




1.When will Mr.Brown have to be at the airport?

A.By 8∶30.

B.By 9∶30.

C.By 10∶30.

2.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In the supermarket.

B.In the restaurant.

C.In the man’s home.

3.What happened to the woman?

A.She had a bad traffic accident.

B.She was delayed by the heavy traffic.

C.She attended an international conference.

4.What does the man mean?

A.She is seldom happy.

B.She hardly likes her new job.

C.She enjoys her new job.

5.How much is the man short of?







6.When does Tony feel nervous?

A.Before a game.

B.During the game.

C.During the training.

7.What does Tony dislike about being a football player?

A.The training program.

B.Big games.

C.Weeks of traveling.

8.What does Tony think of the next day’s game?

A.His team will get the cup.

B.His team is not fully prepared for it.

C.Northern City has a big chance of winning.


9.Where is the woman most likely to be now?

A.In a new apartment.

B.In a department store.

C.In a hotel.

10.What is the man?

A.He is a servant.

B.He is a receptionist.

C.He is a waiter.

11.What is the lady’s room good for?

A.For fresh air.

B.For more sunlight.

C.For the good view.


12.What most probably is the woman?

A.She is a lover of exhibitions.

B.She is a news reporter.

C.She is a businesswoman.

13.What exhibition is going to be held?

A.A painting exhibition.

B.An exhibition of clothes.

C.A photography exhibition.

14.Where are the things exhibited from?

A.Just from their own country.

B.From the art gallery.

C.From different countries.


15.Why hasn’t Kate seen John lately?

A.He went on a camping trip.

B.He was visiting his brother.

C.He’s been studying.

16.Why did Kate suggest John camping?

A.John can get in touch with the nature.

B.John can have a good rest.

C.John can go to many parks.

17.What wrong idea did John have about camping?

A.Camping was very expensive.

B.He could camp anywhere he wanted.

C.Camping was unsafe.


18.Why is the speaker surprised at the services?

A.The services include some sandwiches.

B.The services include rest rooms as well as food.

C.The services include some good music.

19.What was the speaker once doing?

A.She was working on a bus.

B.She was working on a plane.

C.She was working as a cook.

20.What can we learn from the speech?

A.Ground travel can offer as many services as air travel.

B.Air travel offers more and better services than ground travel.

C.Ground travel can sometimes offer more services than air travel.



  (Text 1)

  W:Mr.Brown is not in at the moment.Can I take a message?

  M:OK.He’s booked Flight No.B-A-1-2-7-9.It leaves at 10∶30 am tomorrow.But he must be there at least one hour before checking in.

  (Text 2)

  W:What a surprise to see you at the supermarket!I thought you always ate in restaurants.

  M:The restaurants cost too much.I often eat at home.

  (Text 3)

  W:If the traffic had not been so bad, I might have got home by 6∶00.

  M:It’s a pity you didn’t make it.Frank called to discuss some problems about the international conference you are to attend.

  (Text 4)

  W:Is Maggie happy with her new job?

  M:All I know is that I have never seen her happier.

  (Text 5)

  M:Excuse me, but how much does the suitcase cost?

  W:Originally it was $50, but now it’s on sale and you can have it for $35.

  M:But all I have with me is for $30.

  (Text 6)

  W:Now Tony, what do you like best about being a football star?

  M:Well, I love to hear the cheering when I’m playing, especially when I score a goal.And of course, the pay is good.

  W:Do you get nervous?

  M:Before the game, yes, but not during it.

  W:Can you tell me something about your training?

  M:Well, we train very hard, especially before a big game.The team has to stay together on the road, sometimes for weeks, and I find it very boring.

  W:Are you worried about tomorrow’s game?

  M:No.Even if we lose we’ll probably still get the cup.You see, we’ve scored more goals than Northern City, so they’ll have to win by at least four goals if they want the cup.I don’t think they can do it.

  W:Thank you, Tony, and good luck tomorrow.

  (Text 7)

  M:Hello, can I help you?

  W:Yes.This is Mrs Waller, Room 309.My bedside light doesn’t work.

  M:I’ll send someone up immediately.

  W:And can you send me up another pillow? I like lots of pillows.

  M:Certainly, Madam.Is there anything else?

  W:Yes, there is.The room is too hot.The switch for the air conditioner doesn’t work.

  M:Well, we’ll get it fixed.

  W:And I haven’t got any hangers.Could I have some? And I’ve got one towel, and it’s too small.And there isn’t any hot water.

  M:I’m sorry, Madam.Would you like to change your room?

  W:No, thank you.I like the view.

  (Text 8)

  W:Good morning, Mr.White.I wonder if you could spare a few minutes.I’d like to ask you a few questions.

  M:Well, I can spare you a few minutes, but I’m very busy preparing for our exhibition, you know.

  W:Just a few questions.Where is it going to be held?

  M:It’s going to be held in the art gallery.

  W:Who is opening it?

  M:It’s going to be opened by Mr.Smith.

  W:It’s quite a big exhibition, isn’t it?

  M:Quite big.Some very famous paintings will be shown.

  W:I believe they’re sent from different countries, aren’t they?

  M:Yes, that’s right.Quite an international event for our town.

  W:Well, thank you, Mr.White.May I wish every success with the exhibition!

  M:Thank you.

  (Text 9)

  W:Hi, John, I haven’t seen you for a few weeks.

  M:Oh, hi, Kate.I’ve been studying a lot for my final exam.

  W:Well, the term is almost over now.

  M:Yes, my brother’s coming for a visit this summer and we’d like to see some of the country.But traveling is so expensive.

  W:Have you thought about camping?

  M:Camping? I’ve never done that.

  W:I think you’ll really like it.It’s much cheaper than staying at a hotel.And being closer to nature is a good way to forget about our school for a while.

  M:What a good idea! We can go by bike until we find a nice place and just camp wherever we like.

  W:Well, not exactly.You are only allowed to camp in certain places.But there are many national parks, state parks and even villages camping ground around the country.

  M:Sounds great! Here’s my bus.I’ll talk to you about this again.

  (Text 10)

  Hello, I was once a hostess.Now I am on my first bus trip and I’m quite surprised at the services offered during the trip.Included are meals on the way, rest rooms and public-address announcements.

  Just now, I introduced myself to the hostess on the bus, and we told each other about experience on air and ground travel.

  At lunchtime, she gave out menus offering a choice of sandwiches.As she began filling orders, she found that there weren’t enough egg-salad sandwiches.She quickly went to whisper to the driver.The bus soon stopped.The hostess ran to another bus that was all the time following ours, and soon she returned with a box of egg-salad sandwiches.As she passed my seat, she asked,“Could you do that on a plane?”






1.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A.They are brothers.

B.They are workmates.

C.They are classmates.

2.What are they going to do tonight?

A.Help each other with English.

B.See a film together.

C.Watch TV together.


3.What's the woman preparing for?

A.Making a study plan.

B.Thinking about her vacation.

C.Passing the exams.

4.Where is the woman going during the winter holiday?

A.To the snowfield.

B.To the beach.

C.To the plain.

5.What is the woman's suggestion for the man?

A.Thinking of skiing.

B.Thinking of studying.

C.Thinking of skating.


6.What is the man phoning about?

A.Inquiring the telephone number.

B.Booking some tickets.

C.Asking for the flat information.

7.How far is the flat away from the tube(地铁站)?

A.One hundred metres.

B.Three hundred metres.

C.A five minutes' walk.

8.What's the design of the flat?

A.A single room with a bath.

B.Two bedrooms and a large living room.

C.A double room without a bath.

9.How much must the man pay if he rents it for 2 months?

A.Seven hundred and twenty pounds.

B.Three hundred and sixty pounds.

C.One hundred and eighty pounds.


10.Where are the two speakers?

A.In a bookstore.

B.In a park.

C.In a department store.

11.Where is the fitting room?

A.Near the cash desk.

B.At the service desk.

C.Beside the toilet.

12.Why didn't the woman accept the skirt the man recommended firstly?

A.Because it is a little large.

B.Because it is a little long.

C.Because it is a little tight.


13.What festival is being celebrated?

A.The Spring Festival.

B.New Year's Day.

C.The Dragon Day.

14.What would the writer like to do on the first day of the lunar year?

A.Go to the bookstore and buy some books.

B.Go to see his teachers and friends to pay a new year's visit.

C.Attend a school celebration in the morning.

15.What was Mr Wang thought of?

A.He was a respectable man.

B.He was a nervous man.

C.He was a brave man.







1.Don’t touch anything ________.

2.When you have finished your experiment, ________.

3.Paul remembers ________ from his ________.


4.When do you think they are having the dialogue?

A.At home.

B.At school.

C.At the cinema.

5.What does Jane mean?

A.The man was wrong.

B.Tim isn’t.

C.Tim is new to the work.

6.What are they most probably doing?

A.Having a party.

B.Cleaning the room.

C.Cleaning up the room.

7.Which man is the thief?

8.Which train will the woman catch?



9.When did the girl do the experiments?

A.Yesterday afternoon.

B.This afternoon.

C.This morning.

10.Where’s the book now?

A.In the biology lab.

B.In the chemistry lab.

C.In the classroom.


11.What was Risk interested in when he was a student?




12.How old was Rick when he found a job in the hospital?




13.Why could Rick help the doctors when he was in the army?

A.Because he was too young.

B.Because he had some knowledge on medicine.

C.Because he hoped to stay in the safe place.


14.Does Li Hui think it necessary to bring a gift to Mr.Taylor?

A.Yes, it is absolutely necessary.

B.No, it isn’t necessary at all.

C.He doesn’t know whether it is necessary.

15.How many people are there in Mr.Taylor’s family?




16.According to Li Hui, Zhao can take the following things except ________.

A.some Chinese food for Mr.Taylor

B.some shell carvings for Mrs.Taylor

C.some flowers for his son


17.The customer wants to buy a new Sony color TV set.

18.You can always exchange it for another new TV set whenever your set goes wrong.

19.Anybody can buy a TV set in installments(分期付款).

20.The customer will have to pay off the TV set for two and a half years.




1.What will they do tonight?

A.Play music.


C.Listen to music.

2.What can you learn from the dialogue?

A.Jim is Frank's brother.

B.Jim is Frank's teacher.

C.Jim is Frank's friend.

3.What is wanted in the ad?




4.What was the result?

A.Italy won the game.

B.France won the game.

C.Both were winners.

5.Does the woman enjoy her job now?

A.Yes.Very much.


C.It's not mentioned yet.




6.Who are the speakers?

A.A passer-by and a policeman.

B.A passer-by and a driver.

C.A passenger and a taxi-driver.

7.What is the woman's house number?




8.Why can't the man turn left?

A.It is rush hour.

B.It is a one-way street.

C.The street is narrow.


9.Where did the man go this morning?

A.His own garden.

B.A playground.

C.A park.

10.Did the man often go there early in the morning?

A.No, it is the first time.

B.Yes, often.

C.No, only a few times.

11.What do we know about the man?

A.He is from another city in China.

B.He is a foreigner.

C.He is a Chinese.


12.What are the speakers going to do in the coming new year?

A.To save some money.

B.To work harder.

C.To lose weight.

13.What did Henry do last year?

A.He joined a health club.

B.He stopped smoking.

C.He got a good job.

14.Who wants to have a nice vacation?





15.Where does the man get his job?

A.At a restaurant.

B.At a company.

C.At a hotel.

16.What does the woman advise the man to do?

A.Find another job.

B.Do the job firstly.

C.Ask the boss to raise the salary.

17.How much will he be paid a week?

A.$116 a week.

B.$160 a week.

C.$150 a week.


18.Who do you think the listeners might be?




19.Which is NOT allowed in the wards?

A.Having soft drinks.

B.Visiting patients in the morning.

C.Smoking in certain areas.

20.What program will follow this radio talk?

A.A music program.

B.A medical report.

C.Hospital rules.




1.How will the man contact Laura?

A.By phone.

B.By e-mail.

C.By short message.

2.What does the woman mean?

A.It will be rainy tomorrow.

B.The weather report is usually wrong.

C.She will listen to the weather forecast later.

3.What are the speakers talking about?

A.The man's wife.

B.The man's childhood.

C.The woman's neighborhood.

4.Where is the party tonight?

A.In the boats.

B.By the trees.

C.In the cafe.

5.Who broke the milk bottle?

A.The boy's sister.

B.The boy.

C.The cat.




6.Where are the speakers?

A.At home.

B.At an office.

C.At a store.

7.What does the man want to buy first?

A.A bed.

B.A pen.

C.Two chairs.

8.What does the woman suggest buying?

A.Two desks.

B.One dining table.

C.One sofa.


9.What kind of business does the man's company run?




10.Why hasn't the woman's order been dealt with?

A.It was lost.

B.It went wrong.

C.It was overlooked.

11.When will the woman's order be done?

A.By the end of the week.

B.At the beginning of the next month.

C.In six weeks.


12.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?


B.Business partners.

C.Customers and salesman.

13.Who are the gifts aimed at?



C.Younger fathers.

14.What's the woman's advice?

A.Give out the same gifts.

B.Advertise in the local newspaper.

C.Have the company's name on the gifts.


15.What do we know about the air transportation?

A.It's the safest way of transportation.

B.Its insurance is cheaper than that of sea transportation.

C.It's the most expensive way of transportation.

16.Under what condition will the man suggest using sea transportation?

A.When the goods aren't easily broken.

B.When the client doesn't have much money.

C.When the client has a large quantity of goods.

17.Why does the man usually recommend truck?

A.It's much cleaner.

B.It's much more flexible.

C.It's more economical in the use of labour.


18.What does the speaker talk about?

A.A CD tower.

B.A CD player.

C.A CD recorder.

19.What do we know about the product?

A.It's inflexible.

B.It's made of iron.

C.It has a soft-touch mechanism.

20.How much do two units cost?




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