


Àý£ºHow much is the shirt?





1£®Where does this conversation probably take place?

A£®In a bookstore£®

B£®In a classroom£®

C£®In a library£®

2£®At what time will the film begin?




3£®What are the two speakers mainly talk about?

A£®Their friend Jane£®

B£®A weekend trip£®

C£®A radio program£®

4£®What will the woman probably do?

A£®Catch a train£®

B£®See the man off£®

C£®Go shopping£®

5£®Why did the woman apologize?

A£®She made a late delivery£®

B£®She went to the wrong place£®

C£®She couldn't take the cake back£®




6£®Whose CD is broken?




7£®What does the boy promise to do for the girl?

A£®Buy her a new CD£®

B£®Do some cleaning£®

C£®Give her 10 dollars£®


8£®What did the man think of the meal?

A£®Just so£­so£®

B£®Quite satisfactory£®

C£®A bit disappointing£®

9£®What was the 15£¥ on the bill paid for?

A£®The food£®

B£®The drinks£®

C£®The service£®


10£®Why is the man at the shop?

A£®To order a camera for his wife£®

B£®To have a camera repaired£®

C£®To get a camera changed£®

11£®What color does the man want?




12£®What will the man do afterwards?

A£®Make a phone call£®

B£®Wait until further notice£®

C£®Come again the next day£®


13£®What would Joe probably do during the Thanksgiving holiday?

A£®Go to a play£®

B£®Stay at home£®

C£®Visit Kingston£®

14£®What is Ariel going to do in Toronto?

A£®Attend a party£®

B£®Meet her aunt£®

C£®See a car show£®

15£®Why is Ariel in a hurry to leave?

A£®To call up Betty£®

B£®To buy some DVDs£®

C£®To pick up Daniel£®

16£®What might be the relationship between the speakers?


B£®Fellow workers£®

C£®Guide and tourist£®


17£®Where does Thomas Manning work?

A£®In the Guinness Company£®

B£®At a radio station£®

C£®In a museum£®

18£®Where did the idea of a book of records come from?

A£®A bird£­shooting trip£®

B£®A visit to Europe£®

C£®A television talk show£®

19£®When did Sir Hugh's first book of records appear?

A£®In 1875£®

B£®In 1950£®

C£®In 1955£®

20£®What are the two speakers going to talk about next?

A£®More records of unusual facts£®

B£®The founder of the company£®

C£®The oldest person in the world£®






1£®Why did Sinclair call Judith?

A£®Because he would say sorry to her£®

B£®Because he would invite her to a party£®

C£®Because some accidents happened to him£®

2£®How did the man go home?

A£®By bus

B£®On foot£®

B£®By taxi£®


3£®Why is the woman surprised to see the man?

A£®Because she expected his father instead of him£®

B£®Because he has changed a lot£®

C£®Because she thought that he would still be at university£®

4£®What does the woman think of the man?

A£®He looks fine£®

B£®He is a good student£®

C£®He doesn't like his father£®

5£®What was the school year before thought to be by the woman?

A£®It was not long enough

B£®It was longer£®

C£®It was interesting£®


6£®What is the man?

A£®An actor£®

B£®A reporter

C£®A doctor

7£®What does the woman do in the play?

A£®She directs the play£®

B£®She writes the play

C£®She acts a young lady

8£®What does the woman want to be after this play?

A£®A singer£®

B£®A director£®

C£®A film star£®


9£®Where does the conversation take place?

A£®At a seafood shop£®

B£®In a dining hall£®

C£®On the phone£®

10£®What do we know about the restaurant?

A£®It's famous for seafood£®

B£®It seldom accepts large parties

C£®Famous people often come to dine

11£®What can we learn from the conversation?

A£®The restaurant is by the sea£®

B£®Seafood is very popular nowadays£®

C£®Regular customers have advantages there£®


12£®What was the speaker's job before he was 10 years old?

A£®Washing plates£®

B£®Shining shoes£®

C£®Ordering bills

13£®Which of the fol10wing requirements was laid down by the boy's father?

A£®He must work six days a week£®

B£®He must study hard in his spare time£®

C£®He should never be late for work£®

14£®What did the boy ask his father to do one day?

A£®To pay him for his work£®

B£®To give his friends flee drinks£®

C£®To al10w him to have more free time£®

15£®Why did the boy's father refuse to pay him?

A£®Because the boy had made some mistakes

B£®Because he thought it was his son who should Pay him£®

C£®Because he thought the boy had failed to meet his requirements







1£®What size will the man probably buy?

A£®A size 5.5.

B£®A size 6£®

C£®A size 7.5.

2£®What does Betty think of skiing?

A£®She enjoys it£®

B£®She is scared of it£®

C£®She feels excited£®

3£®When will the man leave for New York?

A£®At 8¡Ã00£®

B£®At 8¡Ã15£®

C£®At 9¡Ã00£®

4£®Who answered the phone?

A£®Miss Green£®


C£®David Stevens£®

5£®What does the woman often do in autumn?







6£®What are the speakers talking about?

A£®A magazine£®

B£®A new film£®

C£®A new novel£®

7£®What does the man think of the Reader's Digest?

A£®It is not popular£®

B£®It is not instructive£®

C£®It is inspiring£®


8£®What does the man want to borrow this time?

A£®Some CDs£®

B£®A video£®

C£®A book on travel£®

9£®Why does the woman ask for the man's number?

A£®To inform him of available books£®

B£®To check out books he borrowed£®

C£®To arrange for her trip to China£®


10£®What do we know about the woman?

A£®She adores Andy Lau very much£®

B£®She is to join Andy Lau's fan club£®

C£®She saw Andy Lau's interview on DVD£®

11£®What does the woman have?

A£®All Andy Lau's films on DVD£®

B£®All Andy Lau's albums£®

C£®All Andy Lau's posters£®

12£®What did the woman buy last month?

A£®Two copies of a magazine£®

B£®Several posters of Andy Lau£®

C£®Andy Lau's early films on DVD£®


13£®What are the speakers talking about?

A£®The man's holiday£®

B£®The man's hobby£®

C£®The man's family£®

14£®Where did the man go right after Pinnacles?


B£®Northern Queensland£®


15£®What did the woman think of the man's scuba diving experience?




16£®What did the man do in Sydney?

A£®Did some shopping£®

B£®Swan in the sea£®

C£®Visited his friends£®


17£®How often does Phil go shopping for groceries now?

A£®Once a week£®

B£®Almost every day£®

C£®Once every four days£®

18£®Why does Phil buy meat at last?

A£®Because it is too heavy£®

B£®Because it is easy to get£®

C£®Because it can stay cold£®

19£®Which section does Phil always go to first?

A£®The cereal section£®

B£®The vegetable section£®

C£®The fruit section£®

20£®What can we learn about Phil?

A£®He eats cereal for breakfast£®

B£®He always buys food for a week£®

C£®He always wastes food£®



1£®How often does the man play golf?

A£®Once a week£®

B£®Once a month£®

C£®Every day£®

2£®What did the woman win in the contest?

A£®A free trip£®

B£®A good camera£®

C£®A medal£®

3£®What is the boy going to do next?

A£®Have dinner£®

B£®Do his reading£®

C£®Watch TV£®

4£®When does the man leave home?

A£®At 6¡Ã00

B£®At 7¡Ã00

C£®At about 6¡Ã40

5£®How is the girl going to spend the weekend?

A£®Staying with her parents£®

B£®Boating in the Water Park£®

C£®Preparing for the competition£®




6£®Why does the girl want to change her coat?

A£®Because the coat doesn't fit her£®

B£®Because the coat is too expensive£®

C£®Because she doesn't like the colour£®

7£®Who bought the coat for the girl?

A£®Her brother£®

B£®Her sister£®

C£®Her mother£®

8£®Which coat will the girl probably take?

A£®A red one, Size 11£®

B£®A yellow one, Size 9£®

C£®A blue one, Size 11£®


9£®What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A£®Teacher and student£®

B£®Driver and passenger£®

C£®Policeman and witness£®

10£®What caused the accident to happen?

A£®A dog£®

B£®A child£®

C£®An old man£®

11£®When did the ambulance(¾È»¤³µ)come?

A£®At 8¡Ã40

B£®At 8¡Ã30

C£®At 8¡Ã45


12£®Where does the conversation probably take place?

A£®In the woman's house£®

B£®In a restaurant£®

C£®In the man's office£®

13£®What does the woman advice the man to do to improve his cooking?

A£®Take a course£®

B£®Teach himself£®

C£®Learn from her£®

14£®Why does the man want to make a phone call?

A£®He wants to call his wife£®

B£®He'd like to learn how to cook£®

C£®He want to talk to his secretary£®


15£®Why does the man ask the woman for help?

A£®He has to go to the caf¨¦£®

B£®He has to write a report£®

C£®He has to wait for a call£®

16£®What does the woman suggest the man for dessert?




17£®Where does this conversation most likely take place?

A£®At school£®

B£®At a restaurant£®

C£®At a grocery store(ÔÓ»õµê)£®


18£®Why did the Harrises think they would have to go to bed hungry?

A£®Because it's a 5£­star hotel£®

B£®Because they thought no meals would be served late in the evening£®

C£®Because they were very tired after the trip£®

19£®How long did the service time for lunch last in the 5star hotel?

A£®2 hours£®

B£®4 hours£®

C£®3 hours£®

20£®What did Mrs£®Harris think of the times of the meals in he hotel?

A£®She thought they would have enough time to see they city£®

B£®She thought they would have to spend too much time on meals instead of traveling£®

C£®She thought the times were suitable and felt very satisfied£®




1£®How did the man feel?

A£®He hated to lose face£®

B£®He was worried about the woman£®

C£®He was not angry£®

2£®What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A£®Manger and clerk£®

B£®Director and secretary£®

C£®Professor and student£®

3£®Where does this conversation most likely take place?

A£®At school£®

B£®In a church£®

C£®At home£®

4£®Which aspect of the film does the woman like?

A£®The plot£®

B£®The music£®

C£®The dialogue£®

5£®What can we learn from this conversation?

A£®The woman does not get along well with the man£®

B£®The woman does not get along well with her roommate£®

C£®The man will talk with the woman's roommate£®




6£®Where did they go in the morning?

A£®They went to the seaside£®

B£®They went to the mountains£®

C£®They went to the fields£®

7£®Why did they decide to go back?

A£®Because it was getting late£®

B£®Because there was going to be a storm£®

C£®Because it will be very cold£®


8£®Which train will take the woman to the zoo?

A£®The train on platform1, line3£®

B£®The train on platform6, line 1£®

C£®The train on platform6, line3£®

9£®Whom is the woman talking to?

A£®A tourist£®

B£®A train passenger£®

C£®A ticket seller£®


10£®Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A£®At home£®

B£®In an office£®

C£®In a classroom£®

11£®How many cities in China have banned smoking in public places?




12£®What can we learn from the conversation?

A£®There are more active smokers in China than passive smokers£®

B£®In developed countries, 16million people die every year from smoking£®

C£®Because China is a developing country, we should cut expenses on medical care£®


13£®What is the conversation about?

A£®A computer sale£®

B£®A job interview£®

C£®An Internet meeting£®

14£®How long has the man worked in the former company according to this conversation?

A£®Five years£®

B£®More than five years£®

C£®Not mentioned£®

15£®What does the man think Java is?

A£®A kind of drink£®

B£®A Web page program£®

C£®A computer game£®

16£®What can we learn from this conversation?

A£®The woman will offer him the job£®

B£®The man is very clever at answering questions£®

C£®The woman will not contact him for further consideration£®


17£®For whom is the speaker most probably writing this text?

A£®Working women who have no time for cooking£®

B£®Restaurant managers who serve working women£®

C£®Working women traveling by themselves£®

18£®What does the speaker suggest working women with families do?

A£®Attend cooking lessons with your family£®

B£®Prepare simple meals for your family before a trip£®

C£®Help your family to learn to prepare food for themselves£®

19£®Why is lightweight luggage important for traveling businesswomen?

A£®It provides space for dirty clothes£®

B£®It enables them to travel easily£®

C£®It can be easily folded when packed£®

20£®What is the main idea of this text?

A£®Business trips are more difficult for women than for men£®

B£®More women are finding the road to success in American business£®

C£®Good business trips result from careful preparation before the trip£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
