
1685 was a very good year for German composers. Within the space of a month, two of the greatest were born: Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel.

Handel’s father was a barber and surgeon, which sounds like a strange combination today, but back then those occupations went hand in hand. Even though Handel was very interested in music, his father didn’t think that was a good way to earn a living, so he wanted his son to be a lawyer. The story goes that Handel smuggled a quiet piano into the house so that he could practice in secret.

One day, Handel went along when his father went to shave a duke. While his father was working, Handel sat down and played the duke’s organ. The duke was so impressed that he convinced Handel’s father to let his son study music, and Handel finally got to learn how to compose.

Handel soon discovered that what he liked most was opera. In fact, he was so passionate about opera that he even fought a duel (决斗) over it with one of his friends. Since Italy was the place to learn about opera composing, Handel went off to Italy to study. When he got home, he got a job as court composer for a German prince.

Having landed such a wonderful job, Handel immediately asked his boss for time off. He wanted to go to England, where he’d heard that there weren’t nearly enough composers to satisfy the British taste for Italian opera.

After great success writing opera in London, Handel came back to Germany. Then fate played a funny trick on Handel and his boss. The Queen of England died, and it just so happened that the prince Handel worked for was next in line to the British throne. When he arrived in London as King George, followed Handel, his court composer in Germany.

In addition to serving the King, Handel became one of the most successful opera composers of his time. And he also produced them and traveled all over Europe to hire the best singers. There are stories of battles with rival opera producers and of fights between rival singers. Handel apparently had quite a temper.

If you ever go to London, look for Handel’s grave in Westminster Abbey, where there’s a wonderful monument to him.

1.How did Handel begin to learn to compose?

A.His father was sure of his future success.

B.His performance impressed a duke.

C.He begged his father to send him to Italy.

D.He practiced hard and taught himself music.

2.What does the underlined word “smuggled” mean in the passage?

A.bought secretly

B.took secretly

C.carried in advance

D.possessed personally

3. Why did Handel later settle down in Britain instead of Germany?

A.Because he could find better jobs in London.

B.Because he enjoyed greater fame in London.

C.Because his boss became King of Britain and brought him along.

D.Because London was a wonderful place to learn about opera.

4.Which of the following words can NOT be used to describe Handel, as shown in the passage?





5. Which of the following statements is WRONG according to the passage?

A.Handel was born in the same year with Bach.

B.Many people worked both as a barber and a surgeon.

C.Handel quit his job to learn about opera in Italy.

D.Handel was buried in London and was built a monument.










1..B 细节题。根据第三段2,3行The duke was so impressed that he convinced Handel’s father to let his son study music, and Handel finally got to learn how to compose.说明是Duke说服了他的父亲让他学习音乐。故B正确。

2..B 推理题。根据第二段his father didn’t think that was a good way to earn a living, so he wanted his son to be a lawyer. The story goes that Handel smuggled a quiet piano into the house so that he could practice in secret.说明他父亲不同意他学音乐,所以他偷偷的把钢琴带回家偷偷地练习,最后的in secret也说明了这一点,故B正确。

3.【小题】.C 细节题。根据第6段Then fate played a funny trick on Handel and his boss. The Queen of England died, and it just so happened that the prince Handel worked for was next in line to the British throne. When he arrived in London as King George, followed Handel说明他的学生成了国王,把他也带到了伦敦。故C正确。

4..D 细节题。根据文章倒数第二段There are stories of battles with rival opera producers and of fights between rival singers. Handel apparently had quite a temper.说明他的脾气很差。A是他的性格。根据文章第三段说明他很有才干。B也是他的性格。根据文章第四段他取意大利学习音乐,说明他为了自己的理想充满热情地去努力,说明他很有激情。C也是他的性格。D项乐观在文章中没有体现。故D符合题意。

5..C 推理题。根据第4段2,3行. Since Italy was the place to learn about opera composing, Handel went off to Italy to study. When he got home, he got a job as court composer for a German prince.说明他取意大利之前还没有工作,也就没有了放弃工作的说法。故C正确。


点评:本文属于人物传记类短文,介绍了德国著名的George Frideric Handel的成长史,对于他的童年和求学经历做了详细的解读,叙述了很多的相关细节内容。集中考查了细节题,细节题需要考生在阅读时细致耐心,在重要的信息点上做好标志,审题时准确定位考查点,做出准确地推理和判断。



1685 was a very good year for German composers. Within the space of a month, two of the greatest were born: Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel.
Handel’s father was a barber and surgeon, which sounds like a strange combination today, but back then those occupations went hand in hand. Even though Handel was very interested in music, his father didn’t think that was a good way to earn a living, so he wanted his son to be a lawyer. The story goes that Handel smuggled a quiet piano into the house so that he could practice in secret.
One day, Handel went along when his father went to shave a duke. While his father was working, Handel sat down and played the duke’s organ. The duke was so impressed that he convinced Handel’s father to let his son study music, and Handel finally got to learn how to compose.
Handel soon discovered that what he liked most was opera. In fact, he was so passionate about opera that he even fought a duel (决斗) over it with one of his friends. Since Italy was the place to learn about opera composing, Handel went off to Italy to study. When he got home, he got a job as court composer for a German prince.
Having landed such a wonderful job, Handel immediately asked his boss for time off. He wanted to go to England, where he’d heard that there weren’t nearly enough composers to satisfy the British taste for Italian opera.
After great success writing opera in London, Handel came back to Germany. Then fate played a funny trick on Handel and his boss. The Queen of England died, and it just so happened that the prince Handel worked for was next in line to the British throne ( 王位 ). When he arrived in London as King George, followed Handel, his court composer in Germany.
In addition to serving the King, Handel became one of the most successful opera composers of his time. And he also produced them and traveled all over Europe to hire the best singers. There are stories of battles with rival ( 对手 )opera producers and of fights between rival singers. Handel apparently had quite a temper.
If you ever go to London, look for Handel’s grave in Westminster Abbey, where there’s a wonderful monument to him.
66. How did Handel begin to learn to compose?
A. His father was sure of his future success.
B. His performance impressed a duke.
C. He begged his father to send him to Italy.
D. He practiced hard and taught himself music.
67. What does the underlined word “smuggled” mean in the passage?
A. bought secretly               B. took secretly  
C. carried in advance          D. possessed personally
68. Why did Handel later settle down in Britain instead of Germany?
A. Because he could find better jobs in London.
B. Because he enjoyed greater fame in London.
C. Because his boss became King of Britain and brought him along.
D. Because London was a wonderful place to learn about opera.
69. Which of the following words can NOT be used to describe Handel, as 
shown in the passage?
A. bad-tempered   B. talented     C. enthusiastic  D. optimistic
70. Which of the following statements is WRONG according to the passage?
A. Handel was born in the same year with Bach.
B. Many people worked both as a barber and surgeon.
C. Handel quit his job to learn about opera in Italy.
D. Handel was buried in London and was built a monument.

1685 was a very good year for German composers. Within the space of a month, two of the greatest were born: Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel.
Handel’s father was a barber and surgeon, which sounds like a strange combination today, but back then those occupations went hand in hand. Even though Handel was very interested in music, his father didn’t think that was a good way to earn a living, so he wanted his son to be a lawyer. The story goes that Handel smuggled a quiet piano into the house so that he could practice in secret.
One day, Handel went along when his father went to shave a duke. While his father was working, Handel sat down and played the duke’s organ. The duke was so impressed that he convinced Handel’s father to let his son study music, and Handel finally got to learn how to compose.
Handel soon discovered that what he liked most was opera. In fact, he was so passionate about opera that he even fought a duel (决斗) over it with one of his friends. Since Italy was the place to learn about opera composing, Handel went off to Italy to study. When he got home, he got a job as court composer for a German prince.
Having landed such a wonderful job, Handel immediately asked his boss for time off. He wanted to go to England, where he’d heard that there weren’t nearly enough composers to satisfy the British taste for Italian opera.
After great success writing opera in London, Handel came back to Germany. Then fate played a funny trick on Handel and his boss. The Queen of England died, and it just so happened that the prince Handel worked for was next in line to the British throne. When he arrived in London as King George, followed Handel, his court composer in Germany.
In addition to serving the King, Handel became one of the most successful opera composers of his time. And he also produced them and traveled all over Europe to hire the best singers. There are stories of battles with rival opera producers and of fights between rival singers. Handel apparently had quite a temper.
If you ever go to London, look for Handel’s grave in Westminster Abbey, where there’s a wonderful monument to him.
【小题1】How did Handel begin to learn to compose?

A.His father was sure of his future success.
B.His performance impressed a duke.
C.He begged his father to send him to Italy.
D.He practiced hard and taught himself music.
【小题2】What does the underlined word “smuggled” mean in the passage?
A.bought secretlyB.took secretly
C.carried in advanceD.possessed personally
【小题3】 Why did Handel later settle down in Britain instead of Germany?
A.Because he could find better jobs in London.
B.Because he enjoyed greater fame in London.
C.Because his boss became King of Britain and brought him along.
D.Because London was a wonderful place to learn about opera.
【小题4】Which of the following words can NOT be used to describe Handel, as shown in the passage?
【小题5】 Which of the following statements is WRONG according to the passage?
A.Handel was born in the same year with Bach.
B.Many people worked both as a barber and a surgeon.
C.Handel quit his job to learn about opera in Italy.
D.Handel was buried in London and was built a monument.

 1685 was a very good year for German composers. Within the space of a month, two of the greatest were born: Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel.

Handel’s father was a barber and surgeon, which sounds like a strange combination today, but back then those occupations went hand in hand. Even though Handel was very interested in music, his father didn’t think that was a good way to earn a living, so he wanted his son to be a lawyer. The story goes that Handel smuggled a quiet piano into the house so that he could practice in secret.

One day, Handel went along when his father went to shave a duke. While his father was working, Handel sat down and played the duke’s organ. The duke was so impressed that he convinced Handel’s father to let his son study music, and Handel finally got to learn how to compose.

Handel soon discovered that what he liked most was opera. In fact, he was so passionate about opera that he even fought a duel (决斗) over it with one of his friends. Since Italy was the place to learn about opera composing, Handel went off to Italy to study. When he got home, he got a job as court composer for a German prince.

Having landed such a wonderful job, Handel immediately asked his boss for time off. He wanted to go to England, where he’d heard that there weren’t nearly enough composers to satisfy the British taste for Italian opera.

After great success writing opera in London, Handel came back to Germany. Then fate played a funny trick on Handel and his boss. The Queen of England died, and it just so happened that the prince Handel worked for was next in line to the British throne ( 王位 ). When he arrived in London as King George, followed Handel, his court composer in Germany.

In addition to serving the King, Handel became one of the most successful opera composers of his time. And he also produced them and traveled all over Europe to hire the best singers. There are stories of battles with rival ( 对手 )opera producers and of fights between rival singers. Handel apparently had quite a temper.

If you ever go to London, look for Handel’s grave in Westminster Abbey, where there’s a wonderful monument to him.

66. How did Handel begin to learn to compose?

A. His father was sure of his future success.

B. His performance impressed a duke.

C. He begged his father to send him to Italy.

D. He practiced hard and taught himself music.

67. What does the underlined word “smuggled” mean in the passage?

A. bought secretly               B. took secretly  

C. carried in advance          D. possessed personally

68. Why did Handel later settle down in Britain instead of Germany?

A. Because he could find better jobs in London.

B. Because he enjoyed greater fame in London.

C. Because his boss became King of Britain and brought him along.

D. Because London was a wonderful place to learn about opera.

69. Which of the following words can NOT be used to describe Handel, as 

shown in the passage?

A. bad-tempered   B. talented     C. enthusiastic  D. optimistic

70. Which of the following statements is WRONG according to the passage?

A. Handel was born in the same year with Bach.

B. Many people worked both as a barber and surgeon.

C. Handel quit his job to learn about opera in Italy.

D. Handel was buried in London and was built a monument.


III. 阅读(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


1685 was a very good year for German composers. Within the space of a month, two of the greatest were born: Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frederic Handel.

Handel’s father was a barber and surgeon, which sounds like a strange combination today, but back then those occupations went hand in hand. Even though Handel was very interested in music, his father didn’t think that was a good way to earn a living, so he wanted his son to be a lawyer. The story goes that Handel smuggled a quiet piano into the house so that he could practise in secret.

One day, Handel went along when his father went to shave a duke. While his father was working, Handel sat down and played the duke’s organ. The duke was so impressed that he convinced Handel’s father to let his son study music, and Handel finally got to learn how to compose.

Handel soon discovered that what he liked most was opera. In fact, he was so passionate about opera that he even fought a duel (决斗) over it with one of his friends. Since Italy was the place to learn about opera composing, Handel went off to Italy to study. When he got home, he got a job as court composer for a German prince.

Having landed such a wonderful job, Handel immediately asked his boss for time off. He wanted to go to England, where he’d heard that there weren’t nearly enough composers to satisfy the British taste for Italian opera.

After great success writing opera in London, Handel came back to Germany. Then fate played a funny trick on Handel and his boss. The Queen of England died, and it just so happened that the prince Handel worked for was next in line to the British throne. When he arrived in London as King George, followed Handel, his court composer in Germany.

In addition to serving the King, Handel became one of the most successful opera composers of his time. And he also produced them and traveled all over Europe to hire the best singers. There are stories of battles with rival opera producers and of fights between rival singers. Handel apparently had quite a temper.

If you ever go to London, look for Handel’s grave in Westminster Abbey, where there’s a wonderful monument to him.

56.How did Handel begin to learn to compose?

A.His father was sure of his future success.

B.His performance impressed a duke.

C.He begged his father to send him to Italy.

D.He practised hard and taught himself music.

57. What does the underlined word “smuggled” mean in the passage?

      A. bought secretly     B. took secretly   C. carried in advance    D. possessed personally

58.Why did Handel later settle down in Britain instead of Germany?

A. Because he could find better jobs in London.

B. Because he enjoyed greater fame in London.

C. Because his boss became King of Britain and brought him along.

D. Because London was a wonderful place to learn about opera.

59.Which of the following words can NOT be used to describe Handel, as shown in the passage?

A. bad-tempered    B. talented     C. enthusiastic    D. optimistic

60. Which of the following statements is WRONG according to the passage?

A. Handel was born in the same year with Bach.

B. Many people worked both as a barber and surgeon.

C. Handel quit his job to learn about opera in Italy.

Handel was buried in London and was built a monument.

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