
The American newspaper has been around for about three hundred years. In 1721, the printer James Franklin, Benjamin's older brother, started the New England Courant, and that was what we might recognize today as a real newspaper. He filled his paper with stories of adventure, articles on art, on famous people, and on all sorts of political subjects.

Three centuries after the appearance of Franklin's Courant, few believe that newspapers in their present printed form will remain alive for long. Newspaper companies are losing advertisers, readers, market value, and, in some cases, their sense of purpose at a speed that would not have been imaginable just several years ago. The chief editor of the Times said recently, "At places where they gather, editors ask one another, 'How are you?', as if they have just come out of the hospital or a lost law case.” An article about the newspaper appeared on the website of the Guardian, under the headline “NOT DEAD YET.”

Perhaps not, but the rise of the Internet , which has made the daily newspaper look slow and out of step with the world, has brought about a real sense of death. Some American newspapers have lost 42% of their market value in the past three years. The New York Times Company has seen its stock drop by 54% since the end of 2004, with much of the loss coming in the past year. A manager at Deutsche Bank suggested that stock-holders sell off their Times stock. The Washington Post Company has prevented the trouble only by changing part of its business to education; its testing and test-preparation service now brings in at least half the company's income.

1.What can we learn about the New England Currant?

A. It is mainly about the stock market.

B. It marks the beginning of the American newspaper.

C. It remains a successful newspaper in America.

D. It comes articles by political leaders.

2.What can we infer about the newspaper editors?

A. They often accept readers' suggestions

B. They care a lot about each other’s health.

C. They stop doing business with advertisers.

D. They face great difficulties in their business.

3.Which of the following found a new way for its development?

A. The Washington Post B. The Guardian

C. The New York Times. D. New England Courant

4.How does the author seem to feel about the future of newspapers?

A. Satisfied B. Hopeful

C. Worried D. Surprised


New research, attempting to throw light upon how male and female brains differ, has found that timing is everything. American Vanderbilt University researchers Stephen Camarata and Richard Woodcock discovered that females have a significant advantage over males in timed tests and tasks. The study involved more than 8,000 males and females ranging in age from 2 to 90 from across the US.

“We found hardly any differences in overall intelligence. But we discovered that females performed better than men in time limited situations,” Camarata said, “It is very important for teachers to understand this difference in males and females when it comes to assigning work and tests.”

Many males can do a better job without strict time limits, added Camarata.

“Consider that many classroom activities, including testing, are directly or indirectly related to processing speed,” the researchers wrote in their report. “The higher performance in females may contribute to a classroom culture that favors females, not because of teacher bias(偏见)but because of inherent(与生俱来的)differences in gender processing speeds.”

The researchers found that males scored lower than females in all age groups in tests measuring processing speed. However, the study also found that males consistently outperformed females in some language abilities, such as identifying objects and knowing antonyms(反义词)and synonyms(同义词). The research contradicts the popular belief that girls develop all communication skills earlier than boys.

The researchers found no significant overall intelligence differences between males and females in any age groups.

“We believe there are fundamental differences in how male and female brains end up getting organized,” Camarata said, “Our next studies will give us some insight into where these processing differences are occurring.”

1.The new research referred to in the passage is intended to ________.

A. find whether age has something to do with people's intelligence

B. help teachers to assign work and arrange tests for students

C. find what's the differences between male and female brains

D. prove the differences in processing speed between males and females

2.The underlined word “outperformed” in the fifth paragraph probably means “________”.

A. to achieve better results than someone

B. to perform worse in some aspect than someone

C. to do something as well as someone

D. to be not so good at something as someone

3.People usually believe that ________.

A. there're hardly any differences between males' and females' overall intelligence

B. teachers favor girl students instead of boy students in schools

C. girls develop their language skills earlier than boys

D. females have a significant advantage over males in all subjects

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The researchers interviewed more than 8,000 males and females all over the world.

B. Generally speaking, males can do better jobs with strict time limits than females.

C. Females scored higher than males in any age groups in any situations.

D. The differences in gender processing speeds occur when people are born.

5.Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

A. The researchers will continue to study how the gender differences in timing occur.

B. A female mathematician will make greater achievements than a male one.

C. School teachers have already known about these processing differences before.

D. If a girl has a higher processing speed than a boy, she must be more intelligent than him.

Falling off a box car and landing on my head, I lost my sight when I was four years old. Now I am thirty-two. I can _________ remember the brightness of sunshine. It would be wonderful to see again, _________a tragedy can do strange things to people.

It _________ to me that I might not have come to love life as I do now if I hadn’t been blind. My parents and my teacher saw something _________ me , and they made me want to __________ against blindness.

The hardest _________ I had to learn was to believe in myself. If I hadn’t been able to do that, I would have ________ down and become a chair rocker for the rest of my life. When I say _________in myself I am not talking about _________ the kind of self-confidence that _________ me down an unfamiliar staircase (楼梯)alone. But I mean something bigger than that : an assurance that I am a real positive person _________ imperfections.

It took me years to obtain this ________ . It had to start with the ________ . Once a man gave me an indoor _________ . “ I can’t use this.” I said. “ Take it with you,” he ________ me , “ and roll it around.” The _________ stuck in my head. “ Roll it around !” By rolling the ball I could hear where it went. This gave me an idea how to achieve a goal I had thought _________ . At the School for the Blind I ________ a new kind of baseball called ground ball. All my life I have set a series of goals and then tried to reach them, one at a time. I had to learn my _________ . I would fail sometimes anyway but on the average I made _________ .

1.A. randomly B. abruptly C. roughly D. completely

2.A. so B. but C. thus D. and

3.A. occurred B. referred C. brought D. turned

4.A. of B. for C. to D. in

5.A. get B. fight C. find D. drop

6.A. method B. experience C. lesson D. manner

7.A. broken B. put C. settled D. lay

8.A. courage B. ambition C. belief D. power

9.A. firmly B. simply C. fairly D. slightly

10.A. stops B. helps C. finds D. gives

11.A. despite B. besides C. without D. unlike

12.A. description B. existence C. intelligence D. recognition

13.A. intelligence B. incident C. trouble D. determination

14.A. chair B. baseball C. game D. design

15.A. urged B. blamed C. greeted D. teased

16.A. goals B. words C. baseballs D. ideas

17.A. valuable B. reasonable C. impossible D. unbearable

18.A. discovered B. equipped C. formed D. invented

19.A. limitations B. Advantages C. puzzles D. personalities

20.A. sense B. progress C. mistakes D. friends[

Dear Parents:

I’m delighted that you are considering the British International School for your children’s education. Our school offers first class international education delivered by experienced, highly qualified and professional staff.

We aim to provide a high quality British-style education characterized by:

The arrangement of the English National Curriculum to meet the needs of international and local students and offering an insight into the local culture.

High quality teaching provided by international and local staff.

A broad personal development of students that encourages independence, confidence, tolerance, good manners and respect.

A recognition of the school-parent partnership in the successful education of the children.

An acknowledge that all students are individuals who deserve an environment to help realize their academic and other potential, thereby preparing them for their chosen continued education and career.

A safe, caring, happy and stimulating environment benefiting from high quality facilities.

Our school provides an effective framework for education through a broad, balanced, and monitored curriculum. As students advance through the school, we ensure that their needs are met through progressive teaching and learning. Although our curriculum is based upon the National Curriculum for England, it is adapted as appropriate, to ensure suitability for our diverse student body. Thus, we strive for the development of transferable skills through the years of school, as well as the acquisition of a broad body of knowledge.

Students are given opportunities to develop many skills. These include skills in language, in science, technology and mathematics, in the aesthetic(审美的) and creative fields of music, drama and art, and in physical education.

We insist that students act in a responsible manner toward all members of society. Throughout the school, students are taught to distinguish between right and wrong and show consideration for others. The qualities of honesty, kindness and good manners are always encouraged. Our friendly atmosphere provides a secure and happy environment in which children can grow and flourish as Individuals and valued members of the school family.

1.What do you think the author is?

A. A school principal

B. An exchange student.

C. An assistant professor

D. An experienced lecturer.

2.Why does the school change its curriculum when necessary?

A. To develop some good students’ skills.

B. To meet the needs of different students.

C. To offer an insight into the local culture.

D. To help students realize their potential.

3.Which of the following about the students is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Manners

B. Self-discipline

C. Qualities.

D. Independence.

4.What is the purpose of the passage?

A. The author thinks schools and parents play an important role in teaching.

B. The author is stressing that responsibility is the most important thing for a student.

C. The author is encouraging more parents to send their children to this school.

D. The author implies students become valued people without a friendly atmosphere.

In the middle of the 20th century people were worried about whales.The number of whales killed worldwide came up to 66,000 per year.However,people weren't worried about the whale as an endangered animal.Instead,they were worried about the whale industry,which would disappear if there were no whales.In 1946,the International Whaling Commission was established.It limited the whale hunting for every country and controlled the whale industry.But the commission recognized that the limitation wasn't enough.They set a worldwide law against hunting whales with only two exceptions: the hunt for scientific research and "aboriginal whaling".Aboriginal whaling allows some countries to hunt a limited number of whales because it is a part of their culture.Some countries like Japan and Norway don't care about the law;they make excuses to hunt whales and sell the products.They only care about the money.

Many fishermen complain that dolphins,also a kind of whale,steal their fish.Therefore,they kill thousands of them.In fact,this is not the truth.In reality there are so many fishermen who steal the fish from each other.Some whale hunters say that they catch the animals for scientists.They have to research what whales are eating.For that, they kill them and look into their stomach.The truth is that they only want to sell the meat.Today scientists want to observe live whales for their research.

Many whale families are not protected and thousands of them are killed.Nobody knows if all whale families would survive,even if humans end all whale hunting today.The pollution of the oceans increases fast and the poison gets into the bodies of the animals.Many of them get sick and die.The human being has killed 90%-95% of many whale families.Others are already extinct.

Today some international organizations try to protect whales.They make reports to explain how important and endangered whales are.Now people are becoming more interested in whales and a complete new industry has developed,whale watching,which you may want to learn about.

1.The text is mainly about .

A. whale industry B. whale research

C. whale product D. whale protection

2.In the middle of the 20th century,what people really worried was that .

A. more whales would be killed worldwide per year

B. the whale would become an endangered animal

C. the whale industry would disappear

D. the law against hunting whales would come into effect

3.Why does Aboriginal whaling allow some countries to hunt a limited number of whales?

A. Because there are many whales in their countries.

B. Because hunting whales is a part of their culture.

C. Because they only care about money.

D. Because they live on hunting whales.

4.Why do many fishermen complain about dolphins?

A. Because dolphins steal their fish.

B. Because they want to make an excuse for killing dolphins.

C. Because there are so few dolphins for them to hunt.

D. Because people have misunderstood their purpose of hunting dolphins.

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