
【题目】假定你是李华,你校中国功夫俱乐部(Chinese Kung Fu Club)将面向国际学生招收新成员。请你用英语写一篇招募新成员的启事,内容包括:






Dear international students


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

【答案】Dear international students,

Welcome to the Chinese Kung Fu Club! The club was set up 3 years ago with the purpose of serving all the students. Many wonderful activities have been organized and arranged in our club.

Participating in our club will benefit you a lot. You can keep fit by performing Kung Fu, during which you can have a chance to appreciate the great charm of Chinese Kung Fu culture. Besides, You can also make a lot of Chinese friends. The training on how to perform Chinese Kung Fu is open and free to all new members.

Anyone who is interested in Chinese Kung Fu is welcome. Please contact us at chinesekungfu@126.com. Look forward to your participation.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua








要求:1. 本俱乐部历史;

2. 参加本俱乐部的益处;

3. 本俱乐部的联系方式(邮箱chinesekungfu@126.com)。


set upwith the purpose of doing sth.participate inhave a chance to do sth.be interested in


1. The club was set up 3 years ago with the purpose of serving all the students.

2. Participating in our club will benefit you a lot.

3. during which you can have a chance to appreciate the great charm of Chinese Kung Fu culture.

4. Anyone who is interested in Chinese Kung Fu is welcome.



1.表文章结构顺序:First of all, Firstly/First, Secondly/Second… And then, Finally, In the end, At last, Last but not least

2.表并列补充关系:What is more, Besides, Moreover, Furthermore, In addition, As well as, not only…but (also), including, also

3.表转折对比关系:However, On the contrary, but, Although + clause(从句), In spite of + n/doing, On the one hand…,On the other hand… Some…,while others…,as for, so…that…

4.表因果关系:Because, As, So, Thus, Therefore, As a result

5表换一种方式表达:In other words, that is to say,

6.表进行举例说明:For example; For instance; such as + n/doing

7.表陈述事实:In fact, frankly speaking





【题目】 Scientists say they have used the gene-editing tool CRISPR to repair a person’s eyesight for the first time. The CRISPR tool makes it possible to change DNA to add needed genes or take some away if they lead to problems.

A patient recently had the procedure done for an inherited form of blindness. The operation took place at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland. “We literally have the potential to treat people who are essentially blind and make them see,” said Charles Albright. He is chief scientific officer at Editas Medicine in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Editas is one of the companies developing the treatment. Albright added, “We think it could open up a whole new set of medicines to go in and change your DNA.”

The people taking part in the study have a genetic condition that keeps the body from making a protein needed to turn light into signals to the brain, which leads to sight.

Scientists have found it difficult to treat the condition with usual gene therapy. So, they are aiming to edit or remove the mutation(突变)by making two cuts on either side of it. The hope is that the ends of DNA will reconnect and make the gene work as it should. Through a tube the width of a human hair, doctors put three drops of fluid containing the gene editing machinery just under the retina(视网膜), which is the lining at the back of the eye that contains the light-sensing cells. Doctors believe they need to fix one-tenth to one-third of the cells to repair vision. In animal tests, scientists were able to correct half of the cells with the treatment, Albright said.

Some independent experts were hopeful about the new study. Dr. Kiran Musunuru is a gene-editing expert at the University of Pennsylvania. He said the treatment seems likely to work, based on tests in mice and monkeys. The gene editing tool stays in the eye and does not travel to other parts of the body. So, “If something goes wrong, the chance of harm is very small.” Musunuru said. “It makes for a good first step for doing gene editing in the body.”

1Who can most possibly benefit from this new treatment?

A.Patients who are essentially color-blinded.

B.Patients who turn blind due to accidents or diseases.

C.Patients who are born with no ability to see.

D.Patients who lose their vision at a young age.

2Which is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

A.The result of the treatment.

B.The theory of the treatment.

C.The difficulty of the treatment.

D.The disadvantage of traditional treatment.

3What is likely to be discussed after the last paragraph?

A.The function of the gene-editing tool.

B.The limitation of the gene-editing tool.

C.The effect of the treatment on animals.

D.The research of the treatment on humans.

【题目】 The driver, Zhang Sai, hovered outside an apartment building in Wuhan, the central Chinese city at the heart of the coronavirus outbreak. He had been ordered not to take food to customers’ doors in order to minimize the risk of infection. But the woman on the phone was pleading, he recalled. The food was for her mother, who couldn’t go down to meet him. Mr. Zhang relented. He would drop off the order and sprint away. As he placed the bag on the floor, Mr. Zhang said, the door opened. Startled, he rushed away. Without thinking, he jabbed the elevator button with his finger, touching a surface that could transmit the virus. That was how Mr. Zhang, 32, found himself speeding back to his delivery station with one finger held aloft, careful not to touch the rest of his hand.

For many in China, delivery drivers like Mr. Zhang are the only connection to the outside world. Once a common but invisible presence on the streets of nearly every Chinese city, the drivers are now being honored as heroes. What exhausting and dangerous work! Mr. Zhang, who works for Hema, a supermarket chain owned by the tech giant Alibaba, crisscrosses (穿梭) the city armed only with the face masks and hand sanitizer that his company supplies each morning.

The epidemic has brought some unexpected bright spots. Before, Mr. Zhang said, he sometimes ran red lights during rush hour in order to meet his delivery goals for the day. Now, the streets are empty. He has no problem getting around. People are nicer, too. Some customers barely opened the door or avoided eye contact. After the outbreak erupted, everyone said thank you.

1Why Zhang Sai couldn’t send food to customers’ doors?

A.To keep away from the deadly disease.

B.To reduce the chance of being transmitted.

C.To avoid communicating with others.

D.To give himself a day off.

2What does the underlined word “relented” in paragraph 1 refer to?



3What advantages did the epidemic bring accidently?

A.Economic prosperity and long culture.

B.Busy business and peaceful people.

C.Splendid surroundings and energetic persons.

D.Empty streets and friendly people.

4What can be the best title for the text?

A.The biography of Zhang Sai’s.

B.How did Zhang Sai send food?

C.The driver Zhang Sai during the epidemic.

D.How was Zhang Sai infected?

【题目】 Ralph Waldo Emerson once quoted that “Nothing great can ever be achieved without enthusiasm.” I have a lot of enthusiasm. This is Northlandz in Flemington, New Jersey. Northlandz is the world’s largest model railroad. Well I guess, you know, everybody has a passion for something, my thing was trains.

I had trains around the Christmas tree as a kid. Wherever I lived I was planning track plans and then over 18 years I added five basements onto the house. And from that I got fairly good at making mountains and bridges and design work and we decided to give it to the world so we tore it all down, bought this land and built Northlandz.

Any given day we run between 85 and 90 trains. Here are some of the details in Northlandz inside—about 40,000 feet of track, and about 4,000 buildings over 400 bridges. Many of the mountains in here are three and a half stories high. Most things in here are scratch built. Underneath the entire superstructure there’s enough lumber to build about 42 large houses. It takes a few hours to go through for the average person to see everything.

We went millions into debt to build this place. Everybody thought we were nuts. The only one that believed in what I wanted to do was my wife and she was totally with me on this big time. It’s an artistic effort. It’s a gift to the world of what I can do and it makes a lot of people happy.

1In Para. 1 the quote of Ralph Waldo Emerson is used to .

A.show that the author is as outstanding as Ralph Waldo Emerson

B.illustrate the author’s passion for the creation of Northlandz

C.draw readers’ interest in the model railroad called Northlandz

D.explain why the author is successful in his career

2What can be inferred from Para. 2?

A.The author could drive trains around as a kid.

B.The author decided to donate the house to the world.

C.When he was 18. the author built five basements of the house.

D.The author’s hobby since childhood inspired his building Northlandz.

3What can we learn about Northlandz?

A.It is the largest real railroad throughout the world.

B.There run 85 trains on the 40,000 feet of track every day.

C.People have to spend much time appreciating every detail of it.

D.Many mountains in it are so high as to reach three and a half meters.

4What did people think of the author’s devotion to building the place?

A.Crazy and skeptical.

B.Artistic and admirable.

C.Ambitious and pleasant.

D.Frustrating and unbelievable.

【题目】 I took a job as a receptionist for a vet almost five decades ago. As a keen animal lover, I accepted the position on the condition that I wouldn’t have to assist with any wounded animals. I couldn’t bear to see any creature in pain.

At the end of my first week, we were closing the office for the day when a young man ran up to us holding a severely injured Doberman puppy in his arms and begging us to save his life. The four- month-old pup had been hit by a car.

The doctor and I ran back into the operating room. The only place the skin was still attached to this poor little animal’s body was around one shoulder. The vet worked tirelessly for what seemed like hours, stitching him back together again. That was the easy part. The puppy had broken multiple bones, including his spine(脊椎). If he survived the next few days, we were quite sure he would never walk again.

That day forever changed my life. The vet mentored me, and I became his assistant in all things medical. One of my first jobs was to give that Doberman puppy daily physical therapy. I remember moving his tiny legs to try to keep his muscles from withering.

Weeks went by until one day, I felt this little fighter push back ever so slightly. And he continued to push back till he could finally use his legs.

Fas-forward about a year, I walked into the clinic’s crowded waiting room and called the name of the next client. Suddenly, a huge Doberman who had been standing quietly with his owner on the opposite side of the room broke loose and rushed toward me. I found myself pinned against the wall with this magnificent dog standing on his hind legs, his front paws on my shoulders, washing my face with abundant and joyful kisses!

I am still amazed at the display of love and gratitude the dog had for me that day all those years ago. I went on to be a vet tech for 14 years, and since retirement, I’ve volunteered at a no-kill animal shelter.

1Why was the author unwilling to assist the vet with injured animals at first?

A.She didn’t like animals at all.B.She couldn’t stand working with the vet.

C.She had no experience of tending animals.D.She would feel sad seeing animals injured.

2After the operation, the author thought the puppy___________.

A.would not surviveB.would lose the ability to walk

C.would recover soonD.would suffer great pain

3Which of the following best describes the author?



4What’s the best title for the text?

A.A dog’s gratitude.B.An experience in clinic.

C.I, an animal lover.D.An incredible miracle.

【题目】请阅读下面文字, 并按照要求用英语写一篇 150 词左右的文章。

There’s no doubt that work deadlines can be stressful. When you have too many, you can feel overcome. And nearing deadlines encourages last-minute dashes for the finish line, like when students pull ‘all-nighters’ in an attempt to achieve weeks’ worth of essay writing in a handful of hours.

Yet there’s no question deadlines can serve a positive psychological function-after all, without them, many students might never even finish their work. You can see evidence for the power of deadlines in the ‘real world’, too. For instance, in 2015, when the US National Science Foundation dropped its usual twice-yearly deadlines for grant submissions in geoscience, as part of an attempt to help the overburdened system, the effect was dramatic. Annual submissions fell by 59% without the pressure of a deadline and it seems that many scientists lacked the urgency and motivation to deliver their applications.

As new research findings shed light on the psychology of deadlines, we can learn ways that deadlines can be used to increase focus and boost perseverance.


1. 用约 30 个单词概括上文信息的主要内容;

2. 谈谈设置截止日期的重要性;

3. 如何确保在截止日期内完成任务提出你的建议( 不少于两点)


1. 写作过程中不能直接引用原文语句;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

3. 不必写标题。


内容完整, 语言规范, 语篇连贯, 词数适当。


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