
20.I felt muchsympathy(同情) for the blind.

分析 我对盲人深感同情.

解答 答案:sympathy

点评 本题考查单词/词组,做此类题目时一定要分析句子结构,找出所缺成分再根据提示确定最终的答案;另外还要注意所填词的形式是否需要变化.

10.I was walking down the road one day when my cell phone rang.A strange(31)Con the other end spoke to me,"Dad,please come back soon.I miss you so much!"I judged that it was a(32)Dnumber.A little while later,the call came once again,so I rudely(33)D,"You've dialed the wrong number!"and then(34)A.
    During the following days,I got the same(35)Bnow and then.But I didn't care much about it.
    Then one day she constantly called me(36)DI didn't answer.Finally I answered the phone and heard a weak voice,"Dad,please come back.I miss you so much!Dad,I'm(37)Cso much pain!Mom said you were too busy to take(38)Aof me.But,dad,please(39)Bme again,OK?"The innocent(天真0(40)Cwas difficult to refuse.I made a(41)Dkiss on the phone and heard the weak voice say,"Thank you…Dad,I am so…happy,so…happy…"
    Shortly after this,I became(42)Babout who had been on the other end of my phone.So I called back,and a woman answered,"Sorry,sir.I am really sorry to have(43)A you.My daughter has suffered from bone cancer(44)Bshe was born.And her father…died in an(45)Ca short while ago.I dare not tell her this sad(46)D.Poor baby.When she couldn't bear (忍受) the painful chemotherapy (化疗),she would cry for her dad,who had always(47)Aher.I really couldn't bear it,so I gave her my phone number…"
"How is your daughter now?"I couldn't(48)Bto ask.
"She has(49)C.You must have kissed her on the phone,because she went with a smile,tightly holding the cell phone…"(50)Afilled my eyes and I was so sad to hear that.

34.A.hung offB.turned offC.got offD.took off
36.A.as ifB.so thatC.in order thatD.even though
15.I think machine power is better than human power because we cannot survive without our daily used machines like bikes,coolers,computers,etc.
Started on  14-Apr-2008  By Smith
6-May-2008 Yes,it's very clear that machine power is better than man power.But machine power has its limitations.It cannot survive without electricity and manhandling.If it doesn't have these two then it is completely useless.So man should not completely depend on machines.One more point is that because of the use of machines man has become lazy.This lazines s has brought in many problems like obesity,arthritis (关节炎) and other health problems.But I am not saying that man should completely turn from ma-chine power to man power.He should have a balance of both.Even I can't think of life without a car,a computer and a cooler.
9-May-2008  Humans only created the machines.So,human power is greater than machine power.To do the things quickly we created the machines.But machines cannot think.That thinking power beats machine power.
17-May-2008 But without humans there is no value of any machine.If someone wants to use his machine perfectly then one must have expert labor or man power.
19-May-2008 Hi to all,my opinion is that human power is more powerful than machine power,because human beings created the machines.Human brain works more com-pared to machines.
20-May-2008 I think human power is better than machine power because even if we tra vel on foot to near places the money will not be wasted and we can get exercise.
32.Who agrees with Smith generally?D
33.According to Johnson,man shouldA.
A.keep a balance between human power and ma-chine power
B.completely depend on machine power
C.turn from machine power to man power completely
D.live a life without a car,a computer or a cooler
34.Sally thinks that human power is better than machine power becauseC.
A.machines are useless without electricity
B.machine power can make people become lazy
C.machines can't think like human beings
D.human brain can do things quickly
35.Which of the following questions are the speakers talking about in the passage?B
A.Will machine power defeat human power?
B.Which is better,human power or machine power?
C.What limitations does machine power have?
D.Will machines think in the future?

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