Like most of my schoolmates, I have neither brothers nor |
1.________ |
sisters |
2.________ |
love me dearly of course and will do all they can make sure |
3.________ |
that I get a good education. They did not want me to do |
4.________ |
any work at family; they want me to devote all my time to |
5.________ |
my studies so that I'll get good marks in all my subject. We |
6.________ |
may be one family and live under a same roof, but we do |
7.________ |
not seem to get much time to talk about together. It looks |
8.________ |
as if my parents treat me as a visitor and a guest. Do they |
9.________ |
really understand their own daughter? What things are in |
10.________ |
other homes, I wonder. |
1.√ 2.去掉in后面的any 3.can∧→to 4.did→do 5.family→home 6.subject→subjects 7.a→the 8.去掉about 9.and→or 10.What→How |

Tom lived lonely in a house. A woman came in |
1.________ |
everyday to cook and clean to him but he did |
2.________ |
not live there. Tom's bedroom was at back of the |
3.________ |
house, but he drew the heavily curtain across the |
4.________ |
window before he turned up the light. Then he |
5.________ |
felt in his pocket and pull out a glove. A |
6.________ l |
look of surprised came onto his face. He felt |
7.________ |
in his pocket again. His hand had moved among |
8.________ |
the cold pieces there but he did not take them |
9.________ |
out. He was afraid look at them. He was white |
10.________ |
with fear. The other glove was not there. |
I am writing to you just tell you how much |
1._____ |
I enjoyed myself at last weekend. It was my first |
2._____ |
visit to an American family and l was naturally |
3._____ |
a bit nervous. As when I saw you with a warm |
4._____ |
smile of welcoming on your face, I immediately |
5._____ |
knew that anything was going to be all right. |
6._____ |
I have many happy memories of weekend. |
7._____ |
I especially enjoy the visit to the market. I |
8._____ |
liked playing chess to your son, too. |
9._____ |
I hope some days you will visit my home |
10.____ |
in China and I can return your kindness. |
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