
【题目】Many students went to the park yesterday, __________ Li Ping.

A. contained B. included

C. containing D. including


【解析】句意:昨天包括李平在内的许多学生去了公园。contain包含,装有,include包括,包含,都为动词。 including包含在内,为介词。









I read a lot of history, a little philosophy, and a good deal of science. My curiosity was too great to allow me to give much time to reflect what I read; I could hard wait to finish one book, too eager was I to begin another. This was always an adventure, and I would start upon a famous work as exciting as a reasonable young man would go in to bat for his side or a nice girl goes to a dance. Now and then journalists in search of copy ask me when the most thrilling moment of my life is. If I am not ashamed to say, I might answer that it is the moment that I began to read Goethe'sFaust.

I have never been quite lost this feeling, and even now the first pages of a book sometimes send the blood racing through my veins. To me reading is a rest as to other people conversation and a game of cards. It is more than that; it is a necessity, and if I am deprived of it in a little while I find myself as irritable as the addict deprived of his drug. I would sooner read a timetable or a catalogue than nothing at all.

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