
Johnny wanted to ride his new bicycle in the street, but his mother told him _____.

A.not toB.not do itC.not to doD.do not


解析试题分析:考查不定式的否定式,tell sb not to do叫某人不要做…,不定式省略需保留不定式符号to,省略后面的动词,句意:Johnny想在街上骑自己的新自行车,但他妈妈叫他不要这么做,故选A



  Many schools require yearly parent teacher conferences for all students. _____.The list below is to help teachers prepare themselves for these often difficult conferences.

  _____.When you have students who are struggling in either their academics or their behavior, you should communicate with their parents using notes or phone calls.

  Come to the conference well-prepared. If the student is having a hard time with their work, show the parents their grades and samples of their work. ______ .If the student is misbehaving, then you should make detailed notes of their behavior before the conference. Bring these notes to the conference so that parents can understand how their children are behaving.

  ______. For example, you might say something about their creativity, their handwriting, their sense of humor, or make some other comment. Instead of restating the problems you’ve already discussed, end with a comment that offers hope for the future. You could say something like, “ Thanks for meeting with me today. I know that working together we can help Johnny succeed.”

  Some teachers may have to deal with an angry parent at some point. _____. Much anger can be avoided if the parents are informed. Don’t get excited yourself and make sure you avoid shouting.

Communicating with parents before a conference is necessary.

Try to think of something nice to say about the students that have problems.

At the end of the conference, you should make a conclusion.

A parent teacher conference can have a huge impact on a student’s work and behavior.

Remember to thank the parents for coming to the conference and working with you.

Remember that the best way to solve this is to keep parents informed every step of the way.

G. It is easier for parents to understand the problem if they can actually see examples of their children’s work.

When our son, Alex, was young, he hated to travel. We endured refusals to visit one more museum, even if it was the Louvre. We coped with a child who resisted even a taste of onion soup in Paris and who insisted he would like nothing more than ordering room service at the hotel and watching TV.
Over the years, we have come up with several hard-earned but realistic strategies to help kids cope on long-distance trips.
First, we recognize that some children have trouble adjusting to new environments, food, time zones and schedules. So, in advance of a trip to England, we gave our son a taste of the new culture by making shepherd’s pie for supper. He loved the mashed potatoes, chopped meat and brown gravy(肉汁). For Italy, we sampled homemade pesto(香蒜沙司) served over linguine(扁面条). For Amsterdam, I cooked up a pot of comforting pea soup and baked a delicious apple pancake called pannekoeken. Then, when we traveled to these places, he ate these foods and they seemed like a taste of home.
In addition to food, we always sample the culture beforehand by reading books and renting movies from the countries we will be visiting. For Italy, the book Italian Folktales by Italo Calvino and the films Johnny Stecchino, Cinema Paradiso, and Il Postino gave our son a glimpse of the Italian way of life. For Britain, we rented Mr. Bean and Billy Elliot, and enjoyed stories by J.R.R. Tolkien and E. Nesbit. For Amsterdam, he finished The Diary of Anne Frank.
Before we leave home, we also ask Alex to go through our tour books and pick out activities that appeal to him. He was excited about visiting the London Dungeon and the Imperial War Museum, and taking a ride in the London Eye. They turned out to be big hits. Because Alex’s preferences were given equal attention, he was more tolerant of his parents’ selections, such as visiting Charters Cathedral and the Van Gogh Museum.
We’ve also learned the hard way that dragging our son out of bed early in the morning ,thus making him grumpy all day. Now that he is a teenager, we let him sleep in while we sip coffee at a café, work out at the hotel gym, or take a long walk. This makes our time together much more enjoyable
59.According to the writer, parents are advised to _______.
A. cook children’s favorite food           
B. postpone traveling until the kids are in college
C. allow their kids a ride in the London Eye
D. take children’s interest and preferences into account
60.Cinema Paradiso and Il Postino are mentioned as _______.
A. particular desires of children       B. an approach to interest the future possible visit
C. highly appreciated films for tourists  D. comfortable activities children could pick out
61.The underlined word “grumpy” in the last paragraph is similar in meaning to _______.
A. bad-tempered        B. tolerant           C. energetic           D. nervous
62.Which of the following might serve as a possible title for this passage?
A. Kids and Parents.                         B. Joys of Traveling.
C. Whether You Go or Not.                  D. How to motivate Kids to travel

Whenever we do something wrong, Jesus Christ sees it. He loves us and doesn’t say it. Perhaps he’s wondering how long we’ll keep our mind suffering. A little boy named Johnny was visiting his grandparents on their farm and he was given a slingshot(弹弓) to play with out in the woods. He        for some time but he could never hit the target he had set for himself. Getting a little       , he walked back to the farmhouse for dinner. As he was _        back, he saw Grandpa’s pet duck. Just out of       , he let the slingshot fly , hitting it in the head ,and killed it. In a panic, he         the dead duck in the woodpile, only to see his sister Sally        be watching him. Sally had seen all this, but she said _   _ . After lunch that day Grandma said, “Sally, it’s your turn to wash the dishes.” But Sally said, “Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to help in the kitchen.” And then she spoke _     to him, “Remember the duck?” So Johnny did the dishes. Later that day, Grandpa asked if        wanted to go fishing, but Grandma said, “I’m sorry but I need Sally to help me make supper.” But Sally just smiled and said, “Well, that’s all right because Johnny told me he was too       to help you. And she whispered again, “Remember the duck?” So Sally went fishing and Johnny        to help make supper. After several days of doing both his       and Sally’s, Johnny finally couldn’t      it any longer. He came to his Grandma and told her that he had killed the duck .Grandma smiled and gave him a big __    . “Sweetheart, I know. You see, I was watering the flowers at the window        I saw you shoot my duck with the slingshot, and I saw the whole thing. But because I love you, I      you. I was just wondering how long you would let Sally     _ of you.”

In reality, no matter how      __ or how uncomfortable it is to admit our wrongdoing, we should always choose to       it and work it through instead of running away from it. Hard as it is, it        us and makes us who we are.

1.A. promoted         B. exercised          C. practiced              D. consumed

2.A. delighted        B. upset                   C. amazed            D. scared

3.A. running          B. rushing      C. heading                   D. leaving

4.A. sympathy       B. pride        C. impulse            D. politeness

5.A. hung           B. presented            C. protected          D. hid

6.A. should                        B. shall                       C. must                        D. might

7.A. nothing         B. everything          C. something         D. anything

8.A. loudly          B. softly                   C. guiltily         D. innocently

9.A. Sally            B. Johnny         C. the children         D. Grandma

10.A. reluctant              B. willing        C. curious               D. cautious

11.A. kept up                B. held back             C. left behind     D. stayed behind

12.A. chores                B. homework          C. games                   D. sports

13.A. accept                B. stand               C. withdraw          D. allow

14.A. hug                  B. blow               C. reward              D. award

15.A. whereas               B. as           C. while                D. when

16.A. appreciate             B. admire                  C. forgive           D. Force

17.A. put the blame         B. make friends        C. put pressure    D. make a slave

18.A. doubtful               B. grateful            C. harmful            D. painful

19.A. reject                 B. control     C. face               D. witness

20.A. develops               B. shapes                  C. ruins               D. prepares


A couple of years ago I took the family on a winter vacation to New York City to experience the holiday atmospheres. The longest lines that week weren’t in the Empire State Building, at the Statue of Liberty Ferry or any of the Big Apple’s other landmarks (地标) , but at Fifth Avenue and 58th Street, where people crowded into FAO Schwarz.

It was not until I got inside that it became clear how only one toy store could provide everything else that Manhattan offers between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Far more than a shopping experience, the hour we spent wandering along the aisles(通道) at FAO Schwarz was more like visiting a museum of everything that children care for very much. And for me — and all of the other bright-eyed grownups — it was a trip down my memory lane to the toys we knew as kinds.

America’s most unique toy stores are found from coast to coast, in big cities and also in small towns. Let’s have a look at some others.

The Dinosaur Farm in South Pasadena, Calif.: Former rock musician Dave Plenn opened the shop in 1994, a year after “Jurassic Park” brought the creatures back into the spotlight again. But he says his wife ---who was then working for the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles— rather than the big movie proved the inspiration for the dinosaur store.

Mild Zone: A more traditional specialty store, which sells model cars like Matchbox, Hot Wheels and Johnny Lightning. “It’s such an addicting (上瘾的) hobby,” says Burke, who admits that he originally created the store as a means to feed his own toy car collection. “Once you buy your first, you can never stop.” The store has around 30,000 cars. Mile Zone’s customers are from kinds with a wish for speedy toys to grown-ups who view the model cars as time travel back to their youth.

59. The author wrote the first paragraph mainly to show _________.

A. the poor traffic condition in New York      B. the nice holiday atmosphere in New York

C. the popularity of toy stores in New York   D. the charming landmarks in New York

60. Walking into FAO Schwarz gave the author a chance to ___________.

A. recall his life of childhood  B. visit a most special museum

C. study the history of Manhattan   D. learn the way of producing toys

61. Dave Plenn was inspired to open the Dinosaur Farm by ________.

A. his wife       B. “Jurassic Park”  C. his research on nature       D .rock music

62. We can infer from the passage that ______.

A. dinosaur toy stores are more popular than traditional ones

B. some unique toys have been displayed in local museums

C. some popular toy stores have become new landmarks

D. customers of toy stores are more than children


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