
Why do some people flush when they drink alcohol? This effect is a common reaction to alcohol among East Asians. It affects about 36 percent of Japanese, Chinese and Koreans.
For many, even a small amount of alcohol can cause unpleasant effects. Most commonly, their face, neck and sometimes their whole body turn red. People might also feel uncomfortable and sick to their stomach. They might experience a burning sensation, increased heart rate, shortness of breath and headaches.
The cause is a genetic difference that they are born with called an ALDH2 deficiency (缺乏). It prevents their bodies from treating alcohol the way other people do. But the effects might be more serious than just a red face. Researchers warn of a link between this condition and an increased risk of cancer of the esophagus (食道) from drinking alcohol.
The more alcohol people with this deficiency drink, the greater their risk is. In Japan and South Korea, for example, many people have the deficiency but still drink heavily. Researchers found that these drinkers develop a form of esophageal cancer six to ten times more often than those without the deficiency.
Esophageal cancer is one of the deadliest cancers. It can be treated when found early, but once it grows the chances of survival drop sharply. The researchers estimate that at least five hundred forty million people have the deficiency, about eight percent of the world’s population.
Philip Brooks is a researcher at the National Institute in the United States. He says it is important to educate people about the link between the alcohol flushing effect and esophageal cancer. He says doctors should ask East Asian patients about their experiences with facial flushing after drinking alcohol. Those with a history of it should be advised to limit their alcohol use. They should also be warned that cigarette smoking works with the alcohol in a way that further increases the risk of esophageal cancer.

  1. 1.

    The underlined word “flush” in Paragraph 1 probably means “_________”.

    1. A.
      walk unsteadily
    2. B.
      appear unpleasant
    3. C.
      turn red in the face
    4. D.
      talk more than usual
  2. 2.

    The second paragraph is mainly about _________.

    1. A.
      the cause of the effects of alcohol
    2. B.
      unpleasant effects caused by alcohol
    3. C.
      the advantages of drinking alcohol
    4. D.
      Asians and alcohol
  3. 3.

    We can infer from the passage that _________.

    1. A.
      the ALDH2 deficiency may be passed on from generation to generation
    2. B.
      about 36 percent of Japanese, Chinese and Koreans are heavy drinkers
    3. C.
      unpleasant effects occur only when people with this deficiency drink a lot
    4. D.
      only some East Asians have the ALDH2 deficiency
  4. 4.

    Esophageal cancer is one of the deadliest cancers because _________.

    1. A.
      it can’t be treated at all
    2. B.
      it is hard to be discovered early
    3. C.
      people are usually addicted to alcohol
    4. D.
      it is hard to cure once it has developed
1.推断词义题。结合第二段For many, even a small amount of alcohol can cause unpleasant effects. Most commonly, their face, neck and sometimes their whole body turn red可知答案。
2.概括段意题。even a small amount of alcohol can cause unpleasant effects是该段的中心句由此可知 第二段主要列举了喝酒带来的可能的不好的后果。
3.推断题。结合The cause is a genetic difference that they are born with called an ALDH2 deficiency 可知答案。
4.细节题。结合It can be treated when found early, but once it grows the chances of survival drop sharply. 可知答案。


  When the US started the war in Iraq a year ago, Spain was a firm supporter.But on April 18, the Spanish government started to remove its troops, becoming the first country in the US-led coalition(联军)to bring its soldiers home.The person behind this surprise move is the new Spanish prime minister, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero.

  A few monthes ago, he was hardly known outside his small hometown in morthern Sain.Even a week before last month's general election, Zaatero was still considered an outsider for the top job.But just three days before the vote, a series of bomb attacks on three train stations in Madrid killed 191 people and injured som 1, 900.It was Spain's worst ever terrorist attack and it changed everything-even making Zapatero prime minister.

  From the beginning, the 43-year-old former lawyer, knew the weakness of Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar and his hand-picked successor, Mariano Rajoy.About 90 percent of the Spanish people were against the war in Iraq and were unhappy that Aznar had taken them into it.So Zapatero promised:“If this party wins the election and the UN still can't take charge in Iraq, the new government will pull its 1.400 troops out of Iraq.”

  Despite focusing on this and other Aznar mistakes, Zapatero's chances of victory were still thin until the Madrid bombings.At first, the government blamed ETA, a separatist terror group from the Basque region of northern Spain.But later evidence suggested the attack was carried out by Al-Qaida(基地)members angry at Spain's presence in Iraq.

  The people were upset, and they showed this by voting for Zapatero.Many accused the government of hiding information about the bombings and only blaming ETA so it wouldn't lose to an anti-war vote.In a move that was as shocking to the world as his election victory, Zapatero chose to carry out his promise the day after he took office.And its effect could be long-lasting.As the situation in Iraq worsens, several countries are considering their positions.The US is worried that other coalition members might follow Spain's lead and also bring their soldiers home.


Why did the Spanish government try to hide the truth from the public at first?

[  ]


They feared the terrorists would escape.


They were not quite sure who on earth made the attacks.


They were worried that they would lose the coming election.


They attempted to get rid of all ETA members.


What do you think mainly led to Zapatero's winning in the election?

[  ]


Zapatero used to be a good lawyer.


The chance of Zapatero's victory was always very high.


The public got to know the truth about the bombings and became worried.


Zapatero received some support from the US.


What do you think would probably happen after Spain's move out of Iraq.

[  ]


There would be more terrorist attacks in Spain.


Some more countries would bring their troops home.


The US would also follow Spain's lead and pull their armies out of Iraq.


The situation in Iraq would become better after Spain's move.


The main idea of the passage is that ________?

[  ]


Zapatero won the election and became Prime Minister of Spain.


a series of bomb attacks happened in Madrid.


Spain got its troops out of Iraq.


the US feels worried about Spain's move out of Iraq.

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