

  To:manager@ tastytreat.com.ca

  Date:Monday, 7 October, 3∶34 p. m.

  From:raymondyuen@ canda.net


  Dear Mr.Price,

  I have eaten in your restaurant many times and have always been happy with the food and service.This makes what happened last Saturday even more disappointing.It was my son’s birthday so we booked a no-smoking table at your restaurant for 7∶30 p. m.We arrived on time but were told that our table was not yet ready.At 8∶00 p. m., we were given a table in the smoking section.I asked to move but I was told that there were no other tables.A lot of people were smoking so it was uncomfortable and unhealthy.

  Our first waitress, Janet, was very polite and helpful.She gave us free drinks for waiting so long.Our food also came quickly and looked fresh and tasty.When my wife had eaten most of her meal, she found a dead cockroach(蟑螂)in her vegetables.She was shocked and wanted to leave.At first, the waitress told us it was a piece of garlic.When we told her that garlic does not have legs, she apologized and took the food away.

  We asked for the bill, expecting not to pay for my wife’s meal.Nobody came.After 15 minutes, I asked to see the manager.The head waiter told us that you were on holiday.I complained again about the horrible cockroach.He told me Janet had finished work.He didn’t believe my story and gave me a bill for three meals.I argued with him but was force to pay.

  The waitress, Janet, was always friendly, but I would like an apology from your impolite head waiter and a full refund(退款)for our meal.It cost $68.Until then, I will not be eating at your restaurant or recommending it to anyone.You can contact me at 742-3254 or through e-mail if you want more information.

  Thank you for your attention.

Yours sincerely,

Raymond Yuen


We learn from the text that, on Sunday, Mr.Yuen ________.

[  ]


was satisfied with the restaurant


was disappointed with the restaurant


had to wait for his table


ate again at the restaurant


The head waiter didn’t believe Mr.Yuen because ________.

[  ]


the waitress hadn’t told him about what happened


he believed that the cockroach was garlic in fact


he didn’t want to pay Mr.Yuen back


the manager was on holiday


What does Mr.Yuen want to pay for now?

[  ]




Two meals.


Three meals.


Only the drinks.


Mr.Yuen demanded that Mr.Price ________.

[  ]


say sorry to his family


let the head waiter stop working in the restaurant


get the head waiter to say sorry


get the head waiter and Janet to say sorry


The writer wasn’t satisfied with ________.

[  ]


the table in the smoking section


the service Janet offered


the price of food


the apology the head waiter made



理解题,从“This makes what happened last Saturday even more disappointing.”中和信的主题得知。


推断题,从“He told me Janet had finished work.”中可以推断Janet小姐没有告诉领班。


细节题,从“but I would like an apology from your impolite head waiter and a full refund(退款)for our meal”中得知


细节题,从“I would like an apology from your impolite head waiter”中得知。





  New York , May 25?   Millions of volunteers (志愿者)joined in a long chain spreading 4 125 miles across the world's richest nation Sunday and burst into songs , reaching the highest development in the Hands Across America road to raise 50 million for the nation's homeless and hungry.


  The chain began with a 6-year-old homeless girl named Amy in New York's Buttery Park. It spread across 16 states and Washington, D.C. where it crossed the White House   to the Queen Mary's port in California. The last people in the line were Bill and Mary Jones and their five small children, who lived in a family shelter (收容所) for the homeless in Venice, California.


  The chain was not unbroken some gaps were planned for safety, others opened where there were not enough people to cover the ground. But along most of the route, the healthy joined the sick, beautiful film stars , homeless beggars , wealthy artists , poor children and President and Mrs Regan all took places in the long line.



1.What is the main idea of the passage?


[  ]


A.Millions of volunteers support the poor.


B.The longest line is waiting for support.


C.The homeless and poor need help.


D.The richest nation faces the problem.        

2.The underlined word “raise” in the first paragraph means _______.


[  ]


A.try to lift


B.manage to collect


C.bring up


D.join up


3.From the article, we know that the volunteers were made up of ________.


[  ]


A.both the homeless and the poor


B.the government officials, including President Regan


C.people in every field


D.people of 16 states except Amy


4.What do you think of the people in the chain spreading 4 125 miles?


[  ]


A.They were hand in hand.


B.They were in good order.


C.They were troublesome.


D.They were planned for safety.


5.Although the United States is a developed country, ________.


[  ]


A.there is still a rebellion sometimes.


B.there is still many people waiting for jobs


C.there are still some family shelters


D.there are still many social problems to be solved.


  New York , May 25?   Millions of volunteers (志愿者)joined in a long chain spreading 4 125 miles across the world's richest nation Sunday and burst into songs , reaching the highest development in the Hands Across America road to raise 50 million for the nation's homeless and hungry.


  The chain began with a 6-year-old homeless girl named Amy in New York's Buttery Park. It spread across 16 states and Washington, D.C. where it crossed the White House   to the Queen Mary's port in California. The last people in the line were Bill and Mary Jones and their five small children, who lived in a family shelter (收容所) for the homeless in Venice, California.


  The chain was not unbroken some gaps were planned for safety, others opened where there were not enough people to cover the ground. But along most of the route, the healthy joined the sick, beautiful film stars , homeless beggars , wealthy artists , poor children and President and Mrs Regan all took places in the long line.



1.What is the main idea of the passage?


[  ]


A.Millions of volunteers support the poor.


B.The longest line is waiting for support.


C.The homeless and poor need help.


D.The richest nation faces the problem.        

2.The underlined word “raise” in the first paragraph means _______.


[  ]


A.try to lift


B.manage to collect


C.bring up


D.join up


3.From the article, we know that the volunteers were made up of ________.


[  ]


A.both the homeless and the poor


B.the government officials, including President Regan


C.people in every field


D.people of 16 states except Amy


4.What do you think of the people in the chain spreading 4 125 miles?


[  ]


A.They were hand in hand.


B.They were in good order.


C.They were troublesome.


D.They were planned for safety.


5.Although the United States is a developed country, ________.


[  ]


A.there is still a rebellion sometimes.


B.there is still many people waiting for jobs


C.there are still some family shelters


D.there are still many social problems to be solved.








I use my bike most in the summer when                     1._____________

the weather is warm or dry. It can be very                    2._____________

unpleasant of winter when it is cold and                         3._____________

the rain is pour down. It can also be                         4._____________

very dangerous. You must of course                         5._____________

careful on a bike. Accident are not the                        6._____________

only problem, though. One day I go to school                 7._____________

and came back to find my front wheel had                    8._____________

missing. It was a long walk towards the                          9._____________

repairer’s! Now I have two strong locks.                    10._____________



ISC(HS)Reference No.S006864            New South Wales

Student Date of Birth:19/08/1988   Department of Education and Training

                     International Students Centre

Hong Xue              827-839 George Street PO Box 707

60 Waratah Street                Broadway NSW 21007

Croydon Park NSW 2133       Phone:(612)9217 4801 1300 302 456

                        Fax:(612)9212 6721



Dear Hong Xue,

  As you are aware, your student visa regulations set out a number of conditions applying to your visa.It has come to our attention that you are failing to meet the following conditions:You must maintain accommodation, support and general welfare arrangements that have been approved by your education provider if you:

  ●have not turned 18; and

  ●are not staying in Australia with:

  -a parent

  -a custodian(监护人); or

  -a relative who has been nominated(指定)by your parent or a custodian, is aged at least 21 and is of good character.

  Note:You must not change those arrangements without the written approval of your education provider.

  You must obey the following rules:

  1.During term time you must:

  a)remain in your homestay during the school term;

  b)come home every night; and

  c)inform your guardian at all times of your whereabouts.

  2.On weekends you must:

  a)have your guardian's permission to stay with friends; and

  b)inform your guardian of the name, address and phone numbers of people you are visiting.

  3.You must return your guardian's telephone calls.

  This will be your only warning.If you continue to breach(违反)your student visa regulations we will report you to the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs.Such action may lead to the cancellation(取消)of your student visa.Please contact me on(612)9217 4801 or fax(612)9212 6721 if you have questions about your enrolment.

                   Yours sincerely

                   Tracey Carlon

                   Student Advisor

                   International Students Centre

NSW Department of Education and Training


What's the purpose of writing this letter?

[  ]


To remind the recipient of the conditions for applying for a student visa.


To warn the recipient not to do anything against his student visa regulations again.


To tell the recipient how to contact his student advisor.


To inform the recipient of the student visa regulations.


What can be learned about the recipient from this letter?

[  ]


He is under 18 and studies in Australia with his parents.


He is required to come home every night according to the rules.


He can stay with his friends on weekends if permitted.


His student Visa has been cancelled.


To which address should the recipient reply if he feels like answering the letter?

[  ]


Hong Xue at 60 Waratah Street, Croydon Park NSW 2133.


Tracey Carlon at the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs.


Hong Xue at NSW Department of Education and Training.


Tracey Carlon at 827-839 George Street, PO Box 707, Broadway NSW 21007.


  One night when my wife was preparing dinner, our little son took a piece of paper to her which read

  For washing the car                 $5.00

  For making my own bed this week           $1.00

  Going to the provision shop              $0.50

  Playing with little sister               $0.25

  Taking out the rubbish                $1.00

  Getting a good report card              $5.00

  And for sweeping the common corridor         $2.00

  Total                       $14.75

  His mother looked at him standing there expecting paymentI could see a thousand memories flashed through her mindSo she picked up the pen and turning the paper over, this is what she wrote

  For nine months I carried you, growing inside me      No Charge

  For the nights I sat up with you, doctored and prayed for you No Charge

  For the toys, food and clothes and wiping your nose     No Charge

  When you add it all up, the full cost of my love       No Charge

  Well, when he finished reading, he had big tears in his eyesHe looked at his mother and said,Mummy, I love you.”Then he took the pen and in great big letters wrote on thebill”“All paid.”


What's the best title for this passage?

[  ]


Part-time Job


Mother's Love, No Charge


Payment for House Work


Greedy Mother


The write wrote the passage in order to ________

[  ]


show that children should be paid for their housework


show that children should not be paid for their housework


show a clever way of teaching children


tell children how to spend their spare time


How do you think of the mother in the passage?

[  ]










From the last passage we know that ________

[  ]


the boy got all the money he wanted


the mother was unwilling to give the money to the boy


the boy realized that it was not right to ask for money for the housework


the mother was angry with what the boy said

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