
14.The house was completely ______ by fire.(  )

分析 这房子完全被大火毁坏了.

解答 答案:B.damage 表示财产上的小损失;destroy 表示财产上的大损失;caused 表示导致,引起;beaten表示被打败,根据句意是大火造成的损失,故选B.

点评 考查动词词义辨析.在理解词意的基础上,结合语境选出正确答案,注意意思相近单词之间的区别.

4.In today's consumer world,we've never had so much,yet it seems we've never been so unsatisfied.The cost of housing has been rising for decades,and the cost to the planet has been huge,too.But there is a way to live a simpler,greener,and more affordable life:buy a TinyDwelling home!
TinyDwelling homes are very small,yet comfortable houses at affordable prices.Each TinyDwelling home includes a living room,kitchen,bathroom,upstairs sleeping area,and convenient storage space.TinyDwelling homes are cheap to run and ecologically-friendly,too.All you need is a small heater to keep your house warm in cold weather,and solar panels (太阳能电池板) to provide light and electricity.
TinyDwelling is part of the small-living movement that began in the late 1990s.Back then,a growing number of people began to live in very small homes.They wanted to reduce their possessions,living space,and energy costs,so as to lead more ecologically-friendly lives.But the small-living movement really took off after the economic crisis of 2008,when many people realized that they couldn't afford to keep large homes.
Lizzy Morriaon,a small-living lover,started TinyDwelling homes in 2008 to meet the needs of these people.Since then,Lizzy has been designing and building homes nonstop,and TinyDwelling homes have become so popular that thousands of people have bought one.And Lizzy hasn't only designing and building houses.She has also been teaching people how to build them.Simply buy the plans and materials so that you can build your own home,and save even more money!
4.What do we know about the small-living movement?B
A.It aimed to handle the economic crisis.
B.It did not become quite popular until 2008.
C.It was well received by house designers.
D.It was started by people without houses.
5.What is the main attraction of TinyDwelling homes?C
A.They have upstairs sleeping area.
B.They provide storage space.
C.They are affordable.
D.They are equipped with solar panels.
6.Besides designing TinyDwelling homes,Lizzy alsoA.
A.helped people to build them              
B.urged people to buy them
C.taught people to save money              
D.offered courses to train designers.
4.The first day of school our professor introduced Rose,a little old lady,to us.We became good friends(46)Bbecause of her humor.When(47)Cwhy she took on the challenge at her age,she told me she always(48)Ahaving a college education and finally she got one.Every day we(49)Dleave class together and talk a lot for the next three months.I was always  listening to this"time machine"as she(50)Aher wisdom and experience with Me.
At the end of the(5)1Bwe invited Rose to give a (n)(52)Dto our football team.I'll never(53)Cwhat she taught us.She said,"We do not(54)Aplaying because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing.There are some secrets to staying(55)B,being happy and achieving success.You have to(56)Cand find humor every day.You've got to have a(57)AWhen you lose your dreams,you die.We have so many people walking(58)Awho are dead and don't even know it!There is a big(59)Cbetween growing older and growing up.Anybody can grow older.That doesn't take any talent or ability.What is important is to grow up by always finding every chance to change for the(60)Din life.Have no regrets.The elderly usually don't have(61)Bfor what we did but rather for things we did not do.The only people who(62)Cdeath are those with regrets."
At the year's end Rose finished the college degree.One week after(63)ARose died peacefully in her sleep.Over two thousand college students attended her funeral(葬礼)to(64)Dthe wonderful woman who taught by example that it's never too(65)Ato be all you can possibly be.

48.A.dreamed ofB.cared aboutC.turned toD.thought of

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