

A zoo keeper had been working at a zoo for 15 years and never experienced any problems. He always worked the evening shifts (夜班) because he was trusted to properly lock up the zoo. On a warm summer night in late June, the zoo keeper turned off the lights and wished all of his animals a good night. He left the zoo and walked to his car in the parking lot. As he reached in his pocket, he realized that his keys had been left in the office. He quickly walked back to the zoo.

When he arrived at the door, to his surprise, it was unlocked. In fear of triggering (触发) the alarm that he had just set, he did not turn on the lights. He turned on the flashlight on his phone and began to make his way to the office. When he walked by the panther's () cages, he saw the young cubs playing together. He liked the zoo better at this hour because at night was when the animals come to life.

At last, he made it back to the office. Unfortunately this time the office door was locked and he knew that if he were to break the window, he would set off the alarm. Knowing there was no way inside, he decided it would be best to spend the night inside the zoo. The zoo keeper walked towards the bird cages because he knew he could sleep comfortably on the benches near the cages.

A few hours later, the zoo keeper heard a door slam (砰的一声) that woke him up.

“Quiet!" a voice whispered.

“What? There's no one here, another voice said. "The old man left hours ago”

"Alright, let's just grab the animals and get out of here.”

The zoo keeper didn't know what to do. He began to weigh his options: he could trigger the alarm but that would raise questions as to why he was inside, or he could face the thieves but that could potentially put him in danger. Then he turned the corner but made sure not to be seen so that he could see who had entered the zoo.


【答案】The zoo keeper was not frightened by the two men who wanted to steal the animals. He squatted on the ground at the corner and stared at the two men to see who on earth had entered the zoo. What he saw was two thin and short men with a sack under the arm. He knew they just wanted to steal little animals. So he made up his mind to frighten them by imitating the voice of tigers. Thereafter the voice of tigers roared loudly one after another. The two men was so frightened that they began to run away. But it was so dark that they couldn’t see clearly, they fell heavily on the ground and couldn’t move any longer.

Then the zoo keeper found the two strings to tie them to the trees and waited for the daytime coming to transfer them to the police. It’s not the courage but the wisdom that helps the zoo keeper catch the thieves.





【题目】Effective Communication With Parents

This book explains how school leaders can become successful communicators with teachers and parents

The effective approaches to communicating with parents in the book are: Listen, Apologize, Solve, and Thank. 1 It can be a challenge to listen quietly when being attacked or when wrong information is being shared, but listening quietly without interruption is the most important.

2 Many people struggle with making apologies- especially when they feel they've done nothing wrong. But remember, we are not necessarily apologizing for our actions, but rather because of how the parent feels or what happened. For example, "I'm sorry this happened" or "I'm sorry you feel that way.”

Listening and apologizing are the two hardest steps to a successful meeting with a dissatisfied parent. 3However, they set the tone for the final two steps of offering a solution and thanking the parent for their time.

4More importantly, LAST helps to avoid the disadvantages of becoming defensive, and damaging your partnership with the parent.

Parent-teacher conferences can be difficult when there are agendas on either side that are not known. 5 They should try to focus on where the student is academically, and what the child and parents can do to help the situation.

A.These steps can feel unpleasant.

B.Choose your words carefully and thoughtfully.

C.After listening, I encourage teachers to apologize.

D.When communicating with a parent, it is important to listen quietly.

E.Give parents an opportunity to say what they want the teacher to know.

F.One thing teachers should know is to make sure the conference is student-centered.

G.When you follow these four steps, any parent-teacher conference can be successful.

【题目】 This may look like an ordinary plastic straw (吸管), but it is not made of plastic. Cameron Ross started the Celise Bio-products company, to produce single-use plastic alternatives from plant materials like these. They are made of poly lactic acid (聚乳酸) known as PLA from com starches (淀粉).

Cameron Ross said, "We work with food service providers, mainly larger brands, to help them get quality sustainable and cost-effective solutions, made from plants to start getting rid of single-use plastics." Single-use plastics such as bottles or straws are major cause of pollution. When we throw these away, they end up in a landfill or in the water like rivers. According to researchers, it could take up to more than 500 years for them to properly break down.

Ross says he wasn't always so environmentally conscious himself. But ever since the hiking trip in West Virginia, when he spent more time picking up trash than enjoying nature, his priorities changed. That meant making biodegradable products that can break down in only a few years.

While many cafes and restaurants are choosing paper products to be more eco-conscious, it isn’t cheap. Paper straws can cost about eight times more than plastic straws. But bio-plastic straws cost less a penny a straw, not even double the price of plastic ones.

Another problem with paper straws is that they get soft and wet. You don't want to be sipping (啜饮) something that alters your drink, or starts to melt while you're drinking and then you have to get which creates more wastes than needed. Ross hopes his Washington DC-based company will provide an eco-friendly solution for food service providers.

1Which aspect is NOT the focus of the Celise Bio-products?



2What inspired Ross to start the Bio-products company?

A.High profits.B.Requests from food service providers.

C.Lower cost.D.His changed environmental awareness.

3What can we learn about the new straws?

A.They are widely used in cafes and restaurants.

B.They cost less than paper ones.

C.They may soften or even melt while carrying water.

D.They produce more waste.

4What's the author's purpose of writing the passage?

A.To persuade more food service providers to work with Ross.

B.To explain the development of straws.

C.To introduce a new eco-friendly straw.

D.To compare different straws.

【题目】 A study revealed that, in most occasions, the outcome on a given task can be improved when two people have helped each other instead of working on their own. As early as 1624 John Donne has already popularized the phrase “No man is an island”. And this is especially true, be it in the workplace, in doing scientific research, or working in events. One of the benefits of cooperation is that people can pool together their skills and wisdom towards a common aim. Because of this, they have a higher chance of being more successful. 1

Teamwork promotes diversity. The very nature of teamwork requires a group of people from various backgrounds to come together and share their thinking. 2 This level of diversity generates cultural understanding, increased communication through collective knowledge of approaches and a larger resource of opinions.

3 Working within a team helps us to create an environment which inspires collective knowledge, resources and skills. Consequently, this allows us to pick some ideas and to reflect on our own way of thinking. Teamwork also encourages self-improvement because it helps us to expand our horizons and make better use of our own intrinsic capabilities. And since self-improvement helps us in seeking better ways to perform our role within a team, it improves both the efficiency and productivity of the team as a whole.

Completion of task becomes easy. Each member has unique skills to help with the project. 4 For example, you may ask one person to do research, another to take charge of social media marketing, and another to look after delivery. Teamwork can get the most of each person’s strengths.

5 For instance, tackling about climate change by researchers who come from different disciplines (学科) could potentially lead to ground-breaking researches. In the traditional research world, one researcher pursued a theme over several decades. However, academia is fostering a fresh research culture, whereby academic works advance through the creation of interdisciplinary research.

A.Teamwork encourages healthy competition.

B.It promotes peer learning and self-improvement.

C.So a task can be assigned based on a person’s skills and expertise.

D.There are many benefits we can gain out of teamwork and cooperation.

E.The seeds of creativity and innovation spring from the exchange of ideas.

F.As a result, different opinions and problem-solving methods can be formed.

G.Cooperation has several benefits including shared risk, resources and knowledge.

【题目】 Bombardier beetles are known for their skillful response to predators (捕食性动物).If they are about to be eaten, the insects spray their predators with boiling-hot chemicals. If they get swallowed anyway, they have plan B: Blast (爆炸) their way out from the inside.

In an experiment, scientists watched as a Japanese stream toad readily swallowed an Asian bombardier beetle. But 44 minutes later, the toad vomited (呕吐) the contents of its stomach. The insect ran away, physically unharmed.

“The vomited beetle was alive and active,” study authors Shinji Sugiura and Takuya Sato of Kobe University in Japan reported in the journal Biology Letters. Why, the researchers wondered, does luck always favor the escape artists? To find out, they needed more of them, and they needed to feed them to more toads. Scientists gathered 15 species of ground beetles, including the bombardier beetle. They also collected Japanese common toads, which are natural bombardier beetle predators, and Japanese stream toads, which do not live in the same place as the insect.

Sugiura and Sato hypothesized (假设) that over years of exposure, the common toad species developed a greater tolerance to the bombardier beetle's poisonous chemicals than the stream toads had. The bombardier beetles were divided into two groups. Some were poked () with special tools, which caused them to release all their poisonous chemical spray. Other beetles were left alone. Then they were fed to the toads.

The toads that swallowed a fully loaded bombardier beetle were in for a surprise. “An explosion was heard inside each toad, which indicates that the bombardier beetle sent up a chemical spray after being swallowed, the authors wrote. The common toads vomited their prey 35 percent of the time. The stream toads vomited their prey 57 percent of the time. That confirmed their hypothesis about the toads' evolutionary adaptation. All 16 of the vomited insects were “alive and active” 20 minutes later. Almost all the beetles that released their defensive chemicals before meeting the toads were “successfully digested”. The test told the researchers that the beetles' boiling chemical spray was indeed their ticket to freedom.

1When Bombardier beetles are in danger, they can ______.

A.have relevant ways to escapeB.bring up the content of stomach

C.cause damage to their enemiesD.make no response to outside attack

2What was the scientists’ assumption before the experiment?

A.Bombardier beetles were always lucky to escape.

B.Japanese common toads were natural predators.

C.Common toads had the ability to resist the poison.

D.Bombardier beetles could release poison constantly.

3What do we know about Sugiura and Sato’s test?

A.It showed the process of the insects’ evolution.

B.It demonstrated the harm of explosion in the toads.

C.It stressed the importance of a balanced ecosystem.

D.It provided convincing evidence for their assumption.

【题目】 “Fighting like cats and dogs” is a common phrase that people use to mean people argue, fright or don’t get along. If you like cartoons, you’ve probably seen many that describe cats and dogs fighting like sworn enemies (不共戴天的仇敌). There have even been movies made that describe cats against dogs.

As with many questions in life, there’s simply no easy answer to the question of whether dogs and cats can get along. Dogs and cats are different in many ways that can make it difficult for them to get along. However, with patience and the right circumstances, cats and dogs can be best buds (兄弟).

For example, dogs tend to be social animals that are naturally playful. Cats, on the other hand, tend to be more independent. A dog that wants to play might seem aggressive and frightening to a cat. This may lead the cat to defend itself against an attack although that’s really just a desire to play. Similarly, dogs—especially puppies—like to chase each other. It’s a fun game. Chasing cats can be just as fun as chasing other dogs. Again, cats may interpret such playful behavior as a threat.

Even there’s something dogs and cats have in common, tails, but tails can make things confusing. When dog wags (摇摆) its tail, it’s sending a friendly message: “I’m happy. Let’s play.” Cats, however, wag their tails when they are angry. You can see how this might lead cats and dogs to become confused if they’re facing each other with wagging tails!

Although dogs and cats aren’t really sworn enemies dogs are hunters by nature. This means that they might hunt and chase anything that moves-including a cat. This natural behavior that could cause problems between dogs and cats can be controlled by special training called socialization when the animals meet for the first time.

1By saying “fighting like cats and dogs”, parents most probably mean that ________.

A.they like neither cats nor dogs

B.their kids don’t get on well with each other

C.cats and dogs fight like sworn enemies

D.the fights between cats and dogs are often made into movies

2What may happen when dogs are chasing cats?

A.Dogs become tired out.B.Cats are very happy.

C.Dogs feel enjoyable.D.Cats get injured easily.

3Which of the following may be one of the reasons that dogs and cats fight often?

A.They couldn’t understand each other.B.They are worried about their behaviors.

C.They enjoy exactly the same hobbies.D.They wag their tails too often.

4What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Dogs are good at hunting animals.

B.Dogs don’t like cats naturally.

C.Cats usually like playing with dogs.

D.Dogs and cats can possibly live in harmony.

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