
Rae and Bruce Hostetler not only work very hard,they also relax just as well. Numerous vacations help the couple to maintain their health and emotional well-being一and it’s no surprise to health care professionals.
“Rest, relaxation, and stress reduction are very important for people’s well-being and health. This can be accomplished through daily activities, such as exercise and meditation, but vacation is an important part of this as well,” said primary care physician Natasha Withers from One Medical Group in New York. Withers lists a decreased risk of heart disease and improved reaction time as some of the benefits from taking some time off. “We also know that the mind is very powerful and can help with healing, so a rested, relaxed mind is able to help the body heal better,” said Withers.
Psychologists confirm the value of vacations for the mind. “The impact that taking a vacation has on one’s mental health is great,” said Francine Lederer, a clinical psychologist in Los Angeles who specializes in stress and relationship management. “Most people have better life perspective and are more motivated to achieve their goals after a vacation, even if it is a 24- hour time-out.” The trips could be good for their health, good for their family and good for their businesses.
The online travel agency Expedia conducted a survey about vacation time in 2010, and according to their data the average American earned 18 vacation days一but only used 14 of them. France topped the list, with the average worker earning 37 vacation days and using all but two of them. Americans’ responses may not be surprising in a culture where long hours on the job often are valued, but that’s not always good for the individual, the family or the employer.
Psychologists have also found that people who don’t take enough time to relax may find it harder to relax in the future. “Without time and opportunity to do this, the nerve connections that produce feelings of calm and peacefulness become weaker, making it actually more difficult to shift into less-stressed states,” Mulhem said

  1. 1.

    How did the author introduce the topic of the text?

    1. A.
      By making comparisons
    2. B.
      By giving an example
    3. C.
      By raising questions
    4. D.
      By providing data
  2. 2.

    Expedia’s survey shows that Americans _____

    1. A.
      dislike family gatherings
    2. B.
      have the shortest vacation
    3. C.
      enjoy as many vacations as the French
    4. D.
      think much of spending long hours on the job
  3. 3.

    What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

    1. A.
      One should never wait to relax
    2. B.
      Work and rest go against each other
    3. C.
      Time and opportunity wait for no man
    4. D.
      A relaxed mind determines everything
1.B推理判断题。文章的主题是假期对人们的重要性,是通过Rae and Bruce Hostetler的例子引出这个话题的。
2.D推理判断题。从第三段的句子“Americans’ responses may not be surprising in a culture where long hours on the job often are valued美国人的反应可能是不足为奇。在美国文化中,长时间的工作常常受到人们的看重”可知美国人很重视长时间的工作。
3.A推理判断题。从最后一段的句子“Psychologists have also found that people who don’t take enough time to relax may find it harder to relax in the future.心理学家还发现不花时间去放松的人会发现将来去放松更加难以做到”可推知人们现在就应该放松自己。

Great Britain

“Great Britain” has several different names. Some people say “Britain”, or “the United Kingdom”, or just “UK”. There are four different countries in the United Kingdom: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Everyone from Britain is British, but only people from England are English. People from Scotland are Scottish, people from Wales are Welsh, and people from Northern Ireland are Irish. Don't call a Scottish or Welsh person English. He won’t like it!
Altogether more than 56 million people live in Britain, many of them in big industrial cities like London, Liverpool and Manchester, but people are often surprised by how much of Britain is open country, with lovely hills and woods, quiet rivers, lakes and farmlands.
Everyone in Britain speaks English. But in some parts of Scotland and Wales people speak an older language as well. The Welsh are especially proud of their language, and you can see road signs in Welsh all over Wales.
Everyone speaks English, but they do not all speak it in the same way. A Scottish person has to listen carefully if he wants to understand a Londoner. And when a Welsh person speaks, everyone knows at once where he comes from!
Many people think that the weather is cold and wet in Britain all the year round. But it isn't! True, it sometimes rains and even snows for days and days, but every year there are weeks of beautiful sunny weather when the British put on their bikinis and go out to sunbathe.
Britain is only a small country, but every part is different. Scotland is a land of mountains, lakes and romantic castles. The winters are cold, with plenty of snow, but the summers are often warm and sunny. Most farmers keep sheep, and there are many small factories which make fine sweaters from their wool. In some parts of Scotland, there are very few people. Deer live in the hills, and the rivers are full of fish. But Glasgow and Edinburgh are both large and busy, with all that is good (and bad) in modern cities.
Northern Ireland has its problems, but it has beauty too. In the warm, wet climate, the grass grows a brilliant green, and much of the land is farming country. Belfast is a large industrial city with many fine buildings and a big port from which ships come and go to Scotland and England. But Belfast has had many difficult years, and it is not the busy place it once was.
In the north of England there are many old industrial towns. Now, a great number of factories have closed and thousands of people have no work. Some have moved to the new towns, built in the 1960s and 1970s, where the industries are more modern. Outside the towns, much of this part of England is beautiful countryside, with green hills, lakes and sandy beaches. Fishing is an important industry in the North East, and every night (except Sunday) the fishing boats go out to sea.
The centre of England (the “Midlands”) is also an important industrial area, especially near the huge cities of Coventry and Birmingham, the centre of the car industry. But everywhere, even in the heart of a modern city, there are buildings from an older Britain — cathedrals, castles, and houses built hundreds of years ago.
Wales is a special place, a country of high mountains and pretty valleys. But Wales has plenty of industry too, with many factories and coal mines. The people of Wales are very musical. Every year they have a festival of Welsh music and poetry called an “Eisteddfod”.
The west of England is rich farming country. It produces milk, cream, butter, cheese and apples, which go to make cider, a popular drink. In the villages, country people often grow their own fruit, vegetables and flowers.
Some areas of Britain are very crowded. Around Manchester, in northwest England, and Glasgow, in Scotland, are large city areas of houses and factories. The southeast of England, too, has many towns and cities, including London, the giant capital. But quite near London there are still some quiet villages and peaceful farms.
Britain is an island, of course, and you are never far from the sea. Some of the coast, especially in the west, is wild and rocky, with small, sandy beaches, and romantic old harbours. Other parts are industrial. The east coast of Scotland, for example, is busy with oilrigs and fishing boats. The most popular beaches are near the many holiday towns on the south coast, where the weather is usually warmer. It is here that Londoners come to relax.
London London has been a capital city for nearly a thousand years, and many of its ancient buildings still stand. The most famous of these are the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey and St. Paul's Cathedral, but most visitors also want to see the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace (the Queen's London home) and the many magnificent museums.
Once, London was a small Roman town on the north bank of the Thames, but slowly it grew into one of the world's major cities with more than nine million people. Fewer people live in the centre now, but the suburbs are still growing.
Places now in the heart of London, like Westminster, once stood in the middle of green fields. Many small villages, like Hampstead, Chelsea and Mayfair, became part of London, but they still keep some of their old atmosphere. Different areas of London seem like different cities. The West End is a rich man's world of shops, offices and theatres. The East End is the old working people's district, where there are many small flats and houses, some old, some new.
London is always changing. New buildings go up and old ones come down. Poorer areas become fashionable and people with more money move into them.
A hundred years ago, the river was crowded with ships, leaving for Java and Japan, New Zealand and New York, but now the port is nearly empty. People travel by air, and London's main airport, Heathrow, is one of the busiest in the world.
Like all big cities, London has streets and concrete buildings, but it also has many big parks, full of trees, flowers and grass. Sit on the grass (you're allowed to!) in the middle of Hyde Park or Kensington Gardens, and you will think that you are in the country miles away.
Many people live outside the centre of London in the suburbs, and they travel to work by train, bus or underground. Every day, nearly half a million office workers travel into the “City”, the business centre of London, a small area full of banks and offices. Some people come from far out of London, even from the coast, and spend up to four hours travelling every day.
Working hours are from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. From 8 until 10 every morning, and 4.30 to 6.30 every evening, the trains are crowded with people, and after the morning “rush hour” the shoppers come.
By day the whole of London is busy. At night, the City is quiet and empty, but the West End stays alive, because this is where Londoners come to enjoy themselves. There are two opera houses here, several concert halls and many theatres, as well as cinemas, and the pubs, restaurants and night clubs are busy half the night.
Many people think that London is all grey, but in fact red is London's favorite colour. The buses are red, the letter boxes are red, and the mail vans are all bright, bright red. London is at its best when people are celebrating. Then the flags, the soldiers' uniforms, the cheering crowds and the carriages and horses all sparkle in the sunshine —if it's not raining, of course! 
Edinburgh Edinburgh is Scotland's capital, and one of the most beautiful cities in Britain. The heart of Edinburgh is the thousand-year-old castle, where the kings of Scotland lived for centuries.
From Edinburgh castle you can see for miles, north over the beautiful old streets, an arm of the sea that pushes inland. Far away are the mountains of central Scotland, often covered with snow.
Edinburgh has a busy cultural life. Every year, in September the International Festival takes place. Musicians, actors and singers come from all over the world and thousands of visitors fill the city. In the evening, the opera house, the theatres and the concert halls are full. In cafes and pubs, small groups sing, act and read poetry.
The castle is at its best in festival time. Every night there is a magnificent military “Tattoo”. Highland soldiers wearing “kilts” play the bagpipes, and march to the music.
Tartans, the patterns of the kilts, have an interesting history. Since the fifteenth century, each Scottish family has worn its own tartan as a kind of badge. It was a useful way of recognizing people, especially in times of war. Many tartans date only from the nineteenth century, but some of the old patterns still exist. “Dress” tartans, worn on special occasions, have light, bright colours. ”Hunting” tartans are usually green, blue or brown.
Oxford What is so special about Oxford and Cambridge, the two oldest universities in England? Why do so many students want to study there?
Both of these university towns are very beautiful. They have some of the finest architecture in Britain. Some of their colleges and libraries are three, four and even five hundred years old, and are full of valuable books and precious paintings. Both towns have many lovely gardens, where the students can read and relax in the summer months.
Oxford is the older university of the two. The first of its colleges was founded in 1249. The university now has thirty-four colleges and about twelve thousand students, many of them from other countries. There were no women students at Oxford until 1878, when the first women's college, Lady Margaret Hall, opened. Now, women study at most colleges.
Oxford is, of course, famous for its first class education as well as its beautiful buildings. Some of the most intelligent men and women in the country live and work here. Oxford gives them what they need: a quiet atmosphere, friendly colleagues, and the four-hundred-year-old Bodleian library, which has about five million books.
It is not easy to get a place at Oxford University to study for a degree. But outside the university there are many smaller private colleges which offer less difficult courses and where it is easy to enroll. Most students in these private schools take business, secretarial or English language courses

  1. 1.

    Providing that you want to visit a most beautiful city and see “kilts” worn by men, you are supposed to go to ________

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    Oxford is one of the oldest universities in Britain, which is special because ________

    1. A.
      it has a big and modern library
    2. B.
      it has a quiet and friendly atmosphere
    3. C.
      tremendous of the most intelligent people in the country live and work there
    4. D.
      all of the above

How to Get What I Want?
There’s an expression: “What you see is what you get.” My grandfather used to say: “If you looked at a tree long enough, it will move.” We see what we want to see. Psychologists tell us that nothing controls our lives more than our self-image. We live like the person we see in the mirror. We are what we think we are. If you don’t think you’ll be successful, you won’t. You can’t be it if you can’t see it. Your life is limited to your vision. If you want to change your life, you must change your vision of your life.
Arnold Schwarzenegger was not that famous in 1976 when he met with a newspaper reporter. The reporter asked Schwarzenegger: “Now that you’ve retired from bodybuilding, what do you plan to do next?” Schwarzenegger answered very calmly and confidently: “I’m going to be the No. 1 movie star in Hollywood.” The reporter was shocked and amused at Schwarzenegger’s plan. At that time, it was very hard to imagine how this muscle-bound bodybuilder, who was not a professional actor and who spoke poor English with a strong Austrian accent, could ever hope to be Hollywood’s No. 1 movie star!
So when the reporter asked Schwarzenegger how he planned to make his dream come true, Schwarzenegger said: “I’ll do it the same way I became the No. 1 bodybuilder in the world. What I do was create a vision of who I want to be, and then I start living like that person in my mind as if it were already true.” Sounds almost childishly simple, doesn’t it? But I worked! Schwarzenegger became the No. 1 highest paid movie star in Hollywood. Remember: “If you can see it, you can be it.”
There’s a successful businessman who often wears a shirt with these words on it: “Don’t just pursue your dreams. Chase down and tackle! ” you only get one life to live, so why not live the best life possible? So you can be fully satisfied at what you see and get

  1. 1.

    What did Arnold Schwarzenegger do before he became a Hollywood star?

    1. A.
      He worked for a newspaper
    2. B.
      He was a man working on bodybuilding
    3. C.
      He worked in a small film company
    4. D.
      He was a businessman
  2. 2.

    Why was it hard for the reporter to believe that Schwarzenegger would become a star one day?

    1. A.
      Because he was not famous
    2. B.
      Because he was not professional and spoke poor English
    3. C.
      Because he was good at nothing except bodybuilding
    4. D.
      Because he only spoke English fluently
  3. 3.

    What did Schwarzenegger plan to do to make his Hollywood star dream come true?

    1. A.
      He continued to build his body
    2. B.
      He went to make more movies
    3. C.
      He lived a life like a movie star
    4. D.
      He tried his best to meet the movie directors
  4. 4.

    What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mean?

    1. A.
      Have a dream and make it come true
    2. B.
      Stop your dream and find realistic things to do
    3. C.
      You can just daydream alone
    4. D.
      There’s nothing to do in the world but dream

Four people in England back in 1953, stared at Photo 51,It wasn’t much—a picture showing a black X. But three of these people won the Nobel Prize for figuring out what the photo really showed –the shape of DNA The discovery brought fame and fortune to scientists James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins. The fourth, the one who actually made the picture, was left out.
Her name was Rosalind Franklin.”She should have been up there,” says historian Mary Bowden.” If her photos hadn’t been there, the others couldn’t have come up with the structure.” One reason Franklin was missing was that she had died of cancer four years before the Nobel decision. But now scholars doubt that Franklin was not only robbed of her life by disease but robbed of credit by her competitors
At Cambridge University in the 1950s, Watson and Click tried to make models by cutting up shapes of DNA’s parts and then putting them together. In the meantime, at King’s College in London, Franklin and Wilkins shone X-rays at the molecule(分子). The rays produced patterns reflection the shape.
But Wilkins and Franklin’s relationship was a lot rockier than the celebrated teamwork of Watson and Crick, Wilkins thought Franklin was hired to be his assistant .But the college actually employed her to take over the DNA project.
What she did was produce X-ray pictures that told Watson and Crick that one of their early models was inside out. And she was not shy about saying so. That angered Watson, who attacked her in return, “Mere inspection suggested that she would not easily bend. Clearly she had to  go or be put in her place.”
As Franklin’s competitors, Wilkins, Watson  and Crick had much to gain by cutting her out of the little group of researchers, says historian Pnina Abir-Am. In 1962 at the Nobel Prize awarding ceremony, Wilkins thanked 13 colleagues by name before he mentioned Franklin, Watson wrote his book laughing at her. Crick wrote in 1974 that “Franklin was only two steps away  from the solution.”
No, Franklin was the solution. “She contributed more than any other player to solving the structure of  DNA . She must be considered a co-discoverer,” Abir-Am says. This was backed up by Aaron Klug, who worked with Franklin and later won a Nobel Prize himself. Once described as the “Dark Lady of DNA”, Franklin is finally coming into the light

  1. 1.

    What is the text mainly about?

    1. A.
      The disagreements among DNA researchers
    2. B.
      The unfair treatment of Franklin
    3. C.
      The process of discovering DNA
    4. D.
      The race between two teams of scientists
  2. 2.

    Watson was angry with Franklin because she ______.

    1. A.
      took the lead in the competition
    2. B.
      kept her results from him
    3. C.
      proved some of his findings wrong
    4. D.
      shared her data with other scientists
  3. 3.

    Why is Franklin described as “Dark Lady of DNA”?

    1. A.
      She developed pictures in dark labs
    2. B.
      She discovered the  black X-the shape of DNA
    3. C.
      Her name was forgotten after her death
    4. D.
      Her contribution was unknown to the public
  4. 4.

    What is the writer’s attitude toward Wilkins, Watson and Crick?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.

Global Positioning Systems are now a part of everyday driving in many countries. These satellite-based systems provide turn-by-turn directions to help people get to where they want to go. But they can also cause a lot of problems, sending you to the wrong place or leave you completely lost. Many times, the driver is to blame. Sometimes a GPS error is responsible. Most often, says Barry Brown, it is a combination of the two.
Barry Brown is with the Mobile Life Centre in Stockholm, Sweden. The center studies human-computer interaction, or HCI, especially communications involving wireless devices. We spoke to Mr. Brown by Skype. He told us about an incident involving a friend who had flown to an airport in the eastern United States. There he borrowed a GPS-equipped car to use during his stay.
Barry Brown: “And they just plugged in an address and then set off to their destination. And, then it wasn’t until they were driving for thirty minutes that they realized they had put in a destination back on the West Coast where they lived. They actually put their home address in. So again, the GPS is kind of “garbage in garbage out”. Mr. Brown says this is a common human error. But, he says, what makes the problem worse has to do with some of the shortcomings, or failures, of GPS equipment.
Barry Brown: “One problem with many GPS units is they have a very small screen and they just tell you the next turn. Because they just give you the next turn, sometimes that means that it is not really giving you the overview that you would need to know that it’s going to the wrong place.”
Barry Brown formerly served as a professor with the University of California, San Diego. While there, he worked on a project with Eric Laurier from the University of Edinburgh. The two men studied the effects of GPS devices on driving by placing cameras in people’s cars. They wrote a paper based on their research. It is called “The Normal, Natural Troubles of Driving with GPS.”
Barry Brown: “One of the things that struck us, perhaps the most important thing was that you have to know what you’re doing when you use a GPS. There are these new skills that people have developed. There are these new competencies that you need to have to be able to use a GPS because they sometimes go wrong.” Barry Brown says this goes against a common belief that GPS systems are for passive drivers who lack navigational (导航) skills.
“The Normal, Natural Troubles of Driving with GPS” lists several areas where GPS systems can cause confusion for drivers. These include maps that are outdated, incorrect or difficult to understand. They also include timing issues related to when GPS commands are given.
Barry Brown says to make GPS systems better we need a better understanding of how drivers, passengers and GPS systems work together

  1. 1.

    What is the best title for this passage?

    1. A.
      Is GPS system reliable to use?
    2. B.
      What is the use of GPS?
    3. C.
      How to make the most of GPS?
    4. D.
      Blame! GPS or Passengers?
  2. 2.

    What is the implication of the underlined part?

    1. A.
      GPS is just a garbage device
    2. B.
      GPS will not correct human errors
    3. C.
      GPS adjusts your wrong destination
    4. D.
      GPS is just as smart as human beings
  3. 3.

    Which is NOT mentioned as a GPS shortcoming in the passage?

    1. A.
      Small screen
    2. B.
      Timing of commands
    3. C.
      Outdated maps
    4. D.
      Dear cameras GPS uses
  4. 4.

    According to the passage, people commonly believe that ______.

    1. A.
      you have to know where to go when using GPS
    2. B.
      you need to have new competencies to use GPS well
    3. C.
      GPS is proper for drivers with little sense of direction
    4. D.
      GPS is fit for people having good understanding of maps

Is It OK to Snap (拍照) Your Food?
Have you ever taken a snap of a luxurious cake or photographed a juicy steak when you eat in restaurants? You may want to share what you eat with your friends or just post part of your daily life onto the Internet. However, such action may be very annoying(讨厌的) to other diners, or even to chefs and restaurant owners. Currently, more and more people begin to consider “ foodstagramming” as very silly and a bad manner.
In many restaurants, diners complain of being blinded by flasher(闪光灯), snapped without their permission and disturbed by people climbing on to chairs for a better angle. Even chefs and restaurant owners are annoyed at food photography. A Michelin-starred(米其林星级) chef said, “It’s hard to build a memorable evening when flashes are flying every six minutes.”
At the start of 2013, the debate on whether it is OK to take photographs of your food in restaurants seemed to swing (摇摆) towards a definite “no.” According to several chefs in New York City, some restaurants there have started banning customers from taking photos of their food. Policies around the ban of food photography vary from restaurant to restaurant, ranging from restrictions on using a flash to outright(完全的) bans. If other restaurants follow such policies, it may signal the death of “ foodstagramming”.
Nevertheless, instead of banning food photography, some restaurants are offering food photography courses. In Spain, the restaurant group Grupo Gourmet has started running a “ Fotografia para foodies” course to instruct its customers to better take food pictures. The course teaches customers to take photos in a proper way without disturbing other dinners, such as never use a flash

  1. 1.

    Who are annoyed with food photography in restaurants?

    1. A.
      Restaurant owners
    2. B.
      Other diners
    3. C.
    4. D.
      The above all
  2. 2.

    What did some New York restaurants do about food photography?

    1. A.
      They started to ban customers from taking photos of their food
    2. B.
      They had no idea about taking photos for the profits
    3. C.
      They wanted to talk with some customers
    4. D.
      They decided to learn from Spain
  3. 3.

    What did the Spanish restaurant group do about food photography?

    1. A.
      It told the customers when to take food pictures
    2. B.
      It asked the customers to pay for taking food pictures
    3. C.
      It ran a course to instruct customers to better take food pictures
    4. D.
      It also prevented the customers from taking food pictures
  4. 4.

    What is foodstagramming?

    1. A.
      It’s a popular practice where diners take photos of their meals and share them online
    2. B.
      It’s a popular practice where dinners take photos of their meals and sells to others
    3. C.
      It’s a habit that people take photos when they eat
    4. D.
      It’s an idea how to take photos of their meals
  5. 5.

    Which of the following is True?

    1. A.
      Customers in America like others to use flashes when they eat
    2. B.
      Restaurants in Spain think of a methord to meet people’s need
    3. C.
      American government is discussing the problem of foodstagramming
    4. D.
      People in China are trying to think of an idea to deal with the problem

A new generation addiction is quickly spreading all over the world. Weboholism, a twentieth century disease, affects people from different ages. They surf the net, use e-mail and speak in chat rooms. They spend many hours on the computer, and it becomes a compulsive habit. They cannot stop, and it affects their lives.
Ten years ago, no one thought that using computers could become compulsive behavior that could affect the social and physical life of computer users. This obsessional behavior has affected teenagers and college students. They are likely to log on computers and spend long hours at different websites.
They become addicted to computers and gradually their social and school life is affected by this situation. They spend all free time surfing and don’t concentrate on homework, so this addiction influences their grades and success at school. Because they can find everything on the websites, they hang out there. Moreover, this addiction to websites influences their social life.
They spend more time in front of computers than with their friends. The relation with their friends changes. The virtual life becomes more important than their real life. They have a new language that they speak in the chat rooms and it causes cultural changes in society.
Because of the change in their behavior, they begin to isolate themselves from the society and live with their virtual friends. They share their emotions and feelings with friends who they have never met in their life. Although they feel confident on the computer, they are not confident with real live friends they have known all their life. It is a problem for the future. This addictive behavior is beginning to affect all the world

  1. 1.

    The main idea of the passage is about________

    1. A.
      the cause of weboholism
    2. B.
      the advantage of weboholism
    3. C.
      the popularity of weboholism
    4. D.
      the influence of weboholism
  2. 2.

    The underlined word “obsessional” in the second paragraph most probably means “________”

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    We can infer from the passage that ________

    1. A.
      weboholism has the greatest effect on teenagers
    2. B.
      virtual life is more vivid and attractive anyway
    3. C.
      people are addicted to games on the Internet
    4. D.
      students can hardly balance real and virtual life

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