trying to earn
extra to cover their retirement years. This means the government might have to step in to care for the
     In addition, the government could take responsibility for the care of the elderly. This could be financed
through government taxes to increase the level of pensions (养老金). One further solution is that the
government or social organizations set up some working places especially for the elderly where they are
     To sum up, all these measures have advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it is reasonable to
expect that some combination of these measures may be needed to provide the care we hope to give to
our elderly generations.
                             Title: More     1    Should be Given to the Elderly
Topic Who should take the responsibility for the  2    of the lives of the elderly?
  8    to the problem ★   3    should set a percentage of profits aside, which may   4   a commercial disadvantage.
★ Individuals should save during his working years to pay for the years when he is    5   .
★ The government could provide    6    through government taxes to increase the level of pensions.
★ Workplaces for the elderly where they can enjoy    7    should be set up.
  10   It is necessary to    9    these measures to provide the care to the elderly

     Photographs are everywhere. They decorate (装饰) the walls of homes and are used in stores for sales
of different goods. The news is filled with pictures of fires, floods, and special events. Photos record the
beauties of nature. They can also bring things close that are far away. Through photos, people can see wild
animals, cities in foreign lands, and even the stars in outer space. Photos also tell stories.
     Reporting the news through photos is called photojournalism. At times photojournalists tell their stories
through a single picture. At other times, they use a group of pictures to tell a story. Each picture is like a
chapter in a book, which can do more than record the facts. It can also be a strong force for social change.
     Jacob Riis was among the first photojournalists. He took pictures of parts of New York City where the
poor lived. Riis believed that poverty (贫穷) caused crime, and he used photos to help him prove his point.
A few years later, the photos of small children working in factories by Lewis Hine shocked the public. Hine's
pictures helped bring about laws to protect such children.
     Hundreds of pictures may have to be taken in order to get one or two really good photos. It takes science
to have the photo come out clearly and art to make a photo that has a good design and expresses feeling.
Photojournalists make an actual record of what they see. A photo, however, can be both a work of art and an
actual record. It can record an important event as a beautiful or exciting picture.
     As historical and artistic documents (文献), photos can become more important over time. Today
photojournalists still have their pictures appear in newspapers and magazines. They also publish (发表) them
in books and on the Internet.
1. The underlined word "They" in the first paragraph refers to _____.
A. beauties
B. photos
C. goods
D. events
2. The photos of the small children by Hine show us that photos _____.
A. are also works of art
B. are popular ways of reporting news
C. often shock the public
D. can serve as a force for social change
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A. News with pictures is encouraging.
B. Photos help people improve
C. News photos mean history in a sense.
D. People prefer reading news with pictures.
4. The text is mainly about _____.
A. telling the story through picture
B. decorating the walls of homes
C. publishing historical papers
D. expressing feeling through pictures

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