





I am a Senior 1 student. I often quarrel with my parents over that I can watch TV before school.

My parents held the opinion that I should study hardly so that I will have more choices in the future. Besides, they consider this is harmful to my eyes to watch TV too often, which is the chief cause of short sight. But in my view, it is TV that give me what I am interested. In addition, it may help relax my mind when I am tiring, in which case my study will be improved.

In the end, we reached a agreement. I am allowed to watch TV only at weekends. However, the programs are only news, sports and entertainment, but not TV plays. This agreement is acceptable to me, because that I can at least have some time to enjoy some TV programs.


















【5】文中第四句。考查代词用法。本句为形式主语的考查,原句中真正的主语应为to watch TV too often,它被放到最后,而主语部分为形式主语,只能由it担当,故把this改成it。


【7】文中第五句。考查固定短语:be interested in,意为:对感兴趣。故加上in,句意为:在我看来,正是电视给了我我感兴趣的东西。






【题目】Close your eyes for a minute and imagine what life would be like if you had a hundred dollars less. Also imagine what it would be like spending the rest of your life with you eyes closed. Imagine having to read this page, not with your eyes but with your fingertips.

With existing medical knowledge and skills, two-thirds of the world’s 42 million blind should not have to suffer. Unfortunately, rich countries posses most of this knowledge, while developing countries do not.

ORBIS is an international non-profit organization which operates the world’s only flying teaching eye hospital. ORBIS intends to help fight blindness worldwide. Inside a DC-8 aircraft, there is a fully-equipped teaching hospital with television studio and classroom. Doctors are taught the latest techniques of bringing sight back to people there. Project ORBIS also aims at promoting peaceful cooperation among countries.

ORBIS tries to help developing countries by providing training during three-week medical programs. ORBIS has taught sight-saving techniques to over 35,000 doctors and nurses, who continue to cure tens of thousands of blind people every year. ORBIS has conducted 17 plane programs in China so far. For the seven to ten million blind in China, ORBIS is planning to do more for them. At the moment an ORBIS is working on a long-term plan to develop a training center and to provide eye care service to Shanxi Province. ORBIS needs your help to continue their work and free people from blindness.

For just US$38,you can help one person see; for $380 you can bring sight to 10 people; $1,300 helps teach a doctor new skills; and for $13,000 you can provide a training program for a group of doctors who can make thousands of blind people see again. Your money can open their eyes to the world. Please help ORBIS improve the quality of life for so many people less fortunate than ourselves.

1The first paragraph is intended to ______.

A. introduce a new way of reading

B. advise the public to lead a simple life

C. direct the public’s attention to the blind

D. encourage the public to use imagination

2What do we learn about existing medical knowledge and skills in the world?

A.They are enough.

B. They are not equally distributed(分布,分配).

C. They have not been updated.

D. They have benefited most of the blind.

3ORRIS aims to help the blind by ______.

A.teaching medical students

B. training doctors and nurses

C. running flying hospitals globally

D. setting up non-profit organization

4What can be the best title for the passage?

A. ORRIS in China B. Fighting Blindness

C. Sight-seeing Techniques D. ORRIS Flying Hospital

【题目】The Internet of Things (IoT) aims to get everything and everyone talking. Attaching sensors to “things”, such as cows, cars and refrigerator, and then assigning them unique IP addresses allow them to “talk” to the Internet. Of course, the IoT will involve much more than a handful of sensors. Networking company Cisco estimates that 50 billion Internet-connected devices and objects will

be sending over data by 2020.

Specific Benefits
The IoT will allow people to track things and processes like never before. Airplane manufacturers will be able to continuously track the condition of airplane parts, allowing them to do preventive maintenance and avoid costly downtime. Consumers could install smart meters in their homes to monitor energy usage and observe energy price changes in real time. That would allow people to adjust their habits and use electrical appliances during lower-priced hours.

Some Fears
Some critics fear that the IoT could end up being a fashion that people lose interest in over time. Having Twitter feeds on refrigerator doors may sound cool at first, but the attraction could fade as quickly as the excitement over last year’s smartphone! Other critics are doubtful that companies making Internet-connected appliances will provide long-term software updates. If that happens, a refrigerator or washing machine that should last 10 years or more could last two or three due to software that’s outdated.

A Positive Example
Early this year, owners of the Tesla Model S electric car received a recall notice alerting them to a charger plug needing to be fixed. Amazingly, owners of the Model S sat back while the company performed an “over the air” wireless update. Customers confirmed the update by tapping on the car’s touchscreen console to see that the Model S was running the latest software version. No trip to the dealer was required!
Perhaps Tesla’s remote fix is a sign of things to come. Someday soon, people’s lives might become a lot more efficient and convenient thanks to the IoT.

1How do researchers get everything and everyone talking?

A. By establishing the IoT and launching a handful of sensors.

B. By connecting sensors with them and appointing them unique IP addresses.

C. By communicating with them all the time through the IoT.

D. By sending people to track them day and night and collect useful data.

2According to the article, which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. IoT can help people do preventive maintenance and save money.

B. IoT can help people monitor energy usage and observe price changes timely.

C. IoT can help people adjust their habits and use electrical appliances more smartly.

D. IoT can help people investigate things and update a lot of important data.

3What else do critics worry about the IoT besides its probably ending up being a fashion?

A. People will lose interest in it as quickly as the thrill over last year’s smartphone.

B. Refrigerators and washing machines will be replaced by other devices in a few years.

C. Whether related companies will provide long-term software updates or not.

D. The software provided by companies will be outdated easily and quickly.

4According to the passage, when owners of the Tesla Model S electric received a recall notice, they ______.

A. just waited in the car while the maintenance is being done through wireless update

B. were required to go to the nearest 4s store to make some adjustments or repairs

C. could definitely depend on the IoT to send them the charger plug to be fixed

D. had to confirm the update with the help of the equipment provided by the company

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