




—How long has this bookstore been in business?

       —_______ 1996.

       A.After          B.In            C.From        D.Since


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


The western world has always been divided into two types of people—the cool and the uncool.It is a division that___36___ in school.The cool kids are good at _37____ .They are ______38 with the opposite sex .They are good-looking and people want to  __39___ their style.They can do their homework but they don’t make a big effort.That would __40______ be cool.

The uncool kids are in the other corner of the playground.They are very bright ,but they don’t have great___41___skills and they are ____42____ at sports .When they are not programming computers or doing calculus(微积分)in their heads ,they are reading comic books and watching shows like the “X Files” .They are __43____ as the geeks(古怪的人).

Here’s the news.The geeks are _44_____.Make friends with them now or they will put virus in your computer and__45_____ your maths homework to ruin.Geeks might not be popular at school, yet they do pass their examinations, and they might not be too popular at university, but  ______46____ good degrees.

The most important___47____ of the 21st century, computers and IT, has been at least partly created by geeks .Geek heroes like Bill Gates___48_____ others to follow their example .Being a geek is a way of earning good money .And the creation of the Internet gave them a___49_____ of their own to work and play in, making them a global___50_____.Besides ,the effect of the geeks ___51_______ popular culture has started a new trend.It is now cool to be ___52____ .Geek culture is becoming an important part of general popular culture, in which what you know is more important than___53______ you look like.

But there are also_54_____ .Geeks were often bullied or laughed at in school.Now a geek may be your boss .Perhaps it is time for __55___ .

36.A.continues                B.makes       C.remains                  D.starts

37.A.computers              B.study     C.sports                  D.maths

38.A.pleasant                B.popular   C.crazy                D.average

39.A.copy                          B.advance    C.take                       D.act

40.A.not                        B.indeed    C.perhaps                  D.actually

41.A.speaking                B.operating        C.social                     D.experimental

42.A.speechless              B.sharp     C.active                    D.hopeless

43.A.known              B.referred    C.thought                  D.admired

44.A. taking on            B.taking up  C.taking over          D.taking in

45.A.put                        B.cause    C.bring                     D.serve

46.A.win               B.take       C.wish                 D.finish

47.A.industry            B.discovery  C.progress            D.development

48.A.promise                 B.discourage       C.demand                  D.excite

49.A.chance              B.space     C.world               D.career

50.A.force                     B.company       C.organization         D.department

51.A.of                          B.on         C.in                        D.for 

52.A.rich                       B.attractive       C.handsome            D.uncool

53.A.how                      B.that          C.what                 D.how much

54.A.opportunities           B.dangers     C.possibility            D.question

55.A.punishment            B.argument C.competition          D.employment

第三节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


As a young man, Al was a skilled artist.He had a wife and two fine sons.One night, his oldest son  21  a severe stomachache.Thinking it was only some   22  intestinal (肠内的)disorder, neither Al nor his wife took the condition very  23  . But the boy   24   suddenly that night.

       Knowing the death could have been   25   if he had only realized the seriousness of the situation, Al's emotional health became worse under the huge burden of his guilt. To make matters __26  , his wife left him a short time later, leaving him alone with his six-year-old younger son. The hurt and pain of the two   27    were more than Al could handle, and he   28    to alcohol.In time Al __29  an alcoholic.

       As the alcoholism progressed, Al began to lose everything he   30    — his home, his land, his art works everything.   31    Al died alone in a San Francisco motel room.

       When I heard of Al's death, I thought that Al's life was a complete  32  .  I thought. "What a totally wasted life".

       As time went by, I began to re-evaluate my earlier judgment.I knew Al's now adult son, Ernie.He is one of the kindest, most caring, most loving men I have  33  known. I watched Ernie with his children and saw the free   34   of love between them.I knew that kindness and caring had to come from somewhere.

I hadn't heard Ernie talk much about his father.One day I worked 35  my courage to ask him."I'm really  36  by something," I said."I know your father was  37  the only one to raise you.What on earth did he do that you became such a special person?"

       Ernie sat quietly and  38  for a few moments. Then he said, "From my earliest __39  as a child until I left home at 18, Al came into my room every night, gave me a kiss and said, ' I love you, son.' "

Tears came to my eyes as I realized what a fool I had been to  40  Al as a failure. He had not left any material possessions behind.But he had been a kind loving father, and he left behind one of the finest, most giving men I have ever known.

21.A.formed                    B.developed         C.received              D.gained

22.A. average               B. normal                  C. ordinary         D. common

23.A. slightly                 B. secretly       C. seriously         D. terribly

24.A.died                          B.choked               C.starved               D.worsened

25.A.cured                       B.prevented                  C.forbidden            D.saved

26.A.better                  B.heavier             C.worse                   D.happier

27.A.disasters              B.adventures        C. directions            D.situations

28.A.got                     B.drank                C.turned                 D.sank

29.A.turned                   B.became           C.followed               D.created

30.A.needed                 B.shared             C.benefited             D.possessed

31.A.Eventually                   B.Gradually           C.Therefore           D.Meanwhile

32.A.trouble                    B.hardship              C.failure                D.waste

33.A. never                        B. even                   C. still                  D. ever

34.A.win                   B.fall                         C.space                  D.flow

35.A.up                         B.with                      C.on                      D.through

36.A.worried              B.puzzled                C.interested             D.attracted

37.A.especially              B.basically                C.merely                 D.specially

38.A.argued               B.searched                       C.analyzed                     D.reflected

39.A.thoughts              B.ideas                   C.minds                       D.memories

40.A.treat                    B.call                      C.judge                   D.feel



  The purpose of a letter of application is to help you to "sell" yourself. 71 It should be simple,human,personal and brief without leaving out any necessary facts.

  In writing a letter of application,keep in mind that the things a possible employer is most likely to want to know about are your qualifications(条件),your achievements and your aims. 72 If the first few sentences fail to win the reader's attention,the rest of the letter may not be read at all.Try to focus your opening remarks on the needs or interests of the employer not on your own need or desires.For example,instead of beginning with "I saw your advertisement in today's newspaper,"you might say " 73 "or "I have made a survey in my neighborhood to find out how many housewives use your product and why they like it."

   74 Be clear about the kind of job for which you are now aplying.College graduates looking for their first positions often ask "Which can I provide in a letter? Employers want experience - which,naturally,no beginner has." The answer is that everything you have ever done is experience.

  It is important to write a good strong closing for your letter.Make a specific request for an interview or give the possible employer something definite to do or expect.At excellent idea is to enclose(内附)a stamped,self - addressed envelope with your letter. 75   

  A.I have made a careful study of your advertising during the past six months.

  B.Don't be late for an interview.

  C.It should state clearly the job you want,and should tell what your abilities are and what you have done.

  D.Try to avoid generalities.

  E.The opening paragraph is perhaps the most important part.

  F.That makes it easier for a possible employer to get in touch with you.

G.At the end of the letter,you should sign your name nicely.


The people below are all looking for a course on Chinese to study. Read the following information about the six courses. Decide which course would be the most suitable for the people mentioned in questions 61-65 and then mark the correct letter (A-F) on your answer sheet. You can choose any letter more than once, and some of the letters may not be chosen.

______77. Mathew majors in media and hopes to understand Chinese broadcasting and TV News and communicate with the Chinese people.

______ 78. Sarah is a Learner of Chinese with a fairly good knowledge of basic Chinese grammar and a vocabulary of 2500, hoping to improve her Chinese ability in speaking, reading and writing.

______ 79. Lois majors in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language and hopes to improve her ability in translation.

______ 80. Dennis once has taught himself Chinese and can speak a little Chinese but with poor pronunciation and grammar, hoping to meet the needs of everyday life and study, and understand each other in basic communication through training.

______ 81. Georgia specializes in the Chinese language and culture at the average. He plans to have a tour in China.

A. Comprehensive language skill training

100 lessons in total focusing on pronunciation, grammar and discourse (语段). To enable the learner to master the basic knowledge of the Chinese language, to have the basic ability of listening, speaking, reading and writing, so that they are able to communicate with others and to meet the needs of everyday life, study and society. This will lay a foundation for further study of Chinese.

B. Intermediate (中等) Chinese Comprehensive Course

40 lessons in all, focusing on the training of the comprehensive skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing of intermediate Chinese. To enable the students to recognize, understand and use the active and less active words, to improve their ability of expressing themselves in paragraphs and discourse, to master the new words, patterns, grammatical structures, paragraphs and discourse and means of connections so as to express the meaning of the texts correctly and fluently in paragraphs and discourse.

C. News Listening

Based on frequently used words, typical sentences and information and concentrating on improving the ability of listening comprehension. To improve the ability of collecting information, to grasp the knowledge and skills they have learned and to understand the broadcasting and TV news of similar themes and relevant level of difficulty with the correctness of 80%. To build up the foundation for further study.

D. Elementary English-Chinese Translation

25 classes in total, including various styles such as poems, popular science, political comments and news, about every aspect of everyday life. The texts vary from easy to difficult and combine theory with practice as well as translation and interpretation. About 185 hours are needed. To familiarize the learner with the equivalent (对应的) Chinese expressions of English. To enable them to know usage of Chinese and English words and sentences, cultural differences and the background knowledge.

E. Elementary Spoken Chinese in Business

24 units in all. Chinese words and expressions in business and trade are introduced in the form of vivid situational dialogues, notes and exercises. To enable the learner to master the words and expressions of elementary spoken business Chinese and to communicate with others in trade and business.

F. Chinese Human Geography

Introduction to geographic environment and cultural phenomena in various parts of China, such as natural features, historical backgrounds, religious sites, ancient battle fields, dramas and arts, traditional products, and special food, etc. Through the introduction to historical and cultural sites and scenery, the learner will have a general view about Chinese geography, history, culture and regional features.

Getting away for a short time always seems like a great idea — until you have to pack. But packing won’t be a problem if you keep in mind one simple rule. Whether you’ll be sleeping overnight at a friend’s house, or visiting a relative for a week, the rule is: pack light. Here are some tips to help you pack.

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