


  Scientists have   1   studying the complex nature of light for thousands of years.  2   was only this century, however, that they unlocked the secrets of this mysterious force.Now that light is more fully   3  (understand), Researchers are searching for ways to put this power   4   work.The most significant invention to come out of this research is, no doubt, the laser.

    5   the laser was invented only twenty years ago, its applications are continually growing, in number as   6   as in importance.Today one can find laser in hospitals, factories and   7   in the grocery stores.They are the heart of new weapon systems and they might be the key   8   a new energy supply.

  Eye doctors are   9   important use of new laser technology.If diseased tissue is found, a   10  (power)laser can be used to burn it away.


  1.been have been studying一直在研究 该结构是现在完成进行时。

  2.It It be……that……是强调句型。


  4.to put this……to work利用这个力量

  5.though though the laser was invented only twenty years ago虽然激光在20年前才被发明,在这里表示转折。

  6.well as well as固定结构

  7.even even在这里表示更多的,更深的

  8.to the key to……的答案

  9.making make use of make在这里要作动名词。

  10.powerful 形容词做定语





  Soccer is an extremely popular sport through most of the world.However,as with anything that people feel over interested in,strong feelings sometimes get out of hand.English fans have been known   1   quarreling endlessly and even fighting in the stands.Several violent actions in a game between Argentina and Chile in 1964   2   (动词词组) the death of 309 people.But up   3   now at least,there has been only one soccer war.

  That war took place between E1 Salvador and Honduras,two Central American countries.The year was 1969,and for many years the Salvador economy had been in a frightening condition:too many people with too little land and too   4   (little) jobs, created a situation of terrible poverty.As a result,many poor Salvadorans had been   5  (secret) crossing into Honduras looking for work,and later they formed a strong sense   6   (引导词) they were mistreated there.So unfriendly feelings were already very strong at the beginning of a World Cup match between the two countries.

  The first game of the three-game play off   7   (hold) in Honduras,and the home team got   8  1-0 win in the last minute of play.Fighting broke out afterward in the streets,and the stadium was set on fire.The second game was played in E1 Salvador,and the E1 Salvador team won.More violence and fires followed. 9 .By the time the third game was played in Mexico City,an actual War appeared certainly by all means(改正句中错误).And that is exactly   10   (引导词) happened.Immediately after E1 Salvador’s close victory,armies began marching along the border of the two countries.Then E1 Salvador attacked Honduras and bombed its airport.The war was over in less than a week,but ill feelings between the two countries lasted for years and years.