It was extreme cold last Monday morning£®While I was walking in my way to school£¬I noticed two street cleaner sweeping the street£®Seeing them are working so hard on such a cold morning£¬I was moved and made up my mind do something for them£®After arriving at school£¬I discussed with some classmates that we could do£®The next day£¬we got up early and preparing porridge at home£®When we handed the cleaners the hot porridge and expressed us appreciation for their hard work£¬they looked a little surprising at first£®And then they took the porridge and thanked us happily£®Since it was very cold£¬we all felt warm at that moment£®
·ÖÎö ¸Ä´íÌâҪעÒâ´ú´Ê£¬Á¬´ÊÒÔ¼°´ÊÐÔ¡¢È˳ƵÄת»¯£®
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½â´ð It was extreme cold last Monday morning£®While I was walking in my way to school£¬I noticed two street
extremely on
cleaner sweeping the street£®Seeing them are working so hard on such a cold morning£¬I was moved and made
cleaners È¥µôare
up my mind¡Ädo something for them£®After arriving at school£¬I discussed with some classmates that we could
to what
do£®The next day£¬we got up early and preparing porridge at home£®When we handed the cleaners the hot
porridge and expressed us appreciation for their hard work£¬they looked a little surprising at first£®And then
our surprised
they took the porridge and thanked us happily£®Since it was very cold£¬we all felt warm at that moment£®
1£®extreme-extremely ´Ë´¦±í´ïÒâ˼"ÉÏÖÜÒ»ÔçÉϼ«ÆäÀä"£¬coldΪÐÎÈÝ´Ê£¬Ó¦Óø±´ÊÐÞÊÎÐÎÈÝ´Ê£¬¹Êextreme¸ÄΪextremely£»
2£®in-on"ÔÚijÈËÈ¥¡µÄ·ÉÏ"Ϊ¹Ì¶¨´îÅä on one¡äs way to sp£®£»
3£®cleaner-cleaners Ãû´ÊÇ°ÓÐÁ¿´ÊtwoÐÞÊÎÏÞ¶¨£¬¹ÊӦʹÓø´ÊýÐÎʽcleaners£»
4£®È¥µôare ´Ë´¦ÒâΪ"¿´µ½ËûÃÇÕýÔÚŬÁ¦µÄ¹¤×÷"£¬Ó¦Ê¹Óø´ºÏ½á¹¹"¸Ð¹Ù¶¯´Ê+Ãû´Ê+doing"£¬¹ÊÈ¥µôare£»
5£®mindºó¼Óto ´Ë´¦ÒâΪ"ÎÒ϶¨¾öÐÄΪËûÃÇ×öµãÊÂ"£¬"϶¨¾öÐÄ×öijÊÂ"Ϊ¹Ì¶¨¾äÐÍmake up one¡äs mind to do sth£®£¬ËùÒÔÓ¦ÔÚmindºó¼Óto£»
6£®that-what ¸Ã¾äÒâΪ"ÎÒºÍͬѧÃÇÌÖÂÛ¸Ã×öЩʲô"£¬·ÖÎö±öÓï´Ó¾ä we could do£®£¬ÆäÒýµ¼´ÊÔÚ´Ó¾äÖÐ×÷±öÓ¶øthatÔÚÒýµ¼Ãû´ÊÐԴӾ䣨Ö÷Óï´Ó¾ä¡¢±öÓï´Ó¾ä¡¢±íÓï´Ó¾äºÍͬλÓï´Ó¾ä£©Ê±£¬ÔÚ´Ó¾äÖоù²»×÷³É·Ö£¬¹Ê¸Ã±öÓï´Ó¾ä²»ÄÜÓÉthatÒýµ¼£¬¶ø´Ë´¦±í´ï"×öЩʲô"£¬Ó¦ÓÃwhat we could do£®À´±í´ï£»
7£®preparing-prepared andÁ¬½ÓÁ½¸ö²¢ÁÐνÓÆäʱ̬Ӧ¸Ã±£³ÖÒ»Ö£¬ÓÉgot up¿ÉÖª£¬prepareÒ²Ó¦¸ÃÓÃÒ»°ã¹ýȥʱ£»
8£®their-our ¸Ã¾ä±í´ïÒâ˼Ϊ"ÎÒÃǵݸøÇå½à¹¤ÈÈË®½È£¬ÏòËûÃDZí´ïÎÒÃǵĸм¤"£¬ËùÒÔtheirÓ¦¸ÃΪour£»
9£®surprising-surprised surprisingÒâΪ"ÁîÈ˾ªÑȵÄ"£¬¶øsurprisedÒâΪ"¸Ðµ½¾ªÑȵÄ"£¬´Ë¾ä±í´ïÒâ˼"¸Õ¿ªÊ¼µÄʱºòËûÃÇ¿´ÆðÀ´¸Ðµ½Óе㾪ÑÈ"£¬¹ÊӦʹÓÃsurprised£»
10£®Since-Although/Though/While ¸Ã¾äÒâΪ"¾¡¹ÜºÜÀ䣬µ«ÄÇÒ»¿ÌÎÒÃǶ¼¸Ð¾õºÜÎÂů"£¬"¾¡¹ÜºÜÀä"ΪÈò½×´Óï´Ó¾ä£¬¹ÊÓ¦ÓÃalthough/though/while Òýµ¼£®
µãÆÀ ¿¼ÉúÔÚ×öÌâʱÐèÀíÇåÎÄÕµÄÊÂÀí£¬×¢Òâ´ÊÐÔ¡¢Óï̬¡¢Ê±Ì¬µÄת»»£¬·ÖÎö¾ä×ӽṹ£®

---I'm still nervous£®After all£¬it is only the second time that I ___ foreign guests£®£¨¡¡¡¡£©
A£® | meet | B£® | met | C£® | had met | D£® | have met |
A£® | available | B£® | acceptable | C£® | affordable | D£® | measurable |
A£® | for | B£® | unless | C£® | since | D£® | if |
A£® | that | B£® | one | C£® | what | D£® | the one |
A£® | If it is not | B£® | Were it not | ||
C£® | Had it not been | D£® | If they were not |