

How to Make a Glodfish Live for Decades

Believe it or not , a goldfish could live for 10—25 years ot longer if it’s given proper care .However , with normal care it usually lives for about 6 years . The Guinness Book of World Records mentions a goldfish named Tish that lived 43 years! ____1.__.

Purchase the largest possible tank you can . While using a 20 liter tank is better for the fish than any kind of a fish bowl , at least 40 liters is necessary for quality of life a single fish . Chinese a tank with large surface area to increase the amount of oxygen in contact with the surface of the water.

__2.       Be sure that any decorations you choose aren’t hollow (harmful bacteria can grow inside ) and that they don’t have sharp edges . Provide your fish with different areas in the tank , such as an open area ideal for swimming and a hiding area . If you feed them at the same time every day , they will soon be waiting for you at that time and grow used to your presence .

Add some equipment to increase oxygen into the water . __3.      You can also have the current from a “waterfall” type filter help agitate (搅动) the water ‘s surface .

Clean the tank at least once every two weeks , but more frequently is preferable due to the large amount of waste . __4.      

Feed the goldfish one to three times daily with food apecifically designed for goldfish . ___5.  Give them only as much as they can eat in a few minutes , and clean any leftovers immediately.

A.Provide mental and physical stimulation (刺激) for the fish .

B.Be aware that goldfish will not eat below 50--55  °C (10--14°C).

C.Here’s how to help your commpanion survive into the “ golden years ”.

D.If you do need to catch your fish ,consider using a plastic container rather than a net .

E.A small air pump can be necessary .

F.How often you do this will depend on the size of you tank , the number of fish .

G.If you choose to feed them more often , then reduce the size of the meals so you don’t overfeed.












【小题2】考查上下文串联和句意理解:从下文的Be sure that any decorations you choose aren’t hollow (harmful bacteria can grow inside ) and that they don’t have sharp edges .,可知要给鱼提供身体和精神上的刺激。选A

【小题3】考查上下文串联和句意理解:从上文的Add some equipment to increase oxygen into the water,可知需要一个小气泵,选E

【小题4】考查上下文串联和句意理解:从上文的Clean the tank at least once every two weeks , but more frequently is preferable due to the large amount of waste .,可知多长时间怎么做取决于水箱的大小和鱼的数量。选F

【小题5】考查上下文串联和句意理解:从上文的Feed the goldfish one to three times daily with food apecifically designed for goldfish,可知如果你选择经常喂食,就把食物的变得小些,这样就不会喂的过饱了。选G





    1   Such as runny noses, sore throats, nothing quite like the common cold to make you feel miserable.But experts believe that there is no link between cold weather and catching colds.  2  

  Internal Medicine expert, Dr Meenakshi Jain of Max Hospital says, “One reason could be that people are likely to stay indoors, so the virus can spread easily.  3  

  The common cold is a viral infection that can be caused by any of up to 250 strains of virus, the most common group of which are the rhinovirus that hit the nose.

    4   “They are transmitted through the nose respiratory passages, by touch, and by contact with airborne particles that are created by sneezing or coughing,” says Dr Jain.

  There is no cure for the common cold and antibiotics are of no help.However, there are some precautions which can help:

    5   In this case, you can protect your hands from getting germs.

  Don’t touch your eyes, nose and mouth, which can limit your chances of infection.

  Don’t share drinking glasses or utensils with anyone as this will prevent the spread of the virus.

  Make sure to eat enough fruits to boost your immune system.
A.Also the virus thrives in humidity.

B.Drink lots of fluids to avoid dehydration.

C.They are responsible for anywhere between a third and half of all common colds.

D.Get enough sleep and you’ll certainly feel better.

E.So why are we particularly vulnerable(脆弱的)this season?

F.Wash your hands regularly.

G.It’s winter and you have probably noticed germs are everywhere.


  Do you sweat, chew your pencil, and feel butterflies in your stomach as your teacher hands out a test? A lot of people get upset when it’s time to take a test.  1   In fact, sometimes a little stress is a good thing for you.

  Here are some tips for taking tests:

  ●  2   It sounds like a no-brainer(不用动脑的事), but if you’re sure of the information, you’ll have less reason to be worried.

  ●Get enough sleep the night before the test.  3   In a scientific study, people who got enough sleep before taking a math test did better than those who stayed up all night studying.

  ●  4   Once you have the test paper in front of you, read over the entire test, checking out how long it is and all the parts that you are expected to complete.This will allow you to estimate how much time you have for each part and ask the teacher any questions.If something seems unclear before you start, don’t worry:ask.

  ●Relax.  5   Of course you can’t get up and move around in the middle of a test, but you can wiggle(扭动)your fingers and toes, take four or five deep breaths, or picture yourself on a beach or some calm place.

  These tips should help most people, but some can get serious test-taking error.If you’re one of them, you may need to talk to a parent or teacher for help.

A.Read the test through first.

B.Be sure you’ve studied properly.

C.Focus on dealing with each question personally.

D.It’s natural to feel some stress about taking tests.

E.Your memory will be much better if you’ve had enough rest.

F.As the teacher hands out the test, be sure you know what’s expected of you.

G.If you’re so nervous that you can’t think of anything, you might need a mini-break.


  Have you ever seen an animal being mistreated(虐待)? Seeing a pet or wild animal get hurt might make you sad, angry, or afraid.1.________ In fact, the good news is that everyone-including you-can be a helping hand for animals.

  Keep your eyes and ears open.2.________ Watch for changes in the way they look or act.Look out for animals who:

  ★have cuts or other bruises(伤痕)

  ★avoid or attack people when they come close

  ★are too thin

  ★are missing fur

  ★are almost always left outside

  These signs don't necessarily mean a pet has been hurt on purpose, but they shouldn't be ignored.If you see any of these signs, set them down.3.________ What did you see or hear? Where? When? Were other people around?

  4.________ Never move an injured animal! Ask a parent, teacher, or other adult you trust for help.Find out whether the injured animal in your town can be saved by animal shelters or police.Keep their phone numbers at hand.If the person mistreating animals is a friend or family member, tell an adult you trust.

  Speak up.Let other kids know what to do if they see an animal being hurt.Using the information above, make posters to hang or flyers(传单)to hand out at school.Include the phone numbers of the police department or animal shelters who can save the injured animals.

  5.________ They need us to speak up for them.

A.Report it.

B.Ask others for help.

C.Animals are friends of human beings.

D.Get to know pets in your neighborhood.

E.You might think there's nothing you can do.

F.Remember, animals can't speak for themselves.

G.Or if you see someone hurting an animal, write down the details.


What to do if you and your teacher don’t get along

  If you’re having problems with a teacher, try to find out why.   1. 

  Before you try to get out of a class you don’t like, here are a few things you can try to make you feel better.

  ●   Meet with the teacher and try to talk to him or her.  2.   For example, “ I can’t learn in class when I feel like that I can’t take part it.” See if you can work it out between the two of you.

●     Ask yourself, “ What can I learn from this teacher?” You have to remember that he or she is very helpful and really know something in a certain field.   3. 

●     Talk to the students who are doing well in the class and ask them for some advice. If you’re too shy to talk to another student, try to follow his or her actions in the classroom.

●     If your relationship problems can’t be solved in school, tell your parents.  4.  

Teachers are there for more than just homework, and they know more than just their subjects.   5.   There will always be a few teachers that you will always remember and who might change your life forever.

A.  They are very considerate.

B.  Tell his or her what’s on your mind.

C.  They will tell you how to act as a student.

D.  Do you hate the subject or just dislike the teacher?

E.  Let them meet with your teacher to try to work it out. 

F.  Try to understand and accept your teacher’s personality.

They can help you to become a lifelong learner




  In 1990 a report was published about what the earth might be like 20 years from then on. 71 According to the report,the picture of the earth in the year 2010 is not a pleasant one. 72 The population could be as large as 6300 million,almost 2150 million more than in 1985.More people would move into cities ,especially cities in developing countries.Cities like Cairo and Jakarta probably would each have 15 million by then.

   73 Farmers will grow 90% more food than they did in 1985,but most of the increase would be in countries that already produce enough food for their people. 74 Poor farming ways are destroying large areas of crop land,changing farms into deserts.More farmland is lost as cities become larger and more houses are built.Air pollution will get worse as industrial countries burn more coal and oil.Many of the world's forests could disappear as more and more trees are cut down.Energy will continue to be a serious problem. 75 They only workde out the situation that exists today.By changing the situation,by settling the problems,the picture can be changed.There is still time for the nations of the world to work out a plan of action.But they warned that waiting too long to make de cisions would greatly reduce the chances of success.

A.Food production will increase,but not enough to feed all the people.

B.The report was a result of a three - year study.

C.Later on,more reports came out one by one.

D.The world will be more crowded because the population will continue to grow.

  E.Experts believe enough food will be produced in developing countries very soon.

  F.The experts say their picture of the earth for the year 2010 may be wrong.

G.Little increase is expected in South Asia,Africa and the Middle East.


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