
15."We haven't found anything that we can't recycle!"
Cigarette ends are everywhere-littering our streets and beaches-and for decades they've been thought of as"unrecyclable".But a New Jersey based company,called TerraCycle,has taken on the challenge,and has come up with a way to recycle millions of cigarette ends and turn them into industrial plastic products.Its aim is to recycle things that people normally consider impossible to reuse.
Obviously it would be even better for the environment if everyone just stopped smoking,but the statistics show that although there has been an increase in anti-smoking ads and messaging,between 2000 and 2014,global sales of cigarettes increased by 8percent,and a whole lot of those cigarette ends are ending up as trash.Since most of our litter eventually ends up in waterways,cigarette ends can surely pollute the surrounding environment."It only takes a single cigarette end to pollute a liter of water,"TerraCycle founder,Tom Szaky,said."Animals can also mistake littered cigarette ends for food."
So how do you go about turning all those poisonous ends into something useful?TerraCycle does this by first breaking them down into separate parts.They mix the remaining materials,such as the tobacco and the paper,with other kinds of rubbish,and use it on non-agricultural land,such as golf courses.The filters (过滤嘴) are a little harder.To recycle these,TerraCycle first makes them clean and cuts them into small pieces,and then combines them with other recycled materials,making them into liquid for industrial plastic products.
They're now also expanding their recycling offerings to the rest of the 80percent of household waste that currently can't be recycled,such as chocolate packaging,pens,and mobile phones.The goal is to use the latest research to find a way to stop so much waste ending up in landfill (垃圾填埋),and then get companies to provide money for the process.And so far,it's working.
"We haven't found anything that we can't recycle,"communications director of TerraCycle,Albe Zakes,said."But with the amount and variety of packaging and litter in the world,we are always looking for new waste streams to address."

63.What does TerraCycle intend to do?D
A.Search for recyclable materials for use.
B.Deal with as many cigarette ends as possible.
C.Produce new kinds of industrial plastic products.
D.Recycle what used to be considered unrecyclable.
64.The underlined word"trash"in Paragraph 2 probably meansA.
A.rubbishB.poison C.disaster  D.ruin
65.What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?B
A.The effective use of cigarette ends.
B.The process of recycling cigarette ends.
C.The difficulty in recycling cigarette ends.
D.The reason for breaking down cigarette ends.
66.What Albe said in the last paragraph implies thatC.
A.there is more and more waste to be recycled
B.it is difficult for TerraCycle to recycle everything
C.TerraCycle is trying to meet the challenge of new waste
D.TerraCycle has successfully recycled a large amount of waste.

分析 短文主要讲了新泽西一个公司TerraCycle回收人们认为是不可回收的东西,例如烟头,并讲述了其回收利用过程,该公司表示他们还没遇到不可回收的东西,并会继续迎接回收新垃圾的挑战.

解答 63.D,细节理解题,根据句子Its aim is to recycle things that people normally consider impossible to reuse.可知,TerraCycle的目的就是要回收那些被人们认为不可再回收利用的东西,故答案为D.
64.A,词义猜测题,根据句子as the tobacco and the paper,with other kinds of rubbish可以猜测出,这里提到的很多烟头都变成了rubbish,故答案为A.
65.B,段落大意题,根据句子To recycle these,TerraCycle first makes them clean and cuts them into small pieces,and then combines them with other recycled materials,making them into liquid for industrial plastic products.可知,为了回收这些烟头,TerraCycle把它们先切成小块,再加入其他的回收材料,把它们变成液体,做成工业塑料产品,因此这一段主要是讲了回收烟头的一个过程,故答案为B.

点评 解答任务型阅读理解题,首先对原文材料迅速浏览,掌握全文的主旨大意.因为阅读理解题一般没有标题,所以,速读全文,抓住中心主旨很有必要,在速读的过程中,应尽可能多地捕获信息材料.其次,细读题材,各个击破.掌握全文的大意之后,细细阅读每篇材料后的问题,弄清每题要求后,带着问题,再回到原文中去寻找、捕获有关信息.最后,要善于抓住每段的主题句,阅读时,要有较强的针对性.对于捕获到的信息,要做认真分析,仔细推敲,理解透彻,只有这样,针对题目要求,才能做到稳、准.

5.Boy In The Tower by Polly Ho-Yen is a story of fear and hope,loneliness and friendship.Ade and his mother live right at the top of a tower block.It can get a bit lonely up there,but Ade
loves to spend hours sitting at the window watching the whole city unfold down below.
Things are pretty quiet in the flat since his mother fell ill.She has stopped cooking meals and doing the housework and singing the songs she always used to sing.In fact,these days she hardly gets out of bed.Ade doesn't know what to do,so he watches the world outside.But suddenly that starts to change.
One day,one of the other tower blocs crashes to the ground and Ade watches the disorder with disbelief.Have some of his school friends died in the disaster?Is his best friend Gaia still alive?Then another building falls down and then another.The world around Ade's  tower block is disintegrating under his very eyes.
And then huge plants start to spring up and grow at an alarming rate.Where have they come from?It looks like the plants are pulling the buildings down and they are preventing the
emergency services from heping people.
Is this only happening in the area where Ade lives?The residents (居民) are deserting the tower blocks,and soon Ade is stuck in his flat because he can't leave his mother.Who or what can rescue him?
Ho-Yen has written a thrilling story with Boy In The Tower,but the most successful part is the narrative (叙述的) voice of the boy at the centre of the stor.He doesn't understand what i going on around him and this adds a fascinating dimension to th plot that moves the novel along.
Taking place in an urban environment that many of the novel's readers will immediately identify with,Ho-Yen's first novel is an interesting read about an ordinary boy facing a tough struggle to survive.
32.What do we know about Ade?D
A.He lives in a noisy tower block.
B.H tries to help his mother recover.
C.He often helps his mother with housework.
D.He likes seeing the world outside through the window.
33.What does the underlined word"disintegrating"in Paragraph 3probably mean?B
A.Showing up.
B.Breaking up.
C.Moving away.
D.Coming back.
34.The plants mentioned in the book areC.
35.It can be inferred that Boy In The Tower isD.
A.a personal diary                  
B.a detective story
C.a science textbook                
D.a science-fiction novel.
6.Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg says he will read a book every two weeks,and he's invited people all around the world to join him.
The"year of books"is Mark Zuckerberg's 2015 goal.The billionaire is famous for his quirky New Year's plans.Two years ago he challenged himself to meet a new person a day.Last year he attempted to write a"thank-you note"every day.He said,"Although I'm very busy,I always have many strange ideas and I still have time to achieve my goals.If you set a goal,you must try your best to make it come true."
It will come as no surprise that he's already launched a Facebook page-entitled"A year of books"-to serve as the reading group's discussion center.Over 62,000 people from all around the world have liked the page in the first 24 hours.Many of them message of the page.
"I hope all the people who participate in the discussion actually have read the books and have relevant points to add.The group will keep it continuously focused,"be stressed on bis Facebook page."With the development of technology,fewer people in the world read books.I do hope people read more books in their spare time rather than surf the Internet or play with their mobiles,"he added on his Facebook page.
The plan is to select books about various topics and cultures."The Bible"and"Quran"(《可兰经》)have been popular suggestions among hundreds of other titles.The first book is"The End of Power"by Moisés Naím,a former Foreign Policy editor.It's a 300-page deep dive into the changing nature of leadership today that was published in March 2013.

61.What is Mark Zuckerberg's New Year's plan in 2015?(No more than 10words)Reading a book every two weeks.
62.What does the underlined word"quirky"most probably mean in English?(1word)Strange.
63.Why did Mark Zuckerberg start 3page named"A year of books"?(No more than 10words)To serve as a discussion center for the reading group.
64.What is the book"The End of Power"about?(No more than 10words)The changing nature of leadership today.
65.What do you think of Mark Zuckerberg?Give your reasons.(No more than 25words)He is a determined and inspiring man because he always tries his best to realize his goal and inspires others to follow him..
At the Newton Public Library
Sign up and receive your reading log at the Circulation Desk.Record books you read over the summer and have a parent sign next to each title.The top five readers will receive prizes such as gift cards,magazine subscriptions,and movie tickets.
    Look to the Teen Zone's"Ready Reference"corner for all the help you need to locate information on the Internet.Ms.Frye,the librarian,will share tips on keyword searches to find interesting information about certain books.You must have a signed parent permission slip before using the computers.Access is limited to 30 minutes and is on a first-come,first-served basis.
 Poetry Session          Monday,June 16              6:00-8:00 P.M.
    Teen poets can be literary celebrities for a night by reading their original work at this special event.Friends and family members are encouraged to attend and show their support.A few original poems may be selected for publication in the next library newsletter.Food and drinks will be provided.
 Learn Origami          Wednesday,June 4            3:00-4:00 P.M.
    This class provides books and instruction in the ancient Japanese art of folding colourful squares of paper into shapes,such as birds,insects,or flowers.
 Eco Crafts with Jasleen   Wednesday,June 11           3:00-4:00 P.M.
    Mae earth-friendly crafts from recyclable materials.With guidance from a talented teacher and books,you will make new creations from everyday items.Start recycling today,and bring items to share with the group.
 Magazine and Book Art   Wednesday,June 18          3:00-4:00 P.M.
    The library needs to beautify the walls of the Teen Zone.We will be transforming artwork from old books and magazines into unique masterpieces to frame and hang on the walls.Put your creative spin on some photographs,and help ensure that the Teen Zone remains the highlight of the library.
 Note:Registration is required for all the events.Register at the Circulation Desk or by calling 1-800-290-5992.Space is limited,so reserve your spot soon!
56.To search for information online from TEEN ZONE RESOURCES,you have toC.
A.ask Ms.Frye for the password
B.register at the Circulation Desk
C.get permission from your parent
D.bring your books and reading log
57.If you are interested in making different shapes with paper,you can come toB
A.Poetry Session
B.Learn Origami
C.Eco Crafts with Jasleen
D.Magazine and Book Art  
58.Teen Zone is a place where you canD
A.watch movies
B.meet many world-famous poets
C.exchange artworks
D.have new experience with books.

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