(1) |
本题考查考生理解文章主旨的能力。根据文章内容可知,Whitney Johnson从十几岁起至上大学期间就积极参加志愿者活动。国外留学毕业后回到非洲,筹款成立UBA,帮助染上HIV的孩子,并取得了很大成就。因此正确选项为A。其余选项均为文中局部信息。 |
(2) |
本题考查考生对短文中细节信息的理解能力。根据文章第二段最后“When she left, all she wanted to do was go back and change what she had seen"和第三段开头"After graduation, Johnson began a fund-raising effort that eventually collected enough money to found UBA"可知,她留学毕业后筹款成立了UBA机构。因此正确选项为D。 |
(3) |
本题考查考生根据短文相关细节信息进行判断的能力。根据文章第一段"As a preteen in New York, Whitney Johnson volunteered at soup kitchens and delivered clothes to the homeless"可知Johnson从十几岁起就积极参加志愿者活动。因此正确选项为D。 |
(4) |
本题考查考生根据短文相关细节信息进行推断的能力。根据文章第一段的信息:Johnson在非洲留学第一年时在南非最穷的地方之一Khayelitsha的一个孤儿院做志愿者工作,第二段,第二段最后“When she left, all she wanted to do was go back and change what she had seen.”第三段“After graduation, Johnson began a fund-raising effort that eventually collected enough money to found UBA…Now UBA is housed in a church big enough for offices and the children”等信息可以推知UBA的地点就在南非。因此正确选项为B。 |
(5) |
本题考查考生根据短文相关细节信息进行推断的能力。文章最后一段说明了Johnson和她的UBA取得的成就。从Johnson的话"It's so emotional to see the strong, independent people they become"可知她对自己做的事情很满意。因此正确选项为C。 |
