

  Right is right. Right? But is left wrong? Well, the Romans used to think so. They thought left-handed people were mistakes of nature. Latin, the language of the Romans, had many words that expressed this view (观点) .Some words we use today still have this meaning. The Latin word“dexter”means“right”. The English word “odexterous”comes from this word. It means“handy”(clever with hands), so, right, is handy. But the Latin word for left is“sinistra”. The English word“sinister”comes from this word. Sinister means“evil”(very bad). Is it fair to call right-handed people handy and left-handed people evil? Well fair or not, many languages have words that express such beliefs. In old English, the word for left means“weak”. That isn't much of an improvement over“evil”.

  Not very long ago, children were often forced to write with their right hands. Doctors have since found that this can be very harmful. You should use the hand you were born to use.

  People who use their left hands are just starting to get better treatment. But why did they get all these bad names in the first place? One reason may be that there are not as many left-handed people as there are right handed people. There is one left-handed person for every five right-handed ones. People who are different are often thought to be wrong. But attitudes (态度) do seem to be changing. Fairminded right-handed people are finally starting to give left-handed people a hand.

(1) The passage leads us to believe that when one writes ________.

[  ]

A.he can use his right hand only

B.he can use his left hand only

C.he can use either his left hand or his right hand

D.he shouldn't use his left hand

(2) Which of the following is true to the passage?

[  ]

A.Odexterous comes from old English.

B.The Latin word for left is sinister.

C.The word for left in old English is a little better than that in Latin.

D.The word evil for left comes from Latin.

(3) Left-handed people today are ________.

[  ]

A.just as weak as left-handed people of the past

B.being treated better than those in the past

C.thought to be strange

D.being taught to use their right hands

(4) “Fair-minded right-handed people are finally starting to give left-handed people a hand”means that they are ________.

[  ]

A.persuading them

B.teaching them how to use their right hands

C.starting to give them a chance and help them out

D.shaking hands with them

(5) What's the main idea of the passage?

[  ]

A.Many languages have words that express the idea that left is bad.

B.Majorities often get good treatment.

C.Throughout the history, left-handed people have been treated poorly.

D.There are a lot of differences between left-handed people and right-handed people.




  When I left school five years ago, I said to myself, “that's that! No more learning for me. Now I can enjoy myself in the evening.” But about a year ago the boss said, “We're going to get a computer in the near future.” What does he mean? I simply don't know. Anyway, I decided to go to evening classes. I'm quite an expert on computers now and, you know, I actually enjoy studying.


  I haven't much interest in studying. To be honest, I don't like reading very much, except for magazines and that sort of thing. Just light reading, that is, to pass the time. But I do enjoy TV. Not that I watch everything. In fact, I choose my programmes very carefully. I'm particularly interested in current affairs. In some ways I think I learn more this way than I did at school.


  I'm a very sort of person - I simply love doing things. That's why I enjoy sports so much. I mean, actually playing. I hardly ever watch it on TV, but I do read quite a bit about it. I'm even interested in the history of sports. I don't have much time for anything else, except that I quite like dancing. Some people say I'm not very good at it, though.


  I should say I have great interest in studying. I'd rather do this than anything e1se. Since I left school, I've taken courses in all sorts of things. I go to the city library once a week, but I much prefer evening classes because it's more fun that way. My latest “craze(狂热)” - if you can call it that - is foreign languages. I'm learning two, not one!

1.These four people are talking about what they do ________.

[  ]

A.in their free time
B.at school
C.to be proud of themselves
D.to get some extra pay

2.According to what they say, which of the following is not true?

[  ]

A.Ben was pleased to leave school.

B.Eve does not spend much time in reading.

C.Ted spends a lot of time watching his favourite sport on television.

D.Joan is learning languages in the evening school.

3.Among the four people, ________ are considered to have made good use of time in studying.

[  ]

A.Ben and Eve
B.Eve and Ted
C.Ted and Joan
D.Ben and Joan



  1.Share Flats Happy Valley big flat, 1 room ready for use immediately, quiet and convenient, fully furnished, park view, $ 6, 800 including bills with maid. Female nonsmoker, No pet. Sara 25720836 or 10077809.

  2.Moving Sale 2 armchairs, red/brown at $ 400 each; coffee table, black, wood, $ 800; oil painting, big, $ 900; Tianjin carpet, green, 3×7, $ 600; double bed, $ 500; mirror, big, square, $ 500; fridge, big, double-door, $ 1000; old pictures, $ 140, up, each; plants, big and small. Tel: Weekend, 2521-6011/Weekday, 2524-5867.

  3.Part-time Laboratory Assistant Wanted Required by busy electronics(电子) company to help with development of computer. Should have an electronics degree and some practical experience of working in an electronics laboratory . Hours 9∶30 a.m.-1∶00 p.m. Mon.-Fri.Fourteen days paid leave. Salary(工资) ¥6,598-10,230 dependent on experience. Letter of application to: Mis G Chan NOVA ELECTRONICS,45, Gordon Rd, Hung Hom Kowloon .


1.The one who put on the first ad probably wants to ________ .

[  ]

A.rent (租) a beautiful flat of her own in Happy Valley

B.find another lady to share the cost to rent a flat

C.share her room in a flat with whoever has no pet

D.take on a maid to look after herself

2.According to the ads, you may

[  ]

A.buy an old picture for $ 150

B.call at 25720836 and see a beautiful park

C.buy two armchairs for $ 400

D.hire a maid by paying $ 6,800

3.If you want to buy some old furniture, you should ________ .

[  ]

A.get in touch with NOVA ELECTRONICS

B.call at 2524-5867 any day except Monday

C.do it before you move to another place

D.call at either 2524-5867 on Monday or 2521-6011 on Saturday

4.Once you can get a part-time job in NOVA ELECTRONICS, ________ .

[  ]

A.you will be given 14 days off each year besides weekends

B.you will get $ 6, 598 each month no matter how experienced you are

C.you have to work at least 4 hours a day

D.you should write a letter of application to Mrs G Chan


  The United States: Fliers may want to have their tickets in hand before catching their planes, but the airline companies are doing everything they can to bring forward cost-saving ticketless flight-no paper needed, just a ticket number and a photo ID(带照片的身份证). Anyone who buys a Northwest E-ticket through the airline's computer service by June 16 will get an award(奖励). Next time you fly, you can buy another ticket for a friend for 99, good anywhere in the US or Canada through Feb. 12, 2000, along with the lowest ticket prices. Some airlines offer extra frequent-flier miles for the ticketless crowd. And there are rising punishments for paper lovers. American, Northwest, United, and last week, US Airways have raised the cost for lost ticket replacement (替换) to 70 from either 60 or 50. The airlines insist that the increase in price is not meant to push travelers toward E-tickets but only covers the increasing cost of replacing and tracking a missing ticket.

1.Why is the new ticketless flight introduced?

[  ]

A.It is cheaper for air travelers.

B.It helps reduce the cost for airlines.

C.It can use computer to plan air traveling.

D.It helps prevent fliers from losing their tickets.

2.To encourage people to take ticketless flights, the airlines ________.

[  ]

A.sell their tickets for 99 from June to February the following year

B.let travelers go to both the US and Canada with the same tickets

C.allow each traveler to have an extra 99 ticket for a friend of theirs

D.offer ticketless travelers free miles to fly in the US

3.Who are the paper lovers mentioned in the text?

[  ]

A.People who like to have paper airplane tickets.

B.People who love paper products of various kinds.

C.People who travel with paper on a plane.

D.People who have lost their ticket and buy a second one.

4.The airline companies say that they have raised the lost-ticket replacement price in order to ________.

[  ]

A.attract travelers to take ticketless flights

B.punish those who insist on using paper tickets

C.do better than other airline companies

D.pay for the work to deal with lost tickets



  1.Share Flats Happy Valley big flat, 1 room ready for use immediately, quiet and convenient, fully furnished, park view, $ 6, 800 including bills with maid. Female nonsmoker, No pet. Sara 25720836 or 10077809.

  2.Moving Sale 2 armchairs, red/brown at $ 400 each; coffee table, black, wood, $ 800; oil painting, big, $ 900; Tianjin carpet, green, 3×7, $ 600; double bed, $ 500; mirror, big, square, $ 500; fridge, big, double-door, $ 1000; old pictures, $ 140, up, each; plants, big and small. Tel: Weekend, 2521-6011/Weekday, 2524-5867.

  3.Part-time Laboratory Assistant Wanted Required by busy electronics(电子) company to help with development of computer. Should have an electronics degree and some practical experience of working in an electronics laboratory . Hours 9∶30 a.m.-1∶00 p.m. Mon.-Fri.Fourteen days paid leave. Salary(工资) ¥6,598-10,230 dependent on experience. Letter of application to: Mis G Chan NOVA ELECTRONICS,45, Gordon Rd, Hung Hom Kowloon .


1.The one who put on the first ad probably wants to ________ .

[  ]

A.rent (租) a beautiful flat of her own in Happy Valley

B.find another lady to share the cost to rent a flat

C.share her room in a flat with whoever has no pet

D.take on a maid to look after herself

2.According to the ads, you may

[  ]

A.buy an old picture for $ 150

B.call at 25720836 and see a beautiful park

C.buy two armchairs for $ 400

D.hire a maid by paying $ 6,800

3.If you want to buy some old furniture, you should ________ .

[  ]

A.get in touch with NOVA ELECTRONICS

B.call at 2524-5867 any day except Monday

C.do it before you move to another place

D.call at either 2524-5867 on Monday or 2521-6011 on Saturday

4.Once you can get a part-time job in NOVA ELECTRONICS, ________ .

[  ]

A.you will be given 14 days off each year besides weekends

B.you will get $ 6, 598 each month no matter how experienced you are

C.you have to work at least 4 hours a day

D.you should write a letter of application to Mrs G Chan


  Mrs. Matthews lived in a small town where there was one jeweller's shop. It also took in watch repairs, although it had to send them off to London for the work to be done, as there was not enough business to keep an expert watch repairer occupied.

  When Mrs. Matthews's old father died, she inherited his gold watch, which had belonged to his father and grandfather before him. It was big and heavy and worth a lot of money, but it was broken, so Mrs. Matthews took it to be repaired.

  The man in the jeweller's shop was very interested to see such an unusual watch, and when he had examined its insides, he said he could certainly have it repaired for her. “It'll last a long time once that's been done.”he said. He wrote out a ticket and gave it to Mrs. Matthews saying. “Please bring this when you come to pick up the watch. But it might take a bit of time, because it isn't a modem watch.”

  But Mrs. Matthews had a lot of things to think about after her father died. She had to arrange to deal with the various affairs after her father's death.

  The result was that she completely forgot about the watch that she had taken in for repair, and about the ticket for it, which she had put away in a drawer to keep it safe.

  Then, while she was looking through some old drawers one day, she found the ticket for the watch repair.

  She thought back, suddenly she remembered.“My father's gold watch! Didn't I pick it up? When did I take it in?”She looked at the ticket.

  “How old's this ticket?” she said to herself. It was five years old.

  Mrs. Matthews had heard that shops could sell things that people had left with them if they didn't pick them up and pay for them before a certain time. “But the watch might still be there,”she thought.“I'll go and see if I can get it back. It might have been sold, but I hope not.”

  She took the ticket to the jeweller's and the shopkeeper looked at it and then went to look for the watch without saying a word.

  “That's good,”Mrs. Matthews thought.“He didn't seem to mind about the date.”

  The man came back after a few minutes and said,“It won't be ready until Friday.”


(1) Who was the watch repairer according to the text?

[  ]

A.Mrs. Matthews

B.One jeweller's shop

C.The hired expert watch repairer

D.Some watch repairer in London

(2) In the sentence“She inherited his gold watch”, the underlined word “inherited”is closest in meaning to “________”

[  ]


(3)In the shop owner's opinion, if the watch has been repaired, what will happen to it?

[  ]

A.It can keep its time for long

B.It is an old watch that can't go fast

C.It can last five years

D.The passage doesn't tell us

(4) Five years later, ________.

[  ]

A.the gold watch was sold

B.Mrs Matthews decided to find the ticket in the drawer

C.the jeweller couldn't see the date on the ticket clearly

D.the gold watch was not yet repaired

(5) Which title would best fit in with the present passage?

[  ]

A.Mrs. Matthews' Death Affairs

B.Such“Fast Work”

C.The Story of Mrs. Matthews

D.The History of the Gold Watch

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