
8.Regarding China-US differences on human rights issues,Hong said the two sides can enhance mutual understanding through dialogue ______ on equality and mutual respect.(  )
A.basedB.to baseC.basingD.base

分析 鉴于中美之间在人权问题上的差异,Hong说双方通过建立在平等和相互尊重基础上的对话可以加强彼此的理解.

解答 答案:A 题干中base on equality and mutual respect是作dialogue的后置短语,要用非谓语形式;句中base与被修饰名词dialogue之间构成动宾关系,要用被动.故选A.

点评 非谓语动词是常考的语言点.有三种构成方式:现在分词表示主动和进行的动作;过去分词表示被动和完成;动词不等式表示未发生的动作.学习时,要注意区分和掌握.

2.It's early January and for many,it's the right time of year to hit"reset"and (re)commit to all the things you want to happen in 2015:exercise,lose weight,and finally learn Chinese,etc.Our lists have been made,but the outcomes tent to let us down.
We may start off strong,but we can get steered off course before we realize it.You would have gont to the gym,but the delivery is coming in the morning so you have to wait for it.You did great last week keeping off the desserts,so what the heck-it's a birthday party,you deserve to have just one!You were totally up for going to that networking event,but your husband is away and the kids need you.Your mind becomes masterful at creating those convincing"reason"why you couldn't do something.
Of course,there are many times when we fight through the various circumstances that present themselves to achieve something that matters to us,but then there are other times when we buy into the excuse and stories we tell ourselves to defend why not to do something.
I've worked with many successful people over the years,and they frequently share similar habits and routines that make up the kind of mindset that is good at achieving goals and persevering through any circumstances.I've often taken note of them,and here are the top five most easy-to-do actions that can be applied to any goal or commitment you have.I fine these especially helpful sa we begin a fresh new year of goals.
You cannot underestimate how much this fuels your commitment.Define what"early wins"look like and make sure that they're in your control.For example,if you said,"exercise four times weekly",that's in your hands,so make sure you meet or exceed this number consistently.It fuels you to continue.
It's important to know what you've accomplished.Mostly we focus on what ISN'T happening.This is bringing down your energy level and mood.Keep a notebook or journal (digitally or paper) of what is getting done so you can visibly see progress.If you have several goals,keep different journals.
The more you share your goals with others,the more you become responsible for taking action.Take it a step further and enlist someone you will"report"to and share your progress.Make sure this person push you and not let you off the hook.
You won't be perfect.When you're not,declare,embrace and own it,then move on fast.Recommit and get right back in the game.Also,disable your rearview mirrors (后视镜).What happened before doesn't have to influence what happens next.
There is no"right"way to get to your goal.It's yours and you're the author.Clearly map out the route to the top with milestones and what success looks like.The more clear you are on not only the"what"but the"how",the easier it will be to take action.
The goals you create are hugely important,but in fact the most exciting part is the self-discovery in the process of getting there.Make this year an amazing year of breaking barriers and being"unreasonable"with yourself to achieve success.
IntroductionThe(71)beginning/start  of the new year is the right time to reset and commit to goals in 2015.
(72)Disappointing/Discouraging outcomes in seeking success•We may start off strong.but we can get lost during the course (73)unconsciously/unintentionally
•We always find seemingly reasonable excuses in (74)defence/defense of ourselves when we give up halfway.
Five ways to become successful•To fuel you to continue,define what"early wins"logically and (75)assess/evaluate/rate/estimate your ability accurately.
•Focus on your present accomplishments and (76)record/noteyour progress by keeping notes and journals.
•The more you share your goals"with others,the more (77)responsibilityyou will take for the future actions.•Admit your imperfection and move forward without (78)reviewingyour previous mistakes.
•Choose the right way to meet your goal and clarify how to achieve success.
Conclusion•The process of achieving goals is to (79)discover/explore yourself,which is more important than creating goals.
•(80)Abandonendless excuses and break barriers to make 2015an amazing year.

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