
It was a Friday. As usual, the office became busier and busier. Orders to buy and sell came and went like birds. It was in the stock market, the world of money that Mr.Robert,the stockbroker, worked faster and faster. There was no room in it for the world of human feelings or the world of nature.

Near lunchtime, everything quieted down.Mr.Robert stood by his desk with his hands full of letters. Suddenly through the open window came a smell of flowers,like the thin breath of spring.Mr.Robert stood still. This was Miss Angelia’s smell, her own and only hers.The world of the stock market disappeared. And Miss Angelia was in the next room--only twenty steps away.

“I’ll do it now,” said Mr.Robert softly. “I’ll ask her now.Why didn’t I do it long ago?”

He ran into her office. She looked up at him with a smile. Her face turned a soft pink.

“Miss Angelia,”he said, hurriedly, “I only have a moment to talk.I want to say something important to you,Will you be my wife?I haven’t had time to show you, but I really do love you.”

“Why ...what are you talking about?” cried the young lady.She stood up and looked at him strangely. “Don’t you understand?” Mr. Robert asked quickly. “I want you to marry me now.”

Miss Angelia acted very strangely. At first she seemed surprised. Then she began to cry. But then she smiled through her tears like the sun through rain. She put her arms around his neck. “But don’t you remember, darling?” she said .”We were married yesterday evening at 8:00, in the little church around the corner.”

1. What can we know from the first paragraph?

A. Mr. Robert didn’t love Miss Angelia.

B. Mr. Robert was too happy to enjoy nature.

C. Mr.Robert was busy in working diligently

D. Mr. Robert didn’t make much money at all

2. In the second paragraph, the smell made Robert ______.

A. think of a lot of letters

B. work harder and faster

C. enjoy the breath of spring

D. think of nothing but Miss Angeli

3.What can be inferred from the end of the story?

A. Miss Angelia felt happy in her heart.

B. Mr.Robert always acted strangely

C. Miss Angelia was angry at his words

D. Mr.Robert pretended to marry her actually



In the cold and plain living room, Matt is sitting in his chair. His eyes don’t shine anymore. He looks extremely old and weak. Today is his birthday, and he is by himself. The only thing that he has been doing all day is thinking about how sad and lonely his life is. As he was looking at some old pictures, he found one special with him and his friends from college. This picture brought back the days when he had friends and his life was full of happiness. Also, it brought him a sad memory. This memory happened forty years ago, during his last year of college.

Throughout college, Matt had a friend named Mark. Mark was tall and skinny. He wore thick glasses. He was shy, smart and responsible. Also, Mark didn’t have as many friends as Matt had. He considered Matt as his best friend. As good friends, they knew everything about each other, and they hung out. Also, they overcame many problems together. They were really good friends.

On his twenty-fourth birthday their life changed. On the night before his birthday, Mark called Matt, “Hi! Matt,” his voice sounded strange. He continued, “ I have an important project to work on. I’m having some problem with this. Maybe, you could come over and help me with it giving me some new ideas. Could you?” Matt asked, “What time?” Mark kept in silence for a minute, and then he said, “At 8 pm. Is it good for you?” Then Matt answered, “OK! See you later.” At that night, it was Matt’s birthday. So, he didn’t want to spend his birthday helping Mark with his project. Matt went to a club with some other guys.

The next morning, Matt noticed that Mark was acting differently. When he went to talk to Mark, Mark ignored him completely. He left the classroom without saying one word. As Mark was walking away, Matt said in an angry voice, “You are selfish. You are just thinking about yourself. I was having fun on my birthday. Why can’t you understand it?”


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2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

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4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

While he was saying it, Mallory, one of his classmates and friend, stood up and started to say, ...






Paragraph 2:

Tears fell from his eyes.







Spring is just around the corner and it’s a time to get outside and enjoy the great outdoors. Here is a selection of festivals around the country that are a great excuse to get back in the spring sunshine.

Dana Point Festival of the Whales

Dana Point, California

March 7 to 8 and 14 to 15, 2010

Each year, over two sunny weekends in March the town of Dana Point, California celebrates the return of migratory California Gray whales to this part of the Pacific Ocean. Festivities include whale-watching, an arts festival and educational hands-on activities for the entire family. Prices start at $ 29 per adult and $ 19 for children. For more information, visit www.dpfestivalofwhales. com

Chandler Ostrich Festival

Chandler, Arizona

March 13 to 15, 2010

Chandler is the center of Ostrich(鸵鸟) ranching in the U.S. You can see jockeys ride these feathered beasts around the ostrich track at Tubleweed Park. General admission is $ 9 for adults, $ 8 for seniors, $ 7 for children aged five to 12 and kids four and under are free. For more information visit www.ostrich festival.com

Festival of Houses and Gardens

Charlestib, South Carolina

March 19 to April 18, 2010

The Historic Charleston Foundation gives curious travelers the opportunity to explore gardens of some of the finest private residences in America. Each three-hour tour(afternoons from 2 to 5 p.m. and evenings from 6 to 9 p.m.)lets you to visit eight to ten properties dating from the American colonial period. Prices range from $25 to $45. For more information, visit www.historic-charleston.org.

Tulip Time Festival

Holland, Michigan

May 1 to 9, 2010

You don’t need to travel to the Netherlands this spring to see and smell some of the world’s finest tulips (郁金香). The town of Holland is home to millions of colorful bulbs. The 81st annual Tulip Time Festival, one of the largest flower festivals in the country will begin with fireworks on May 1. Admission fee ranges from $ 6 for the children’s area to $ 38 for theatre tickets. Tickets and more information are available at www.tuliptime.com.

1.Which of the following is truer of Tulip Time Festival?

A. It is held in a town in the Netherlands.

B. It will start with fireworks on the first day.

C. It is the largest flower festival in the country.

D. It has been held every year for the past 81 years.

2.A group of travelers who want to have fun in mid-April will go to ________.

A. Dana Point Festival of the whales

B. Chandler Ostrich Festival

C. Festival of Huouses and Gardens

D. Tulip Time Festival

3.A couple with their 4-yer-old son will go whale-watching, they have to pay ________.

A. $58.B. $38.C. $48.D.$77.

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