


Dale Carnegie rose from the unknown of a Missouri farm to international fame because he found away to fill a universal human need.

It was a need that he first ________ back in 1906 when young Dale was a junior at State Teachers College in Warrensburg. To get an ________ , he was struggling against many difficulties. His family was poor. His Dad couldn’t afford the________ at college, so Dale had to ride horseback 12 miles to attend classes. Study had to be done ________ his farm-work routines. He withdrew from many school activities________ he didn’t have the time or the ________ . He had only one good suit. He tried ________ the football team, but the coach turned him down for being too ________ . During this period Dale was slowly ________ an inferiority complex (自卑感), which his mother knew could ________ him from achieving his real potential. She 51 that Dale join the debating team, believing that ________ in speaking could give him the confidence and recognition that he needed.

Dale took his mother’s advice, tried desperately and after several attempts ________ made it. This proved to be a________ point in his life. Speaking before groups did help him gain the________ he needed. By the time Dale was a senior, he had won every top honor in ________. Now other students were coming to him for coaching and they, ________, were winning contests.

Out of this early struggle to ________ his feelings of inferiority, Dale came to understand that the ability to ________ an idea to an audience builds a person’s confidence. And, ________ it, Dale knew he could do anything he wanted to do—and so could others.

1.A. admitted B. filled C. supplied D. recognized

2.A. assignment B. education C. advantage D. instruction

3.A. training B. board C. teaching D. equipment

4.A. between B. during C. over D. through

5.A. while B. when C. because D. though

6.A. permits B. interest C. talent D. clothes

7.A. on B. for C. in D. with

8.A. light B. flexible C. optimistic D. outgoing

9.A. gaining B. achieving C. developing D. obtaining

10.A. prevent B. protect C. save D. free

11.A. suggested B. demanded C. required D. insisted

12.A. presence B. practice C. patience D. potential

13.A. hopefully B. certainly C. finally D. naturally

14.A. key B. breaking C. basic D. turning

15.A. progress B. experience C. competence D. confidence

16.A. horse-riding B. football C. speech D. farming

17.A. in return B. in brief C. in turn D. in fact

18.A. convey B. overcome C. understand D. build

19.A. express B. stress C. contribute D. repeat

20.A. besides B. beyond C. like D. with


Think about what you usually have for a meal: Is it a hamburger? What about vegetables? Would it surprise you to learn that what you eat can affect the whole planet?

It can--in a big way. Scientists attending the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Chicago presented new studies showing how food and its production affect the globe and its warming climate. It is generally believed that global warming is caused by the large amounts of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. One of these greenhouse gases is carbon dioxide.

What does this have to do with food? A big part of the carbon dioxide comes from the process of making and eating food, the scientists reported in Chicago. The production of meat contributes to a lot of that carbon dioxide.

The process of making a hamburger, for example, requires a lot of energy. A cow has to be fed and raised on farmland, and cow manure(肥料)is a major source of methane(甲烷)--an especially powerful greenhouse gas. By the time a hamburger is finally served on a dinner plate, it has done great harm to the environment.

The message from the research is clear: We can greatly reduce the production of greenhouse gases by eating less meat.

All kinds of meat, the scientists reported, are harder on the planet than vegetables. To grow and eat a pound of potatoes, for example, sends less than one-quarter pound of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases into the air. So shifting our diet to less meat and more vegetables ,as it turns out, may do the world some good.

1.Generally speaking , people believe that global warming is caused by ________.

A. cutting down too many trees.

B. releasing too many greenhouse gases.

C. growing too many vegetables.

D. raising too many cows.

2.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. To make and eat meat requires a great deal of energy.

B. To feed and raise cows on farmland contributes to greenhouse gases.

C. To make and eat hamburgers sends greenhouse gases into the air.

D. To grow and eat vegetables does no harm to the environment.

3.According to the passage , the writer seemingly intends to ________.

A. appeal to us to protect the environment by eating less meat food.

B. persuade us to develop a good eating habit to keep healthy

C. advise us to make less hamburgers in order to save energy.

D. encourage us to grow more vegetables to reduce greenhouse gases.



Every time I passed boys who were playing basketball, I stopped to silently watch them. I really ________ them. But as a girl, I once thought that I could never play basketball.

I like playing basketball though I'm not good at it. I've had a basketball I was a child. At first, I could play freely because no one when I was just a kid. But as I grew up it seemed harder and harder for me to enjoy basketball.

At school, it was always the boys who played basketball during PE classes. The girls were________ allowed to play volleyball or badminton.

My parents did not________ me play basketball at home. "Basketball is not fit for girls," they said. ________when I went to play basketball with my friends, boys at me on the court as if I were an alien.

I was feeling ________ and had lost hope of playing basketball. ________, something changed the first day of high school. I made some friends who also enjoyed playing basketball. They ________ me to get back on the court.

One of them told me with a smile, "Go your own ________ , let others talk." This girl would always play basketball with me. Even the boy who sat next to me in class talked about________ with me almost every day.

I was inspired by them. Confidence and passion ________ to my heart. I am ready to stand up and play. I will play as well as I can, ________ for me, even the sky is boundless (无垠的).

Basketball has become an important part of my ________ . I am interested in it. I watch matches and enjoy playing almost every day. Through basketball, not only do I feel happy and confident, but also ________ a lot.

I've heard the NBA star Tracy McGrady say, "Nothing is impossible." It is from an advertisement on TV. I have________ to realize that life is just like playing basketball. You should have an ________. After that, just be confident and ________ going. Never give up and you'll make it sooner or later.

I love the motto of the NBA. It can________ my strong feelings for basketball, "I love this game!"

1.A. dislike B. annoyed C. envied D. appreciated

2.A. when B. before C. after D. since

3.A. struggled B. cared C. enjoyed D. joined

4.A. only B. almost C. hardly D. not

5.A. encourage B. agree C. let D. permit

6.A. Still B. Yet C. Just D. Even

7.A. looked B. glared C. glanced D. stared

8.A. up B. down C. excited D. satisfied

9.A. Unluckily B. Naturally C. Unexpectedly D. Clearly

10.A. encouraged B. forbade C. ensured D. explored

11.A. effort B. way C. business D. direction

12.A. basketball B. sports C. interests D. dreams

13.A. stuck B. referred C. turned D. returned

14.A. but B. though C. and D. however

15.A. wish B. life C. work D. study

16.A. experience B. grow C. learn D. play

17.A. come B. turned C. refused D. happened

18.A. idea B. aim C. opinion D. effort

19.A. insist B. remain C. keep D. last

20.A. inform B. express C. ignore D. connect



Once I went to a railway station near New York. I ________ to take the night train there. ________ of people were pushing into the ________ train. I found a railway official and asked him if I could get a place in a sleeping car, ________he said sharply, “No, you can’t. The train is full. Don’t ________ me any more.”

I was very ________ indeed. I said to the friend who was with me, “ He talked to me like this ________he doesn’t know that I am a famous writer. If he knew…”But before I could ________ my sentence, my friend said, “Don’t be ________ . How could that help you? Whoever you are, there are no ________ seats on the train.” I was ________he was wrong, so I went up to the same official again and told him that I was Mark Twain. But he only relied, “I told you not to trouble me any more.”

Just then I ________a young porter in a sleeping car looking at me. He whispered (低语) something to the train conductor, and that conductor came over to me and said very ________, “ Can I help you, sir?” “ I ________ do.” I answered.

The porter took our boxes and we got onto the train. When the porter saw we were comfortably ________ in our places, he said, “Now. Is there anything you want, sir? Because you can have whatever you ________ .”

After the porter had ________ , my friend looked ashamed (羞愧). He said. “I am________ I said those things to you just now…” Just then the porter came again and said. “ Oh. Sir, I ________ you immediately”. “Really?” I said happily, “of course”, he said. “I recognized you the ________ I saw you and told the conductor that you are Mr Smith, the mayor (市长) of New York City.”

1.A. managed B. failed C. used D. happened

2.A. Some B. Most C. Crowds D. Many

3.A. night B. busy C. full D. leaving

4.A. but B. and C. though D. where

5.A. ask B. trouble C. follow D. strike

6.A. nervous B. happy C. hurt D. busy

7.A. as if B. since C. suppose D. because

8.A. complete B. continue C. make D. speak

9.A. upset B. sad C. foolish D. discouraged

10.A. more B. enough C. comfortable D. empty

11.A. concerned B. sure C. told D. interested

12.A. met B. noticed C. remembered D. knew

13.A. loudly B. calmly C. politely D. slowly

14.A. totally B. immediately C. certainly D. eventually

15.A. taken B. settled C. laid D. hidden

16.A. take B. bring C. like D. buy

17.A. returned B. gone C. failed D. agreed

18.A. sorry B. lucky C. afraid D. sure

19.A. admired B. realized C. recognized D. respected

20.A. day B. place C. minute D. soon


What Exactly Is Cheating?

1.For kids, cheating may happen at school, at home, or while playing a sport.If a baseball team is for kids who are 8 or younger, it’s cheating for 9-year-old to play on the team and hit home run after home run.

2.Cheating can happen in a lot of different ways.Jeff is doing it by sneaking answers to a test, but it’s also cheating to break the rules of a game or contest or to pretend something is yours when it isn’t.When people cheat, it’s not fair to other people, like the kids who studied for the test or who were the true winners of a game or a contest.

Why Kids Cheat

Some kids cheat because they’re busy or lazy and they want to get good grades without spending the time studying.3.Even when there seems to be a “good reason” for cheating, cheating isn’t a good idea.

Truth and Consequences

Many kids feel tempted to cheat once in a while.Most resist and do the work instead.Some kids cheat once and feel so bad that they never do it again.4.Unfortunately, some kids start cheating and feel like they can’t stop.

Making a Comeback

There are plenty of reasons why a kid shouldn’t cheat, but some kids have already cheated.5.

Cheating can become a habit, but like other bad habits, a kid can always decide to act better and make better choices.It might help to talk the problem over with a parent, teacher, or counselor.Choosing to play fair and be honest again can help a kid feel relieved and proud.

A.How Do People Cheat?

B.How to deal with cheat?

C.Others get caught and decide it isn’t worth it.

D.If that’s you, it’s never too late to stop cheating.

E.Other kids might feel like they can’t pass the test without cheating.

F.There’s an old saying that cheaters never win and winners never cheat.

G.Cheating is when a person misleads, deceives, or acts dishonestly on purpose.


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

I made a name for myself when I was about 26.

It never means anything _______ to me, but of course I can’t say I am free from vanity(虚荣). When a signing event was organized for my book at its _______ sale or when I was invited to deliver a speech at a meeting, I would be_______ and cheerful, especially if there were lots of participants.

_______ , I have never been controlled by such _______ , for I have my own idea of it. To me, a(n) _______ remains popular only for three seconds. This morning somebody _______ me on the way and said, “Ah, that’s Zhu Deyong!” I was glad to be _______ by a stranger and enjoyed myself, “_______ , I am famous!” But such enjoyments _______ only three seconds. He passed by and turned to the person walking with him, “What shall we have for lunch?” No _______ of me any longer. Shall I_______ my life cherishing those three seconds? Is it necessary to make efforts to _______ such three-second enjoyments? No, I don’t want to.

As life is _______ and only comes around once, it is of great value to the person himself, but of no value to others. For most people, one’s name remains _______ only for three generations: one’s _______ generation, the second (your son may say “Ah, it’s my dad.”) and the third (your grandson may still _______, “Ah, it’s my grandpa.”) If a member of the fourth generation is asked about you, he might be _______ , “Who is it?” If he is shown a picture of you, he might give it a glance, put it aside and _______ forget it. It amounts to nothing more than a _______ with an unknown name.

1.A. impressive B. reasonable C. appropriate D. important

2.A. unique B. first C. best D. final

3.A. happy B. upset C. hesitant D. nervous

4.A. Likewise B. Therefore C. However D. Meanwhile

5.A. discouragements B. embarrassments C. excitements D. disappointments

6.A. speech B. name C. book D. event

7.A. saw B. hit C. patted D. introduced

8.A. spotted B. recognized C. noticed D. liked

9.A. Totally B. Above all C. Finally D. After all

10.A. maintained B. stayed C. lasted D. remained

11.A. mind B. idea C. thought D. memory

12.A. waste B. spare C. devote D. afford

13.A. reach B. acquire C. offer D. honor

14.A. easy B. ordinary C. tough D. short

15.A. welcome B. personal C. respectable D. known

16.A. past B. own C. future D. new

17.A. remember B. memorize C. remind D. believe

18.A. annoyed B. interested C. puzzled D. frightened

19.A. quickly B. seldom C. deliberately D. otherwise

20.A. friend B. writer C. grandpa D. stranger

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