Entering the drama room I am immediately surrounded by the familiar sights, smells and sounds. Streaks(条纹,线条) of light cast by the blinds of the tall ___1___  send shafts(杆状物) of light through the dusty air. I take a deep breath and the concrete and paint ___2___ tickle my nose. I ___3___ everything about this room.
Some of the best times of my life have been spent here. It’s ironic(讽刺的), but the ___4___ is the only place where I feel that I don’t have to __5 ___ to be someone I’m not. Like many teenagers, I almost ___6___ think that people are judging me, but when I act, that feeling disappears.  People only look at your acting ability, not your clothing, money, choice of friends, or any of the other ways people are usually ___7  ___.
When I’m on stage, everything else vanishes(消失). All the worries and  __8  ___ of the outside world are put on hold. Nervousness is still present, but it’s the excited and tingly kind, not the queasy(不稳定的) ___9  ___ of being different and alone.
I ___10___ love to work backstage and on lighting. I ___11___ you could find another girl who would work on a ladder ___12___ her elbows in cables and dust and love every second of it. It makes me unique and gives me a sense of ___13___ to know that I succeed in an area where few others — and virtually(事实上) no girls — do.
High school is a difficult atmosphere, to put it ___14___. Like others, I’m often insecure(不安的), not ___15___ who I am or where I’m going in life. Wherever that may be, I will always have the confidence I get from theater.
1. A. doors                B. windows         C. roofs             D. walls
2. A. smells          B. tastes           C. sounds           D. looks
3. A. hate                    B. love             C. miss              D. forget
4. A. room           B. office           C. building         D. stage
5. A. pretend         B. expect           C. want              D. decide
6. A. hardly         B. seriously         C. constantly         D. happily
7. A. thought of       B. judged                C. taken care of      D. feeling
8. A. happiness         B. anxieties          C. chances         D. pressures
9. A. feeling         B. idea             C. hope              D. fact
10. A. seldom         B. almost          C. relatively           D. absolutely
11. A. hope          B. doubt           C. think             D. suspect
12. A. up for          B. out at           C. up to             D. down to
13. A. pride           B. duty             C. humor           D. sight
14. A. cruelly         B. tensely                C. friendly         D. mildly
15. A. fond of         B. afraid for        C. sure of          D. interested in

As a school librarian,I’m often asked what books are most appropriate for teaching particularconcepts.As the mother of a toddler,I’m now teaching my son to recognize letters and learn thealphabet.Boaks are a great help in teaching a child letters.Here is this librarian and mom’s picks for the best books to help teach your child letters.

Eric Carle’s ABC
Eric Carle is one of my favorite children’s authors and this colorful book is perfect for helping teach the alphabet.The block-style letters are easier to read
and recognize for toddlers than mitten ones.Each letter is tied to an animal name,so your child will have fun looking at the animals,and 1earn the animal
names while also learning letters.
Baby EinssteinMy First Book of Letters
The Baby Einstein books always promote thinking skills and creativity in
young children.Baby EinsteinMy First Book of Letters is no exception.This
book includes letters in both upper and lower case,and asks questions about nature that go with each letter for your child to answer.This colorful book is great for helping teach your child letters.
Dr.Seuss lends his wonderful writing and illustrating(插图)talent to this
great teaching book.His classic writing and funny pictures can be found throughout this alphabet book.The letters are block style,solid-colored,and easy
to read.Your child will love learning letters from this fun book.
Kipper’s A to Zan Alphabet Adventure
In this book,children follow the little dog Kipper as he works his way through the entire alphabet.The clean,solid font used for the letter makes them
easy to read for young eyes.Author Mike Inkpen does a great job in this book,
which tells more of a story than the other books
Teaching your child letters can be a hard task.It’s import to try to make the alphabet fun and interesting for your child.
【小题1】In Paragraph I,“toddler”probably means       

A.babyB.teenagerC.student D.young child
【小题2】If you want to make your son or daughter interested in nature you should choose      
A.Eric Carle’s ABCB.Baby Einstein;My First Book of Letters
C.Dr.Seuss’ ABC D.Kipper’s A to Z;an Alphabet Adventure
【小题3】Why did the author write the passage?
A.To recommend the books.B.To sell the books
C.To adverfise the books D.To criticize the books

It's time to remind myself what I love about life here in California,USA, to remember what I desperately miss when I go home.

Real radio

In the USA there are so many radio stations that those iPod tuner things don’t work at all. There is, simply, no dead air. It took me a while to discover the USA's many pub­lic radio stations, which don't broadcast any advertisements. KCRW is my favorites station, for its blend of indie music and current affairs. But I also listen to KJAZZ and KPCC. But before you feel jealous it’s all online. My favorites: American life Snap Judgement and Henry Rollins live every Saturday night. Take listen online for free News? Well, there's not a lot of news from South Africa, and when it is, it's bad and full of fear, so I ignore it. But I care about any place I live in, and that includes the USA. And on public radio, the USA is covered in depth, from the perspective of individual stories rather than statistics.

The festivals

I’m jealously watching tweets and Facebook boasts and reviews from SXSW — seems like half the people I used to work with in South Africa are there,meeting Grumpy Cat and watching bands they’ve always wanted to see live. It’s great to know that these 1000s of festivals are so close, and that one day,if film school schedule ever allows me to leave campus for more than a few days, I can go to one or two of them. I have already ex­changed my much loved Ford Mustang for a bigger, less sexy car — a car spacious enough to sleep in — so that next year I can be there, not just dream of it.

The famous people

When I go back to SA, I'm often asked if I’ve spotted any famous people. It's awkward for me. I feel the the same way about it as I feel when an American asks me if there are lions in the streets. Except yes, I have. No,not lions. I have met some famous people. I chatted to RJ Mitte from Breaking Bad outside a dub in West Hollywood. Many of my professors are famous directors. The problem is, once you meet these famous people, they're just people, FFS. This feels disappointing at first, like you're missing a Jesus mo­ment of some sort. But if you think about it, it's inspiring. What it means, is that I, litlle me (right now, also "just a person") could be a famous just-a-person person one day, and get to make all the films I just dream of now.

1.The underlined sentence "There is,simply, no dead air." probably means____.

A. there is no useless radio programmes in the USA

B. there is no useful radio programmes in the USA

C. there is no polluted air in the USA

D. there is no advertisements from the radio programmes in the USA

2.There are so many festivals that_____.

A. I often leave campus for more than few days

B. I often attend some of them in person

C. I bought a bigger Ford? Mustang

D. I can share many reviews and performances online with my friends in South Africa

3.The author thinks the famous people in the USA _____.

A. are just Like lions????????????? ???????????? B. are well-known but ordinary

C. are disappointing????????????? D. are inspiring

4.The author is most likely to be _____.

A. a director in America????????????? ?????????? B. a professor in South Africa

C. a student in America????????????? ???????? D. an actor in South Africa



A. When I take notes I always rewrite them. I also add things as I go, especially from the readings that I feel are important. This helps me remember things better and as I look things up in the text and add notes, it brings a deeper understanding of the material.

      B. When I have to learn a new word, I write down the word and its meaning in the back of my notebook. Then I make sure to use the word at least 7 times in the next week. I put a check next to the word each time I use it to be sure. This way I can remember that word better.

      C. I sit in the front of the classroom. That way there are no distractions between me and the teacher and I can focus my attention on the class. The further back you sit, the more kids there are in front of you who can distract you.

      D. I watch my teachers carefully to find what’s the most important. Some start moving around a lot, some raise their voice, and some start moving their hands about. When this happens, I write down what they’re saying in my notebook.

         E. Here are some tips on how to create a good study environment: Find a place to study and keep it for study only. Equip the environment with all study needs. Control the noise level at acceptable levels. Avoid relaxing while working.

      F. When I work on math problems, I write each step as I do it. This makes me think carefully about what I am doing. If the answer doesn’t seem right, I can go back through the steps I wrote to see where I went wrong.


1.I love learning new words, but I’m confused about how to remember them well. Whenever I meet a new word, I look it up in the dictionary for its meaning and write it down. However, a few days later, I’ll forget what the word means. It’s really a headache.

2.I can’t concentrate on what the teacher says in class. I sit at the back of the classroom. What the students in the front row do always attracts my attention. I’m wondering if anyone else has the same problem.

3.It’s impossible to write down everything the teacher says in my notebook. I have been told to take down the important points, but how can I tell which points are important?

4.I take good notes in class. I’m curious to know how to make good use of these notes to improve my understanding. I’m often confused about how to deal with the notes.

5.I enjoy studying at home at night or over the weekend. But sometimes I just can’t focus. I think it’s the study environment that makes me not feel like studying. Who can tell me how to improve the study environment?


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