
20.Allen goes everywhere with Brigitta Anderson,a 54year-old secretary.He moves around her office at work and goes shopping with her."Most people don't mind Allen,"says Brigitta,who thinks  he  is wonderful."He is my fourth child,"she says.She may think of him and treat him that way,buying him delicious food,paying his health bills and his taxes,but in fact Allen is only a dog.
Brigitta and Allen live in Sweden,a country where everyone is expected to lead an orderly life according to the rules laid down by the government,which also provides a high level of care for its people.Yet,this level of care costs a lot of money.
People in Sweden pay taxes (税) on everything,so they aren't surprised to find that owning a dog means some more taxes.Some people are paying as much as 500Sweden kronor in taxes a year for the right to keep their dogs.Money from dog taxes is spent by the government on dog hospitals and sometimes medical treatment for a dog that falls ill.However,such a treatment is expensive,so dog owners often decide to pay health insurance (保险) and some even buy life insurance for their dogs.
In Sweden,dog owners must pay for any damage their dogs do.A Swedish kennel (养狗场) club official explains what this means:if your dog runs out on the road and gets hit by a passing car,you,as the owner,have to pay for any damage done to the car,even if your dog has been killed in the accident.

21.What is the passage about?B
A.Owning dogs is not allowed in Sweden.
B.Owning dogs costs a lot more in Sweden.
C.You are required to pay life insurance for your dog by law if you own one in Sweden.
D.Allen is a good dog.
22.The money paid as dog taxes is used toC.
A.keep a high level of care for people  
B.pay for any damage done by dogs
C.provide medical care for dogs  
D.buy insurance for dog owners
23.From the text it can be inferred that in SwedenA.
A.people care much about dogs
B.dogs are not allowed to go out without their owners
C.many car accidents are caused by dogs
D.dogs are not welcome in public places
24.If a dog causes a car accident and gets killed,who should pay for the damage done to the car?B
A.The owner of the car.        B.The owner of the dog.
C.The insurance company.       D.The government.
25.What does the underlined word"he"in the first paragraph refer to?D
A.Brigitta.           B.Secretary.
C.Anderson.           D.Allen.

分析 本文从Brigitte Anderson的宠物狗Allen入手,介绍了在瑞典养狗的一些事情.比如,对狗收税,为狗买健康保险以及狗被汽车撞伤或撞死的损失由谁承担等.

21.B 主旨大意题.本文主要讲述在瑞典养狗的一些事情.比如,对狗收税,为狗治病,买健康及生命保险以及狗被汽车撞伤或撞死所造成的损失由狗主人承担等.故选B.
22.C 细节理解题.根据第二段Money from dog taxes is spent by the government on dog hospitals and sometimes medical treatment for a dog that falls ill可知,从狗税上获得的钱被政府花在狗医院和病狗的治疗上.故选C.
23.A 推理判断题.根据第二段可知,拥有一条狗花费很多,比如要交狗税,为狗治病,甚至为狗买健康保险或生命保险等.故选A.
24.B 细节理解题.根据最后一段if your dog runs out on the road and gets hit by a passing car,you,as the owner,have to pay for any damage done to the car,even if your dog has been killed in the accident.可知,你的狗被汽车撞了或被撞死了,你得承担对汽车造成的任何损失.故选B.
25.D 词义指代题.根据第一段可知,只出现了Allen和Brigitta Anderson及but in fact Allen is only a dog,he指的是Allen.故选D.

点评 人物故事类阅读理解文章是高考英语常考材料之一.这类文章一般可分为人物传记和短篇故事两类.这两类阅读材料一般较长,即词数多,而且命题也较多,特别是推理判断题和事实细节题多.在做此类阅读理解题时往往是材料看得懂,题目不好做的感觉.因此,在阅读材料时要重点放在事情发展的过程和结果上,注意把握事件的发展进程及人物之间的关系,细节与主题的关系,用以说明人物性格特点的事实、作者的态度等,这些内容往往是推理判断题的命题点.至于事实细节题的解答,同学们切忌想当然或者凭印象,一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.

11.The US plans to extend its endangered species protection to lions in Africa.US Fish and  Wildlife Service(FWS)will classify lions in southern and eastern Africa as threatened.The  move will place tighter restrictions on the import of lion"trophies",such as paws or heads.
While the US cannot regulate hunting in other countries,the move is significant because around half of a11lion hunting in Africa is conducted by Americans.According to FWS data,more than 5,600lions have been killed and imported by American hunters over the past    decade.
Under the new FWS rules,bringing lion parts to the US will be banned in most circumstances if the animal is from a country where lions are endangered.Hunters will have to show the trophies were"legally obtained"from countries that have"a scientifically sound management program that benefits the subspecies in the wild".
This regulation is expected to place a far greater burden of proof upon hunters who claim  that the money from lion hunting has been used to help communities in Africa and the overall  conservation of lions.The persistent downward trend in lion numbers,due to habitat loss and hunting by locals and foreign tourists,suggests there has been little conservation benefit from organized hunts.
An international study,published in September,found African lion numbers have    decreased by half since 1993,with a further 50%decline expected over the next 20years for    populations in west,central and east Africa.
"The lion is one of the planet's most beloved species and an irreplaceable part of our shared global heritage,"said Dan Ashe,director of the FWS."If we want to ensure that healthy lion populations continue to wander around the African savannas and forests of India,it's up to all of us-not just the people of Africa and India-to take action.

28.Why will lions be classified as endangered in southern and eastern Africa?C
A.No lion is protected in Africa.
B.Lion trading has been banned.
C.Its numbers have been decreasing.
D.Both locals and tourists hunt lions.
29.Where do most of the lion hunters come from?B
A.Southern Africa.
C.Eastern Africa.
30.What may be the result of the move?A
A.The import of lion parts will be strictly limited.
B.Lion-hunting will be illegal all over the world.
C.Communities in Africa will benefit a lot.
D.Lion parts will not be legally obtained.
31.What does Dan Ashe really want to tell us in the last paragraph?B
A.Almost everybody loves lions.
B.It's everyone's duty to protect lions.
C.Lion populations will increase rapidly.
D.Measures must be taken to keep lions fit.
8.Britain's seed bank,the only one in the world aiming to collect all of the planet's wild plant species,has reached its goal of banking 10 percent by 2010.
The Millennium Seed Bank Project,run by Kew Gardens-one of the oldest botanical gardens-will officially deposit the 24,200th species on Thursday,a pink,wild banana from China.
More than 50 countries are now on board with Kew's giant task but vast places of the globe,including India and Brazil,still need to join in and donate seeds,director Paul Smith said.
The seed bank is one of the largest and most diverse in the world with more than 1.5 billion seeds.Its goal is to help protect the planet's bio-diversity during a time of climate change.
The wild banana seed is under threat of extinction(灭绝) in southwest China from agricultural development.It is a vital food source for Asian elephants and important for growing bananas for human consumption.
Stored at minus-20 degrees centigrade,so they can last for thousands of years,the seeds await the day that scientists hope never comes-when the species no longer exist in the wild.
It is a race against time,Smith said,because in the last decade alone,20 plants held in the bank have already been wiped out in the wild.He estimates that between a third and a quarter will become extinct this century.
"It is urgent and it is happening now.An area,the size of England,is cleared of primary vegetation(植被)every year."Smith said.
Because most of the world's food and medicines come from nature,protecting wild plant species is quite important,scientists say.There are already many other seed banks safeguarding food crops,which only account for 0.6 percent of plant diversity.
For Kew's next goal-to collect a quarter of wild varieties by 2020-the botanists need 10 million pounds a year,or a further 100 million pounds on top of the 40 million they have already been granted.
56.What's the final purpose of the Britain's seed bank?C
A.To collect enough money for the project.
B.To safeguard food crops.
C.To protect wild plants from extinction.
D.To help scientists study wild plants.
57.The wild banana seed in China is in danger because ofA.
A.the expanding of farming work          
B.the climate change in this area
C.the large number of Asian elephants      
D.human's large consumption
58.We can learn from the passage thatB.
A.the seeds in the bank can be used now and then all over the world
B.India and Brazil haven't joined in the Seed Bank Project at present
C.there is only one seed bank in the world at present
D.the wild plants in places like India and China will never die out
59.What does the underlined word"it"in paragraph 7 refer to?B
A.The extinction of plant species.
B.The Millennium Seed Bank Project.
C.Britain's seed bank.
D.Kew Gardens'next goal.
60.Which of the following information isn't mentioned in the passage?C
A.The global partnership of collecting wild plant species.
B.The temperature condition of the conservative wild plant species.
C.The government's financial support for the seed bank project.
D.Scientists'concern on the extinct wild plant species.
15.The twenty-four horses dash around a racetrack.The thunder of their hooves (蹄) rings in the riders'ears,nearly drowning out the cheering of the crowd.After three or four minutes of suspense,one horse crosses the finish line first,winning the Melbourne Cup and earning a place in history.
The horses that compete in the Melbourne Cup-one of the world's most famous horseraces-were fated to race.Bred for speed,these horses are the few that were singled out as having potential to become champions.
Preparing a racehorse to compete requires a team.A horse's owner manages the team and decides which races to enter.A trainer determines the racehorse's diet and exercise.Regular exercise makes a horse less likely to be injured,but overtraining tires the horse.A groomer (动物美容师) cares for the racehorse and reports any problems he discovers to the trainer.And of course,no horserace could be run without a rider.These riders train for long hours and travel constantly from one race to another.They need to make a strategy,adapt to changing conditions and communicate with their horse to guide it to victory.
Australia's most famous horserace,the Melbourne Cup,is 3,200meters of pure excitement.Each year 300or 400horses are nominated (提名),but only 24can run.The competitors are chosen based on a number of factors,but winners of certain races qualify automatically.
Each racehorse receives a handicap-a certain weight it must carry to give each horse an equal chance of winning-two months before the race.Originally,horses that seemed likely to win were assigned larger handicaps.But the rules have changed,reducing the handicap for previous winners.
The first Melbourne Cup in 1861drew a crowd of 4,000spectators,and the race's popularity has grown since then.Held on the first Tuesday of November,the cup has become a four-day festival with fine food and entertainment.
The Melbourne Cup began during a gold rush as a form of entertainment for the rich.Today it still attracts society's upper class.They come dressed in their finest to enjoy the event in comfort.
But anyway it's all about the race-the effort of horses and riders,the suspense and the thrill of victory.

66.What can be learned about the horses in the Melbourne Cup?B
A.They are all winners of a certain race.
B.They are raised and trained by joint effort.
C.They are chosen from ordinary horses.
D.Their fates are determined by their trainers.
67.The racehorses are given handicaps so thatC.
A.they will weigh the same
B.previous winners are unlikely to win
C.the race will be fair enough
D.they will be more adaptable to the race
68.It can be learned from the passage thatB.
A.the spectators of the Melbourne Cup must dress well
B.the Melbourne Cup was intended for wealthy people
C.the winner of the Melbourne Cup can earn a large fortune
D.the Melbourne Cup is the best-known horserace worldwide
69.The passage can most probably be found inA.
A.a sports journal
B.a business newspaper
C.an academic paper
D.a health magazine.
5.When I was about 12,I had an enemy,a girl who liked to point out my flaws.Week by week her list  (71)grew (grow):I was very thin,I talked too much,I was too proud,and so on.I tried to ignore this for so long as I could.In the end,though,I got very angry.I ran to my father  (72)with tears in my eyes.
He listened to me quietly,and then he asked."Are the things she says true or not?Janet,haven't you ever wondered (73)what you're really like?Well,you now have that girl's opinion.Go and make a list of everything she said and mark the points that are true.Pay no attention to the other things she said."
I did  (74)as he told me.To my great surprise,I discovered that about half the things were true.Some of them I couldn't change,but a good number I  (75)could.For the first time I got a fairly clear picture of myself.
I brought the list back to Daddy.He refused to take it."That's just for you,"he said."You know better than  (76)anyone/anybody else the true about yourself.But you have to learn to listen,not just close your ears in anger and  (77)feel(feel) hurt.When something someone says about you is true,you'll find it will be of help to you.Our world is full of people who think they know what you should do.Don't shut your ears.Listen to them all,(78)buthear the truth and do the right thing you know."
Daddy's advice  (79)returned(return) to me at many important moments.In all my life,I've never had a  (80)better(good) piece of advice.
9.Pat O'Burke was a poor Irishman with a large family,and one morning,waking up very early from cold and hunger,he decided to go shooting in a wood near his cottage.The wood belonged to Lord Northwood,a rich gentleman.Pat had no right to go there,but in it there were swarms of rabbits and flocks of birds that were good to eat,and Pat determined to take the risk.Suddenly he saw the owner,with a group of friends,coming towards him in the wood.There was a look of anger on Lord Northwood's face as he caught sight of the gun in Pat's hands.
Pat's heart sank with fear,but he saw there was no hope of escape,so he walked boldly(大胆) up to the group and said to Lord Northwood,"Good morning,sir,and what has brought you out so early this morning?"
 Lord Northwood,rather surprised,said he and his friends were taking a little exercise to get an appetite(食欲) for their breakfast.Then,looking at Pat with suspicion(怀疑),he said,"but why are you out so early in the morning?"
"Well,sir"said Pat,"I just came out to see if I could get a breakfast for my appetite."
The whole crowd burst into laughter at Pat's ready wit,and with a smile Lord Northwood walked on,leaving Pat to try his luck with the rabbits.
24.This is a story aboutC.
A.a rich man who owned a big wood
B.a poor Irishman who lived all by himself
C.a clever man who tried to get something to eat  
D.an Irish hunter with a large family
25.There was a look of anger on Lord Northwood's face.Why?B
A.He was not expecting Pat at this early hour.
B.He knew Pat was coming for shooting.
C.He didn't like the poor Irishman at all.
D.Pat had not told him he would come.
26.Why was Lord Northwood surprised?A
A.He had not expected such a bold question from Pat.
B.He wondered why Pat didn't run away.
C.Pat wasn't afraid of him.
D.Pat had a gun in his hands.
27.What made the whole crowd burst into laughter?C
A.Pat's funny looks.
B.Pat's interesting remarks.
C.Pat's quick and humorous response.
D.Pat's promise to leave fight away.

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