
—I found my mom not feeling well this morning. I’m afraid she is ill.


A. Don’t worry too much                   B. It’s nothing at all

C. I’m sorry to hear that                     D. Take it easy





       It takes courage to stand up at work.Now more and more people are standing up when they are working on something important.Standing up is in fashion.Medical researchers have found that people who stand at work tend to be much healthier than those who sit.But I wasn't just looking for better health — standing would also improve how I work and relax my body.
In recent years, many office supply companies have begun to sell adjustable desks.These so-called "sit / stand" models are equipped with an electric motor that lets them shift from chair height to person height at the push of a button.Unfortunately, sit / stand desks tend to be expensive, hard to find and not very easy to test in person.
I discovered that when I worked standing up, my mind was clearer and new ideas kept coming to me.I suspect that this is because when you're standing, you feel a bit unchained from your desk.If I got stuck on a word or sentence as I wrote it, I found myself shaking my arms, bouncing (跳) on my feet or stepping away from the desk for a bit — things I couldn't do in a chair.Often, standing up seemed to relax my mind enough for me to get over creative barriers.
There's another thing about standing for a long time: I tend to get hungrier than I do when I sit on a chair.That feels like confirmation(证实) of the stand-up advocates’ belief that you burn more calories when you stand than when you sit.For this reason alone, I' m hoping that one day mass-market furniture companies can make many low-priced versions of sit / stand desks.We could all work with a bit more standing up.
【小题1】The author likes standing up while working because __________.

A.he wants to show that he has a lot of courage
B.researchers say standing makes one healthier
C.he intends to catch up the fashion trend
D.he hopes to improve his work and relax himself
【小题2】It can be inferred from the text that   ________.
A.adjustable desks are mass-produced now
B.adjustable desks are easy to operate
C.cheaper adjustable desks will soon be available
D.adjustable desks can be tried out easily
【小题3】What is the main idea of the text?
A.Standing up at work is a better choice.
B.Standing up at work takes courage.
C.Standing up at work burns more calories.
D.Standing up at work will replace traditional sitting.

Fifteen years ago, I entered the Boston Globe, which was a temple to me then . It wasn’t easy getting hired. I had to fight my way in to a dime-a-word job. But once you were there, I found , you were in .
Globe jobs were for life-guaranteed until retirement. For 15 years I had prospered there—moving from an ordinary reporter to foreign correspondent and finally to senior editor. I would have a lifetime of security if I struck with it.
Instead, I had made a decision to leave.
I entered my boss’s office. Would he rage? I wondered. He had a famous temper. “Matt, we have to have a talk, ” I began awkwardly. “I came to the Globe when I was twenty —four. Now I’m forty . There’s a lot I want to do in life. I’m resigning. ”
“To another paper? ” he asked.
I reached into my coat pocket, but didn’t say anything, not trusting myself just then.
I handed him a letter that explain everything. It said that I was leaving to start a new media company. That the Globe had taught me in a thousand ways. That we were at a rare turning point in history, I wanted to be directly engaged in the change.
“I am glad for you , ” he said , quite out of my expectation. “ I just came from a board of directors meeting and it was seventy-five percent discouraging news. Some of that we can do deal with. But much of it we can’t ,” he went on. “I wish you all the luck in the world, ”be concluded. “And if it doesn’t work out , remember ,your star is always high here.”
Then I went out of his office, walking through the newsroom for more good-byes. Everybody was saying congratulations. Everybody—even though I’d be risking all on an unfamiliar venture : all the financial security I had carefully built up.
Later, I had a final talk with Bill Taylor, chairman and publisher of the Boston Globe. He had turned the Globe into a billion-dollar property.
I’m resigning, Bill, ” I said. He listened while I gave him the story. He wasn’t looking angry of dismayed either. After a pause, he said, “Golly, I wish I were in your shoes.
【小题1】 From the passage we know that the Globe is a famous         .

【小题2】If the writer stayed with the globe,         .
A.he would be able to realize his lifetime dreams
B.he would let his long favourite dreams fade away
C.he would never have to worry about his future life
D.he would never be allowed to develop his ambitions
【小题3】The writer wanted to resign because    .
A.he had serious trouble with his boss
B.he got underpaid at his job for the Globe
C.he wanted to work in the new media industry
D.he had found a better paid job in a publishing house
【小题4】By “I wish I were in your shoes. ”(in the last paragraph), Bill Taylor meant that    .
A.the writer was to failB.the writer was stupid
C.he would do the same if possibleD.he would reject the writer’s request

After giving a talk at a high school, I was asked to pay a visit to a special student. An illness had kept the boy home, but he had expressed an interest in meeting me. I was told it would mean a great deal to him, so I agreed.

During the nine-mile drive to his home, I found out something about Matthew. He had muscular dystrophy (肌肉萎缩症). When he was born, the doctor told his parents that he would not live to five, and then they were told he would not make it to ten. Now he was thirteen. He wanted to meet me because I was a gold-medal power lifter, and I knew about overcoming obstacles and going for my dreams.

I spent over an hour talking to Matthew. Never once did he complain or ask, “Why me?” He spoke about winning and succeeding and going for his dreams. Obviously, he knew what he was talking about. He didn’t mention that his classmates had made fun of him because he was different. He just talked about his hopes for the future, and how one day he wanted to lift weights with me. When we had finished talking, I went to my briefcase and pulled out the first gold medal I had won and put it around his neck. I told him he was more of a winner and knew more about success and overcoming obstacles than I ever would. He looked at it for a moment, then took it off and handed it back to me. He said, “You are a champion. You earned that medal. Someday when I get to the Olympics and win my own medal, I will show it to you.”

Last summer I received a letter from Matthew’s parents telling me that Matthew had passed away. They wanted me to have a letter he had written to me a few days before:

Dear Dick,

My mum said I should send you a thank-you letter for the picture you sent me. I also want to let you know that the doctors tell me that I don’t have long to live any more, but I still smile as much as I can.

I told you someday that I would go to the Olympics and win a gold medal, but I know now I will never get to do that. However, I know I’m a champion, and God knows that too. When I get to Heaven, God will give me my medal and when you get there, I will show it to you. Thank you for loving me.

Your friend,


1.The boy looked forward to meeting the author because          .

A.he was also good at weight lifting

B.he wanted to get to the Olympics and win a medal

C.he was one of the author’s fans

D.he admired the author very much

2.The underlined sentence in the third paragraph probably means that_______.

A.the boy never complained about how unlucky he was to have this disease

B.the boy never complained about not being able to go to school

C.the boy never complained why the author had never come to see him before

D.the boy never complained about not getting a medal

3.Matthew didn’t accepted the author’s medal because           .

A.he thought it was too expensive

B.he was sure that he could win one in the future

C.he thought it was of no use to him as he would die soon

D.he would not be pitied by others

4.What would be the best title for this passage?

A.A sick boy.

B.A special friend

C.A real champion.

D.A famous athlete.


I believe in miracles(奇迹)because I've seen so many of them. One day, a patient was referred to me who was one hundred and two years old. “There’s a   36   in my upper jaw,” she said. “I told my own dentist it's nothing, but he   37   I come to see you.”

Her eighty-year-old son accompanied her. He would    38   to add something, but she stopped him. She wanted to tell everything herself. I found a large cancer that spread over much of the    39   of her mouth. A careful examination later    40    that it was a particularly bad sort of cancer.

During her next appointment, I explained to her the   41   of the problem. She clasped my hand in hers and said, “I know you’re worried about me, but I’m just   42   .  ”

I thought otherwise. After considerable   43   on my part, and kindness on her part because she wanted to   44   me, she agreed to have me refer her to a cancer surgeon(外科医生). She saw him, but as I expected,    45   treatment.

About six months later she returned to my office, still energetic and   46   .

“How are you?” I asked.

“I’m just fine, honey,” she responded   47   high spirits. “When can I get started on fixing my dentures(假牙)?”

Surprised to see her at all, I answered   48   , “Let me take a look in your mouth and we’ll see about it.”

       I couldn’t believe my eyes. The cancer that had   49   nearly the entire roof of her mouth was gone—only one small area of redness    50   .

       I had read of such things happening, but had    51   seen them with my own eyes. That was my first miracle. Since then I've seen many others, because they keep getting   52   to see. In fact, miracles are daily events for me now. And people are a miracle,   53   through them we have a chance to know ourselves and to   54   the miracles of one another.

       Since my first miracle, I've come to understand that the time and place for a miracle is 55 we choose to find it.

1.A. cut                                    B. pain                            C. wound                  D. cancer

2.A. declared                    B. suspected                 C. promised             D. insisted

3.A. refuse                              B. continue                    C. attempt               D. manage

4.A. roof                             B. corner                        C. bottom                 D. surface

5.A. confirmed                       B. convinced                  C. considered                    D. conducted

6.A. possibility              B. importance           C. seriousness         D. resolution

7.A. old                                    B. sick                             C. fine                        D. glad

8.A. permission                     B. support                      C. approval               D. effort

9.A. persuade                   B. please                        C. encourage           D. astonish

10.A. declined                   B. provided                    C. received               D. required

11.A. healthy                          B. elegant                      C. optimistic            D. humorous

12.A. to                                    B. in                                 C. with                       D. by

13.A. worriedly                          B. confusedly                C. patiently              D. confidently

14.A. covered                         B. reached                     C. spread                  D. grown

15.A. cured                             B. faded                          C. expanded             D. remained

16.A. ever                                   B. also                             C. never                    D. already

17.A. easier                            B. rarer                           C. happier                 D. closer

18.A. or                                    B. so                                C. yet                         D. for

19.A. read                                   B. make                          C. keep                      D. see

20.A. whatever                          B. wherever                  C. whoever               D. whichever



第二节  完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)


    My baby Rob, the youngest of my three sons, was starting kindergarten. I had already 36 this twice before, but this time it was more difficult. [来源:Z&xx&k.Com]

What if he was scared? What if he missed me? I decided to do the grown-up thing and not tell him how I 37. I assured him that 38 would be just fine. 

The night 39 school started, Rob and I sat down. I hugged him and asked if he had any questions about what he could expect tomorrow ... “I’m 40 excited, Mommy, but I’m a little 41 about what I should do 42 I miss you,” he said sheepishly (胆怯地).

I had just the 43 for him.

I 44 my hand and showed him a new, shiny penny. “This is a 45 magic penny. If you’re scared or if you 46 me, just put your hand in your pocket and 47 this lucky penny. 48 you hold it and 49 me, I will know and be thinking about you , too.”

It was absolutely 50. I’d be thinking about him every minute.

The next day as he 51 his schoolroom, he looked back at me. My baby looked so sure of himself. I smiled back at him and hoped that he didn’t see the 52 in my eyes.

The hours moved slowly but finally it was time to pick him 53. “I had a great day!” he 54. “There were a few times I was worried, but I held on to my lucky penny and that made me feel better.”

After about a week I found it on his dresser.  I guessed he was secure enough in his new situation that he didn’t 55 it anymore.

I, on the other hand, kept it in my pocket for a few more days.

36. A. looked into           B. gone through                C. turned into           D. brought out  

37. A. escaped              B. left                   C. arrived             D. felt

38. A. everything          B. nothing                 C. someone       D. something

39. A. after                 B. until                 C. before             D. till

40. A. really              B. seldom               C. possibly          D. hardly

41. A. worried              B. disappointed         C. pleased        D. angry 

42. A. unless                      B. whenever                  C. though            D. if

43. A. reply                  B. answer                     C. key                D. result

44. A. closed              B. covered               C. opened             D. hid 

45. A. light                B. round                 C. cheap             D. lucky

46. A. remember          B. see                       C. miss                 D. refuse 

47. A. hold on to             B. take away                C. get back         D. take care of 

48. A. Some times       B. Every time             C. Any time         D. At times

49. A. turn down        B. refer to               C. think of              D. look up to

50. A. false                        B. true                    C. impossible         D. uncertain 

51. A. left                B. passed               C. cleaned             D. entered

52. A. blood                 B. water                 C. tears               D. sweat  

53. A. out                    B. up                 C. in                  D. away

54. A. cheered            B. signed               C. cried            D. whispered

55. A. forget                B. respect              C. help             D. need


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