

A young shoemaker left his village to make an adventure. Along the way, he found some ants, who were very sad because a bear had destroyed their house. The shoemaker helped them rebuild it, and the ants offered to return the favor someday.

The shoemaker followed his way and found some bees with the same problem as the ants. And they were very anxious. 2 The bees promised to help him in the future.

Tired and hungry, the shoemaker went on his adventure. He learned that the king's daughter was in the castle of a witch. The young man decided to rescue her. But the witch locked him up in a stinking(恶的)dunged on with a sack of sand mixed with poppy(罂粟) seeds and told him that if he wasn't able to separate the two, she would cut off his head at dawn.

3 But his friends-the ants came, separated the seeds from sand easily and helped him pass the test. The witch was astonished very much. Then she took him to a room where there were thirteen maidens with their faces covered: 4

The young man became discouraged but he saw a bee flew in and landed on the sweetest one-the true princess. When the shoemaker uncovered her face, the witch was changed into a crow. 5

A .The shoemaker's adventure.

B. Helping others is helping you.

C. The young man also helped them.

D. The shoemaker went home happily.

E. The young man thought about his death.

F. The shoemaker had to discover which one was the princess.

G.The young people fell in love and lived surrounded by animals and poppies.









【1】A;根据本文第一段内容 A young shoemaker left his village to make an adventure(这位年轻人离开村庄去探险)可知选项A符台题意,B项不适合做记叙文的标题。

【2】C;通过第一段中because a bear had destroyed their house. The shoemaker helped them rebuild it蚂蚁的故事可知,年轻人也帮助了蜜蜂。

【3】E;通过上段最后一句话told him that if he wasn't able to separate the two, she would cut off his head at dawn.和下段第一句话But his friends-the ants came, separated the seeds from sand easily and helped him pass the test. 可知,鞋匠很危险,所以选E项。

【4】F;通过上句Then she took him to a room where there were thirteen maidens with their faces covered可知,十三个少女都蒙着面,所以选F项。

【5】G;The young man became discouraged but he saw a bee flew in and landed on the sweetest one-the true princess. 故事的结局,找到公主,自然是相爱,所以选G项。



Not enough American students want to be engineers, mathematicians, or scientists. The Obama administration wants to change that. They are spending money to do it. The government will invest three billion dollars in the education of young Americans in science, technology, engineering, and math. The four areas together are known as STEM.

Many jobs in the STEM fields will open in the coming years. The U.S. government's investment aims to increase the number of Americans who can take those jobs.

Yet girls appear far less interested in STEM subjects than boys. Only 25 percent of STEM students are girls.

Camsie McAdams is at the U.S. Education Department. She says girls simply do not feel welcomed in STEM subjects. Ms. McAdams says young women look at industries such as engineering and computer science and see most of the leaders are men.

Debbie Sterling is an engineer. She invented a construction toy for girls. The name of the toy is "Goldie Blox." Ms. Sterling hopes Goldie Blox will help girls develop spatial skills. Spatial skills help engineers and builders to think about objects in three dimensions.

To interest girls, Sterling created the character "Goldie." Goldie does not care about beauty or clothes. Goldie tells stories, solves difficult problems and creates pretend worlds.

Experts say parents should do more than just buy toys to interest their girls in STEM subjects. They should also provide a good education. At school, girls should participate in projects that require teamwork and creative thinking.

Women in scientific and technical jobs are also working to encourage young women to explore STEM. One is Anu Tewary. She studied Applied Physics and worked for technology companies. After she had a daughter, she started Technovation Challenge. The challenge is an international competition for young women from 10 to 18 years old.

Technovation offers girls the opportunity to learn how to start a company and become high-tech entrepreneurs. Since 2009, over 2,500 girls from 28 countries have developed 650 mobile phone applications. They learned to launch start-up companies through Technovation.

There's a good chance that soon, more young women using mobile phones will also be developing programs for them.

【1】Why dont the girls take jobs related to STEM subjects?

A. Because they are less intelligent than boys.

B. Because they are forbidden to.

C. Because they lack interest and certain skills.

D. Because they are not welcomed.

【2】What should parents do to interest girls to enter STEM field?

A. Just buy some toys for them.

B. Encourage them to take these subjects.

C. Explain to them the advantages of these subjects.

D. Attract them by giving them some rewards.

【3】The character "Goldie" can help _____.

A. to improve the ability of telling stories

B. to develop spatial skills

C. to learn some knowledge of dressing up

D. to enlarge vocabulary

【4】Which statement is the writer likely to agree with?

A. Girls are as intelligent as boys.

B. Jobs in the STEM fields arent available for girls.

C. The government is satisfied with the current situation in STEM.

D. Girls are looked down upon in jobs related to STEM.

【5】Which of the following is right about Technovation Challenge?

A. It was founded by the government.

B. It is intended for girls of all ages.

C. It helps girl to overcome difficulties in their life.

D. It gives girls chances to learn knowledge about technology companies.

【题目】A month went by in this manner, but a month was all I could bear.

The memory of Marguerite accompanied me wherever I went. I had loved that woman still loved her too much for her suddenly to mean nothing to me. Whatever feelings I might have for her now, I had to see her again. At once.

I knew Marguerite. Meeting me so unexpectedly must have thrown her into a state of great confusion. Probably, she had heard of my departure which had set her mind at rest as to the consequences of our sudden parting. But, seeing me back and coming face to face with me, weak as I was, she had sensed that my return had a purpose, and must have wondered what was going to happen.

If, when I saw her again, Marguerite had been unhappy; if, in taking my revenge (复仇), there had also been some way of helping her then I might well have forgiven her, and would certainly never have dreamed of doing her any harm. But when I saw her again, she was happy, at least on the surface. Another man had ensured her the wealthy life in which I had been unable to keep her. She brought shame both to my pride and my love; she was going to have to pay for what I had suffered.

I could not remain cold to what she did now. It followed that the thing that would hurt her most would be exactly for me to show coldness. Coldness, therefore, was the feeling which I now needed to pretend, not only in her presence but in the eyes of others.

I tried to put a smile on my face, and I went to call on Prudence with whom Marguerite was


Prudence saw me to the door, and I returned to my apartment with tears of anger in my eyes and thirst for revenge in my heart and thought only of finding a way to make the poor creature suffer.

【1】 This passage is most probably ______ of a love story.

A. the beginning B. a chapter

C. a summary D. the introduction

【2】According to the passage, the hero wanted to ______.

A. give Marguerite sufferings because his pride and his love were hurt

B. stop the relationship with Marguerite because he couldn’t afford a rich life

C. make up the relationship with Marguerite because he still loved her

D. forgive Marguerite because he found her unhappy

【3】What kind of feelings did the hero most probably have?

A. Coldness and love. B. Coldness and hate.

C. Love and hate. D. Hate and sadness.

【4】 What would the author most probably write about next?

A. Why he changed his mind suddenly.

B. How he made Marguerite suffer.

C. How he made up his relationship with Marguerite.

D. Why he wanted Marguerite to pay for what he had suffered.


It is common and usual to see people freak out when they face challenges in their life. We all pass in different life problems and challenges. No one is free of life problems. Only a dead man faces no problem. As long as you are alive, challenges are everywhere.

How do you face problems and challenges in your life? Problems and challenges are the building blocks of your personality. They make you who you are. Besides, whether what happened in your life builds or destructs you depends on how you look at it. If you take your problems as troubles, they will be troubles and may cause destruction. If you take them as constructive tools, you are going to be built up on them.

Problems are everywhere. No one can avoid them. And they are good too. They open up a different look and opportunity if you are willing to see. When you face troubles, do not frustrate or freak out. Just cool yourself to think in a different direction. Think in a positive way. Every problem has its own good as well as bad sides. Focus on the good one. Look at the bright side.

Besides, there is always a good person, perhaps your mom or dad, or one of your friends, right beside you, who can turn everything into your best if you are willing to turn to them. No matter what happens, they will be there to help you. Trust them and they will never let you down. All you need to know is that you are loved wherever you are.

【1】What’s the meaning of the underlined phrase “freak out” in Paragraph 1?

A. feel shy. B. stay calm.

C. keep silent. D. feel upset.

【2】In Paragraph 2, the writer implies(暗指) that ______.

A. problems cause troubles

B. attitude is everything

C. challenges can be avoided

D. personalities are built on failures

【3】 What’s the writer’s purpose to write the passage?

A. To encourage. B. To compare.

C.To prove. D. To explain.

【4】What can be the best title of the passage?

A. How to Avoid Problems

B. Challenges Are Everywhere

C. Face Your Challenges Bravely

D. You Are Loved Wherever You Are

【题目】What is the definition of “happiness?” Is it material wealth filled with fancy cars, a dream house or jewelry? Or does happiness simply mean having a roof over your head? Food in the fridge? Having a swimming pool? A designer Gucci bag? Love? Money? A perfect job?

Do you recall a time----let’s say when you were about 5 years old-----what defined happiness back then? Was it getting a puppy for Christmas? Or maybe, you were a child of divorce; and all you wanted was for Mom and Dad to get back together again? Then as you got older, you were hoping that someone would ask you to the party that would have made your day. During college, good grades made you happy, but it was short-lived. Because in the real world, you had to look for a job, and competition was fierce. But then, you got a perfect job, could you be happy?

We like having and accumulating things. We work so we can pay our rents, credit card debts, school loans, car payments… The list goes on and on. And at some point, we realize that apart from having most of what we want, we still aren’t happy. Now since we’ve learned to adapt to new standards which we’ve created for ourselves, we find that we have less time, less patience, less sleep, which leads to more stress and more anxiety. Therefore, don’t stupidly make a conclusion that happiness is just based on “things”.

Sometimes, we trade our lives for not only basic necessities, but for excessive items and services as well. Certainly, you’ve heard of individuals trying to “find themselves”, or to “rediscover themselves”. But the point has been missed: happiness is already there.

Disappointments and tragedies in life will come and go, but happiness never leaves you. We can lose our jobs, but be grateful for those who love us. We can lose our homes to nature, but be thankful to be alive. If we think we are happy, we are indeed happy. Happiness is merely a perception of each individual.

Happiness is part of love, and love is an ocean. Go dive in and get some, and then share it with everyone, which can be an endless supply. But sharing happiness with people around demands skilful techniques.

【1】The author puts forward a lot of questions to__________.

A. ask readers for information

B. compare answers from readers

C. expect positive answers from readers

D. draw readers’ attention to the topic

【2】It can be inferred from Para.3 that___________.

A. accumulating things is not a good habit.

B. pressure and worry should be ridded of.

C. people have to work hard to pay for daily necessities

D. some aren’t satisfied with what they have possessed

【3】Individuals trying to “rediscover themselves ” fail to realize that___________.

A. they haven’t got lost in the material life

B. each individual has different opinions on happiness

C. there has existed something worth making them happy

D. it is not necessary for them to bear heavy financial burden

【4】People will feel happy if__________.

A. they think of the positive aspects of life

B. they seek excessive items and services

C. they have no disappointments in life

D. they can get a puppy for Christmas in their childhood

【5The paragraph following the last will probably talk about___________.

A. the definition of happiness

B. how to share happiness with others

C. the ways to rediscover happiness

D. where to seek happiness in our daily life

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