
【题目】I would like a job which pays more, but __________ I enjoy the work I'm doing at the moment.

A. in other words B. on the other hand

C. for one thing D. as a matter of fact


【解析】句意:我想得到一份收入更高的工作,但另一方面,我又喜欢目前的这份。in other words换言之;on the other hand另一方面;for one thing 一方面;as a matter of fact 事实上。根据句意,选B


【题目】Nothing is as precious as one's freedom. Dreams, aspirations and ideals mean nothing if one does not have the freedom to pursue them.

A lot has been done in the name of freedom. A lot has been said and written about freedom. In the past six months, the world witnessed Tunisian uprising, Egyptian revolution and Libyan civil war. Thousands of people fought for freedom; hundreds of people lost their lives (for freedom); people are craving for freedom. But, what exactly is freedom? We are fighting for it, we are ready to die for it, we are craving for it, but, can we really define it?

Albert Camus thinks freedom is a chance to be better. Abraham Lincoln calls it best hope of Earth. Epictetus says it's the right to live as we wish. For Moshe Dayan it's oxygen for soul. According to Urban Dictionary it's everything. And going by Oxford Dictionaries, it's power of self determination attributed to the will.

Everyone has different views about freedom. But somehow I am still not convinced because we can't really be fighting for a chance or hope. And the concept of everything is full of uncertainties. I don't think we are fighting for power of self-determination either. And as for the right to live as we wish, if we have the right to fight, then, how can we be denied the right to live as per our wish?

But the question still remains unanswered, what is freedom?

For me, freedom has a deeper and greater meaning. I think freedom is much more than just a right. It's a responsibility of doing what you think is good, not only for you but even for society. It is a state when one realizes their duties and starts respecting others' freedom.

Freedom is when we realize that we can do absolutely anything except force another person to follow us in our madness or our desire for life. Freedom is when we are no longer slaves to our desires, society, its expectations, luxury or slaves to a life we did not choose.

Freedom is when we have the courage to speak out what we know is true, do what we feel is right, and fight for what we think is unfair. One shouldn't really fight for freedom; rather, they should try to achieve it.

【1】How many famous peoples definitions of freedom are mentioned in the passage?

A. 4 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7

【2】Paragraph 3 mainly tells us that _____________.

A. Everyone longs for freedom

B. Everyone is fighting for freedom

C. People have different views about freedom

D. Famous people have a deeper understanding of freedom

【3】Which of the following will the author agree with?

A. Freedom is a chance to live better.

B. Freedom is our best hope in the world.

C. Freedom is the right to live as we wish.

D. Freedom is a responsibility of doing what is good.

【4】What is the authors purpose of writing the passage?

A. To show different views about freedom.

B. To express his understanding of freedom.

C. To encourage us to pursue our dreams and aspirations.

D. To argue against some famous peoples understanding of freedom.

【题目】The Exterminating Angel

Director: Luis Bunuel

Country/Date : Mexico/1962 (black and white)

Introduction : A party is organized in a high class society house.Many people are drinking and eating.It’s getting late, but nobody is leaving.Even though the door is open, people seem to be locked in the house.They can’t leave either the day or on the following days.So a rescue began.

The Net

Director: Irwin Winkler

Country/Date: U.S.A./1995

Introduction: Angela Bennettt is a computer programmer who has devoted her life to computers and the Internet.She spends hours and hours in front of the screen.She does everything over the Internet, and she has some close friends in a chat room, though she has never talked to her neighbors.

Kung Fu Panda

Director : Mark Osborne & John Stevenson

Country/Date : U.S.A./2008

Introduction: The leading character is a panda whose name is Po.He is lazy first but he has a great dream—to be a kung fu master.To make his dream come true, he goes to a faraway temple to learn kung fu from a master.However, one of his brothers, Tai Long wants to become the kung fu master, killing many of his brothers even the master.So Po fights against Tai Long and defeats him, The film is good especially for kids.

Life is Beautiful

Director: Roberto Benigni

Country/Date : Italy/1998

Introduction: In 1939, during World WarⅡ in Italy, Guido, a hopeful man, the main character fell in love with Dora, and they got married.Five years later, their lives changed.Guido and Joshua were taken by the Nazis(纳粹)to a concentration camp and Dora also went there with her husband and son.At that place, Guido tried his best to save his son’s life in a special way.

【1】Who is the director of The Net?

A.Luis Bunuel B.Irwin Winkler

C.Mark Osborne D.Roberto Benigni

2Which film is black and white?

A.The Exterminating Angel. B.The Net.

C.Kung Fu Panda. D.Life is Beautiful.

3Which film is especially fit for kids?

A.The Exterminating Angel. B.The Net.

C.Kung Fu Panda. D.Life is Beautiful.

4What can we learn about Life is Beautiful?

A.It’s about a rescue of people who can’t leave a house.

B.The story is set in World WarⅡ.

C.It was made in America in 1995.

D.The main character is absorbed in computer.

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