
Life happens whether we are ready for it or not, and in June 2005, my husband fell from a ladder and died a week later. My husband was not only my life companion but also my  1  and there I was left to run our business and my life   2  . After getting through the   3  shock of losing the person who had the greatest  4  on my life, I started to  5  the pieces with the help and strength  6  by family, friends, and business associates.

I quickly learned that  7  help was the only way I would  8  the sorrow and keep my business and my home  9  . I’d often find myself looking around, feeling at a loss because my   10  seemed so great. Learning to put my ego(自我)aside and ask for the help I needed was a huge  11  . I discovered that people really wanted to help, but they didn’t know  12  . My request opened the door for them to give the   13  they wanted to share.

Two years have passed since that time. I  14  my business and my house and chose to relocate back to the state of my birth. I am still  15  back but with determination and the knowledge that I have much to be  16  for and so many good things ahead of me. I continue to ask for help from my   17  of family , friends, and colleagues because I am driven to a   18  of simplicity and joy.

It may not be death of a loved one,  19  maybe you’ve survived an accident that left you feeling despair. Whatever it is, I  20  you to ask for help. Who are the people in your life that would jump in and hand you that lifesaver, probably before you even finished the question?

1.A.private doctor        B.business partner   C.teammate            D.lawyer

2.A.anyhow                B.alone                   C.surprisedly          D.confidently

3.A.final                      B.immediate            C.gradual                D.initial

4.A.influence               B.strike                  C.dependence         D.determination


5.A.turn out                B.build up               C.result in               D.pick up

6.A.rewarded              B.demanded            C.provided              D.added

7.A.putting away         B.giving up             C.asking for            D.referring to

8.A.survive                 B.appreciate            C.delay                   D.defend

9.A.changed                B.satisfied               C.undamaged          D.comfortable

10.A.methods              B.challenges            C.policies               D.duties

11.A.  pride                  B.experience           C.accomplishment   D.shame

12.A.when                  B.how                    C.why                    D.where

13.A.attitude                B.money                 C.lessons                D.support

14.A.managed             B.sold                    C.bought                D.organized

15.A.bouncing             B.turning                C.going                  D.coming

16.A.grateful               B.prepared              C.embarrassed        D.anxious

17.A.possession           B.collection             C.circle                  D.occupation

18.A.life                      B.hobby                 C.habit                   D.practice

19.A.and                     B.as                       C.so                       D.but

20.A.reminded        B.warned          C.forbade           D.encourage



From now on, never spend your precious time thinking of reasons for your failures and shortcomings. Instead, realize that the seeds of success were planted within you when you were born. Only you have the power to make those seeds grow.

The seeds, and the power to grow them, are contained in the most awesome machine ever created: the human mind. Success is a choice and not a chance. You were born a winner. You were born rich. You can be a success if only you make the right choice.

You cannot be successful without first developing your self-confidence. Your level of self-confidence is always based on the degree of control that you are able to exercise over yourself, and thus over your life. People with low self-confidence are people who do not believe that they have any power, or responsibility for their lives. They are mere victims. They are leaves tossed (摇摆) by the winds of chance blown about with any sudden change in the weather.

You can exercise control over your life only to the degree that you believe that you are responsible for everything that happens in your life. Failures think that everything happens by accident and chance. Successful people realize that they are responsible.

Everything happens as a result of something. If we can identify the cause, we can control the effect. We are responsible for what we choose to think and believe. One generally rises to the level that one expects. We are responsible for setting our expectations. Our success is dependent upon our level of confidence.

If you associate with positive-thinking people, you are definitely going to achieve success. On the contrary, the opposite happens. We are responsible for finding, planting, and nurturing the seeds that contain future victory, born from setbacks.

In short, in all areas of your life, whether they be financial, physical, emotional, or spiritual, you are responsible. Once you recognize this, accept it, and firmly believe it, you are on the road to success.

1.People with low self-confidence are compared to leaves because they____________.

A.are ready to change their minds            B.are easily affected by windy weather

C.don't have the power to face their fate       D.can't control themselves in life

2.Losers would think that ___________.

A.success is the result of hard work

B.working hard will lead to success

C.their failure is only because of bad luck

D.they don't make efforts to succeed

3. It can be inferred from paragraph 5 that ___________.

A.whether we will succeed depends on our attitudes

B.developing confidence is the key to future success

C.thoughts and beliefs are the result of creative mind

D.setting our expectations is essential before taking action

4.The last paragraph serves as ____________.

A.the proof of the author's points            B.the conclusion of the argument

C.an introduction to another topic            D.a comparison between two views

5.Which is the best title for the text? _______________.

A.Success is a choice                      B.The secrets of success

C.Develop our confidence                  D.How to achieve success


     Life happens whether we are ready for it or not, and in May 2005, my mom passed away after an
extended illness. I'm not sure we are ever really    1  to lose a parent, especially Mom. There were more
things I needed to   2  with her about, and I know I wasn't ready to let her   3  . Less than one month later, my   4    fell from a ladder, suffered a head injury, and died a week later.
     My husband was not only my life partner but my business   5  , and there I was left to   6  our business and my life alone. After   7   the initial (  最初的 )shock of losing the two people who had the greatest
   8  on my life, I started to pick up the pieces with the  9  and strength provided by family, friends, and
business associates.
     I quickly   10   that asking for help was the only way I would   11  the sadness and keep my business
and my home intact (完好无损的). I'd often  12   myself looking around in a confused state , feeling
overwhelmed (难以抵抗的) because my challenges seemed so  13 . Learning to   14    for the help I
needed was a huge achievement. I discovered that people   15 wanted to help, but they didn't know how. My  16  opened the door for them to give the support they wanted to share.
     Three years have passed since that time. I sold my   17   and my house and chose to return to the
state of my birth, where my family once lived. I   18    to ask for help from my   19 of family, friends, and
colleagues because I am driven to a life of simplicity and joy, and I know I won't get there alone. And
that's just   20 .  
(     )1. A. afraid      
(     )2. A. quarrel    
(     )3. A. go       
(     )4. A. child     
(     )5. A. partner  
(     )6. A. start      
(     )7. A. passing by  
(     )8. A. effort  
(     )9. A. help     
(     )10. A. admitted
(     )11. A. catch  
(     )12. A. control    
(     )13. A. easy    
(     )14. A. hope    
(     )15. A. really  
(     )16. A. order    
(     )17. A. garden    
(     )18. A. pretend    
(     )19. A. circle    
(     )20. A. important  
B. prepared    
B. talk         
B. cry          
B. father       
B. colleague  
B. sell        
B. coming across  
B. effect      
B. energy       
B. remembered  
B. survive     
B. forgive     
B. small        
B. answer      
B. hardly       
B. request     
B. farm        
B. stop         
B. record       
B. possible    
C. content    
C. joke        
C. pass       
C. sister      
C .leader     
C. run        
C. running over
C. pressure    
C. speech     
C. learned    
C. suffer      
C. think       
C. great      
C. pay        
C. secretly    
C. excuse    
C. business    
C. continue    
C. choice      
C. necessary    
D. thought          
D. do                
D. husband          
D. friend            
D. make              
D. getting through  
D. impression        
D. care              
D. expected          
D. accept            
D. find              
D. exciting          
D. ask              
D. proudly          
D. attempt          
D. wealth            
D. decide            
D. sense            
D. fine              
     Life happens whether we are ready for it or not, and in May 2005, my mom passed away after an extended
illness. I'm not sure we are ever really   1   to lose a parent, especially Mom. I had more things I needed to   2 
 with her about, and I know I wasn't ready to let her   3  . Less than one month later, my   4   fell from a ladder,
suffered a head injury, and died a week later.
     My husband was not only my life partner but my business    5  , and there I was left to   6   our business
and my life alone. After   7   the initial shock of losing the two people who had the greatest   8   on my life, I
started to pick up the pieces with the   9  and strength provided by family, friends, and business associates.
     I quickly   10   that asking for help was the only way I would   11   the sadness and keep my business and
my home intact (完好无损的). I'd often   12   myself looking around in a daze, feeling overwhelmed (难以抵
抗的) because my challenges seemed so  13 . Learning to   14   for the help I needed was a huge
accomplishment. I discovered that people   15   wanted to help, but they didn't know how. My  16  opened the
door for them to give the support they wanted to share.
     Three years have passed since that time. I sold my   17   and my house and chose to relocate back to the
state of my birth, where my family lived. I   18   to ask for help from my  19   of family, friends, and colleagues
because I am driven to a life of simplicity and joy, and I know I won't get there alone. And that's just   20   .
(     )1. A. afraid     
(     )2. A. talk       
(     )3. A. cry      
(     )4. A. child     
(     )5. A. partner    
(     )6. A. start      
(     )7. A. passing by
(     )8. A. effort     
(     )9. A. care      
(     )10. A. learned   
(     )11. A. forget    
(     )12. A. control   
(     )13. A. easy      
(     )14. A. hope    
(     )15. A. really    
(     )16. A. order     
(     )17. A. garden    
(     )18. A. pretend   
(     )19. A. circle    
(     )20. A. fine     
B. willing     
B. quarrel     
B. go         
B. father    
B. colleague    
B. run       
B. coming across
B. effect      
B. energy      
B. remembered    
B. accept    
B. find      
B. small      
B. answer       
B. hardly     
B. excuse     
B. business       
B. stop       
B. record    
B. possible     
C. prepared           
C. joke               
C. pass              
C. sister              
C. assistant          
C. sell                  
C. getting through   
C. pressure           
C. help               
C. admitted        
C. suffer           
C. think              
C. great             
C. pay                 
C. secretly           
C. request             
C. belongings          
C. continue            
C. choice           
C. necessary        
D. thought          
D. do               
D. leave            
D. husband          
D. friend           
D. make             
D. running over     
D. impression       
D. advice           
D. expected         
D. survive          
D. forgive          
D. exciting         
D. ask              
D. proudly          
D. attempt          
D. wealth           
D. decide           
D. sense            
D. important      

Have you ever thought life would be better anywhere other than where you are right now? Maybe some of your thoughts go  36  like  this:

Life will be better  37  I'm out of debt.

If only I lived somewhere warm I could exercise all year round and I would be so fit.

Truth is some of your problems may go away once you have  38  all of your "if only's" and "better when's" but it won't make the  39  life that fairy tales are made of. New problems will  40  and you'll likely find yourself wishing for this "perfect" life to be different still. We can only imagine that the grass will be greener on the other side  41  only when we live it do we actually  42  it for what it really is.

Whatever  43  you have in mind about an alternate(不同的) lifestyle, location,  financial situation etc.,  44  assured that each one will be met with its own  45  set of problems.

So what can you do about this? Choose to be  46  with what you already have.

Look  47  you and be truly grateful for all that you see. Realize that there are people less fortunate than you and right now,  48  , they are wishing for your  49  lifestyle. Think back to two years ago, what were you wishing for then? Where did you want to be?  50  are you were  51  wishing to be right where you are now. Life happens so gradually that you tend to lose all perspective of achievements, growth and progress.

It's great to dream  52 . But those dreams should not  53  the greatness you have in front of you right now. Consider the truth in the grass being the  54  right under your  55 .

36. A. nothing             B. something        C. everything              D. anything

37. A. because           B. though                    C. once                      D. unless

38. A. reached            B. got                          C. lost                         D. met

39. A. wonderful          B. perfect                    C. excellent                 D. superior

40. A. arise                 B. stay                        C. disappear               D. worsen

41. A. once                 B. directly                    C. though                    D. because

42. A. realize        B. feel                         C. see                         D. find

43. A. idea                  B. mind                       C. ideal                       D. feeling

44. A. rest                  B. feel                         C. become                  D. remain

45. A. special              B. unique                   C. separate                 D. independent

46. A. critical        B. annoyed                 C. content                   D. patient

47. A. over                  B. into                         C. at                            D. around

48. A. sooner or later                                     B. rightly or wrongly

C. up and down                                        D. back and forth

49. A. exact                 B. special                    C. good                       D. fashionable

50. A. Facts                B. Chances                 C. Dreams                  D. Problems

51. A. powerfully  B. anxiously                C. doubtfully        D. largely

52. A. big                    B. strong                     C. distant                    D. ambitious

53. A. unfold        B. accompany             C. cloud                      D. envy

54. A. most beautiful   B. best                        C. most pleasant         D. greenest

55. A. shoes               B. hands                     C. feet                         D. eyes

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