
第二节   完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)
I met Chandra Rekha Shrestha, a visually damaged girl, on the way to Shanti Nagar. She was walking down the road with her white stick, and I saw she walking into a muddy    36   . Had she continued, she might have   37    into the water. Not wanting this to happen, I stopped my   38    and called out, “There’s a hole in front of you, Chandra. If it’s all right with you, I’ll   39   you to your place.”
She happily  40   . I took her bag so she could climb on my motorbike. We talked about her   profession and   41   , and I discovered she was on her way toTinkune for a teacher’s training program.
Chandra had called me a couple of times since our   42    meeting. However, I had been unable to meet her   43    my busy schedules. Finally,   44   at the Kathmandu Mall, she said, "If you hadn’t given me your business card, I wouldn’t have called you." We talked about a range of issues, and I came to   45    that Chandra possessed a deep knowledge which would challenge that of many   46    fit people.
Although she has a mother and three brothers, Chandra has been   47    on her own for the past years. She cooks for herself and washes her own clothes while   48    to teach every morning at Anam Nagar’s Rudramati Primary School. While doing her   49   , she tries to remember people, places, and things in order to manage her daily life. She is a(an)   50    person, telling me that she made the decision to live alone after her  51    said they would take turns to look after her each month. Chandra felt this would   52    her. Chandra’s main source of information is through her   53  , learning about various news as they are broadcast.
Chandra lost her eyesight as a baby and had to learn how to survive at an early age. I really   54    her confidence and the way she carried herself in her life. Thank you, Chandra Rekha. You have reminded me of what truly matter in life but are   55    lacking in our city.
36. A. pavement            B. passage             C. hole                         D. freeway
37. A. climbed                 B. landed               C. flown                       D. fallen
38. A. car                        B. truck                 C. motorbike                D. bus
39. A. pass                    B. drop                 C. take                         D. fetch
40. A. allowed                 B. expected            C. replied                            D. accepted
41. A. study                  B. job                   C. celebration               D. travel
42. A. happy         B. unexpected     C. sudden                     D. strange
43. A. due to                 B. in addition to     C. instead of                 D. in spite of
44. A. resisting              B. rescuing            C. reuniting                  D. removing
45. A. discovered          B. encouraged        C. persuaded                 D. supposed
46. A. mentally             B. inappropriately  C. physically                 D. naturally
47. A. living                 B. lying                 C. waiting                    D. staying
48. A. managing            B. recognizing       C. allowing                   D. reducing
49. A. practice                 B. housework         C. effort                       D. homework
50. A. stubborn             B. reliable             C. confident                  D. intelligent
51. A. sisters                 B. uncles               C. brothers                   D. aunts
52. A. hurt                    B. weaken             C. ruin                         D. frighten
53. A. TV                        B. radio                 C. calculator                 D. computer
54. A. follow                B. show                 C. notice                      D. admire
55. A. finally                B. recently             C. mostly                            D. simply

36---55    CDCCD   BBACA   CAABC   CABDC  

There were smiling children all the way. Clearly they knew at what time the train passed their homes and they made it their business to stand along the railway, were to complete strangers and cheer them up as they rushed towards Penage. Often whole families stood outside their homes and waved and smiled as if those on the trains were their favorite relatives. This is the simple village people of Malaysia.I was moved.
I had always traveled to Malaysia by plane or car, so this was the first time I was on a train.I did not particularlf relish the long train joumey and had brought along a dozen magazines to read and reread. I looked about the train. There was not one familiar I sighed and sat down to read my Economics
It was not long before the train was across the Causeway and in Malaysia. Johore Baru was just another city like Singapore, so I was tired of looking at the crowds of people as they hurried past. As we went beyond the city, I watched the straight rows of rubber trees and miles and miles of green. Then the first village came into sight. Immediately I came alive, I decided to wave back.
From then on my joumey became imeresting.I threw my magazine into the waste basket and decided to join in Malaysian life.Then everything came alive.The mountains seemed to speak to me.Even the trees were smiling.I stared t everything as if I was looking at it for the first time.
The day passed fast and I even forgot to have my lunch until I felt hungry. I looked at my wat ch and was surprised that it was 3:00 pm.Soon the train pulled up at Butterworth I looked at the people all around me.They all looked beautiful. When my uncle arrive with, I threw my around him to give him a warm hug.I had never done this before. He seemed surprised and then his weather-beaten face warmed up with a huge smile. We walked arm in arm to his car.
I looked forward to the return journey.
1.The author expected the train trip to be__________.
A. adventurous        B. pleasnt              C. exciting             D. dull
2.What did the author remember most fondly of her train trip?
A. The friendly country people.
B. The mountains along the way.
C. The crowds of people in the streets.
D. The simple lunch served on the train.
3.Which of the following words can best take the place of the word“relish”in the second paragraph?
A. choose                       B. enjoy                       C. prepare for               D. carry on
4.Where was the writer going?
A. Johore Baru.              B. The Causeway.     C. Bunerworth.            D. Singapore.
5.What can we learn from the story?
A. Comfort in traveling by train.
B. Pleasure of living in the country.
C. Reading gives people delight.
D. Smiles brighten people up.

You may be spending far too many of your present moments in efforts to win the approval of others, or in being concerned with some disapproval that you have encountered.We all enjoy applause, compliments(恭维)and praise, and approval in itself is not unhealthy. Approval-seeking is a misleading zone only when it becomes a need rather than a want.
If you want the approval, you are simply happy to have the recognition of the other people. But if you need it, you are going to break down if you don’t get it. That’s when the self-destructive forces move in. Similarly, when approval-seeking becomes a need, you give up a large part of yourself to the “outside person” whose advocacy(拥护)you must have. If they disapprove, then you are immobilized(使丧失机动性)(even in a small way). In such a case, you have chosen to wear yourself——worth on your sleeve for someone to rub or not to rub as they see fit. You feel good inside only if they decide to praise you.
The need for approval of another person is bad enough, but the real trouble comes with the need for the approval of everyone for every act. If you carry around such a need, then you are bound for a great deal of misery and frustration in your life. Moreover, you will be incorporating a wish——washy (软弱无力的)non-person self-image that will result in the kind of self-rejection.
The need for approval must go! No question makes there. It must be completely got rid of from your life if you are to gain personal fulfillment. Such need is a psychological dead end, with absolutely no benefits to you.
1.Approval-seeking is healthy when________
A.you need the approval
B.you only want the approval
C.you need the approval of everyone for every act
D.you don’t care about the approval
2.The self-destructive forces move in when________
A.you need the approval and you get it
B.you want the approval and you get it    
C.you need the approval but you don’t get it
D.you want the approval but you don’t get it
3.What does the sentence” You hven chosen to wear your self-worth on your sleeve for someone to rub or not to rub as they see fit.” mean?
A.You have decided to give up yourself worth in order to get the approval.
B.You have decided to change yourself worth in order to get the approval.
C.You have decided to show yourself worth to others and allow them to make a judgment.
D.You have decided to put yourself worth in other’s hand and allow them to keep it or hurt it as they like.
4.The need for the approval of everyone for every act will enentually result in________
A.self-rejection        B.real troubles    C.misery     D.frustration
5.What can we infer from the passage?
A.People can benefit from the need of the approval.
B.Both the want and need for approval are unhealthy.
C.The need for the approval is a destructive feeling and people must get rid of it.
D.Since everyone enjoys praise and compliment, approval-seeking is a natural human need.

As you may expect, life in space is much different from life on earth. So of course people need some time to get used to it. How do they live, work and play up there?
Space food keeps getting more like the food we eat at home on the earth. In the past, astronauts could eat only freeze-dried food. But now the space station has water, microwave ovens and fridges. So astronauts can eat more usual kinds of food, like fruit, vegetables and ice cream!
All people in the ISS(国际空间站)have their own rooms. There’s no gravity, so they have to attach themselves to their beds, or they’ll float away! That may seem like a hard way to sleep, but astronauts say that sleeping in space is actually not too bad.
This is more important in space than on Earth. There’s not much gravity in space. Astronauts don’t stand up, sit down or walk in space, so their muscles don’t have to work much. They exercise on bikes and other machines for about two hours every day while they’re in space. In this way, they can still keep strong and healthy when they get back home.
Easy things like brushing your teeth can be hard in space with low gravity. Water doesn’t flow out of a tap, it floats in a bubble(水泡)! Astronauts used a special hose(软管)to take showers. And when they’re finished, they use a vacuum(真空的)hose to suck the dirty water off of their bodies. How do you go to the toilet in space? They use a special “air toilet”. It uses air, not water, to take everything away.
What do astronauts do when they aren’t working? They read books, play cards, listen to music or send e-mail to their friends and family. Sometimes they just sit and look out the window. Doesn’t sound like much fun? But what if you could see planet Earth out of your window, with a sunset or sunrise every 45 minutes?
1. Which of the following can be the title of this passage?
A. Life In Space.    B. Space Food.      C. Showers In Space.     D. A Visit To Space
2.From this passage we know that _______.
A. astronauts eat quite different food in space from what they eat on the earth
B. astronauts ate only fruit in space in the past
C. astronauts can only eat freeze-dried food now
D. astronauts can only eat fruit and vegetables now
3.Astronauts attach themselves to bed so as to ________.
A. keep themselves warm                                 B. prevent themselves from floating away
C. have a good sleep                                         D. feel better
4.Astronauts have to do exercise for two hours every day because ________.
A. they have nothing to do in space             B. they are told to do so
C. they do so to keep healthy                      D. they do so to prevent them from sleeping
5.From the last paragraph we can guess that ________.
A. the sun moves fast around the earth 
B. the earth circles round the sun very fast
C. the earth is very small
D. the spaceship circles round the earth once every 90 imnutes

第二部分:语言知识及运用   第一节完形填空 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
As waiters, we deal with customers every day and when something goes wrong, somehow we have the ability to keep on going.It’s our responsibility to  16  the customer.   
I remember my first waiter job was at a fine restaurant. One afternoon,the manager informed all the cooks and waiters that a VIP group were coming for lunch. The group were  17  VIPs in the city’s fashion industry.
After the group arrived and got  18  comfortably, drinks were ordered. Normally, the head waiter would be in charge of wine service. However, the manager asked me to serve that afternoon. I had never done wine service, nor had l ever served a group of twelve.
I arranged 12 wine glasses on the tray and went to the table. As I set one of the glasses in front of the first customer, somehow I had  19  my grip and six glasses fell on top of a young woman, and then to the floor and lay in pieces. I felt frightened and my face turned red. I apologized many times to the woman and to the rest of the group. 
Quickly, the manager  20  my aid and helped in the clean-up and sent out their drinks right away. I didn’t understand why, but the group were forgiving me and the young woman  21  informed me it was OK.
My manager pulled me to the side and said, “If you know why an accident happened, learn from it and move on. You still have a table to serve and you can’t show your  22 or your disappointment. Mistakes and accidents do happen. Keep your  23  up and be confident. The glasses are replaceable.”
I understood why he was truly a well-respected restaurant manager within the neighborhood. His  24  relationship with the group made the situation  25  and the group forgave me for that.
16.A. welcome         B. feed                       C. invite                    D. please
17.A. let in as             B. made up of          C. added up to              D. recognized as
18.A. introduced         B. satisfied               C. seated                      D. dressed
19.A. got                    B. caught             C. forgot                   D. lost
20.A. took over        B. came to             C. gave up                     D. rushed against
21.A. repeatedly          B. regretfully       C. impatiently            D. angrily
22.A. apology            B. excitement           C. nervousness        D. carelessness
23.A. nose               B. face                       C. head                    D. hand
24.A. new                     B. famous                 C. terrible                    D. close
25.A. calm                B. comfortable       C. special                  D. possible

Think for a moment about the teachers you have had at school or at university.  Which one did you like best?  And Why?  Were the teachers you liked best also the ones who were the best teachers, in you opinion?  Before you read any further, consider for a minute the qualities that make a teacher outstanding(出色).
Some very common answers to this question are that teachers need to love their students, that they need to have an expert knowledge of their subjects, and that they should devote themselves completely to their jobs.  All of these ideas are, of course, true to a certain extent(程度)but they are perhaps a little too simple.
It is impossible for anyone to love everyone they know, and teachers deal with a very large number of students over the years.  On the other hand, teachers should certainly be able to make their students feel that they are interested in them as people and in the development of both their characters.  A deep knowledge on to the students effectively-a teacher needs to be trained in the skills of teaching.  These skills include how to control a class, and so on.  Finally, teachers have to devote a lot of time and energy to their work, of course.  However, they are also models that their students must follow;  so it is important that they should be well-balanced people with interests outside their school work-family, friends, hobbies, etc.  A teacher who only lives for work is likely to become too narrow-minded.
1. The author suggests that you think about the teachers you have had at school or at university so that_______
A. you might praise outstanding teachers
B. you might know the qualities of outstanding teachers
C. you might select outstanding teachers
D. you might learn from outstanding teachers
2. The author does not consider it possible for a teacher_______
A. to love all the students he has taught or is teaching
B. to have a good knowledge of the subject he teaches
C. to pass the knowledge of his subjects on to his students effectively
D. to be an example for his students to follow
3. A well - balanced person is one_______.
A. who devotes all his time and energy to his work
B. who devotes most of his time and energy to his family, friend, hobbies, etc
C. who has interests both in and outside his work
D. who has interests neither in nor outside his work
4. From the passage, we can conclude that_______.
A. most teachers are born with such skills as how to explain a lesson clearly
B. it is not necessary of teachers to spend much time and energy on their work if they do have an expert knowledge of their subjects
C. teachers should be trained to love all the students they are teaching or have taught
D. even if a teacher has a good knowledge of his subjects, he can not be a good teacher if he doesn’t have the ability to pass that knowledge on to his students.

How would you like an easy way to earn $2,500? All you have to do is to sit around and wait for your meals. There’s a catch, however. You have to stay in a chicken cage with a stranger for a whole week. There are no books or television or radio for amusement. You can’t leave until the week is up. And a camera will be recording your every move.
Two people actually took the job. The idea came from Rob Thompson, a video artist. He wanted to make a film about the way animals are treated. His goal was to raise people’s awareness of the living conditions of animals that are raised for food. He decided to pay $5,000 out of his own savings to two people who were willing to live like chickens for a week.
To Rob’s surprise, quite a few people answered his advertisement. He had interviews and selected Eric, a 24-year-old restaurant worker, and Pam, a 27-year-old chemist. The plan was for them to spend seven days together in a chicken cage that was six feet long and three feet wide. A camera would record their experience, which would take place in an art museum.
The week was long and difficult. They slept on a hard wooden floor. They couldn’t stand up without banging their heads. They ate vegetables and drink water from a garden hose-pipe(橡胶软管). Their only privacy was a toilet surrounded by a curtain. There were no sinks, mirrors, or toothbrushes in the cage. Their only inspiration was the two framed checks that hung on the wall outside the cage. Visitors who came here were warned, “Do not feed the humans.”
Finally it was over, and Pam and Eric came out of the cage. They had survived the week, and they each had a $2,500 check in their hands. When Rob Thompson opened the cage, Eric came out, changed into clean clothes, and ate a chocolate bar right away. “It’s great for me to be able to stand up.” he said. Pam just changed her clothes and left. After a week of visitors and reporters watching her, she didn’t want to talk to anyone.
1.What kind of person is Rob Thompson?
A. He is curious about people’s personal life   B.He is kind—hearted to animals
C.He dislike people around                 D. He likes to help poor people
2. The underlined word “catch”(in Paragraph 1) probably means _______.
A. unsolved problem                      B. surprising wonder
C. unbelievable condition                  D. hidden difficulty
3. What made it the most difficult for the two to stay in the cage?
A. That they had nothing for amusement.
B. That they couldn’t lie down to sleep in the cage.
C. That they had to do almost everything under others’ very eyes.
D. That they didn’t have meat to eat.
4. What would be the best title for this passage?
A. An Easy Way to Earn $2,500            B. Do Not Feed Humans
C. Living Like a Chicken                 D. Getting Along Well Anyway

A couple of years ago, I received a $ 600 insurance dividend (保险股息).Sitting at the kitchen table, my wife and I discussed what we might do with the money. I realized now that the refrigerator overheard our talk. The very next day it went wrong. The repairman told us we needed a new unit. Cost:$600. Not long after that, we got a refund(赔偿金)from the shop, enough to pay for a trip to Mexico. “I’ve something to tell you,” I said to my wife in a low voice. “How about the living-room?” she suggested. I remembered the color TV set was there. “No, not there. Let’s go out.” I showed her the check as we stood on the driveway. We held each other excitedly and hardly noticed the rain. My car was parked within5 meters. I didn’t think anything about it at the time. As I started for the airport the next day, the car began making strange sounds. Changing the engine cost about $ 1, 000.
Then I looked through our financial records. I discovered that during the last ten years we spent all our “found money” repairing a hot water heater, a television and a stove.
I never mention money in front of our mechanical equipment. But if this article is published and I am paid for, the word processor(文字信息处理机)is going to go for sure. It’ll know.
1. What went wrong first as the writer’s?
A. The refrigerator          B. The stove
C. The TV set              D. The engine of the car
2. What has been repaired and still remains all right?
A. The car                 B. The color TV set
C. The stove               D. The hot water heater
3. Which statement is wrong according to the passage?
A.There are many pieces of modern equipment in the writer’s home
B.The writer often discusses with his wife on how to spend their money.
C.The writer has gone into a lot of trouble to repair his things
D.The writer’s refrigerator can overhear him

Child models are very much in demand all across the world. Many magazines and online stores that sell products for children like their models young.For this reason,they seek out children who can model clothing and have no problem posing(摆姿势)and smiling for the camera.Those who are seeking out child models for thelr advertising can go to online modeling sites and view plotures of children who are web models.They can take a look at their portfolio(整套照片)and decide whether they will accept them.
Parents who are seeking to get their children into the modeling business can also create a portfolio for ther children and put them online.They can look for jobs for their chldren through an online modeling site,or they can wait for job offers for their children.These online sites act as web modeling agency for models young and old alike.Anyone who has the desire to be a model can get a portfoilo together and join the site.
If you have a child who you want to be a model,you should frst stalt a portfolio for him or
her and Then join an online modeling agency.Once you join the agency,you can then start to look for jobs,Clients(客户)will post jobs that can be found in the search.You can look for jobs for young models and see if your child will fit what the client is looking for. In many cases,the client will send clothing for the child to wear and a descriptlon of poses and the job can be done close to home.
Online modeling agencies are not only for child models.Older models,teen models,men and women can model for these slies. A great deal of the modeling is for online websites.Ths is an entirely new field in the world of modeling and much easier to get into than the older modeling agencies.There is no traveling or expensive photo shoots needed.All that is needed to make children into models is a nice portfolio and a photogenic(上相的)child.
71. Child models are needed to____________.
A.Create more job offers
B.set the fashion for children
C.increase the sales of child products
D.manage online stores that sell teen magazines
72.The underlined Word "they" in Paragraph 1 refers to_______.
B.chld models
C.online modeling sites
D.people looking for child models for advertising
73. What should parents do if they`d like their children to become models?
A.Train them to hold special poses.
B.Choose them beautiful clothes.
C.Take expensive photos of them.
D.Put their portfolio on online modeling sites.
74. Why are online modeling agencise popular?
A.Because They are easily accessible to most people.
B.Because they charge no fees for their service.
C.Because this is an entirely new field.
D.Because this can make a child more photogenic.
75.This passage is mainly about______.
A.a growing need for child models
B.an increase in modeling agencies
C.the change in the world of modeling
D.the attraction of the world of modeling

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