
     Many adults see teens as energetic. Many of us see ourselves as proud. This thinking   1   many adults
and us to have the idea that if we can't handle school or   2   life well, we are just not trying hard.
     But in my opinion that may not be   3  .
     Earlier this school year, I was leaving my class one Friday   4   suddenly it   5   like I had pulled a muscle
in my back. I knew I was ill.
     After a few days I stopped eating. This meant I lost   6  ; the clothes that I bought two weeks earlier
began   7   loose. This time my parents got scared.
       8  , I started sleeping less. My eyelids (眼皮) were constantly   9  .
     I refused to 45 that I was ill. I kept my job working  10  hours a week in a shop; I didn't  11  any classes.
When I was hurting, I didn't mind and kept on going.  12  it kills you, it makes you stronger, right?
     But now I find myself thinking. Is it  13  it? I'm taking the classes and working for the newspaper because
it does good  14  college applications. And I'm working 25 hours a week so that, once I get into my dream
school, I can  15  it.
     Here I am, already sick from the  16  of work I'm doing in and out of school. So, what good is a(n)  17 
 application if I'm badly ill? What is the  18  of doing this work if I can't enjoy the results?
     In fact, by writing my  19  I'm telling all the people who  20  much about the future to worry about it now.
(     )1. A. makes    
(     )2. A. still    
(     )3. A. true     
(     )4. A. while    
(     )5. A. looked   
(     )6. A. face     
(     )7. A. hanging  
(     )8. A. In fact  
(     )9. A. light    
(     )10. A. insist  
(     )11. A. lose    
(     )12. A. Unless  
(     )13. A. paid    
(     )14. A. at      
(     )15. A. control 
(     )16. A. amount  
(     )17. A. suitable
(     )18. A. reason  
(     )19. A. time    
(     )20. A. think   
B. forces      
B. even        
B. real        
B. when        
B. sounded      
B. hope        
B. holding      
B. In addition  
B. shut        
B. determine    
B. drop        
B. If          
B. similar to  
B. to          
B. manage      
B. set          
B. impressive 
B. idea        
B. work        
B. care      
C. causes      
C. just        
C. wrong      
C. then        
C. appeared    
C. weight      
C. changing    
C. In disorder 
C. open        
C. accept      
C. give        
C. Though      
C. equal to    
C. on          
C. support     
C. kind        
C. believable  
C. point      
C. newspaper  
C. miss       
D. intends     
D. yet         
D. false       
D. how         
D. felt        
D. direction               
D. dressing    
D. In general  
D. heavy       
D. consider    
D. take        
D. Before      
D. worth       
D. with        
D. afford      
D. number      
D. usual       
D. tip         
D. story       
D. realize     
1-5 CBABD  6-10 CABDC  11-15 BADBD  16-20 ABCDB

完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


John had been on the road visiting customers for more than three weeks. It was coming up on Mother’s Day. He said to himself, “I’ll _36_Mom some roses.”

He went into the small shop and saw a boy talking to the clerk. “How many roses can I get for six dollars, ma’am?” the boy asked. The clerk _37_to explain that roses were_38_. Maybe the young man would be happy with carnations(康乃馨).

  “No, I have to have roses,” he said, “My mom was sick so much last year and I didn’t spend much time with her. I want to get something _39_. It has to be red roses, because that’s her _40_.”

   The clerk looked up at John and was just shaking her head. Something inside John was _41_by the boy’s voice. He looked at the clerk and _42_said that he would pay for the boy’s roses.

   The clerk looked at the young man and said, “Okay, I will give you a dozen red roses for your six dollars.” The young man _43_ jumped into the air. He took the flowers and ran from the store.

   John _44_his own flowers and had the clerk be sure that delivery(快递) would_45_ a note telling his mother how much he _46_her. As he drove away from the shop, he saw the young man walking down the sidewalk. He _47_ him cross the street and enter a cemetery(墓地). The young man _48_by a small monument and went on his knees. He carefully _49_ the roses on the grave and _50_ to sob. John heard the young man speak, “Mommy, why didn’t I tell you how much I love you? Jesus, please, _51_ my mommy. Tell my mommy I love her .”

   John _52_, tears in his eyes, and walked back to his car. He _53_ quickly to the ___54__and told her he would take the flowers to his mother _55_.

A. lend         B. send         C. bring          D. take

A. offered       B. tried         C. decided        D. tended

A. cheap        B. ugly         C. reasonable      D. expensive

A. special       B. meaningful    C. great          D. nice

A. feeling       B. hobby        C. favorite        D. interest

A. beaten       B. knocked       C. hit            D. touched

A. straightly     B. sorrowfully    C. silently        D. naturally

A. just         B. almost         C. hardly        D. seldom

A. ordered      B. bargained      C. packed        D. accepted

A. contain      B. include        C. conclude       D. hold

A. missed      B. loved          C. treasured      D. valued

A. watched     B. noticed        C. heard          D. felt

A. hurried      B. went          C. passed         D. stopped

A. dropped     B. put           C. delivered       D. cast

A. pretended    B. began         C. attempted       D. volunteered

A. find         B. congratulate    C. apologize      D. promise

A. disappeared  B. moved         C. turned         D. shook

A. drove       B. walked         C. ran            D. rushed

A. home       B. shop           C. market         D. company

A. quickly      B. naturally       C. personally      D. responsibly

完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


John had been on the road visiting customers for more than three weeks. It was coming up on Mother’s Day. He said to himself, “I’ll _36_Mom some roses.”

He went into the small shop and saw a boy talking to the clerk. “How many roses can I get for six dollars, ma’am?” the boy asked. The clerk _37_to explain that roses were_38_. Maybe the young man would be happy with carnations(康乃馨).

  “No, I have to have roses,” he said, “My mom was sick so much last year and I didn’t spend much time with her. I want to get something _39_. It has to be red roses, because that’s her _40_.”

   The clerk looked up at John and was just shaking her head. Something inside John was _41_by the boy’s voice. He looked at the clerk and _42_said that he would pay for the boy’s roses.

   The clerk looked at the young man and said, “Okay, I will give you a dozen red roses for your six dollars.” The young man _43_ jumped into the air. He took the flowers and ran from the store.

   John _44_his own flowers and had the clerk be sure that delivery(快递) would_45_ a note telling his mother how much he _46_her. As he drove away from the shop, he saw the young man walking down the sidewalk. He _47_ him cross the street and enter a cemetery(墓地). The young man _48_by a small monument and went on his knees. He carefully _49_ the roses on the grave and _50_ to sob. John heard the young man speak, “Mommy, why didn’t I tell you how much I love you? Jesus, please, _51_ my mommy. Tell my mommy I love her .”

   John _52_, tears in his eyes, and walked back to his car. He _53_ quickly to the ___54__and told her he would take the flowers to his mother _55_.

A. lend         B. send         C. bring          D. take

A. offered       B. tried         C. decided        D. tended

A. cheap        B. ugly         C. reasonable      D. expensive

A. special       B. meaningful    C. great          D. nice

A. feeling       B. hobby        C. favorite        D. interest

A. beaten       B. knocked       C. hit            D. touched

A. straightly     B. sorrowfully    C. silently        D. naturally

A. just         B. almost         C. hardly        D. seldom

A. ordered      B. bargained      C. packed        D. accepted

A. contain      B. include        C. conclude       D. hold

A. missed      B. loved          C. treasured      D. valued

A. watched     B. noticed        C. heard          D. felt

A. hurried      B. went          C. passed         D. stopped

A. dropped     B. put           C. delivered       D. cast

A. pretended    B. began         C. attempted       D. volunteered

A. find         B. congratulate    C. apologize      D. promise

A. disappeared  B. moved         C. turned         D. shook

A. drove       B. walked         C. ran            D. rushed

A. home       B. shop           C. market         D. company

A. quickly      B. naturally       C. personally      D. responsibly


     In 1941 when Anti-Japanese War was still going on, Xiamen University that Ma Zuzhao aimed to
enter moved to the west of Fujian Province.He had to hurry there to__1__the 2-day entrance
examinations. The last__2__was a test in the Chinese language and literature.__3__ Ma fell victim to
malaria (患疟疾) and ran a fever when he was__4__the requiredcomposition, then he broke into sweat
__5__with fingers darkened.He was about to collapse when a__6__voice showed him concern, "Boy, it
__7__you are ill. Keep calm. If you can bring your fever down, I'll delay the time__8__for you.It was the
slender proctor(监考老师) in blue silk robe who had found his situation and came__9__to him.He told a
servant to fetch a towel and a glass of warm water for Ma, and he said again, "__10__you can resist the
fever, you'll __11__hold out." __12__by those remarks, Ma got his spirits__13__. Wiping off sweat from
his brows, he took two or three pills of quinine (硅宁药片) from his__14__and swallowed them. A few
minutes later he succeeded in shaking off the fever and continued his work. At that time the classroom was
left__35__except Ma and the proctor, who__16__him, "Keep on your work__17__I'll be with you."
Time went on without anybody noticing it.Eventually Ma handed in his paper. He gave a deep__18__to
the proctor to show his heartfelt gratitude. The latter smiled accepting his thanks, "You're strong-minded,
young man. You've proved to be able to be get over__19__". Not until he was admitted to the university
did he get to__20__the proctor was none other than Prof. Liu Tianyu, dean of the college of arts, a very
learned scholar.

(     )1. A. attend      
(     )2. A. meeting      
(     )3. A. Unconsciously
(     )4. A. doing        
(     )5. A. smiling    
(     )6. A. cold        
(     )7. A. happens      
(     )8. A. game        
(     )9. A. downwards    
(     )10. A. Unless      
(     )11. A. hardly      
(     )12. A. Encouraged  
(     )13. A. raised      
(     )14. A.  paper      
(     )15. A. silent      
(     )16. A. satisfied  
(     )17. A. so          
(     )18. A. sense      
(     )19. A. happiness  
(     )20. A. plan        
B. go          
B. session    
B. Unwillingly
B. speaking    
B. trembling  
B. loud        
B. looks      
B. limit      
B. over        
B. Now that    
B. surely      
B. Discovered  
B. risen      
B. pocket      
B. empty      
B. supported  
B. but        
B. smile      
B. feelings    
B. know        
C. get            
C. place          
C. Uninterestingly
C. writing        
C. pointing      
C. warm          
C. sounds        
C. permit        
C. back          
C. So long as    
C. easily        
C. Persuaded      
C. sunk          
C. stomach        
C. cold          
C. comforted      
C. then          
C. bow            
C. failure        
C. study          
D. catch          
D. moment          
D. Unfortunately  
D. asking          
D. whistling      
D. low            
D. seems          
D. movement        
D. down            
D. Even though    
D. gently          
D. Supposed        
D. arisen          
D. work            
D. friendly        
D. scolded        
D. and            
D. impress        
D. sufferings      
D. meet            
     "Just sign here, sir," the deliveryman said as he handed Oscar Reyna a package.
     The package consisted of a long, narrow box   1   wrapped in brown paper.   2   the box, Oscar saw
an umbrella inside - a very old one with a beautifully carved wooden handle.   3   he had not seen it in
more than 20 years, he recognized it   4   .
     Oscar was 16 when he first saw the   5   umbrella. He had gone to a concert with his grandparents.
As they were leaving, h noticed an umbrella on an empty seat, impressed by its   6   , Oscar felt a strong
desire to find its   7   .
     Oscar   8   the manager to look in the record of advance ticket sales. Just as he thought, a name
matched the seat   9   Oscar had found the umbrella. The name was Mrs. Katie O'Brien.
     Oscar talked his grandparents into going by Mrs. O'Brien's   10   on their way home. He rang the bell,
the door opened, and an elderly woman appeared. "May I  11    you?" she asked.
     "I'd like to return it if it's yours," Oscar said,   12   the umbrella as if presenting a   13   that had long
been wished for.
     "Why, yes! It's mine," replied Mrs. O'Brien with a   14   smile and shining eyes. "It was given to me
by my father years ago. Thank you so much for returning it. May I offer you a reward for your  15  ?"
     "No, ma'am," he said, "My grandmother says that a good deed is its own reward. "
     "Well, that's   16   what my father used to say. What is your name, young man?"
     Years later Oscar was staring at the finely carved handle of the umbrella as he remembered Mrs.
O'Brien. It was in perfect condition, considering how   17   it was. Why had it arrived here today?
     As if   18  , a note fell from the paper. It reads: Mrs. O'Brien wanted to   19   this umbrella as a
present for a kind,  20  . gesture long ago.
(     )1.A. strictly      
(     )2.A. Opening      
(     )3.A. After        
(     )4.A. clearly      
(     )5.A. average      
(     )6.A. beauty        
(     )7.A. designer      
(     )8.A. convinced    
(     )9.A. until        
(     )10.A. family      
(     )11.A. invite      
(     )12.A. putting up  
(     )13.A. chance      
(     )14.A. wide        
(     )15.A. patience    
(     )16.A. obviously  
(     )17.A. old        
(     )18.A. in contrast
(     )19. A. possess      
(     )20. A. attractive 
B. carefully  
B. Seizing    
B. When        
B. fully      
B. unusual    
B. shape      
B. seller      
B. forced      
B. before      
B. theater    
B. help        
B. turning out
B. fact       
B. confident  
B. kindness    
B. naturally  
B. rare        
B. in return    
B. accept    
B. significant
C. roughly  
C. Observing
C. Since    
C. immediately
C. plain    
C. origin    
C. user      
C. encouraged  
C. which    
C. house    
C. bother    
C. picking up
C. gift        
C. proud    
C. courage  
C. exactly  
C. precious  
C. in exchange
C. carry    
C. unselfish
D. casually        
D. Searching      
D. Although        
D. suddenly        
D. typical        
D. history        
D. owner          
D. advised        
D. where          
D. neighborhood    
D. know            
D. holding out    
D. result          
D. shy            
D. determination  
D. probably        
D. nice            
D. in answer      
D. value          
D. sympathetic    
     A little old couple walked slowly   1   McDonald's one cold winter evening. They looked out of place among
the young families and couples   2   there that night.
     Some of the customers looked   3   at them. You could tell what the admirers   4   ."Look, there is a couple
who has been   5   a lot together, probably for 60 years or more!"
     The little old man walked up to the cash register, placed his order and paid   6   it. The couple took a table
near the back wall and on their tray there was one hamburger, one order of French fries and one drink. The
little man unwrapped the hamburger and cut it   7  . Then he carefully counted out the French fries,   8   them in
two piles and neatly placed one pile in front of his wife. He took a sip of the drink, his wife took a sip and then
set the cup down between them. 
       9  the man began to eat his few  10   of hamburger the crowd began to get restless. Again you could   11   
what they were thinking."That poor old couple can only   12   one meal for the two of them. A young man stood
up and came over to the old couple's table. He politely   13   to buy another meal for them. The old man replied
that they   14   everything. Then the crowd   15   that the little old lady  16  a bite. She just sat there   17   her
husband eat. Again the young man came over and begged them  18  him buy them something to eat. They
refused again. As the little old man finished eating, the young man could no longer stand it. Again he offered to
buy some food. After   19   again, he asked the little old lady a question."Ma'am, why aren't you eating? You said
that you shared everything. What  20  you are waiting for?" She answered,"The teeth."
(     )1. A. out of            
(     )2. A. eat                
(     )3. A. surprising         
(     )4. A. thought             
(     )5. A. over               
(     )6. A. off                
(     )7. A. in half           
(     )8. A. cut                
(     )9. A. As                
(     )10. A. mouths           
(     )11. A. say              
(     )12. A. afford          
(     )13. A. supplied        
(     )14. A. were used to share
(     )15. A. found out       
(     )16. A. didn’t eat      
(     )17. A. watched          
(     )18. A. to allow        
(     )19. A. refused         
(     )20. A. is it            
B. into            
B. who eat        
B. anxiously       
B. would think     
B. through         
B. back            
B. into half        
B. divided         
B. Since          
B. hands           
B. talk            
B. bought          
B. provided         
B. used to share 
B. realizing       
B. ate             
B. watching        
B. to let          
B. to refuse       
B. is it that    
C. with             
C. eating           
C. curiously          
C. had thought    
C. throughout       
C. /                 
C. in halves       
C. separated         
C. For           
C. bites              
C. tell             
C. offer             
C. offered           
C. used to sharing  
C. see             
C. had eaten        
C. seen              
C. permitting       
C. refusing          
C. was it that   
D. on                        
D. were eating               
D. admiringly                    
D. were thinking         
D. across                   
D. for                         
D. to halves               
D. put                      
D. While                  
D. sips                        
D. speak                    
D. afforded               
D. wanted                    
D. were used to sharing   
D. noticed                  
D. hadn’t eaten          
D. enjoy                       
D. letting                   
D. having refused           
D. was it               

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