
Let me take you back a couple of years. Come with me as we relearn a lesson, one that has stuck with me, in my present memory, and   36   me yet. We walked into Elida Road Hardware, an old-fashioned hardware    37___ . No automatic door, not a computer in the building. It was one that I went to fairly often. As we entered the door, two sounds    38   us. The sleigh bells of last year made that sweet, peaceful tinkle as we opened the door. The other sound was the electronic beeper that reminded Andy of our   39    .

 “Good afternoon, Ryan,”     40     the cheerful greeting. Andy was a very   41    sort of owner. He was of medium build and height, and the smile on his face welcomed us.

We walked across the old wood floor. Andy asked us what he could help us with. I told him we were      42    a spring(弹簧). He very patiently replied, “l have lots of springs. You’re going to need to be more specific.”

“Just a spring for an old-fashioned screen door.”

“That’s it. A screen door spring, right down there. ” We   43   where he was pointing, and sure enough, there they were. And knew his store, and his products. That was why I came here instead of Meijer. The service couldn’t be beaten. The price; Yes. But service and   44    ;No.

I picked up one and followed him to the    45   .

He figured up the price, doing the math in his head, “ $1.88,with tax comes to $1. 99. ”

 “ Put it on my dad’s account. ”

He nodded and smiled, “ Good dad’s account. ” He smiled. “I don’t know what you boys would do    46    dad’s account! ”

He handed me the ticket and as I    47    it, I asked, “You really trust my signature?”

His reply surprised,_   48    delighted me. “ When I can’t trust Jerry Hoover’s boys, I can trust nobody! ”

We left, and the brain immediately started to forget things, in order of importance. But what Andy said that day rang in my ears. And it rings in my ears today. That’s a tall order to live up to. It’s a high standard of    49    .My father made a fame for that name, and I get to enjoy the benefits. But on account of this, I must maintain that fame. And that’s     50     business.

1.A.inspires             B.excites         C.shocks           D.amazes

2.A.restaurant           B.store           C. park            D.factory

3.A.hugged            B.greeted          C.heard            D.sensed

4.A.presence           B. dependence      C. importance      D. absence

5.A.shouted            B.said             C.went            D.came

6. A. special            B. ridiculous        C. friendly         D. appropriate

7.A. looking up         B. looking for       C. looking into      D. looking after

8.A. turned to          B. got to            C. stuck to         D. referred to

9.A. description         B. determination     C. satisfaction      D. imagination

10..A.corner              B.counter          C.bank            D.door

11.A.without             B.within           C.by              D.for

12.A.saw                B.wrote            C.signed          D.touched

13.A.yet              B.still              C.even           D.also

14.A. honesty         B. fortune           C. consideration   D. devotion

15.A. serious          B. optimistic         C. silent         D. successful





















1.A 动词辨析。A激励B使…兴奋C使…震惊D使…惊讶;这件事在我的记忆中挥之不去,并鼓舞着我。

2.B 名词辨析。A餐厅B商店C公园D工厂;那是一家老式的五金店,没有自动门,整个商店没有一台电脑。

3.B 动词辨析。A拥抱B问候C听见D感觉;那家店我经常去,那天我们进门时有两种声音欢迎我们——去年就换上的雪橇铃在我们推门时发出甜美、安宁的清脆声音。

4.A 名词辨析。A到场B依靠C重要性D缺席;另外电子蜂鸣器也发出声响提醒安迪我们的到来。

5.D 动词辨析。A喊叫B说C去D来;“下午好啊,瑞安。”店内传来一声欢快的招呼。

6.C 形容词辨析。A特别的B荒谬的C友好的D恰当的;安迪是那种非常热情的老板。

7..B 短语辨析。A查找B寻找C调查D照顾;安迪问我们需要什么,我告诉他想买弹簧。

8.A 短语辨析。A转向 B到达C坚持D提到;我们转向他手指的方向,不会出意外,我要的弹簧就在那里。


10.B 名词辨析。A拐角B柜台C银行D门;我拿起一个弹簧跟着安迪来到了柜台。

11.A 句意分析。,“我想不出来你们这些小子离了老爸的账户该怎么办!”

12.C 调查辨析。A看见B写C签名D感动,触摸;他将收据递给我,我边签字边委婉地问他:“你信任我的签名?”

13.A 副词辨析。A然而B仍然C甚至D也;他的回答让我既惊奇又高兴。“如果我不能信任杰里·胡佛的儿子,那我就谁都不能信任了!”

14.A 名词辨析。A诚实B财富C考虑D热爱;这是个难以达到的要求,这是高度诚信的体现。

15.A 形容词辨析。A严肃的B乐观C安静的D成功的;但也正因为这个原因,我必须要将这种信誉保持下去——这是件严肃的事。





I believe in miracles(奇迹)because I've seen so many of them. One day, a patient was referred to me who was one hundred and two years old. “There’s a   36  in my upper jaw,” she said. “I told my own dentist it's nothing, but he   37  I come to see you.”
Her eighty-year-old son accompanied her. He would    38  to add something, but she stopped him. She wanted to tell everything herself. I found a large cancer that spread over much of the    39  of her mouth. A careful examination later   40   that it was a particularly bad sort of cancer.
During her next appointment, I explained to her the   41  of the problem. She clasped my hand in hers and said, “I know you’re worried about me, but I’m just   42  .  ”
I thought otherwise. After considerable   43  on my part, and kindness on her part because she wanted to   44  me, she agreed to have me refer her to a cancer surgeon(外科医生). She saw him, but as I expected,    45  treatment.
About six months later she returned to my office, still energetic and   46  .
“How are you?” I asked.
“I’m just fine, honey,” she responded   47  high spirits. “When can I get started on fixing my dentures(假牙)?”
Surprised to see her at all, I answered   48  , “Let me take a look in your mouth and we’ll see about it.”
I couldn’t believe my eyes. The cancer that had   49  nearly the entire roof of her mouth was gone—only one small area of redness    50  .
I had read of such things happening, but had    51  seen them with my own eyes. That was my first miracle. Since then I've seen many others, because they keep getting   52  to see. In fact, miracles are daily events for me now. And people are a miracle,   53  through them we have a chance to know ourselves and to   54  the miracles of one another.
Since my first miracle, I've come to understand that the time and place for a miracle is 55 we choose to find it.

A.cutB.painC.wound D.cancer
A.declaredB.suspectedC.promised D.insisted
A.refuseB.continueC.attempt D.manage
A.roofB.cornerC.bottom D.surface
A.confirmedB.convincedC.considered D.conducted
A.possibilityB.importanceC.seriousness D.resolution
A.oldB.sickC.fine D.glad
A.permissionB.supportC.approval D.effort
A.persuadeB.pleaseC.encourage D.astonish
A.declinedB.providedC.received D.required
A.healthyB.elegantC.optimistic D.humorous
A.toB.inC.with D.by
A.worriedlyB.confusedlyC.patiently D.confidently
A.coveredB.reachedC.spread D.grown
A.curedB.fadedC.expanded D.remained
A.everB.alsoC.never D.already
A.easierB.rarerC.happier D.closer
A.orB.soC.yet D.for
A.readB.makeC.keep D.see
A.whateverB.whereverC.whoever D.whichever

Pete Richards was the loneliest man in town on the day that little Jean Grace opened the door of his shop.

         Pete's grandfather had owned the shop until his death. Then the shop became Pete's. The front window was full of beautiful old things: jewelry of a hundred years ago, gold and silver boxes, carved figures from China and Japan and other nations.

         On this winter afternoon, a child stood there, her face close to the window. With large and serious eyes, she studied each piece in the window. Then, looking pleased, she stepped back from the window and went into the shop. Pete himself stood behind the counter. His eyes were cold as he looked at the small girl. “Please,” she began, “would you let me look at the pretty string of blue beads in the window?” Pete took the string of blue beads from the window. The beads were beautiful against his hand as he held the necklace up for her to see.

         “They are just right,” said the child as though she were alone with the beads. “Will you wrap them up in pretty paper for me, please? I've been looking for a really wonderful Christmas present for my sister.”

         “How much money do you have?” asked Pete.

         She put a handful of pennies on the counter. “This is all I have,” she explained simply. “I've been saving the money for my sister's present.”

         Pete looked at her, his eyes thoughtful. Then he carefully closed his hand over the price mark on the necklace so that she could not see it. How could he tell her the price? The happy look in her big blue eyes struck him like the pain of an old wound.

         “Just a minute,” he said and went to the back of the shop. “What's your name?” he called out. He was very busy about something.

         “Jean Grace,” answered the child.

         When Pete returned to the front of the shop, he held a package in his hand. It was wrapped in pretty Christmas paper.

         “There you are,” he said. “Don't lose it on the way home.”

         She smiled happily at him as she ran out of the door. Through the window he watched her go. He felt more alone than ever.

         Something about Jean Grace and her string of beads had made him feel once more the pain of his old grief. The child's hair was as yellow as the sunlight; her eyes were as blue as the sea. Once upon a time, Pete had loved a girl with hair of that same yellow and with eyes just as blue. And the necklace of blue stones had been meant for her.

         But one rainy night, a car had gone off the road and struck the girl. After she died, Pete felt that he had nothing left in the world except his grief. The blue eyes of Jean Grace brought him out of that world of self-pity and made him remember again all that he had lost. The pain of remembering was so great that Pete wanted to run away from the happy Christmas shoppers who came to look at his beautiful old things during the next ten days.

         When the last shopper had gone, late on Christmas Eve, the door opened and a young woman came in. Pete could not understand it, but he felt that he had seen her before. Her hair was sunlight yellow and her eyes were sea-blue. Without speaking, she put on the counter a package wrapped in pretty Christmas paper. When Pete opened the package, the string of blue beads lay again before him.

         “Did this come from your shop?” she asked.

         Pete looked at her with eyes no longer cold. “Yes, it did,” he said.

         “Are the stones real?”

         “Yes. They aren't the best turquoise(绿松石), but they are real.”

         “Can you remember to whom you sold them?”

         “She was a small girl. Her name was Jean. She wanted them for her sister's Christmas present.”

         “How much were they?”

         “I can't tell you that,” he said. “The seller never tells anyone else what a buyer pays.”

         “But Jean has never had more than a few pennies. How could she pay for them?”

         “She paid the biggest price one can ever pay,” he said.

         For a moment there was no sound in the little shop. Then somewhere in the city, church bells began to ring. It was midnight and the beginning of another Christmas Day.

         “But why did you do it?” the girl asked.

         Pete put the package into her hands.

         “There is no one else to whom I can give a Christmas present,” he said. “It is already Christmas morning. Will you let me take you to your home? I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas at your door.”

         And so, to the sound of many bells, Pete Richards and a girl whose name he had not yet learned walked out into the hope and happiness of a new Christmas Day.

1.When Pete saw Jean Grace, he was ______.

A. very enthusiastic, hoping for some business to be done

B. cold but he still served the young customer

C. cold, unwilling to serve the young customer

D. very warm to the young customer though he did not want to sell anything to her

2.Pete did not say the price of the necklace because ______.

A. the seller never tells anyone else what a buyer pays

B. he priced the necklace too high

C. he knew it would disappoint the girl

D. he didn't want to sell the necklace

3.The eyes of Jean Grace brought Pete out of his world of self-pity and he ______.

A. tried to forget the memory of his sweetheart

B. began to look at the world optimistically

C. remembered his lost love

D. no longer felt the pain in him

4.A young woman came into the shop because ______.

A. she was afraid that there might be some mistake

B. she thought that the stones she had bought were not real

C. she was not sure if she could get more stones like those

D. she did not like what she had once bought

5.By saying “She paid the biggest price one can ever pay,” Pete meant that Jean Grace     .

A. gave the most money for the necklace

B. gave all she had with her for the necklace

C. appreciated the value of the necklace

D. wanted to have the best thing in the shop

6. At the end of the story we see that Pete _____.

A. found another girl that he could trust

B. met someone who truly loved him

C. found a place to go at last

D. regained his ability to love


I believe in miracles because I’ve seen so many of them.One day,a patient was referred to me who was one hundred and two years old.“There’s a  36  in my upper jaw,”she said.“I told my own dentist it’s nothing,but he  37  I come to see you.”

Her eighty-year-old son accompanied her.He would  38  to add something,but she stopped him.She wanted to tell everything hereslf.I found a large cancer that spread over much of the  39 of her mouth.A careful examination later  40  that it was a particularly bad sort of cancer.

During her next appointment,I explained to her the  41  of the problem.She clasped my hand in hers and said,“I know you’re worried about me,but I’m just  42 .”

I thought otherwise.After considerable  43  on my part,and kindness on her part because she wanted to  44  me,she agreed to have me refer her to a cancer surgeon.She saw him,but as I expected,  45  treatment.

About six months later she retarned to my office,still energetic and  46 .

“How are you?”I asked.

“I’m just fine,honey,”she responded  47  high spirits.“When can I get started on fixing my dentures(假牙)?”

Surprised to see her at all,I answered  48  ,“Let me take a look in your mouth and we’ll see about it.”

I couldn’t believe my eyes.The cancer that had  49  nearly the entire roof of her mouth was gone—only one small area of redness  50 .

I had read of such things happening,but had  51  seen them with my own eyes.That was my first miracle.Since then I’ve seen many others,because they keep getting  52  to see.In fact,miracles are daily events for me now.And people are a miracle, 53  through them we have a chance to know ourselves and to  54  the miracles of one another.

Since my first miracle,I’ve come to understand that the time and place for a miracle is  55 we choose to find it.




























































11.A.healthy         B.elegant           C.optimistic    C.humorous


























































Not long before,my daughler,s shoes were scratched(划破)with a knife.She burst illto

tears。I took them to the shoemakel,s.

The young apprentice(学徒)glanced at the   21   and said,“Nothing I can do except

22   the upper.”

His master looked at them and said,“If you   23   me,1 will add more scratches on both the shoes.”

1 was  24  and asked why.

He explained,“As if the opening were made  25  for a special style.”

I didn’t fully understand him,  26  I deeided to leave thc shoes。

Two days later i dropped by from work to   27  the shoes.  I found more scratches on each

shoe;all the openings were patched(缝补)by soft red leather;the stitches(针脚)were twisted

with the appearance looking more  28 and interesting than ever.I couldn,t help praising the

master,s   29 .

Another time,my sister,s blouse was torn,leaving a large opening.My wife checked it

30  and then said,“Let me take it home and  31  it.”

Three days later,seeing it again,1 was greatly 32 :all the tom parts took on a look of

ice crystal(水晶);attached to it was a snowman made of flowery rags.I sighed with  33.

“It,s amazing!”

“1 was  34  by that shoemaker.Patches are supposed to be  35 .but a skilJful  craftsman(工匠)can make it take on a kind of  36 ,”replied my wife.

Her words inspired me more:perfection is impossible to achieve in   37   ;patches appear

in the  38   of injury,disability or disease.Since you c an,t change the existence of wound.you

should not 39  people,s sympathy by disclosing the wound,which is meaningless.Just sew the

40  by patches and produce a most beautifld flower on it,and that is the significance of life.

21.A.scar        B.opening           C.hole         D.mark

22. A.replace      B.remove       C.throw       D.tear

23. A.tell         B.show         C.agree      D.trust

24. A.delighted    B.confused     C.excited     D.astonistled

25.A.on purpose      B.by chance    C.in particular     D.in turn

26.A.so         B.and       C.as      D.but

27.A.bring      B.collect    C.see D.retum

28.A.ugly       B.strange     C.1ovely         D.familiar

29.A.skill    B.drill         C.performance       D.techniaue

30. A.anxiously    B.suddenly    C.carefully       D.delightly

31.A.wash    B.iron      C.save          D.mend

32.A.puzzled        B.disappointed    C. surprised D.touched

33.A.anger        B.regret    C.praise D.care

34.A.encouraged    B.inspired    C.moved      D.attracted

35.A.common       B.beautiful     C.ugly      D.rare

36.A.difference     B.perfection    C.newness    D.change

37.A.future        B.mind       C.1ife           D.place

38. A.form         B.name          C.shape           D.need

39.A.treat     B.accept     C.ignore      D.expect

40.A.wound     B.pain       C.injury      D.disability


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