4£®One of the greatest soccer players of all time is Pel¨¦£®He was born in 1940in Tres Coracoes£¬Brazil£®His first soccer ball was a grapefruit£®He also used an old sock and filled it with newspaper£®Pel¨¦ left school at a young age to play soccer and work to help his family£®Later in life£¬he finished high school and college£®Pel¨¦ scored 1£¬281 goals-more goals than any other player in the world£®He helped Brazil win three World Cup titles£®
Pel¨¦ retired from soccer in 1971£®People all over the world admired Pel¨¦£®Presidents and world leaders invited him to their countries£®Nigeria once stopped its war for three days to let Pel¨¦ play£®His talent is very unusual£®Doctors once tested Pel¨¦ to find out why he played soccer so well£®They found that he had excellent eyesight£® He is also very intelligent£®Pel¨¦ liked to do math problems and play chess£®He said these activities helped him play better£®
Pel¨¦ is married and has three children£®He likes to be with his family£®He also plays the guitar and writes songs£®Pel¨¦ cares about people£¬especially children£®He gives money to help poor children£®He never advertises for tobacco or liquor companies£®He knows that he has a great influence on young people£®Pel¨¦ once said that he wants to"unite people£¬never to separate them£®"He is loved and admired all over the world£®
21£®The text is mainly talking about Pel¨¦'sB£®
22£®How old was Pel¨¦ when he stopped playing soccer£¿C
23£®Which words can best describe Pel¨¦£¿A
A£®Caring and responsible£®
B£®Intelligent and aggressive£®
C£®Helpful and outgoing£®
D£®Generous and modest£®
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