



Cornwall County Counicl

We Need Two


From January 2006

L13-17(£44, 703-£49, 314)

  Penrice Community College is a highly regarded and successful 11-16 specialist languages college.Following the recent appointment of a new headteacher we’re restructuring the leadership team to create two new roles.

  One post will involve leading teaching teams with responsibility for developing curricula(课程)and time-tabling.

  The other post will be leading student based teams and responsibility for student learing outcomes and the removal of barriers to student success such as poor attendance or disaffection.

  Penrice Community College is:

          A school with 1, 350 wonderful students

          High achieving with results well above average

          Mentioned twice in HMCl’s outstanding schools list

          A British Council International School

          Situated in a beautiful part of mid-Cornwall

  All enquires for information and application packs should be made to Danielle Eyres on 01726-72613 or at secretary@penricornmvall.sch.uk

  Closing date for applications is Tuesday October 4th at noon.Interviews will be held on Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th October 2005.


The underlined word “restructuring”probably means ________.

[  ]


formally telling sb to do


Joining the two parts together


rebuilding sth and making it work again


extending the size of sth


The purpose of the above passage is to ________

[  ]


introduce the advantages of a school


report the appointment of a new head teacher


call on more students to go to school


advertise for new assistant headteachers


The two new posts are required to do all the following EXCEPT ________.

[  ]


stop students missing classes


get students interested in learning


lead students-based teams


arrange new curricula


HMCI is probably the name of ________.

[  ]


an educational organization


a school leader


a political party


a news reporter



Like cats, geckos(壁虎)always land on their feet. If they happen to fall from a wall or leaf they’ve been climbing, a quick move of the tail makes sure that they always land on their feet first, a new study finds.

Geckos are truly built for climbing: their feet have hairy toes that can fix themselves to a wall or other vertical(竖直的)surfaces. However, geckos’ feet can’t always keep hold and they may fall to the ground. When geckos fall or jump off a wall, they always land stomach-side down. Geckos’ long tails become necessary during their falls, the new study shows.

Researchers did an experiment. They placed geckos up-side-down on the underside of a leaf. When they lost their foothold and fell, the geckos pitched (倾斜)their tails for balance. They then rotated(旋转)their tails to make their bodies rotate. As soon as they were right-side up, they stopped rotating. On average, it only took the geckos about a tenth of a second to right themselves so that they would land on their feet.

Cats use a different way to land on their feet after a fall. As their tails don’t have the power like geckos’ tails, cats can’t use them to right themselves. Instead they twist their bodies around mid-air.

Engineers are trying to build a robot that imitates the geckos’ climbing ability. A tail will be fixed to the robot to allow it to keep balance.

54. What do we know about geckos?

A. Their toes make it possible for them to walk on walls.

B. Their tails can fix them to a wall or other vertical surfaces.

C. They often land on their backs when they jump off walls.

D. It takes them a second to right themselves in mid-air.

55. How do cats avoid their injury during a fall?

A. By twisting their bodies.                 B. By fixing their toes to the ground.

C. By using their tails to right themselves.        D. By landing upside-down.

56. Geckos’ special abilities have given engineers some new ideas to _________.

A. allow robots to climb vertical surfaces       

B. reproduce geckos like robots

C. invent robots that can rotate on the ground

D. invent robots that can balance themselves using their tails

57. What is the text mainly talking about?

A. The interesting living habits of geckos.   B. The differences between cats and geckos.

C. Why geckos always land on their feet.      D. How geckos climb up vertical walls.





Molly Wilson had been a dancer and a mother for many years when she decided to sail round the world to raise money for charity.

As a child she had trained as a ballet dancer, but at l5 she had grown too tall for classical ballet, so she became a member of a pop dance team.

She got married, and after she had children she retired from show business to bring them up. They grew up, and when they were 18 they left home.

She says, “When I decided to do the round-the-world race, my husband thought I was bored because the children had left home. He was also worried because I had never sailed before. I was not bored, but I had met some people who told me about the race. They had taken part in it, but they had only done one section, say, from New Zealand to Australia. I wanted to do the whole ten-month journey. ”

Before Molly left she did a lot of training, but it hadn’t prepared her for the worst weather which they experienced. By the end of October last year, she had raised more than $50,000 for charity.

She says, “Sometimes I ask myself, what did I do? How did I do it? But then I think, it’s the same as being a dancer. Before I left on trip, I had trained hard. I had got very fit and had prepared myself completely. Then on the trip I was simply a good team member.”

51. Why did Molly Wilson decide to do the round-the-world race?

A. She had never sailed before.           B. She was bored.

C. She wanted to raise money for charity.   D. She wanted to earn money.

52. She joined the pop dance team because___________.

A. she was 15              B. she hadn’t trained hard

C. she had been too fat.       D. she had been too tall

53. What is the proper order of the following statements?

a. She got married.     b. She became the member of a pop dance team.

c. She retired.         d. She sailed around the world.

e. She trained as a ballet dancer.

A. e—b—a—c—d    B.b—a—c—d—e  

C.e—b—c—a—d    D.c—a—b—d—e

54. The underlined “section” in the fourth paragraph probably means________.

A. part     B. department     C. unit    D. city

55. We can conclude from the passage that________

A. she once wanted to give up on the journey  

B. her husband didn’t support her in the beginning

C. she didn’t love her children

D. she didn’t raise any money at last




Everyone knows that the French are romantic, the Italians are fashionable and the Germans are serious. Are these just stereotypes(陈规) or is there really such a thing as national character? And if there is, can it affect how a nation succeeds or fails?

At least one group of people is certain that it can. A recent survey of the top 500 entrepreneurs(实业家) in the UK found that 70 percent felt that their efforts were not appreciated by the British public. Britain is hostile to success, they said. It has a culture of jealousy(嫉妒). As a result, the survey said, entrepreneurs were “unloved, unwanted and misunderstood”. Jealousy is sometimes known as the “green-eyed monster(怪物)” and the UK is its home. Scientists at Warwich University in the UK recently tested this idea. They gathered a group of people and gave each an imaginary amount of money. Some were given a little, others a great deal. Those given a little money were given the chance to destroy the large amounts of money given to others—but at the cost of losing their own. Two thirds of the people tested agreed to do this.

This seems to prove the entrepreneurs were right to complain. But there is also conflicting evidence. The Organization for Econnomic Cooperation and Development(OECD) recently reported that the UK was now the world’s fourth largest economy. That is not bad for people who are supposed to hate success. People in the UK also work longer hours than anyone else in Europe. So the British people are not lazy, either.

“It’s not really success that the British dislike,” says Carey Cooper, a Professor of management at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. “It’s people using their success in a way that seems arrogant(傲慢) or unfair or which separates them from their roots.”

Perhaps it is the entrepreneurs who are the problem. They set out to do things in their way. They work long hours. By their own efforts they become millionaires. But instead of being happy they complain that nobody loves them. If they were more friendly, people would like them more. And more people want to be like them.

56. What does the underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refer to?

A. One group of people.            B. A great survey.

C. National character.              D. A nation.

57. Most of the British top entrepreneurs surveyed believe that ________.

A. they are not popular simply because they are successful

B. the British public are hardworking

C. love of success is Britain’s national character

D. they are considered as “green-eyed monsters”

58. What does the result of the Warwich University test show?

A. Two thirds of the people tested didn’t love money.

B. Most people would rather fail than see others succeed.

C. An imaginary amount of money does not attract people.

D. Most people are willing to enjoy success with others.

59. The writer of the passage seems to suggest that _______.

A. jealousy is Britain’s national character

B. British entrepreneurs are not fairly treated

C. the scientists at Warwich University did a successful test

D. the British dislike the entrepreneurs because they do not behave properly


                                                                COMMUNITY COLLEGE
                                                                Cornwall Country Council
                                                 WE NEED TWO ASSISTANT HEADTEACHERS
                                                                     From January 2006 
                                                                L13-17(£44 703-£49 314)
      Penrice Community College is a highly regarded and successful 11-16 specialist languages college.
Following the recent appointment of a new Headteacher we're restructuring(重组)the leadership team
to create new roles.
     One post will be leading teaching teams with responsibility for curriculum and timetabling.
     The other post will be leading student based teams with responsibility for student learning outcomes
and the removal of barriers to student success such as poor attendance or disaffection.
     Penrice Community College is:
     ● A school with 1350 wonderful students
     ● High achieving with results well above average
     ● Mentioned twice in HMCI's outstanding schools list
     ● A british Council International School
     ● Situated in a beautiful part of mid Cornwall All enquires for information and application packs to
Daniellle Eyres on 01726 72613 or on secretary @ penricecornwall. Sch. Uk Closing date for applications
is Tuesday October 4th at noon. Interviews will be held on Monday 17th and Tuesday 18th October 2005.
1. The purpose of the above passage is to _____.
A. introduce the advantage of a school
B. report the appointment of a new headteacher
C. call on more students to go to school
D. advertise for new assistants of headteachers
2. The two new posts are required to do all the following EXCEPT ______.
A. stopping students missing classes
B. getting students interested in learning
C. leading student based teams
D. arranging new curriculum
3. HMCI is probably the name of _____.
A. an educational organization
B. a school leader
C. a political party
D. a news reporter
4. How many ways are mentioned in which you can get in touch with the school?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Five

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