
第二节 语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)


It was a very cold evening, an old man was waiting for a ride across the river. He saw several horsemen pass by but he didn’t ask for any help. The wait seemed   31  (end). Then came another rider, the old man   32  (catch) his eye and said, “Sir, would you mind doing me a favor?”

Stopping his horse, he replied, “Of course.” Almost   33  (freeze), the old man could not get   34   the ground. The horseman helped him onto his horse. He took the o1d man not just across the river,   35   to his home.

“Sir, you didn’t even ask the other riders for help, why? What   36   I had said ‘no’ and 1eft you there?” the horseman asked.

The old man looked at him straight in the eyes and said, “I looked into their eyes, I found they didn’t care,   37   told me it would be useless, but when I looked into   38  , I saw kindness.”

These words touched the rider deeply. “Thank you for   39   you’ve said, I hope I will never be too busy to help others.” With that, Thomas Jefferson, the   40  (three) president of the US, turned his horse around and went away.

31.答案为 endless。            

32.答案为 caught。             

33.答案为 frozen。          

34.答案为 off。               

35.答案为 but。              

36.答案为 if。                    

37.答案为 which。                 

38.答案为 yours。          

39.答案为 what。                

40.答案为 third。





34. 考查意义与词组的搭配。

35. 考查语境中转折连词的使用。

36. 考查对what if结构的掌握情况。

37. 考查定语从句在语境中的运用。

38. 考查名词性物主代词的掌握。

39. 考查名词性从句引导词的使用。

40. 考查在语境中序数词的运用。


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