
 Scientists inCanadasay big ocean fish have almost disappeared from the world since the start of industrial fishing in the 1950s. The scientists found that the population of large fish like tuna,swordfish and cod has dropped by ninety per cent in the past fifty years. The study took ten years. The researchers gathered records from fishing businesses and governments around the world. The magazine Nature pub?lished the findings.

  The scientists say the common method called longline fishing is especially damaging to populations of large fish. This method involves many fishing lines connected to one boat. These wires can be close to one hundred kilometres long. They hold thousands of sharp metal hooks to catch fish.

  Longline fishing is especially common in the Japanese fishing industry. Records showed that Japanese boats used to catch about ten fish every one hundred hooks. The study says longline fishing boats now might catch one fish per hundred hooks.

  The scientists say industrial fishing can destroy groups of fish much faster than in the past. The study suggests that whole populations can disappear al?most completely from new fishing areas within ten to fifteen years.  

  Ransom Myers of Dalhousie University in Nova Scotia led the study with Boris Worm of Dalhousie and the University of Kiel inGermany. Mr Worm says the destruction could lead to a complete reorganization of ocean life sys?tems. Mr Myers says the decreased number of large fish is not the only worry. He says even populations that are able to reproduce do not get the chance to live long enough to grow as big as their ancestors (祖先) .He says not only are there fewer big fish,but also they are smaller than those of the past.

  American government scientists say even with the best efforts to protect fish populations,decreases are to be expected.

1. Where is the passage probably taken from?

   A. A storybook.

   B. A business magazine.

   C. An environment report.

   D. An economic survey.

2. Big fish have gradually been disappearing especially because        .

   A. longline fishing method is used

   B. sea water is getting polluted

   C. mankind destroys the environment

   D. governments don't make the best efforts

3. Which of the following shows the fact that populations of large fish have dropped?

   A. Today's "large" fish are smaller than those of the past.

   B. Longline boats now might catch fewer fish every one hundred hooks.

   C. Fish even able to reproduce don't have the chance to live longer.

   D. Japanese boats could catch about ten fish every one hundred hooks.

4. What can be the best title?

   A. Canadian scientists have made discoveries

   B. Japanese fishing industry

   C. Losses of big fish

   D. Modern fishing methods


1. C推理判断题。根据文章第一、二段的内容,尤其是第二段中的"The magazine Nature published the findings.” 可知,本文是一篇有关环境的科学调查报告。

2. A细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的"The scientists say the common method called longline fishing is especial?ly damaging to populations of large fish.”可知A正确。

3. B推理判断题。根据文章第四段中的"Records showed that Japanese boats used to catch about ten fish every one hundred hooks. The study says longline fishing boats now might catch one fish per hundred hooks."可推知,以前每100个鱼钩能钩住大约10条大鱼,现在每100个鱼钩只钩住一条大鱼,表明数量减少。故B正确。

4. C


  What is the difference between developed and developing countries? The question is quite a difficult one. But we can compare them in two important as?pects: people and economy.

  People In developing countries there are high rates of both birth and death. Families decide to give birth to more than one child,because many developing countries do not have the systems necessary to guarantee (保证) the life of old people. Raising more children seems to be the only way to make sure that during their later years a person will be taken care of.

  The situation is completely different in fully developed countries. Those countries have low levels of birth and mortality. Low mortality rate is mainly because of the good health care,but low birth rate is due to the fact that support?ing a family with more children is expensive nowadays. Another reason is that more and more women decide to work outside,so there is usually no time and place for a large group of children in their lives. Economy In developed countries,most industries have high levels of technological pro?gress,while the smallest role in the country's GDP is played by agriculture.

  In most cases,in developing countries most GDP comes from agriculture. It is mainly due to the fact that services and many branches of industry are in the stage of development. But they have the potential to develop quickly,be?cause they have many things to improve.

  Of course,the difference between developed and developing countries is not that clear,because some countries might be in the middle of great chan?ges. When a country is in that stage,some data can define the country as a developing one ,but others may show that it is a developed one.

1. Why does the writer think the question in the first paragraph is difficult to answer?

   A. Because the people and economy of a country cannot reflect the whole situation.

   B. Because most developing countries are certain to become developed ones.

   C. Because he can only compare them in two aspects―people and economy.

   D. Because according to some data a developing country can be seen as a developed one.

2. In developing countries,there are high birth rates because people hope     

   A. their children will have a bright future

   B. generations can live under the same roof

   C. they will be taken care of in their later years

   D. the next generation can contribute more to society

3. What's the meaning of the underlined word "mortality" in Paragraph 3? 

    A. Health.

   B. Death.

   C. Employment.

   D. Survival.

4. What's probably the writer's attitude towards the future of developing countries?

   A. Negative.

   B. Worried.

   C. Optimistic.

   D. Doubtful.

5. This passage mainly helps us to      .

   A. know why developed countries develop so fast

   B. learn about the weak points of developing countries

   C. realize our responsibilities to develop our own country

   D. tell the differences between developing countries and developed ones

  The Internet company Google is testing its newest high-tech device,Google Glass. The company describes the glasses as wearable computers that would change the way people view others and the world.

  The glasses have a tiny video screen and a camera that connect wirelessly to the Internet through Wi-Fi,a smart phone,or a table computer. You can make and receive calls,send and receive texts,take pictures,record videos or search the Web. You control Google Glass using your voice,and a touch pad on the right arm of the frame.

Professor Marcia Dawkins is among a selected group of people who have been given a chance to test out Google Glass.

  The Professor's Google Glass looks like a bright orange glasses,without the actual glass. But there's a tiny rectangular glass at the top right-hand cor?ner. Through that glass,she has been recording videos while biking. She al?so has been able to talk to her sister inThailand, and she plans to use the de?vice to teach a public speaking class. But not everyone is excited about Google Glass. Some are concerned about possible risks to privacy. John Simpson is the director of the privacy project at Consumer Watchdog.

"It is essentially going to allow people to come in and spy on you and record that,without you knowing what is going on."

  Google says that it has already addressed that concern. Chris Dale,who is the Senior Manager of Communications for Google Glass,explained that in order to start the camera or record a video,the owner must say something out loud.

But film-maker Chris Barrett showed just how easy it is to record people without them knowing it. His glass captured a man getting arrested after a fight. He shared the video on YouTube.

  Also,some are concerned about the use of facial recognition technology on Google Glass. But Google says it will not approve the use of such applica?tions. The Internet company says it is still testing its new device,and it hopes to make Google Glass available to the public by early next year.

1. According to the passage,how can the users control Google Glass?

   A. By connecting to the Internet through Wi-Fi.

   B. By using a smart phone or a tablet computer.

   C. By using their voice and a touch pad on the frame.

   D. By changing the direction of Google Glass.

2. About Google Glass,which of the following is NOT true?

   A. It uses facial recognition technology on Google Glass.

   B. It is a wearable computer with a tiny video screen and a camera.

   C. It can be used to record videos or search the Web.

   D. It can be used to call and receive calls,send and receive texts.

3. It can be inferred from the passage that        .

   A. Google Glass makes all the people excited

   B. Google has solved the shortcomings of Google Glass

   C. Google Glass might reveal people's privacy

   D. Google Glass has been on the market

4. Why was film-maker Chris Barrett mentioned in the passage?

   A. To demonstrate he is a famous film-maker.

   B. To prove Google Glass easily reveals privacy.

   C. To show how to record people by Google Glass.

   D. To share some latest information about Google Glass.

5. Which of the following is the best title?

   A. A new type of Google Glass was invented

   B. Google Glass raises privacy concerns

   C. Google Glass is used very easily

   D. Google Glass makes life convenient

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