
The passengers on the bus watched sympathetically as the attractive young woman with the white cane(杖,手杖) made her way carefully up the steps. She 36 the driver and, using her hands to feel the  37 of the seats, walked down and found the  38 which the driver had told her was empty. Then she settled in.
It had been a year since Mary, 34,  39 a medical misdiagnosis (误诊), was suddenly thrown into a world of  40 . Mark, her husband, was an Air Force officer and he loved Mary with all his heart. He  41  her how to rely on her other  42 , specifically her hearing, to determine where she was and  43 to adapt herself to the new environment. He helped her befriend(友好对待) the bus drivers who could  44 for her, and save her a seat.
 45 , Mary decided that she was ready to try the  46 on her own. Monday morning, she said good-bye and for the first time, they went their  47  ways.
On Friday morning, Mary took the bus to work as usual. As she was  48 the bus, the driver said, “Boy, I  49 envy you.” Mary had no  50  what the driver was talking about, and asked, “What do you  51  ?”
The driver answered, “You know, every morning for the  52 week, a fine-looking gentleman  53  a military uniform has been standing across the corner  54 you as you get off the bus. He  55  you cross the street safely and he watches until you enter your office building. You are one lucky lady.”          
Tears of gratitude poured down Mary’s cheeks.    
A.according toB.instead ofC.thanks toD.due to
A.make outB.watch outC.find outD.work out
A.getting onB.getting inC.getting offD.getting up
A.looks outB.takes upC.believes inD.makes sure

小题1:D 动词辨析。指她上车以后付钱给司机。Pay sb付钱给某人。
小题2:A 名词辨析。A位置;B形状;C尺寸;D费用;指她用手去感觉座位的位置。
小题3:C 名词辨析。指她走了过去,坐在了司机告诉他空的位置上。
小题4:D 介词辨析。A根据;B代替;C多亏;D由于;指由于医生误诊,她突然陷入黑暗,既失明了。
小题5:B 名词辨析。解析同上。
小题6:C 动词辨析。指丈夫教会她任何靠自己其它的感觉,尤其是听力。
小题7:C 名词辨析。AB都属于C;D能力;解析同上。Sense感觉。
小题8:A 词义辨析。这里指用听力来判断自己的位置和如何适应新的环境。
小题9:B 短语辨析。A理解;B照看;C发现;D锻炼;指丈夫让她成为司机的朋友,司机恰好可以帮助她。
小题10:A 副词辨析。指最后Mary决定自己一个人上班,不需要丈夫的陪伴了。
小题11:B 名词辨析。这里的trip就是指Mary坐车上班的这段旅程。
小题12:B 形容词辨析。A相反的;B不同的;C困难的;D通常的;指夫妻两走了不同的上班的道路。
小题13:C 短语辨析。A上车;B上车(轿车);C下车;D起来;指她要下车的时候。
小题14:D 语法部分。在一般现在时中:Do+动词原形;表示强调。句意:我真的嫉妒你!
小题15:A 固定词组:have no idea不知道;这里指Mary不知道对方说话的意思。
小题16:B 动词辨析。What do you mean?你什么意思?解析同上。
小题17:C 上下文串联。指在过去的一个星期里。Past=last.
小题18:D 介词辨析。In表示穿…衣服。
小题19:B 动词辨析。A寻找;B注视;C打电话;D注意到。这里指她的丈夫一直注视着她下车,过马路等。
小题20:D 短语辨析。A当心;B占据,从事于,开始做;C信任;D确保;指她丈夫确保她安全过马路以后才离开。
Tomorrow evening I will be interviewed on stage by a museum official. I will be an interpreter, talking from experience as a disability rights lawyer and activist.
In “special” schools and camps for children with physical and mental disabilities, I grew up knowing we were a category of person that the world did not want. Most of us had a story of some doctor advising our parents to put up away or to let us die. We owed our survival to parents who had irrationally(不理性地) bonded with us. We knew we were lucky and hoped our luck would hold. To increase the chance of surviving, we tended to be charming. We developed thick skins.
By the time I roll onto the stage the next night, I’ve thought a lot about there and here, then and now. When the first question comes, I tell them about my fascination with the wheelchair, and somehow it sounds funny, and laughter fills the room. We talk from the horror of Nazis killing (Nazis once killed the disabled patients as useless) to a funny confession that I, too, tend to stare at disabled people on the street.
What has come over me? In this room, people with disabilities in thrilling variety make me feel at home. Here people, disabled and not, are gathered by choice.
I haven’t forgotten that 2 million people remain in US disability institutions, that some disabled children still cannot attend mainstream schools, that too many of us live in poverty. But I can’t hold onto anger and sorrow for I feel a shared sense of possibility, a drive for a world that will embrace both the fit and the unfit and hold them so dear that the division dies.
小题1:What’s the author according to the passage?
A.A disabled lawyer.
B.A reporter.
C.An actor
D.An interviewer
小题2:The underlined phrase “thick skins” in the second paragraph probably means__.
A.with more clothes
B.making skin dirty
C.caring nothing of ignorance
D.growing more slowly than others
小题3:The second paragraph is mainly focused on ________.
A.the growth of the disabled people
B.the hatred of the disabled people
C.the love of the disabled people
D.the appreciation of the disabled people
小题4:It can be sensed but not clearly stated that the author________.
A.likes to be interviewed in a museum
B.can tell funny stories
C.has charming personality
D.is humorous and optimistic
小题5:What’s the author’s attitude towards the future?
Many people influenced various aspects of my life, based on their personal characteristics, accomplishments and values. I have been fortunate to have had numerous teachers and professors who I respect for their patience and intelligence. There are artists that have inspired me by their natural talents and original creativity. I value many political leaders, who have inspired me by their contributions to society, and their ability to change our futures. But of all the people I have known in my life, the person I admire most is my father.
As the youngest girl in my family, I always considered myself to be “Daddy's little girl”. While I grew up, it always made me sad to see so many of my friends and neighbors without a father or father-like figure around. This helped me appreciate how my father always takes an interest in his children's lives. In every aspect of my life my father continuously pushes me to excel, so I could accomplish my work outstandingly among my people. Whenever I feel like giving up, or have a question or a concern, I know I can always call on him for advice. From him I have also learned that sometimes you have to put others' needs ahead of your own, but you should make sure you are not taken advantage of by others. His strength seems to be unbreakable during hard times, and he is extremely determined to accomplish anything he sets his mind on, no matter how tiny it is. I highly respect him for how he stands up for what he believes in, and will never back down. I have always admired his open mind, compassion(同情) for people, and sense of understanding. He is a very reserved(保守的) man, but to everybody's surprise, he has a great sense of humor, and always knows how to put a smile on the faces of his wife, his children and his friends.
Living in his affection and instruction, I am very proud of my father. He also professes how proud he is of his children, and is still there to support us in whatever we are involved in.
小题1:Which of the following could not be used to describe the author's father?
A.Considerate and humorous.B.Affectionate and open-minded.
C.Energetic and helpful.D.Learned and fashionable.
小题2:Which of the following can best explain the underlined word“excel”?
A.Show off.B.Do better than others.
C.Be cleverer than others.D.Keep healthy.
小题3:According to the underlined part, the father was telling the author to _________
A.try to be good to those who were worth making friends with.
B.try to take advantage of those who were friendly to her.
C.think about others and help them, but not to be made use of in a negative way.
D.think about others and help them, so that she could make them serve her.
小题4: What can we infer about the author?
A.She appreciated her father because he solved all the problems for her.
B.She considered her father humorous and was often made to laugh by him.
C.She was outstanding in work because her father pushed her hard.
D.She had compassion for the fatherless.
It was Monday,Mrs Smith’s dog was hungry,but there was not any meat in the house.
Considering that there was no better way,Mrs Smith took a piece of paper,and wrote the following words on it:”Give my dog half a pound of meat.” Then she gave the paper to her dog and said gently:”Take this paper to the butcher(卖肉者),and he is going to give you your lunch today.”
Holding the piece of paper in its mouth,the dog ran to the butcher’s shop.It gave the paper to the butcher.The butcher read it carefully ,he was sure that it was really the lady’s handwriting and presently did as he was asked to.The dog was very happy,and ate the meat up immediately.
At midnight the dog came to the shop again.It gave the butcher a piece of paper again.After reading it ,he gave it half a pound of meat once more.
The next day the dog came again exactly at midday.And as usual it brought a piece of paper in the mouth.This time the butcher did not take a look at the paper,and gave the dog its meat,for he had regarded the dog as one of his customers.
But the dog came again at four o’clock.And the same thing happened once again.To the butcher’s more surprise ,it came for the third time at six o’clock,and brought with it a third piece of paper.The butcher felt a bit puzzled.He said to himself,”This is a small dog.Why does Mrs. Smith give it so much meat to eat today?”
Looking at the piece of paper,he found that there were not any words on it!
小题1:It seemed that the dog knew well that the paper its master gave it______.
A.might do it much harm
B.could do it much good
C.would give the butcher some meat
D.was worth many pounds
小题2:The butcher did not give any meat to the dog______.
A.when he found the words on the paper were not very clear
B.because he happened to have sold out all the meat in his shop
C.until he was paid enough by Mrs Smith
D.before he felt sure that the words were really written by Mrs Smith
小题3:From its experience,the dog found that______.
A.a piece of paper could bring him half a pound of meat
B.only the paper from Mrs Smith’s words on it could bring it meat
C.the butcher would give it meat whenever he saw it
D.Mrs Smith would pay for the meat it got from the butcher
小题4:At the end of the story you’ll find that______.
A.the dog was clever enough to write on the paper
B.the butcher found himself cheated by the smart animal
C.the dog dared not go to the butcher’s any more
D.the butcher was told not to give any meat to the dog
When I was fifteen, I announced to my English class that I was going to write my own books.Half the students sneered(冷笑), the(36)nearly fell out of their chairs laughing. “Don’t be silly, (37)geniuses(天才)can become writers,” the English teacher said , “And you are getting a D this term,” I was so (38)that I burst into tears.
That night I wrote a short(39)poem about broken dreams and mailed it to the newspaper. To my(40), they published it and sent me two dollars. I was a published and(41)writer. I showed my teacher and fellow students. They (42). “Just plain dumb luck,” the teacher said. I tasted (43). I’d sold the first thing I’d ever written. That was more than any of them had done and if it was just dumb luck, that was (44) with me.
During the next two years I sold dozens of (45), letters, jokes and recipes. By the time I (46) from high school, with a C minus average, I had scrapbooks filled with my published work. I (47) mentioned my writing to my teachers, friends or my family again. They were dream killers and (48) people must choose between their friends and their dreams, they must always choose their (49).
I had four children at the time, and the oldest was only four. I wrote what I felt. It (50) nine months, just like a pregnant woman. I mailed it without a sell addressed stamped (51) and without making a copy of the manuscript.
A month later I received a(n)(52), and a request to start working on another book. The worst year I earned two dollars. In my best year I earned 36,000 dollars. (53)years I earned between five thousand and ten thousand. No, it isn’t enough to live (54), but it’s still more than I’d make working part time. People ask what college I(55), what degrees I had and what qualifications I have to be a writer. The answer is: “None.” I just write. I’m not a genius.
A.whole B.restC.mostD.other
A.no B.only C.butD.even
A.dropped outB.leftC.graduatedD.laid off
A.if B.unlessC.untilD.before
A.withB.in C.by D.on
The other day I decided to teach my son about the power of small acts of kindness. He had won some lollies(棒棒糖) in a prize machine in the local supermarket, so I asked him if he would like to   46  his prizes with another child. He hesitated(犹豫) for a while because he is a(n)   47  boy, but said yes after I   48  him a bit.
A father and his daughter were   49 . I approached the father and asked if my son could give his   50  a lolly that he had won. The father looked at me in   51  and was unsure what to say. I   52  explained that I was teaching my son about the power of kindness. Eventually he said it was okay.
  53 , his daughter, who was looking at us sideways(侧向一边地),   54  accept the lolly! At this moment, my son was rather embarrassed(尴尬) and then he   55  to me, “We go to the same   56 , Mum.”
Rather than say sorry to my son for embarrassing him and give up this   57 , I put a couple of lollies into their shopping bags and   58  them a great day!
When we left the supermarket, I   59  to my son, “People in the world today are not so open to   60  because their thoughts and opinions have been   61  by the past. However, we can reshape their opinions by   62  small acts of kindness. So don’t be embarrassed. Hey, they may have been standoffish(冷淡的), but I’m sure we left them   63 , moved and inspired in some way. Not only that,   64  the young girl will probably remember you as the boy with a   65  heart when she comes across you at school!”
A.far away B.out of sightC.nearbyD.lost
A.shouldn’tB.mustn’tC.wouldn’t D.couldn’t
A.hopedB.helped C.wishedD.offered
A.disappointedB.touchedC.sad D.angry
I recently overheard something that surprised me. I heard that people who win the lottery (彩票)  are__21_for about 3 weeks. And then they go back to their__22__state of being before they won the money.I__23__that they would have been happy for a much longer time.
The reason for this is that__24__we try to change how we feel by using something outside of ourselves,like winning the lottery,or getting a new car or house,it never__25__.The resulting feelings of happiness are often fleeting (飞逝的).We cannot__26__them for very long.In some way,it may be a good thing.It reminds us that happiness really does come from within and is__27__to us at any moment.True happiness has__28__to do with what is happening outside;it is an inside job.Happiness is a__29__.
We can make the decision to be happy for one day,when we__30__in the morning,every morning.We can find something that brings us great __31__,like sitting outside in the garden under an old tree and__32__the birds sing,or watching the dog or cat play,and just__33__the moment.It is our__34__state and we need only allow it in.At any moment,we can__35__,take a deep breath,and remember who we really are,and why we came here,and that truly is to__36__joy and the aliveness of being.
“Happiness is like a butterfly which,when run after,is always __37__our reach,but,if you will sit down___38__,may fall upon you,”   said Nathaniel Hawthorne,an American novelist.So,today,no matter what is going on in your own__39__,stop and take a few moments to breathe deeply and just__40__to be happy,whatever that means to you.
A.previousB.unusualC.constant D.positive
A.changesB.forms C.worksD.appears
A.wake upB.look upC.turn upD.stand up
A.makingB.helpingC.listening toD.calling on
A.noisilyB.silentlyC.carefully D.quietly
Long long ago, there was a man who was good at shooting arrows.He asked the king to declare him as the greatest archer(射手) of the country.The king was about to do so when an old servant of the king said,“Wait,sir.I know an old man who lives in the forest.He is a much greater archer.Let this young man go to him and learn from him for at least three years.”
The man could not believe what the servant said,but he went and found the old man and he was! For three years he learned from him.Then one day,when he thought he had learned everything,the thought arose in him:“If I kill this old man,then I will be the greatest archer.”
The old man had gone to cut wood and he was coming back carrying wood on his shoulder.The young man hid behind a tree,waiting to kill him.He shot an arrow.The old man took a small piece of wood and threw it.It struck the arrow and the arrow turned back and wounded the young man very deeply.The old man came,took out the arrow and said。“I knew that some day or other you were going to do this.That’s why I have not taught you this secret.There is no need to kill me.My Master is still alive,and I’m  nothing before him.You must be  with him for at least thirty years.And he is very old,so go fast! Find the old man!”
小题1:The young archer wanted to kill the old man because_______.
A.he could then become the greatest archer
B.he had nothing more to learn from him
C.the old man refused to teach him everything
D.the king’s old servant ordered him to do SO
小题2:What do you think would most probably happen next?
A.The young archer died from the wound soon after.
B.The king declared the young man the greatest archer.
C.The young archer found the old man’s master and killed him.
D.The young archer set off to look for the old man’s master.
小题3:What lesson can you learn from the story?
A.Always use a piece of wood to protect yourself from an arrow.
B.You must never try to become better than your teacher.
C.The older a man is,the better archer he usually becomes.
D.There’s always someone better than you in this world.
Bobby was sitting out in his back yard in the snow. The thin sneakers he wore had a few holes in them. Try as he might, he could not come up with an idea for his mother’s Christmas gift.
Ever since his father had passed away three years ago, his mother worked nights at the hospital, but the small wage could only be stretched so far.
What the family lacked in money and material things, they more than made up for in love and family unity. They ran the household in their mother’s absence. All three of his sisters had already made beautiful gifts for their mother.
It was Christmas Eve already, and he had nothing. Bobby started to walk down to the street. He walked from shop to shop. Everything seemed so beautiful and so out of reach. It was starting to get dark, then suddenly his eyes caught a shiny dime. Never has anyone felt so wealthy as Bobby did at that moment.
He went inside a flower shop. When the owner asked if he could help him, Bobby presented the dime and asked if he could buy one flower. The shop owner looked at Bobby, then said, “You just wait here and I’ll see what I can do for you.”
The shop owner returned holding red roses all tied together with a big silver bow. Bobby’s heart sank as the owner placed them gently into a long white box. “That will be ten cents, young man,” said the shop owner, reaching out his hand for the dime. Slowly, Bobby moved his hand to give the man his dime.
Then the shopkeeper’s wife appeared. “Where are the roses you were fixing?”
The shop owner replied, “A strange thing happened to me this morning. I thought I heard a voice telling me to set aside a dozen of my best roses for a special gift. I wasn’t sure at the time whether I had lost my mind or what, but I set them aside anyway. When I saw that little boy tonight, I knew who that voice was.”
小题1:According to the first three paragraphs we know that _____.
A.Bobby’s sisters didn’t help Bobby to buy a gift
B.Bobby had known what gift he’d give to his mother
C.the children in the family all loved their mother
D.Bobby’s family was rich before his father died
小题2:Why did Bobby walk along the street?
A.Because he didn’t know what to do.
B.Because he wanted to try his luck there.
C.Because he wanted to get some money.
D.Because he hoped to see what he could get.
小题3:What could he buy with a dime then?
A.A flower.B.Nothing.C.A piece of cake.D.Many flowers.
小题4:Bobby slowly gave the dime to the shop owner because _______.
A.he did not want any rose flowers
B.the flowers weren’t worth a dime
C.the shop owner would cheat him
D.he hardly believed what had happened
小题5:From the last two paragraphs we can infer that the shop owner ______.
A.was shocked by the voice he heard
B.was always ready to help others
C.didn’t know how to run a business
D.was good at making up stories

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