
  A 9-year-old girl fell through the ice of a small pond while ice skating,and her father plunged in trying to save her.

  A few miles away,a12-year-old boy on an allterrain vehicle broke through another frozen pond. "Cody Lechler was pulled from the water and died at Children's Hospital of Wisconsin in suburban Milwaukee," officials said.

  "The bodies of the father and daughter,Brian Obbink,44, and Megan were recovered later Friday by a law enforcement dive team,Sheboygan County Sheriffs Sgt.",Doug Tuttle said.

  Megan had been skating on the footballfield size pond in Cedar Grove with her6-year-old sister Friday morning when the ice broke and Megan fell through. When their father tried to save her,he also fell in,Tuttle said. The younger sister ran to a nearby home for help,and someone called911,but it was too late.

  "Rescuers chopped through the ice to search the pond by boat Friday afternoon”,Tuttle said. Snow was falling in the area and the temperature was 22 degrees.

The ice on the pond,about40 miles north of Milwaukee,was less than 3 inches thick.

Neighbor Bill Schreiber said he saw two people running to the pond,one of them in shorts. "I've never seen people on the pond,only guys training their hunting dogs out there," he said.

  "About10 miles northwest of Cedar Grove,in the Town of Lyndon,rescuers pulled a 12-year-old boy from a small pond after he drove a fourwheeler into the pond," Cascade Police Chief Cory Roeseler said.

  The boy had been hunting with an adult neighbor and drove out of the woods ahead of him. The neighbor spot the fourwheeler in the pond,about25 feet from shore and called for help.

  Sheriff s Deputy Jim Opgenorth said the deaths were a reminder that people need to be careful around ice.

  "There is no such thing as safe ice ," he said.

(   ) 1. We can infer from the passage that         .

   A. parents prefer to go skating with their children in winter

   B. it was very cold when the tragedy occured

   C. nobody would offer help when the younger sister ran for help

   D. people often goes hunting together with dogs and bicycles

(   ) 2. According to the passage,which of the following statements is true?

   A. Two sisters and their father died on Friday after falling through the ice in Wisconsin.

   B. It was too late to save the12-year-old boy in hospital after he was pulled from the icy pond.

   C. The father and daughter came into themselves very soon after the falling.

   D. The younger sister called911 for help when she found her father fell in the ice. (   ) 3: While the12-year-old boy was hunting,          .

   A. he was on a fourwheeler driven by a dog

   B. snow might be falling in the area

   C. his partner went ahead of him out of the woods

   D. he heard someone calling for help

(   ) 4. What does the underlined sentence in the last paragraph mean?

   A. The thicker ice is,the safer it will be.

   B. Ice is more dangerous than anything else.

   C. It is usually not safe to travel on the ice.

   D. Ice is not the safest thing in the world.

1. B根据文章中ice、Sn0W等信息可以推断出当时天气一定很冷。

2. B文章第2段提到男孩在地区医院抢救无效死亡。

3. B男孩在hunting时没带狗,排除A项;是an adult neighbor在他的前面,排除C项;不是他听到有人呼救,排除D项。

4. C该句子的意思是没有什么安全的冰,选C项。


  The European beech on Central Park's Cherry Hill is 100 years old. It is a tree that is 1        by the tourists passing in horsedrawn carriages and only birds and 2        squirrels could love.

  However,one day it became the center of 3      it was chosen by New York City offi?cials as the first of 25 "historical" trees to be 4       . Last year,New York City officials 5       a plan to add a million 6        trees to streets,parks and public spaces over the next 7       .

  Agriculture students from a Queens high school reached to upper branches of the 60-foot tree and 8       6-to-12-inch branches. Those branches will be sent to a 9       tree nursery in eastern Oregon. If all goes well,the genetic copies will be sent 10        in two years for replanting.

  "We want to 11        people's idea that New York has only skyscrapers and sidewalks," Parks Commissioner Adrian Benape said. "There are many 12        trees in New York."

The target trees include nine different 13       ,All the trees were selected by foresters for having 14        for at least a century ―either as the urban landscape or as having 15        signifi?cance to local communities.

  Among those are what may be the city's 16        tree,the St. Nicholas elm—also known as "the dinosaur" ―in upper Manhattan,which George Washington is said to have walked 17        during the American Revolution,230 years ago.

"They have withstood the test of time and the 18        life," said Benape. "As a result these trees tend to be hardy species,19 disease resistant. The trees are so 20        that people are looking to clone them. They are a great reaffirmation of the importance of nature in New York City."

(   ) 1. A. known   B. ignored   C. unknown   D. unnoticed

(   ) 2. A. clever   B. lazy   C. hungry   D. diligent

(   ) 3. A. city   B. attention   C. tourism   D. attraction

(   ) 4. A. cloned   B. planted   C. created   D. discovered

(   ) 5. A. announced   B. declared   C. commanded   D. refused

(   ) 6. A. big   B. new   C. young   D. small

(   ) 7. A. year   B. century   C. decade   D. month

(   ) 8. A. cut away   B. cut down   C. cut up   D. cut off

(   ) 9. A. natural   B. garden   C. farming   D. scientific

(   ) 10. A. abroad   B. away   C. back   D. out

(   ) 11. A. explain   B. change   C. express   D. hold

(   ) 12. A. historical   B. large   C. fresh   D. beautiful

(   ) 13. A. species   B. trees   C. flowers   D. plants

(   ) 14. A. developed   B. existed   C. appeared   D. disappeared

(   ) 15. A. attractive   B. splendid   C. special   D. ordinary

(   ) 16. A. best   B. longest   C. youngest   D. oldest

(   ) 17. A. beyond   B. over   C. above   D. under

(   ) 18. A. social   B. rural   C. urban   D. difficult

(   ) 19. A. carefully   B. naturally   C. freely   D. especially

(   ) 20. A. good   B. attractive   C. beautiful   D. important

  People often ask me why I wear a red ribbon. Some people ask the question simply to find out what the ribbon means,but other people are really asking a hidden question:they wonder what experiences in life has moved me so that I would want to wear a red ribbon,a visible reminder to all who see me of the continuing battle against HIV and AIDS. They are asking why I,a white female in the heart of the conservative South,would choose to take an often unpopular stand,instead of quietly going about my life. Unknowingly,they are asking about my husband,Bob Johnson.

  Bob Johnson made me his wife,but AIDS made me his widow. He died in my arms at 1 :45 a.m. on Monday,May 17,1993,in the little white house we had moved into only two days earlier. In our private final hours,I sang to him,prayed over him,and recited the 23rd psalm over and over as I carefully brushed his long hair.

  "Go ahead,sweetie," I whispered as I held him, "it's okay to let go now. " As I kissed his lips for the last time and felt his life leave his body,my hand stayed on his chest,where his body heat remained the longest. Another brave warrior in the fight against AIDS had fallen.

  Now I wear the red ribbon. I am still alive,still able to carry the message about the reality and urgency of AIDS and how HIV can be prevented. I carry this message for those whose voices can no longer be heard but whose presence can still be felt. What message is that? I carry the message―to all who will hear and listen―that HIV/AIDS is,at this point,100% fatal ... but it is also 100% preventable.

  The gay community,for more than a decade,has shown us an incredible example of what unconditional love and honest,AIDS prevention education can accomplish. What about the rest of us? Where are the mainstream churches? I have been disppointed by stories of persons protesting AIDS funerals with hateful signs or quietly asking HIV-infected families to leave.

  When I wear the red ribbon,I am demonstrating my compassion and care for people living with HIV/AIDS,my determination that those who have already died from AIDS-related causes will not be forgotten,my support for the ongoing efforts of all AIDS service organizations and researchers,my desire to educate others about how to stop the spread of this plague.

  There are those who believe the red ribbon has lost its meaning,that it's only an empty symbol now. I disagree!As long as my red ribbon gives someone the opportunity to ask me a question about AIDS,or gives someone the strength to go through another day encouraged by this small sign of support and solidarity (团结) ,then its message is very clear; The red ribbon simply means that I care.

(   ) 1. The writer chose to wear a red ribbon         .

   A. to be given more sympathy from the friends and neighbor around

   B. to fight against the discrimination in the conservative South

   C. to offer the help for those who are infected with HIV/AIDS

   D. to collect money as much as possible for the AIDS orphans

(   ) 2. According to the passage,which of the following is true?

   A. Bob passed away together with his AIDS friend in the hospital.

   B. Families and friends were terribly afraid of saying goodbye to Bob.

   C. The love and care from his wife made Bob's leaving peacefully.

   D. Bob was infected with AIDS by blood transmission and drugs.

(   ) 3. What word can be used to take the place of the "underlined" word "plague" in the passage?

   A. disaster   B. rumour   C. message   D. sadness

(   ) 4. Which will be the best title for the passage?

   A. I Wear a Red Ribbon   B. AIDS Made Me a Widow

C: AIDS Is 100% Preventable   D. It's OK to Let Go Now

  Andy Steele lives just a few blocks from the campus of Black Hills State University in Spearfish,S. D. ,so coming to class isn't the problem. But he doesn't like lectures much,isn't a morning person,and wants time during the day to repair motorcycles.

  So Steele,a fulltime senior business major,has been taking as many classes as he can from the South Dakota state system's online offerings. He gets better grades and learns more,he says,and insists he isn't missing out on the college experience.

"I still know a lot of people from my first two years living on campus,and I still meet a lot of people," he says. But now,he sets his own schedule.

  At least 2. 3 million people took some kinds of online courses in 2004,according to a recent survey by The Sloan Consortium,an online education group,and twothirds of colleges offering " face-to-face" courses also offer online ones. But what were once two distinct types of classes are looking more and more alike and often dipping into the same pool of students.

  At some schools,online courses originally intended for nontraditional students living far from campus have proved surprisingly popular with oncampus students. A recent study by South Dakota's Board of Regents found 42 percent of the students enrolled in its distance education courses weren't so distant,they were located on campus at the university that was hosting the online courses.

  Numbers vary depending on the policies (政策) of particular colleges,but other schools also have students mixing and matching online and "face-to-face" credits. Motives range from lifestyle to offering a job schedule to getting into highdemand courses.

  Washington State had about 325 oncampus undergraduates taking one or more distance courses last year. As many as 9,000 students took both distance and inperson classes at Arizona State last year.

"Business is really about providing options to their customers,and that's really what we want to do," said Sheila Aaker,extended services coordinator at Black Hills State.

(   ) 5. What's the main idea of the passage?

   A. More and more students prefer to stay at home,chatting on line.

   B. Online course is becoming the only way of learning.

   C. More and more students prefer classes on line.

   D. What does the online course really look like?

(   ) 6. The online course in some universities were first arranged for those         .

   A. who lived on the campus

   B. who lived far away from schools

   C. who had no money to go to school

   D. who were very interested in the computer

(   ) 7. The underlined part "two distinct types of classes" (in paragraph 4) probably refers to "         ”,

   A. face-to-face courses and online courses

   B. rich students and poor students

   C. colleges and universities

   D. students living away and students living nearby

(   ) 8. According to the passage,which of the following do you think is NOT true?

   A. There are some university students in Washington State taking at least one distance course last year.

   B. A recent study shows about two fifths students enrolled in its distanceeducation courses live not so far from campus.

   C. Andy Steele,living quite away from his university,has to get up early every morning.

   D. Steele,who is a business major,has the online course from the state system.

 One day,Rudolf was sailing when the sky turned black and threatening. Rudolf was sailing near a dangerous rocky place and the 1       port was four hours away. The wind began to blow stronger. Rudolf was beginning to feel 2       . Then,he saw a lighthouse less than a kilometer,away. The lighthouse was on a small 3        island surrounded by deep water. At the bottom of the lighthouse were big heavy rocks. In one place the rocks 4       . There,the water was calm,protected by the rocks. Rudolf tried to sail his boat into the 5        place. At last he did. At the top of the rocks was a man." You are welcome!" The lighthouse man led Rudolf up to the living room.

  They shared a supper. Then Rudolf 6        more about the old man. He was born in this 7        lighthouse 83 years ago. His father had been the lighthouse man before him. His mother,the only woman he had ever known,taught him to read the Bible and he read it every day,he had no other books. As a violin player,Rudolf had 8        time to read much either,but then he lived in the cities. He reached down and took out his 9      ,which he loved so much.

  "What do you 10        with that,Sir?" The old man asked. For a moment Rudolf thought the man was 11      ,but his face showed he was not. Rudolf found it 12        to believe that there was someone in the world who did not know what a violin was. Yet he could not laugh. "I make music with it," he spoke in a voice not sure of what he said.

  "Music?" the old man said,not completely understanding."I have heard of it,but I have never 13        music." "One does not see music,one hears it.""Ah,yes," the old man said,and he looked at him and gave him all the 14        of a great man.

  Then something in the storm and the lighthouse and the old man lifted Rudolf away from his 15        everyday feelings. He wanted to play music just for the old man,and with the storm and the winds to 16        him,he stood and played. The moments passed,moments that were days in the birth of fire and stars,moments of the 17        of all men and finally moments that showed the greatness of all human spirit. Never before had Rudolf played with such 18       .

  Rudolf dropped his head to his chest,19       hard. The old man sat without moving,his wide old hands resting on his 20       . He thought about the storm outside,music made by God;he thought of Rudolf and his music,both were part of the works of nature,both were works of wonder.

(   ) 1. A. closest   B. biggest   C. farthest   D. safest

(   ) 2. A. eager   B. amazed   C. troubled   D. difficult

(   ) 3. A. green   B. rocky   C. hilly   D. plain

(   ) 4. A. broke   B. connected   C. separated   D. stood out

(   ) 5. A. rough   B. calm   C. quiet   D. small

(   ) 6. A. thought   B. talked   C. argued   D. learned

(   ) 7. A. right   B. very   C. beautiful   D. big

(   ) 8. A. no   B. more   C. much   D. plenty of

(   ) 9. A. flute   B. violin   C. guitar   D. accordion

(   ) 10. A. play   B. have   C. make   D. use

(   ) 11. A. curious   B. joking   C. angry   D. worried

(   ) 12. A. hard   B. easy   C. natural   D. common

(   ) 13. A. made   B. understood   C. heard   D. seen

(   ) 14. A. pride   B. thanks   C. appreciation   D. respect

(   ) 15. A. common   B. usual   C. normal   D. ordinary

(   ) 16. A. approach   B. attend   C. join   D. encourage

(   ) 17. A. struggle   B. progress   C. fairness   D. equality

(   ) 18. A. energy   B. force   C. power   D. strength

(   ) 19. A. playing   B. crying   C. beating   D. breathing

(   ) 20. A. shoulders   B. knees   C. back   D. feet

 August 23rd is a blue day for me. When I look back on the day,I can't help feeling depressive.

  At 7:00 a.m., the scream from my alarm clock forced me to open my eyes. The room was in gloom. It was raining outside. How comfortable it would be if I could stay in my bed for the whole day,listening to the sound of rain and enjoying laziness. But it was time to get up to prepare breakfast for my husband. He was supposed to attend an important meeting at 8 :00. I spent 5 minutes pushing me into the kitchen. Who knows the terrible day began at this moment.

  When I turned on the tap,there was no water out. I was confused. Suddenly,I remembered the hateful notice posted on the building's entrance about a temporary water outage in the morning. I forgot it because of returning late from a birthday party. I searched all the water containers in the kitchen. There was no sufficient water for my husband's clean,least cooking food. It was 7:20. I have no time to waste. I called a friend living in next building for some water. Under her help,my husband finally had gone for the meeting on time. Sighs,I thought that I could go to bed to continue my dream.

  In the dark and silent bedroom,I was quickly back in my dream of last night―fighting against a mosquito,which had been buzzing around and I tried unsuccessfully to hit it again and again. The mosquito was so shrewd to escape,but I finally won the fight. All of a sudden,I was waked by furious knocks at my door. I rushed to the door but slipped down and hit the ground heavily. The horrible pain in my right leg and ankle attacked me over all so that I couldn't stand up and move. At this moment,I was shocked by a horrible screen. I was lying in water. All rooms were in water,2 inches deep,like a swimming pool. Hearing the sounds from taps,I realized that I left the taps on when I went to bed. What a stupid mistake!My leg hurt like hell,but I tried to move bit by bit to the door. I opened the door before I was totally exhausted. My neighbor switched off all taps and called the ambulance. In hospital,the X-ray showed that my leg was broken. Tears continuously ran down. I felt painful and lonely. I couldn't reach my husband,for he stopped his cellular phone during the meeting. At supper time,I finally saw him in the hospital. So I prayed along with my husband to end the unlucky day soon.

  Every time,I flash back the blue day,I highly appreciate my neighbor who helped me out. So I am convinced that even if you encounter a blue day,you can surely find some spots sparking in your mind.

(   ) 1. The writer's room was covered by water because        .

   A. the water pipe was broken during the night

   B. her neighbor broke the water pipe by chance

   C. the writer forgot to switch off the taps after turning it on

   D. the rain outside was too heavy and the water pipe was blocked

(   ) 2. The underlined word "furious" in the 4th paragraph is closest in meaning to

   A. unfamiliar   B. strong   C. violent   D. funny

(   ) 3. From this passage we may infer that the writer was a little        .

   A. forgetful   B. cautious   C. desperate   D. energetic

(   ) 4. A suitable title for this passage might be        .

   A. A Helpful Neighbor   B. A Blue Day

   C. A Careless Housewife   D. What a Swimming Pool

 Ben was awakened by a gunshot. The sharp noise came 1        the thick stone walls of the house. It was cold in the bedroom. Ben Newman was 2        as he got out of bed.

  He put on his eyeglasses and went over to the 3       . The field was covered with white frost. Nothing 4       out there in the deep quiet just before sunrise. Ben looked past the 5        to the thick woods. Two weeks ago,he saw a deer among the trees. He held his 6        with excitement,then the deer walked off.

  Ben wondered where the 7        had come from. He thought perhaps he had dreamed he heard a gunshot. He 8       toward the frozen lake. Near the trees he saw a shining piece of metal. When it moved,Ben saw that it was a long 9       . A minute later,a man came out of the woods. He wore 10        clothes. Suddenly,a bird flew upward. The man quickly put the gun to his 11        and shot. Ben watched the bird,12       it had not been hurt. It flew near the ground and went into some tall grass.

"Safe ," Ben thought.

  The hunter did not 13        for a moment,then he began to follow the bird. 14       for the hunter burned inside of Ben.

  "Hey!" he shouted. His voice cut through the 15       . The hunter stopped,but then continued to follow the bird.

  Ben shouted again. This time the hunter did not 16       . Ben started to move toward him. But Ben was in his nightclothes and he did not go 17       ,instead he returned to the house. He got a metal shovel (铲) and hit the stone sides of the house so that the 18        would warn the birds and animals of danger. The hunter looked 19        at Ben.

  "No 20       on my land!" Ben shouted.

(   ) 1. A. in   B. across   C. over   D. through

(   ) 2. A. shaking   B. bleeding   C. shouting   D. hurting

(   ) 3. A. kitchen   B. downstairs   C. window   D. livingroom

(   ) 4. A. passed   B. cried   C. lived   D. moved

(   ) 5. A. ground   B. field   C. window   D. ice

(   ) 6. A. palms   B. pulse   C. breath   D. arms

(   ) 7. A. shot   B. deer   C. bird   D. noise

(   ) 8. A. broke out   B. burst out   C. held out   D. looked out

(   ) 9. A. stick   B. pole   C. gun   D. branch

(   ) 10. A. warm   B. hunting   C. strange   D. dirty

(   ) 11. A. hands   B. shoulder   C. chest   D. head

(   ) 12. A. thinking   B. considering   C. wanting   D. praying

(   ) 13. A. move   B. hunt   C. call   D. escape

(   ) 14. A. Hate   B. Love   C. Curiosity   D. Support

(   ) 15. A. loudness   B. sadness   C. stillness   D. coldness

(   ) 16. A. stop   B. move   C. hesitate   D. follow

(   ) 17. A. off   B. far   C. fast   D. away

(   ) 18. A. collision   B. crash   C. noise   D. shot

(   ) 19. A. back   B. over   C. forward   D. aside

(   ) 20. A. animals   B. chasing   C. noise   D. hunting

  Teenagers and young adults who see more alcohol advertising are also likely to drink more,according to a study that makes the strongest link yet between alcohol advertisements and youth drinking.

  The findings from the United States challenge the claim by alcohol manufacturers that advertising does not influence the amount that young people drink,but merely encourages them to switch brand (change to drink another kind of alcohol) .

  In a study at the University of Connecticut,scientists interviewed more than 4 ,000 Americans aged between 15 and 26 about their drinking habits and viewing of advertisements. They found that each additional alcohol advertisement seen each month was connected with a 1 percent increase in the average number of alcohol drinking.

  Leslie Snyder,who led the study,said, "The results ... deny claims that advertising is unrelated to youth drinking amounts,that advertising at best causes brand switching,only affects those older than the legal drinking age,or is effectively objected against by current educational efforts."

  "Alcohol advertising was a contributing factor to youth drinking quantities over time." Young people drank 3 percent more alcohol per month for each additional dollar spent per person in each of the markets studied.

  David Jernigan,of the Centre on Alcohol Marketing and Youth at Georgetown University,Washington D C. wrote in an editorial that the research cast doubt on the alcohol industry's central claims about advertising.

  "The fact that young people were more likely to drink more over time in environments with more alcohol advertising,even when controlling for alcohol sales in those environments,suggests that it is alcohol advertising that contributes to the drinking," he said.

  "These and other findings pointed to alcohol advertising ' as an important area for trying to reduce underage drinking and its tragic consequences' ”he added.

(   ) 5. Which is NOT included in the claims by alcohol manufacturers?

   A. Alcohol advertising only encourages people to change brand.

   B. Alcohol advertising was the main cause leading to youth drinking quantities all the time.

   C. Alcohol advertising does not influence the amount that young people drink.

   D. Alcohol advertising affects those older than the legal drinking age.

(   ) 6. The underlined phrase "cast doubt on" means         .

   A. criticize   B. disagree with

   C. question   D. make comments on

(   ) 7. According to the passage,which of the following is NOT right?

   A. In environments with more alcohol advertising young people will drink more alcohol.

   B. The result of the study indicates that we should try to reduce alcohol advertising.

   C. If we reduced advertising,we would reduce some bad effects from drinking.

   D. The alcohol advertising just has influence on the older people.

(   ) 8. What's the best title of the passage?

   A. Alcohol Advertising's Influence on People

   B. Alcohol Advertisements Do Make Teens Drink More

   C. The Study of Alcohol Advertising

   D. Current Educational Effort is Fighting against the Alcohol Advertising

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