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Mother¡¯s Day was around the corner. My good friend                          76. __________

Alice, Jenny and I get together, discussing what we should do to      77. __________

our respect for. Alice was planning to buy some flowers with            78. __________

his pocket money in honor of her mother. Jenny was going to buy     79. __________

vegetables to cook delicious dinner for her family on that day, because80. __________

she wanted to experience how many her mother does for her family  81. __________

every day. As for me, I¡¯d like to make a greeting card, said                     82. __________

¡°Happy Mother¡¯s Day¡±, in which I would also tell my mother           83. __________

to pay attention to health or promise her to study harder.                  84. __________

We are looking forward to Mother¡¯s Day.    85. __________

76£®friend --- friends  77£®get --- got   78£®È¥µôfor    79£®his --- her

80 cook ºó¼Ó a  81£®many --- much  82£®said --- saying    83£®in --- on

84£®or --- and  85£®Correct


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My wife and I went to visit the town that we both               81._______
grew up last summer. We hadn't been to there for ten            82. _______
years. First we went to the place where my wife spends          83. _______
her childhood. People there asked us come into their houses     84. _______
and had a cup of coffee. Then we went to see my old             85. _______
neighbor. How a disappointment(ʧÍû)! It was all                86. _______
changed. All the old houses I remembered gone and               87. _______
their places were some very modern one. I didn't                88. ________
know some of the people who lived there.                        89. _______
But they were friendly to us. We had very good time.            90. ________

When an English traveler, who spent a few week in Sweden,                          76.________
was about to return to home, he found he had only enough                             77.________
money left to get a ticket to England. Since it was only two-day                            78. ________
voyage, he believed he can get home without eating                                       79. ________
anything. He final bought a ticket with that little money and                                  80. ________
went to board the ship. He closed his ears to the sound                                          81. ________
of the lunch bell or refused to go to where people had                                    82. ________
his dinner when dinnertime came. However, he couldn¡¯t                                 83. ________
stand this any longer and went to the dining hall, enjoy the                             84. ________
last meal on the ship. He then said, ¡°Waiter, brings me the bill.¡±                      85. ________
¡°Oh, meals are included in the ticket,¡± said the waiter.                                

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
