
11.On Delancy Street in Lower Manhattan,an exciting new project is being developed in a Williamsburg Bridge trolley station.Designed by James RamsJ owner ofSaas Studio,and Dan Barasch,the projcct will transfonn the abandoned  space into a new,futuristic city landmark titled in Lowline.
Ramsey planned to use solar tecbnoJogy in the site,creating an environment where plant life could grow underground.Joined to the JMZ Essex subway stop,the park will not only be an entertaining attraction,it will also become a part of passengers'lives.Much like the High Line built in Manhattan on an elevated (岛 出地面的)section of abandoned New York Central Railroad in the Lower West Side,the park will combine the natural elements of the park with industrial aspects already available in the city.
The solar collecting system in the Lowline will catch sunlight above ground,transfer it underground and distribute it around the park via reflective domes (弯 顶).The light enables plants and trees to grow.During periods of sunlight,electricity would not be necessary to light the space.Jn 20]2,the Lowline team exhibited this technology in an abandoned warehouse in the Lower East Side,available for the public and press to view so that proof of its ability could be confirmed.Since then,many city officials have shown their support of the concept and several programs have been conducted to involve youth and young designers into the park's creation.
Thought the negotiations on the park creation have not been completed and it will likely not available for citizens to enjoy until around 2020,the inventive idea will bring a dynamic new attraction to the city.It will not only create a new escape from the industrial noise,but also introduce the concept of parks and plant growth being made possible in the most unlikely places.

32.What is the similarity between the High Line and the Lowline?B.
A.Offering convenience only for passengers.
B.Turning industrial wasteland into green space.
C.Making full advantage of solar technology.
D.Planting the same types of plant life.
33.Which is TRUE of the future Lowline?D.
A.It's an exciting trolley station.
B.It's a long-term open exhibition.
C.It's city landmark above the ground.
D.It's a solar-empowered underground park.
34.Why did the Lowline team hold the exhibition?A.
A.To prove the technology works.
B.To conduct some programs.
C.To win support from volunteers.
D.To show the warehouse is useful.
35.What is the author's attitude towards the Lowline concept?C.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了曼哈顿地兰西街地下公园建设的项目的相关信息.

解答 32.B.细节理解题.根据第二段Much like the High Line built in Manhattan on an elevated (岛 出地面的)section of abandoned New York Central Railroad in the Lower West Side,the park will combine the natural elements of the park with industrial aspects already available in the city可知地上和地下的街道相似性是把工业荒地改造成绿色空间;故选B.
33.D.细节理解题.根据第三段The solar collecting system in the Lowline will catch sunlight above ground,transfer it underground and distribute it around the park via reflective domes 可知这是一个太阳能地下公园;故选D.
34.A.细节理解题.根据第三段Jn 20]2,the Lowline team exhibited this technology in an abandoned warehouse in the Lower East Side,available for the public and press to view so that proof of its ability could be confirmed可知举办展览是为了证明技术工作;故选A.
35.C.推理判断题.根据第四段It will not only create a new escape from the industrial noise,but also introduce the concept of parks and plant growth being made possible in the most unlikely places可知作者对地下公园的建设的态度是乐观的;故选C

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.

20.The following are three advertisements from different newspapers.Read them carefully and answer the following questions.
(China Daily,May 3)The biggest shopping center will open on May 8.Everybody with today's China Daily will get a small present that day.You are welcome.
Telephone:38990688; Address:No.6 Xidan Road.
(ENGLSIH NEWSPAPER,May 19)English Newspaper needs a foreign editor.He or she must have worked in China for more than 2 years.British nationality is necessary.The salary is $100,000 a year.The term is 3 years.In ten days this piece of advertisement will not be useful.Telephone:3890666; Address:No.6 Xinling Road.
(CHINA FOOTBALL,September 25)
Shanghai Shenhua Team--Dalian Shide Team
TIME:September 25,Sunday (15:30)
PLACE:Hongkou Stadium
TICKET PRICE:RMB 25 yuan (for adults); RMB 15 yuan (for students)
NAME:China Football Super League
COACHES:Farinha & Valeri Nepomniatchi
61.If the customer has a China Daily of May 3,he will get a small presentC.
A.every day
B.from China Daily
C.on May 8
D.on May 3
62.If an Englishman who has worked in China for 3 years comes to English Newspaper office to ask for the job in April,he willB.
A.get the job
B.not get the job
C.be a good editor
D.not be useful
63.When and where will the football match be held?B
A.In Dalian Shide on September 19.
B.In Hongkou Stadium on September 25.
C.In Hongkou Stadium on September 19.
D.In Shanghai Shenhua on September 25.
64.If three adults and six students want to watch the match,the tickets will cost RMBAyuan.
A.165            B.135                 C.195            D.225.
6.Last spring,I was fortunate to be chosen to participate in an exchange study program.In my application letter,I was careful to(41)Bhow much I wanted to see France; evidently,my excitement really came through in my words.Once I(42)Bthat I was going,all I could think about was the fun of foreign travel and making all sorts of new and(43)Dfriends.While travelling was inspiring and meeting people was(44)C,nothing about my term in France was what I(45)A.
The moment I arrived in Paris,I was(46)Cby a nice French couple who would become my host parents.My entire experience was joyous and exciting(47)AI received some shocking news from my program coordinator:there had been a death in my host parents'extended family.They had to travel outside France for several weeks.That afternoon,I had to(48)Aout of one family's house into another.The exchange coordinator told me I'd have a(49)Cthis time and asked whether I could share a bedroom with an English speaker.To avoid the temptation(诱惑) to(50)Cmy native language,I asked not to be(51)Dwith an English-speaking roommate.When I got to my new room,I(52)Bmyself to my new roommate Paolo,a Brazilian the same age as I,whom I was surprised to find playing one of my favorite CDS!In just a few hours,we knew we'd be good friends for the rest of the(53)A.
I left France with many(54)C,so when people asked me what my favorite part of the trip was,they are always(55)A to hear me talk about my Brazilian friend Paolo and scores of weekdays in class,weeknights on the town,and weekends(56)B France we enjoyed together.I love how people(57)Dseem so different,but end up being so(58)C.Th e most valuable lesson I gained from studying in France wasn't just to respect the French people(59)Bto respect all people,for your next best friend could be just a continent away.I would recommend an exchange program to anyone who wants to experience foreign cultures and gain meaningful(60)B.(369 words)
47.A.untilB.whenC sinceD.while
16.Mistakes Distance Learners Make
Here are five common mistakes distance learners make.
Choosing the wrong school.(36)E"Diploma mill"schools charge unsuspecting students thousands of dollars for worthless degrees,whereas trustworthy schools are able to give their students diploma they are proud of.Before you enroll in an online school,do some research to find out what type of program,resource and support will be provided.
Putting off things.Many students never finish their degrees because they lack the self-discipline and  motivation to sit down and get their work done on a daily basis(37)F Many students have found it beneficial to create a deadline for receiving their degrees and set monthly,wekly,and daily goals that them to  reath that deadline.
Failing to connect with their peers and professors.(38)GBuilding meaningful relationships with your peers and professors can allow you to leam  more,stay motivated,and have a way to express your  own  mesunderstanding  of the subject matter.So stay connected through message boards,chat rooms,email,and other virtual resources.
Scaring potential employers.More and more people are recognizing the validity of online.(39)CSome Potential employers may see warning signs if you announce that you  have eamed your degee through the Internet.Even if you attend a famous school,avoid calling attention to the fact that your studies are done online.(40)BThere'a lot of online material available to help out students.Make sure you know where you can get help you need.Be aware of the general resources such as virtual dictionaries,online books,and resources that relate to your specialized subject matter.

A.Paying too much.
B.Paying no attention to online resources.
C.However,be aware that it is not completely accepted by all people.
D.Many students attend an online course feeling as if it is very easy.
E.Selecting the right school is the biggest difficulty that distance learners face.
F.If you often put off your work,set some specific goals for yourself and stick to them.
G.One of the most rewarding experiences in education is learning through team work.
3.Spring summer fall Winter…and Spring is a great Asian film.Although few audience are likely to relate immediately to the characters--Buddhist monks(和尚) who live in loneliness-the movie's themes about the changing of life and the desire for peace and redemption(救赎)  have universal meaning and value.One can be a New York City stockbroker or a Salt Lake City teacher and still understand the points being made in the film.
The movie begins where it ends-with an aging man instructing wisdom to a young monk.The film raises questions about how we live our lives and how actions,like ripples(涟漪) in the waters of time,can have unexpected consequences years later.By describing the life of one unnamed individual from his boyhood to adulthood,it covers a surprisingly large amount of the human experience,including desire,love,envy,murder,suicide and redemption.These things happen quickly on screen.We feel sad for lost innocence and appreciate the accumulation of wisdom.By the end of the film,we feel that a long and rewarding journey at his side.
A lot of films originating in Asia don't really show a world view that is all that different from that shown in Western films.This is one Eastern film that shows a word view that is very different from the Western view of the universe.In the west,we are all about justice and punishment.This film has some purification in it,but it is more about learning from one's mistakes and moral purification.The movie doesn't just give lip service to Buddhism,as so many films do,but it presents Buddhist principles clearly.One way the film explains those principles is in a scene that would never happen in a Western film.It is the strangest,longest,most unlikely police arrest scene that I can recall seeing in a film.

28.The writer mentions"A New York City stockbroker or a Salt Lake City teacher"in Paragraph 1to showB.
A.the film is well received
B.the theme gets across clearly
C.the film is intended for Americans
D.the language of the film is no barrier
29.We can learn from the passage that the filmC.
A.describes a famous monk's whole life
B.explores nothing but good human nature
C.shows Buddhism principles in a particular way
D.focuses on justice and punishment like Western films
30.It can be inferred from the passage that the writerA.
A.appreciates this Asian film
B.fancies Buddhism-themed films
C.encourages people to watch the film
D.praises both Western and Asian films.
20.Despite gains in recent years,women still fall behind men in some areas of math achievement,and the question of why has caused heated argument.Now,a study of first and second graders suggests what may be part of the answer:Female primary school teachers who are concerned about their own skills could be passing that along to the little girls they teach.
Young students tend to model themselves after adults of the same sex,explained Beilock,an associate professor in psychology at the University of Chicago.Little girls may learn to fear math from the women who are their earliest teachers.Beilock and her colleagues studied 52boys and 65girls in classes taught by 17different teachers.Ninety percent of the US primary school teachers are women,as was all of those in this study.
Students'math ability was not related to teachers'math anxiety at the start of the school year,but at the end of the year,the more anxious teachers were about their own skills,the more likely their female students-but not the boys-were to agree to that"boys are good at math and girls are good at reading".In addition,the girls who answered that way scored lower on math tests than either the classes'boys or the girls who had not developed such a belief,the researchers found.
After seeing the results,the researchers recommended that the math requirements for obtaining a primary education teaching degree should be rethought."If the next generation of teachers,especially primary school teachers,is going to teach their students more effectively,more care needs to be taken to develop both strong math skills and positive math attitudes in these educators,"the researchers wrote.
"Girls who grow up believing females lack math skills wind up avoiding harder math classes.It keeps girls and women out of a lot of careers,particularly in science technology,"Beilock said.

28.We can learn from the first three paragraphs thatA.
A.teachers in US primary schools are mostly females
B.the students involved in the study are starters at primary school
C.young students usually follow example of their female teachers
D.it's true that boys do well in math while girls do well in reading
29.We can we infer from the text?B
A.Beilock's study will bring about a primary education revolution.
B.Girls'lack of confidence in math skills affects their future jobs.
C.The performance of the students changed little during the process of the study.
D.The researchers argued that current primary school education needed improving.
30.What's the suggested solution to the phenomenon mentioned in the text?D
A.Using different approaches to excite students'interest in math.
B.Reducing the number of situations that make teachers anxious.
C.Creating more chances for boys and girls to work together in class.
D.Improving teachers'math skills and changing their math attitudes.
31.What's the main idea of the text?A
A.Girls may learn math anxiety from female teachers.
B.Boys are free from the math anxiety of female teachers.
C.Primary school teachers have a far-reaching influence on students.
D.Students should learn how to hold positive attitudes towards math.

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