

1What does the man ask the woman to do?

A. To buy him soft drinks.

B. To buy him some vitamins.

C. To buy him some burgers.

2How does the man find vitamin pills?

A. Important. B. Effective. C. Useless.

3What kind of food does the man usually eat?

A. Fruit. B. Fast food. C. Vegetables.


1 C

2 C

3 B






【题目】 It should be easy for you to recognize faces of your family and friends. But can you remember faces that you’ve only seen once? You might think it is very difficult.

1 They are the so-called “super recognizers”, who can remember at least 80 percent of the faces they’ve seen. 2 But studies show that at least one person in every recognizer, reported the Daily Mail.

Bournemouth University in the UK recently carried out research trying to find out recognizers have a different way to process feces. They have found that when these people look a faces, they spend more time looking at the person’s nose. 3 Their super ability is limited only to face recognition.

4 Some super recognizers never forget faces. But for some, if you present pairs of feces to them at the same time, they can quickly decide whether the faces are of the same person or two different people.

In fact, many super recognizers say they are very good at “spotting” (发现) faces in a crowd. These subtypes of super recognition could be applied to many areas. 5 Super recognizers could help match faces in CCTV footage (闭路电视镜头). They could also help police spot known troublemakers, bad people or even missing people in crowds.

A. However, studies have found a small number of people have amazing face recognition skills.

B. Researchers have tried to find how certain people are so good at recognizing faces.

C. It is also found that these people are not particularly smarter than others.

D. It is unknown how many people truly have these skills.

E. For example, the skills could be very useful at a passport control checkpoint.

F. The research also found that in general these super recognizers have a good memory.

G. Another important finding is that there are subtypes of super recognition.

【题目】 Find the perfect way to keep fit with these websites.


This site is perfect for those who like to combine (结合) living a healthy lifestyle with enjoying the countryside. You can get a list of locations that offer routes for cycling. There is also information on cycling competitions in Britain.


Steve Amos started this site for busy people wanting to keep fit. Fill in a quiz (测验) and Steve will create a fitness programme for you. Although Steve’s fee is high, you can email him for advice whenever you want. Besides, Steve has designed many fitness clothes, which anyone can order.


This is a free government website that encourages people to keep fit. It gives diet advice, and allows you to work through a fitness programme without leaving your house. It also offers advice on equipment to buy and has a chat room, where you can compare experiences with others.


This website tells you how you can keep fit at this group of London sports centres. You don’t have to be a member — these centres run a pay-as-you-go system. They all have a pool and gym. The website includes information about locations, opening times and prices.


The National Athletics Group is a site for people interested in athletics. It allows you to find out where your nearest athletics club is and provides information about races and other athletics events around the country. There is a popular chat room where athletes exchange (交流) suggestions and ideas.

1Which of the following websites has information on cycling competitions?


C.www. fitnessonline.co.uk.D.www.fitnet.co.uk.

2What can we learn about Steve Amos?

A.He always helps people for free.

B.He started the site to sell fitness clothes.

C.He is unwilling to answer people’s emails.

D.He offers services to busy people who want to keep fit.

3What can people do on www.NAG.co.uk?

A.Search for the best gym.B.Buy sports equipment they need.

C.Communicate with other athletes.D.Find information about indoor sports.

【题目】 All networks like 3G and 4G will be things of the past, because 5G will be reachable in the near future. So, what’s so special about a 5G future? First, its download speed can be as fast as 20GB/s, which is 100 to 200 times that of 4G. But what’s more impressive is 5G’s low delay rate. Now 4G takes 200 milliseconds to send and receive information. But 5G will get it down to 1 millisecond.

5G is going to change the way equipment connects to the Internet. And self-driving cars may be one of the biggest breakthroughs to come out of 5G. The self-driving car under 5G network could react to hundreds of cars around it within 1 millisecond. It’ll prevent car accidents and end traffic jams completely.

5G can benefit us in other ways. Operations could be performed by robots controlled by experts from the other side of the world. Factories can be staffed by robots that can communicate their tasks to each other, and they can do more work over a 5G network. Imagine a group of drones(无人机) flying over a field of crops. Then farmers won’t have to work so hard anymore.

But, 5G is not perfect. One major shortcoming has to do with why it’s so fast. 5G uses the millimeter waves, while 4G uses the 15 to 40 centimeter-long waves. And shorter waves go fast but not very far. On 4G networks, the signal can go 10 kilometers. But the 5G signal can go at most 300 meters, and it can’t even go through walls or rain.

1How does the author show us 5G’s advantages in Paragraph I?

A.By giving examples of the uses of 5G.

B.By making comparisons between 4G and 5G.

C.By explaining the scientific principles of 5G.

D.By analyzing 5G’s development from 4G.

2According to the author, the self-driving cars will ___________.

A.cause more car accidents.

B.slow down 5G’s development.

C.run without being connected to the Internet.

D.have a much faster reaction speed than humans.

3What does the underlined part “ be staffed by robots” in paragraph 3 mean?

A.Be built by robots.

B.Have robots as workers.

C.Offer employees home robots.

D.Produce more medical robots.

4What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?

A.The main weakness of 5G networks.

B.How to make 4G networks more perfect.

C.The types of long waves and short waves.

D.How to improve the communication in rainy days.

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