
It might have been a really bad stressful day, feeling trapped inside by the cold and snow which surrounded us. My husband got dressed and  36   that he was going outside to build a giant snowman.

At first he stood alone, 37   massive amounts of snow. Soon after a neighbor joined in. Then we reluctantly put on our snow gear(装备) and  38   outside. It wasn’t long  39   we were smiling and enjoying the  40   of snow that Mother Nature had provided. Others came to our yard one by one to give a  41   in the making of our giant snowman.

In the end we all stood back and  42   at what we had created. He was eleven feet high, twenty-five feet around at the base and  43   with many household items supplied by various  44   .People drove by and smiled. Some even stopped just to enjoy his  45  .

With the passing of time, the spring made its  46   back into our yard and the snowman changed form  47   .In a final effort to save what we created for just a little bit  48   ,somebody stopped by and changed the snowman’s  49   to look like a rabbit.

As I prepared for the start of another week, I decided to  50   my email before going to bed. I found a  51   message that contained the subject line: 52   the snowman.

The email said:… your neighbor looks on in disbelief! Now you people are relishing(享受) the sounds and smells, along with  53   of spring. But I am sure people will never forget the  54   energy displayed in Mr Snow-man. You and your family keep it up, as this is what the world needs now. More power to you and your loved ones, keep  55   with the world around!

1.A. announced   B. stated       C. informed      D .insisted

2.A .pressing    B. pouring      C. clearing       D. piling

3.A. looked      B. headed      C .rushed        D. wandered

4.A. when       B. since        C. before        D. after

5.A. softness     B .flexibility    C whiteness      D .abundance

6.A. hand        B .tip          C. design       D. tool

7.A. worked      B. stared       C. wondered     D. suspected

8.A. decorated    B .wrapped     C .provided      D .equipped

9.A. societies     B .families      C. communities  D .neighborhoods

10.A. occupation  B. survival      C .sculpture     D .existence

11.A. way       B .entrance      C. warmth     D .appearance

12.A .roughly     B. considerably   C. instantly    D. steadily

13.A .longer      B. further        C .deeper      D. stronger

14.A. figure       B .version       C .form        D .remains

15.A. answer      B. delete        C. check       D .sort

16.A .curious      B. serious       C. elegant      D. punctual

17.A. recall        B. enjoy        C. keep       D. praise

18.A. attraction     B. scenes       C. sights      D. beauty

19.A. various       B. spiritual     C. significant   D. joyous

20.A. communicating B. sharing      C. advancing   D. developing


























1.A 考查区分动词。句意:我丈夫穿好衣服,并说他要去外面堆一个巨大的雪人。A. announced宣布 B. stated  陈述 C. informed通知 D .insisted坚持说,坚持要求,根据语境应该是宣布所以A正确。

2.D 考查动词区分。句意:开始时,他一个人在那,堆着成堆的雪。.A .pressing 按,压  B. pouring 倒,倾泻 C. clearing  清除  D. piling堆,根据语境是在堆雪,所以D正确。

3.B 考查动词区分。句意:然后,我们很不情愿的穿上羽绒服出了屋。A. looked 看B. headed 朝。。。走去 C .rushed疾奔   D. wandered闲逛,根据语境是穿上衣服出去,head outside,向外走去,所以B正确。

4.C 考查连词。句意: 没过多久,我们就开怀大笑,享受着大自然母亲赋予我们的着没有边际的雪景。把握关键前句It wasn’t long,根据it was  not +时间段+before + did,过了不久就》》。,所以C正确。

5.D考查名词。句意:享受着大自然母亲赋予我们的着没有边际的雪景。A. softness 柔软    B .flexibility 灵活   C whiteness 白 D .abundance没有边际,根据语境所以D正确。

6.A 考查名词。句意:又有人陆陆续续的来到我们的庭院,帮助我们完成巨大的雪人。根据固定短语:give a hand 帮忙,根据语境是人们过来帮忙,所以A正确。

7.C 考查动词。句意:最后我们站在雪里,惊讶于我们的创作。把握后面的关键词with,wonder with对。。感到惊讶,其他选项不和with构成固定短语,颙C正确。

8.A 考查动词。句意:他有十一英尺高,底座周长二十五英尺并装饰着来自各个家庭的小物件。A. decorated装饰 B .wrapped 擦 C .provided 提供D .equipped 配备,根据语境应该是雪人上装饰着,所以A正确。

9.B 考查名词。句意:装饰着来自各个家庭的小物件。A. societies 社会 B .families家庭 C. communities  社团 D .neighborhoods 邻居们,根据语境应该是来自各个家庭,所以B正确。

10.D 考查名词。句意:开车经过的人们都笑了,一些甚至停下来欣赏雪人。A. occupation 职业  B. survival 幸存 C .sculpture 塑像 D .existence存在,根据语境当然是欣赏雪人,即雪人的存在,所以D正确。

11.A 考查名词。句意:随着时间的流逝,春天也重新回到了我们庭院。把握关键词made,构成make one’s way 朝….走去,根据语境是春天回来了,所以A正确。

12.B 考查副词。句意:雪人也失去了他原有的形状。A .roughly粗落地 B. considerably大量低 C. instantly 立刻地 D. steadily稳定地,根据语境,春天来了,天暖了,雪融化了,所以是大量地变化,所以B正确。

13.A 考查形容词。句意:我们为维持我们的创作尽了最后一份力A .longer 更长B. further 更远 C .deeper 更深 D. stronger更壮,根据语境是为了让雪人存在的时间更长一些,所以A正确。

14.D 考查名词。句意一些路过的人整理了那些未化的雪,使看上去像兔子。A. figure人物       B .version  说法,译文C .form 形式 D .remains剩余物,根据语境当然是改变了剩下的雪,所以D正确。

15.C 考查动词。句意:在我准备开始新的一周时,我决定在睡觉前查看下我的电子邮箱。A. answer 回答  B. delete删除C. check 检查,核对  D .sort分类,根据语境当然是检查电子邮箱,所以C正确。

16.A 考查形容词。句意:我发现一封奇怪的邮件,它的标题是享受这个雪人。A .curious 好奇的     B. serious 认真的 C. elegant 优雅的 D. punctual准时的,根据语境修饰的的邮件,所以只能A正确。

17.B 考查动词,句意:它的标题是享受这个雪人。A. recall 回忆 B. enjoy 享受 C. keep保持       D. praise赞扬,根据语境只能是享受,所以B正确。

18.C 考查名词。句意:现在人们享受这世界的声音和味道与春天的景色。A. attraction 吸引B. scenes 场景 C. sights景色  D. beauty美,根据语境人们享受春天的美景,所以C正确。

19.D 考查名词。句意:我坚信人们永远也不会忘记雪人先生显示着的愉悦的力量。A. various 各种各样的B. spiritual 崇高的C. significant 重要的D. joyous使人愉快的,根据语境雪人身上显示的使人愉快的活力。所以D正确。

20.B考查动词,句意:愿您和您爱的人有更多的活力并与世人分享。A. communicating 交流B. sharing 分享  C. advancing前进 D. developing发展,根据语境和上下文,所以B正确。




In the modern world more and more people meet the problem of identity.The most interesting example is that of a so – called “banana”, which refers to an American who has an Asian face but holds Western values.
In Shanghai, there now live a group of people from abroad.They look no different from the locals and speak fluent Chinese or even Shanghai dialect, but when it comes to writing Chinese characters, they are almost illiterate(文盲).Jack is such an example.He never learned to read or write Chinese characters, which he finds mysterious and difficult.From time to time, he files to the US as he does not feel Shanghai is where he comes from.“But when I am in the States, I feel that’s not my home either,” he said.
At De Gaulle Airport in France, there is a Swiss man who has been living in the waiting – room for a long time because he lost h is passport during his travels.He was refused entry into several countries.But when he was eventually allowed to return to Swizerland, he refused to leave the airport.His reason was very simple—“I am sure who I am.I need no acknowledgement from others,” he said during an interview.For th is reason  he was honored by the Western media as “the Hero of identity.”
As the Internet becomes more and more popular, the problem of identity becomes more serious.In a virtual world, people can have different addresses registered with different names.In the Internet chat room, even one’s gender(性别) is hard to determine.It seems that in the glohal village, people are saying hello every day to each other without knowing whom they are talking to.
What will be the next crisis(危机) of identity? With the development of cloning technology, it might be: who is the real “I”?
【小题1】What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.The importance of identity.
B.The crisis of identity.
C.Differences between Eastern and Western cultures.
D.Difficulty in living in foreign counties.
【小题2】The Swiss man had to live in De Gaulle Airport in France because      
A.he needed to board a plane at any time
B.he couldn’t afford to live in a hotel
C.he needed others acknowledgement
D.he couldn’t prove who he was
65.A “banana” in the passage is in fact an     
A.American traveling to Asia   B.American keeping Eastern culture
C.American born in Asia    D.America – born Asian
【小题3】We can infer from the passage that the author believes      
A.there will be more problems relating to identity in the future
B.Internet technology helps solve problems of identity
C.only people traveling abroad have problems of identity
D.people don’t need to worry about identity

[1]Some people's ears produce wax like busy little bees. This can be a problem even though earwax appears to serve an important purpose. Experts say it protects and cleans the ear. It traps dirt and other matter and keeps insects out. Doctors think it might also help protect against infections. And the waxy oil keeps ears from getting too dry.

[2]So earwax is good. It even has a medical name: cerumen. And there are two kinds. Most people of European or African ancestry have the "wet" kind: thick and sticky. East Asians commonly have ___________.But you can have too much of a good thing.

[3]The glands(腺体) in the ear canal that produce the wax make too much in some people. Earwax normally falls out of the ear or gets washed away. But extra wax can harden and form a blockage that interferes with sound waves and reduces hearing. People can also cause a blockage when they try to clean out their ears,but only push the wax deeper inside. Earwax removal is sometimes necessary. But you have to use a safe method or you could do a lot of damage.

[4]Experts at N.I.H., the National Institutes of Health, suggest some ways to treat excessive earwax yourself. One way to remove wax is known as irrigation. With the head upright, take hold of the outer part of the ear. Gently pull upward to straighten the ear canal. Use an injector device to gently direct water against the wall of the ear canal. Then turn the head to the side to let the water out.

[5]The experts at N.I.H. say you may have to repeat this process a few times. Use water that is body temperature. If the water is cooler or warmer, it could make you feel dizzy. Never try irrigation if the eardrum is broken. It could lead to infection and other problems.

[6]After the earwax is gone, gently dry the ear. But if irrigation fails, the best thing to do is to go to a

 health care provider for professional assistance.

1.What’s the purpose of the passage? (No more than 10 words)


2.What’s the bad effect of too much earwax on our hearing? (No more than 15 words)


3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (No more than 3 words)


4.What does the underlined word “this process” (Line 1, Paragraph 5) probably refer to?

(No more than 2 words)


5.Will you use freezing water when trying to remove earwax? Why or why not?

(No more than 10 words)




[1]Some people's ears produce wax like busy little bees. This can be a problem even though earwax appears to serve an important purpose. Experts say it protects and cleans the ear. It traps dirt and other matter and keeps insects out. Doctors think it might also help protect against infections. And the waxy oil keeps ears from getting too dry.

[2]So earwax is good. It even has a medical name: cerumen. And there are two kinds. Most people of European or African ancestry have the "wet" kind: thick and sticky. East Asians commonly have ___________.But you can have too much of a good thing.

[3]The glands(腺体) in the ear canal that produce the wax make too much in some people. Earwax normally falls out of the ear or gets washed away. But extra wax can harden and form a blockage that interferes with sound waves and reduces hearing. People can also cause a blockage when they try to clean out their ears,but only push the wax deeper inside. Earwax removal is sometimes necessary. But you have to use a safe method or you could do a lot of damage.

[4]Experts at N.I.H., the National Institutes of Health, suggest some ways to treat excessive earwax yourself. One way to remove wax is known as irrigation. With the head upright, take hold of the outer part of the ear. Gently pull upward to straighten the ear canal. Use an injector device to gently direct water against the wall of the ear canal. Then turn the head to the side to let the water out.

[5]The experts at N.I.H. say you may have to repeat this process a few times. Use water that is body temperature. If the water is cooler or warmer, it could make you feel dizzy. Never try irrigation if the eardrum is broken. It could lead to infection and other problems.

[6]After the earwax is gone, gently dry the ear. But if irrigation fails, the best thing to do is to go to a health care provider for professional assistance.

1.What’s the purpose of the passage? (No more than 10 words)


2.What’s the bad effect of too much earwax on our hearing? (No more than 15 words)


3.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words. (No more than 3 words)


4.What does the underlined word “this process” (Line 1, Paragraph 5) probably refer to?

(No more than 2 words)


5.Will you use freezing water when trying to remove earwax? Why or why not? 

(No more than 10 words)



In the modern world more and more people meet the problem of identity.The most interesting example is that of a so – called “banana”, which refers to an American who has an Asian face but holds Western values.

In Shanghai, there now live a group of people from abroad.They look no different from the locals and speak fluent Chinese or even Shanghai dialect, but when it comes to writing Chinese characters, they are almost illiterate(文盲).Jack is such an example.He never learned to read or write Chinese characters, which he finds mysterious and difficult.From time to time, he files to the US as he does not feel Shanghai is where he comes from.“But when I am in the States, I feel that’s not my home either,” he said.

At De Gaulle Airport in France, there is a Swiss man who has been living in the waiting – room for a long time because he lost h is passport during his travels.He was refused entry into several countries.But when he was eventually allowed to return to Swizerland, he refused to leave the airport.His reason was very simple—“I am sure who I am.I need no acknowledgement from others,” he said during an interview.For th is reason  he was honored by the Western media as “the Hero of identity.”

As the Internet becomes more and more popular, the problem of identity becomes more serious.In a virtual world, people can have different addresses registered with different names.In the Internet chat room, even one’s gender(性别) is hard to determine.It seems that in the glohal village, people are saying hello every day to each other without knowing whom they are talking to.

What will be the next crisis(危机) of identity? With the development of cloning technology, it might be: who is the real “I”?

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

   A.The importance of identity.

   B.The crisis of identity.

   C.Differences between Eastern and Western cultures.

   D.Difficulty in living in foreign counties.

2.The Swiss man had to live in De Gaulle Airport in France because      

   A.he needed to board a plane at any time

   B.he couldn’t afford to live in a hotel

   C.he needed others acknowledgement

   D.he couldn’t prove who he was

65.A “banana” in the passage is in fact an     

   A.American traveling to Asia                                          B.American keeping Eastern culture

   C.American born in Asia                                               D.America – born Asian

3.We can infer from the passage that the author believes      

   A.there will be more problems relating to identity in the future

   B.Internet technology helps solve problems of identity

   C.only people traveling abroad have problems of identity

   D.people don’t need to worry about identity


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